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09-03 投稿



implicitly 发音

英:[?m'pl?s?tl?]  美:[?m?pl?s?tli]

英:  美:

implicitly 中文意思翻译



implicitly 同义词

indirectly | subtly | totally | completely | absolutely | discreetly | utterly | unconditionally | unreservedly | wholly | tacitly | obliquely | perfectly |simply | covertly

implicitly 短语词组

1、implicitly meaning ─── 隐含意义

2、declared implicitly keil ─── 隐式声明keil

3、implicitly definition ─── 隐式定义

4、implicitly means ─── 隐含的意思

5、implicitly deny ─── 隐式否认

6、declared implicitly ─── 隐式声明的

7、implicitly edf ─── 隐含预期违约频率

8、implicitly-defined ─── [计] 隐定义的

9、implicitly define ─── 隐式定义

10、differentiating implicitly calculator ─── 隐式微分计算器

11、implicitly defined ─── 隐含的定义

12、explicitly or implicitly mean ─── 明示或暗示

13、declared implicitly stm ─── 隐式声明stm

implicitly 反义词


implicitly 相似词语短语

1、implicit ─── adj.含蓄的;暗示的;盲从的

2、complicitly ─── 共谋

3、illicitly ─── adv.违法地;不正当地;禁止地

4、simplicity ─── n.朴素;简易;天真;愚蠢

5、explicitly ─── adv.明确地;明白地

6、simplicially ─── 简单地

7、inexplicitly ─── adv.不明嘹地;不清楚地

8、implicity ─── n.不怀疑;隐晦,含蓄

9、implicatory ─── 牵连词

implicitly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、That db4o simply returns cached objects instead of more implicitly handling them is something of a contentious issue. ─── Db4o仅仅返回缓存对象,而不对其更多地进行隐式处理,这是一个有争议的话题。

2、In unchained mode, a transaction is implicitly started before any data retrieval or modification statement. ─── 在非链接模式下,事务在任何数据检索或修改语句前隐式启动。

3、What assumptions about the viewer are implicit in the concept of "flow"? ─── 在〈流程〉这一概念里,暗含了关于电视观众的哪些假设?

4、The euphemistic and implicit symbols full of profound connotations. ─── 含蕴深远,委婉含蓄的象征。

5、The spokesman implicitly condemned the United States policy switch. ─── 这位发言人含蓄地谴责了美国政策上的转变。

6、So the people had implicit trust in him. ─── 他说:“我们不能凭冲动而做不适当的事情。

7、There was implicit criticism in his voice. ─── 他的声音中蕴含着批评。

8、In certain cases, the default constructor is applied implicitly by the compiler. ─── 在某些情况下,默认构造函数是由编译器隐式应用的。

9、In order for the default value of an enum type to be easily available, the literal 0 implicitly converts to any enum type. ─── 与前几个版本的规定没怎么改变,仍然是说“字面量0”而不是“编译时常量0”可以被转换为任意枚举类型。

10、Whitespace between numbers can implicitly be consumed depending on how the parser is invoked (see below). ─── 取决于解析器如何被调用(下面会提到),数字间的空格可以隐式地消耗掉。

11、But this is a humbling monument to the evil and endurance of Russia's Soviet past and, implicitly, a guide to its present. ─── 但对于俄罗斯过去的邪恶和忍耐而言,这是个尴尬的时刻。含蓄的讲,它也为现在提供了指导。

12、Her attitude was implicit in the answer she gave us . ─── 她在给我们的答复中态度是含蓄的。

13、He gave us implicit consent to take the apples. ─── 他默许我们拿苹果。

14、A compact implicit between two or more people or groups. ─── 不成文的规定在两人、更多人或群体之间的默契

15、One of the stack frames is selected by GDB and many GDB commands refer implicitly to the selected frame. ─── 其中的一个栈frame被GDB选定,而且很多GDB命令隐式地参照这个frame。

