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09-03 投稿


miscellaneous 发音

英:[,m?s?'le?n??s]  美:['m?s?'len??s]

英:  美:

miscellaneous 中文意思翻译



miscellaneous 词性/词形变化,miscellaneous变形

副词: miscellaneously |名词: miscellaneousness |

miscellaneous 短语词组

1、miscellaneous advances ─── [经] 杂项预付帐目

2、miscellaneous goods ─── [经] 什货, 什物

3、miscellaneous assets ─── [经] 杂项资产, 其他资源

4、miscellaneous expenditure account ─── [经] 杂项支出帐户

5、miscellaneous charge order ─── [法] 杂费支付通知

6、miscellaneous incomes ─── [经] 杂项收益, 其他收益

7、miscellaneous expenses ─── [经] 杂项费用, 其他费用

8、miscellaneous load ─── [化] 零星荷载; 杂项荷载

9、miscellaneous declaration ─── [计] 杂项说明

10、miscellaneous intercept ─── [计] 杂项截获

11、miscellaneous forms of conversion ─── [法] 各种方式的侵占行为

12、miscellaneous business ─── [经] 杂务

13、miscellaneous profit and loss ─── [经] 杂项损益, 其他损益

14、miscellaneous data ─── [计] 杂项数据

15、miscellaneous payments ─── [经] 杂项支出

16、miscellaneous audit ─── [经] 杂项审计

17、miscellaneous operation ─── [计] 杂项操作

18、miscellaneous loss ─── [经] 杂项损失

19、miscellaneous accounts ─── [经] 杂项帐户

miscellaneous 相似词语短语

1、porcellaneous ─── 瓷器的

2、miscellaneousness ─── 混杂性

3、miscellanist ─── n.杂文作家,杂录家

4、miscellanies ─── n.杂录,杂集;混杂;混合物

5、miscellany ─── n.杂录,杂集;混杂;混合物

6、miscellaneously ─── 杂

7、porcelaneous ─── adj.瓷器的;似瓷器的

8、miscellanists ─── n.杂文作家,杂录家

9、miscellanea ─── n.杂集;杂录(miscellany的复数)

miscellaneous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、There are a number of reasons why it is useful to be able to add miscellaneous files to your project. ─── 为项目添加杂项文件的功能非常有用,许多理由都可以说明这一点。

2、For example, in a Microsoft SQL Server Scripts Project, files with the extension. Txt or. Mdx will be treated as miscellaneous files. ─── 例如,在Microsoft SQL Server脚本项目中,扩展名为.txt或.mdx的文件被视为杂项文件。

3、Lowstand is characterized by basin margin-downslope miscellaneous lithic turbidites,and gravity flow is relatively less in shelf marginal systems. ─── 低水位期以盆缘-下斜坡混屑浊积岩为特征,陆棚边缘体系域中重力流相对较少;

4、In the bar-room he found assembled quite a miscellaneous company. ─── 他走进酒吧间,看见里面聚着九流三教的人物。

5、Aunt, but immediately to the school, I used this Miscellaneous fees to pay money to my little girl! ─── 可是阿姨,马上要开学了,我要用这钱交杂费给我的小女儿呢!”

6、If you want the folder for miscellaneous files to appear in the tree view of Solution Explorer, you need to select that option explicitly. ─── 如果想在解决方案资源管理器的树视图中显示杂项文件的文件夹,需要显式选择该选项。

7、She gave me some money to cover any miscellaneous expenses. ─── 她给了我一些零花钱。

8、A file is classified as a miscellaneous file if the file extension is not associated with the project code editor. ─── 如果文件扩展名与项目代码编辑器不关联,则将此文件归类为杂项文件。

9、Miscellaneous UV-dosage applications including UV-induced polymerization or drying. ─── 多种紫外剂量应用包括紫外诱导聚合反应或干燥。

10、In tax rules, miscellaneous may be always the largest category. ─── 在税务规章中,杂项可能总是最大的一项。

11、And that "the system of taxation shall be reformed and all exorbitant and miscellaneous levies and illegal exactions completely abolished". ─── “改革税制,根绝苛杂与非法摊派”。

12、A diverse or miscellaneous group. ─── 动物群各种各样或不同种类的群

13、The narrative image of The Miscellaneous Color is worth researching. ─── 《杂色》的叙事意象是值得研究的。

14、One of these includes, as the top left view, a hierarchy containing various Java packages, classes, JARs, and miscellaneous files. ─── 其中之一就是左上角的视图,它是一个包含各种Java包、类、jar和其他文件的层次结构。

15、After you close a miscellaneous file, it is not associated with any particular solution or project unless an option is enabled for that as well. ─── 关闭某个杂项文件后,该文件与任何特定解决方案或项目都不相关,除非也启用了使之相关的选项。

16、Set web page encoding to Korean for reading and then download the Sutta, Vinaya, Abdhidhamma and other miscellaneous Pali texts. ─── 以压缩档格式下载巴利文藏经各部,请设定编码为韩文以阅读网页的汉字。

17、Shannon Law, the three three three-expected, the seven-zi Bawei nine miscellaneous. ─── 三香三椒三料,七滋八味九杂。

18、Do not treat static classes as a miscellaneous bucket. ─── 不要认为静态类可无所不包。

19、Toolbox includes Similarity &Homology, Prot.Function.Analysis, Proteomic Services, Sequence Analysis, Structural Analysis, Tools Miscellaneous. ─── 工具箱包括类似和同族、蛋白功能分析、类蛋白体服务、序列分析、结构分析和其它工具。

20、She has a miscellaneous talent. ─── 她多才多艺。

21、"Miscellaneous" is a unique form of GBD creating dream. ─── "杂"是GBD 创造梦想的独特方式。

22、They should develop extensive united front work,i.e.,make friends,in the Central Army and among the troops of miscellaneous brands. ─── 在中央军和杂牌军中,应该广泛地展开统一战线的工作,即交朋友的工作。

23、A day of the hour of her grade school, her form master got sick, she dealt with an a day miscellaneous. ─── 上小学时,她就经常组织一些班会或其他活动;在单位里她也负责组织一些文艺活动。

24、In an MDX project, files with the extension of. Txt or. Sql will be treated as miscellaneous files. ─── 在MDX项目中,扩展名为.txt或.sql的文件被视为杂项文件。

25、These include feats, psionic powers, and miscellaneous requirements such as level, alignment, and race or kind. ─── 先决条件包括专长、异能和各种条件,例如等级、阵营和种族。

26、An annual publication including weather forecasts and other miscellaneous information arranged according to the calendar of a given year. ─── 介绍天气预报和其它各种各样根据计算年历法推算出。

27、The term “cereal” as mentioned in the preceding Paragraph refers to wheat, paddy, corn, miscellaneous cereals and food cereals. ─── 前款所称粮食,是指小麦、稻谷、玉米、杂粮及其成品粮。

28、Number of pages used for miscellaneous server purposes (stolen from the buffer pool) on this node. ─── 此节点上用于其他服务器用途(从缓冲池盗用)的页数。

29、A discrepancy in the miscellaneous earnings column remains unaccounted for. ─── 各项收入栏中的不吻合情况仍有待解释。

30、His wife points to a small sticker above the doorbell that reads: Salesmen and miscellaneous freeloaders will be summarily executed. ─── 妻子指着门铃上的一小块贴纸:推销员和闲杂人等要就地正法。

31、A fair or sale at which miscellaneous articles are sold,often for charitable purposes. ─── 义卖,义卖市场出售各种各样物品的一个义卖或拍卖(活动),常常是为了慈善目的。

32、A small boy's pockets are likely to contain a miscellaneous collection of objects. ─── 小男孩的口袋里往往藏有杂七杂八的东西。

33、Its singular natural beauty, combined with its miscellaneous ethnic features, enhances its charm and delightfulness. ─── 奇特的自然景色与多彩的民族风情交相辉映,令人陶醉其间。

34、Clinically, it was adept in treating miscellaneous disorders, with the "the four-injury theory" as its theory for differentiation of Zheng. ─── 临床上长于杂病 ,以“四伤学说”作为辨证理论。

35、Work on miscellaneous files that are independent from solutions or projects. ─── 对独立于解决方案或项目的杂项文件进行操作。

36、Miscellaneous files are files that are not associated with a project or solution but can appear in Solution Explorer for your convenience. ─── 杂项文件是与项目或解决方案并不关联的文件,但为了方便您的使用,可将它们显示在解决方案资源管理器中。

37、Allowances for meals and other personal miscellaneous expenses during the course will be provided by DGF-KTC (20,000 KRW/DAY). ─── 在课程期间,DGF-KTC将负责提供餐饮和其他个人杂项费用的津贴,每天20,000KRW。