16、Implicitly typed locals turn out to be convenient outside of the context of a query. ─── 事实证明,隐式类型化局部变量在查询的环境之外非常便利。

17、She trusted the doctor implicitly. ─── 她暗地很信任这位医生。

18、There is a threat implicit in the way he looked. ─── 他的目光中隐含着一种威胁。

19、All her life she had implicit faith in God. ─── 她一生毫无保留地笃信上帝。

20、In SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 1 and earlier, the parameters defined in a Transact-SQL function or Transact-SQL procedure are implicitly schema bound. ─── 在SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 1及更低版本中,定义在Transact-SQL函数或Transact-SQL过程中的参数属于隐式架构绑定。

21、Export subsidies are generally not used explicitly but occur implicitly through charges in the profit margins of marketing boards. ─── 出口补贴一般不采用直接方式,而是通过变动经销机构的利润含蓄地进行的。

22、Shared, but they are implicitly shared. ─── 但它们会被隐式共享。

23、Dose Implicit Self-Esteem Operate as a Buffer or a Filter? ─── 内隐自尊的功能:缓冲器,还是滤波器?

24、Therefore we need to implicitly cast the result to become a list, so that XML-RPC is able understand it. ─── 因此我们需要将结果变成一个列表,以便XML-RPC能够明白它。

25、Slavery was implicit in Greek life. ─── 在希腊人的生活中,奴隶制是得到默许的。

26、When a geometric shape primitive is added to a path, it adds a figure containing the geometric shape, and also implicitly starts a new figure. ─── 在将几何形状基元添加到路径时,它添加包含几何形状的图形,并且还隐式开始一个新图形。

27、She has implicit trust in her secretary. ─── 她对自己的秘书绝对信任。

28、Yet, at least for now, China implicitly relies on the U. S. Navy to guarantee the sea-lanes along which that oil is shipped. ─── 但至少目前为止,中国还完全依靠美国海军来保证该国进口石油所经航道的安全。

29、Depicting women's lewdness expicitly aims at criticism; depicting men's lust implicitly aims at praise. ─── 只不过写女人之“淫”用直面,意在批判;表男人之“欲”用曲笔,旨在褒扬。

30、And you see that each one of these is just taken again and again. As we've seen implicitly in all these treatments so far as well. ─── 你们就会看到这些的每一个,被一次又一次的使用,就像我们看到的,到目前在所有处理方法中。

31、Implicitly using the most fashionable colors for this quarter mix, you certainly can hear grade decent praise. ─── 含蓄地运用今季最时尚的色彩进行搭配,你肯定能听到品位不俗的称赞。

32、The parent of a protected frame is implicitly protected also, as are any frames which it is anchored to. ─── 受限制桢的父桢,也是受限制的,同时,受限制桢的子桢也是受限制的。

33、Many older theories implicitly deprecated the navigational abilities and overall cultural creativity of the Pacific islanders. ─── 许多较早的理论含蓄地贬低了太平洋岛民的航海能力和综合文化的创造力。

34、Classes deriving from the CriticalFinalizerObject class are implicitly treated as a constrained execution region (CER). ─── 从CriticalFinalizerObject类派生的类被隐式视为受约束的执行区域(CER)。

35、She has implicit trust in her doctor. ─── 她对自己的医生绝对信任。

36、We can also define how to implicitly convert an object from another type to our class type or to convert from our class type to another type. ─── 也可以定义如何将其他类型的对象隐式转换为我们的类类型,或将我们的类类型的对象隐式转换为其他类型。

37、The jury implicitly criticized the government by their verdict. ─── 陪审团通过他们的裁决含蓄地批评了政府。

38、All her life she had implicit. ─── 她一生笃信上帝。

39、He had implicit trust in the righteousness of the movement. ─── 他对那场正义运动无比支持。

40、Obligations which are implicit in the contract. ─── 合同中未直接载明的责任。

41、An implicit agreement not to raise the touchy subject. ─── 不提及敏感话题的含蓄协定

42、An expression of the type float, or of types that can be implicitly converted to float. ─── float类型的表达式,或者可隐式转换为float类型的表达式。