38、A-Z miscellaneous items (bedding, blanket, pillow, towel, sleeper, etc. ─── 室内用品(床,地毯,枕头,毛巾,拖鞋等)

39、A fair or sale at which miscellaneous articles are sold, often for charitable purposes. ─── 义卖,义卖市场出售各种各样物品的一个义卖或拍卖(活动),常常是为了慈善目的

40、"Abysmal" refers to the Taoist, Confucian, Mohist, masters, Legalism, Yin Yangjia, China, and miscellaneous farm house. ─── “九流”是指道家、儒家、墨家、名家、法家、阴阳家、纵横家、农家和杂家。

41、Housework is usually miscellaneous and toilsome. ─── 家务劳动通常是繁杂的。

42、In order to reduce costs, he cut miscellaneous expenses. ─── 为了降低成本,他减少了用在杂项上的费用。

43、All miscellaneous consumer-goods are home-produced. ─── 各种各样的消费品都是家庭自己生产的。

44、Miscellaneous bank charges and credits. ─── 其他的银行手续费和银行贷项记录。

45、The growth and the feed conversion were improved by adding multienzyme in the miscellaneous meal diet for fattening pigs. ─── 在杂粕型日粮中添加杂粕溢多酶,能提高肥育猪的生长速度和饲料转化率。

46、The 2.007 Cookbook is a collection of notes on how to make miscellaneous components of your machine. ─── 007指南是一些怎样制造机器各式部件的笔记汇总。

47、You can see a firebreak here made by cutting the miscellaneous trees to prevent forest fires. ─── 为了防止山火,此处的杂木被砍伐,取而代之的是防火线。

48、Accomodates miscellaneous totes, cartons, or other items. ─── 可放置各种各样的便携箱、纸箱或者其它物件。

49、Are cash receipts from miscellaneous sources independently con- trol- led? ─── 对于杂项来源的现金收入是否由独立的控制?

50、Miscellaneous assets largely consist of payments owed but not yet received from other banks. ─── 杂项资产主要包括所欠但尚未收到其他银行的付款。

51、A preprocessor token can be a header name, identifier, number, character literal, string literal, symbol, or miscellaneous character. ─── 一个预处理记号可以是头文件名、标识符、数字、字符类型、字符串类型、元素或者混合字符。

52、Miscellaneous repair centers have sprouted up across the city. ─── 全市涌现出许多杂物修理服务部门。

53、Clarence Darrow (1857--1938), American Lawyer, public speaker, debater, and miscellaneous writer. ─── 克拉伦斯 - 达罗(1857-1938),是美国的一位律师,他还是演说家,辩论家和杂文作家。

54、She takes off her shawl and skirt and adds them to the miscellaneous Bedclothes. ─── 她脱掉头巾和裙子,堆在那些杂乱的被褥上面。

55、The Guest Relation Officer brings down the Miscellaneous Form to the Front Desk for posting. ─── 宾客关系主任向前厅部交上各种表格以便记帐。

56、Bonk's ability to use computers across the prehistoric-style search for Dragon Princess miscellaneous scenes. ─── 利用电脑原人的能力穿过史前风格的场景寻找龙公主杂。

57、The development of federate software based on HLA/RTI is a miscellaneous, bald and fallible process. ─── 基于HLA/RTI进行盟员软件的开发过程是一个繁琐、枯燥而且容易出错的过程。

58、Miscellaneous labels, port stickers, graffiti or other markings not appearing on the container when originally received and requiring removal. ─── 在新建时未附着于集装箱的各类标签、港口张帖物、其它书写物或标示;

59、In the fields of miscellaneous Caozi foraging groups, often sent flying Huchihuchi voices. ─── 在田间成群觅食杂草籽,飞行时常发出呼哧呼哧的声音。

60、I mentioned to you the price match miscellaneous referrals are accepted. Reference to look at it. I tried all that good! ─── 我前面给你引荐的都是价钱比拟冗杂接受的。参考看看吧。都是我试用过觉得不错的!

61、Describes miscellaneous issues surrounding ClickOnce deployments. ─── 介绍关于ClickOnce部署的各种各样的问题。

62、Associated with this output, the division sells some 3.5 million copies of books, photographs and miscellaneous printed material annually. ─── 同时,该科也售卖书籍、图片及各类印刷品,销量约为每年350万份。

63、Miscellaneous : Each browser may have a way of stopping or minimizing the caching of web pages. ─── 各式各样的:每个浏览器都可以停止或者将网页上的高速缓存最小化。

64、A collection of miscellaneous or incongruous parts; a jumble. ─── 大杂烩,凑物由各种各样的或不调和的部分组成的集合体;混乱的一堆

65、Assist PM department in miscellaneous extra duties. ─── 处理PM部门其他相关工作。

66、The Miscellaneous Files folder tracks the usage of these files, and enables you to quickly open miscellaneous files that you have recently used. ─── “杂项文件”文件夹跟踪这些文件的使用,使您可以快速打开自己最近用过的杂项文件。

67、For it is only with a true, soulful love that all of life's miscellaneous problems seem to become simple to overcome. ─── 只有你爱上他的灵魂,才不会被生活中各种琐碎的事情困扰。

68、The links to miscellaneous texts endow the movie with typical postmodern features. ─── 各种不同文本的链接,使该片显现出典型的后现代性。

69、All too often the bottoms of advertisements are littered with miscellaneous crap,gadgets,etc. ─── 在广告版面的底部,最常见到杂乱无章的垃圾及小玩意儿。

70、Do not throw miscellaneous thing or peel of the fruit on top of the laundry sink or water fountain. ─── 不可将杂物或果皮丢弃在洗衣台或饮水机上。

71、DHS, Portfolio pads, tetrafluoroethane pad, rubber miscellaneous pieces. ─── DHS等、组合垫、四氟垫、橡胶杂件。

72、More broadly conceived, American folk art can take in a variety of miscellaneous decorative traditions. ─── 从广义的角度来说,美国民间艺术吸收了多种多样的装饰性传统。

73、Miscellaneous : Honey, cooking oils, peanut butter and tahini will congeal in the fridge. ─── 其他 :蜂蜜、烹调油、花生油和芝麻酱会凝结在冰箱内。

74、Miscellaneous articles sold as one unit. ─── 一批作为一单位出售的杂烩

75、On display, cannot too miscellaneous, and must have contemporary feeling. ─── 在陈设上,不能太杂,且一定要具有现代感。

76、One spouse has large medical expenses, miscellaneous itemized deductions, or casualty losses. ─── 一个配偶有很多的医疗费用,各种项目的抵扣或者伤亡损失。

77、I also find it helpful to clear my desk, even if that means sweeping miscellaneous papers into a folder to be sorted through later. ─── 我还发现清理一下办公桌也很有帮助,哪怕收拾起各式各样的文件放在文件夹里留待稍后再整理。

78、Later, I accepted the Gardenia, and the Gardenia and married, married in the day, I also miscellaneous guilt is not ADJOINING never forgive me. ─── 后来我接受了栀子,并且和栀子结婚了,在结婚的那天,我还杂内疚,是不是凌子不会原谅我。

79、Perform miscellaneous copying and typewriting tasks. ─── 完成复杂的复印以及文字处理工作。

80、In a miscellaneous pile of documents, I came across a few family photographs. ─── 在一大堆文档里面,我偶然发现几张家庭照片。

81、In All Web Parts, in the Miscellaneous section, select SQL Server Reporting Services Report Viewer. ─── 在“所有Web部件”的“杂项”部分,选择“SQL Server Reporting Services报表查看器”。

82、The amount charged for miscellaneous hospital services, such as laboratory, X--rays, blood, and prescriptions. ─── 医院为进行其他服务,例如化验、X光及输血、用药等而收的种种费用。

83、DUP is a member of the miscellaneous, both devout supporters in rural areas have no city workers, supporters of religious belief. ─── DUP的成员非常杂,它既有农村虔诚的支持者也有城市里无宗教信仰的工人支持者。

84、The person's skin is miscellaneous have white, have black, is there yellow Lie? ─── 人的皮肤杂有白,有黑,有黄的咧?

85、Housework is usually miscellaneous and toilsome. ─── 家务劳动通常是繁杂的。

86、Indy Fever 3: Miscellaneous. ─── 印第狂热 3:乱七八糟。

87、He likes to have miscellaneous collection. ─── 他喜欢多种多样的收集。

88、Have oneself only secretly fill in the babushka of a red miscellaneous hair in the private parts at random. ─── 只有自己偷偷的把一条红色的杂头发的头巾胡乱塞在下身。


这个就是一档综合娱乐节目,如果用英语表达可以译为;miscellaneous entertainment program,

实际上就直接用汉语拼音qu yi za tan就行,就像中国的菜肴,直接用中国汉字,需要的时候再用英语加以翻译,

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