43、You promised to obey me implicitly. ─── 你答应过要照我说的去做的。

44、The attitude was implicit in everything he did. ─── 从他的一举一动却分明可以看出他这种态度。

45、If a class member function's definition appears inside the class definition, the function is implicitly inline. ─── 一个类成员函数的定义如果在类定义中,这个成语函数就是隐式内联的。

46、CHECK constraints, defaults, and computed column references are implicitly schema-bound. ─── CHECK约束、默认值和计算列引用都为隐式架构绑定。

47、The ADT method defines a set of objects implicitly, through the applicable functions. ─── ADT方法以应用函数的方式隐含地定义了一组对象。

48、You must fulfill the duties which are implicit in the agreement. ─── 你必须履行协议中所包含的责任和义务。

49、They must identifywho they are implicitly backstopping so they can charge a fee for thatinsurance. ─── 他们必须确认自己要对那些机构提供隐性担保,以便为提供此类担保收取一定费用。

50、The two companies were implicitly backed by the U. S. government, which in practical terms meant that they would not be allowed to fail. ─── 这两家公司绝对受美国政府的支持,用惯例中的术语,就是不允许让其倒闭。

51、Implicit in the poem's closing lines are the poet's own religious doubts. ─── 在这首诗最后几行中暗示了诗人自己宗教上的疑虑。

52、Explicit is better than implicit. ─── 外在胜过含蓄。

53、A char can be implicitly converted to ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, float, double, or decimal. ─── char可以隐式转换为ushort、int、uint、long、ulong、float、double或decimal。

54、Under permissive type semantics, you can attempt all widening and narrowing conversions implicitly. ─── 在“permissive类型语义”下,您可以尝试所有隐式扩大转换和隐式收缩转换。

55、Both expressions must be of the same data type, or one expression must be able to be implicitly converted to the data type of the other expression. ─── 两个表达式必须具有相同的数据类型,或者其中一个表达式必须能够隐式转换为另一个表达式的数据类型。

56、The Chinese express their emotion in an implicit way. ─── 中国人表达感情的方式比较内敛。

57、The implicit implication about the deficit is not explicit. ─── 关于赤字的暗示的暗示不明确。

58、A soldier must give implicit obedience to his officers. ─── 士兵必须绝对服从他的长官。

59、See if you are implicitly condoning someone else's vileness by failing to oppose it. ─── 你有没有正含蓄、通过不反对地方式对别人的卑劣品质进行宽容。

60、Hence, the laws implicitly require the loosehead prop to be on the left side of the scrum. ─── 因此,规则暗示松头支柱球员应位于正集团冲锋阵的左侧。

61、Where forward markets exist, rates of interest in real terms are always implicitly established. ─── 在有期货市场存在的地方,实质上的利率常常已在暗中建立。

62、Frustration is implicit in any attempt to express the deepest self. ─── 在任何企图表达最深处的自我中隐含著挫折感。

63、He had an air, a walk, a manner, in which charm was implicit. ─── 他有着一种隐含着使人心醉的风度、举止和仪表。

64、Implicit in these scenarios are three requirements for the Web application. ─── 在这些方案中,对于Web应用程序有三个隐含要求。

65、Replacement_value must be of a type that is implicitly convertible to the type of check_expresssion. ─── replacement_value必须是可以隐式转换为check_expresssion类型的类型。

66、Follow-up plays ask an implicit question: was the promise confirmed? ─── 后续问扮演一个隐含的问题:是许愿证实?

67、When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable. ─── 一直要学着这样工作,不用多久,你就会变成非常自信的狂人。

68、Their request for money seems to contain an implicit threat. ─── 他们索取金钱的要求似乎暗含着威胁。

69、She trusts me so implicitly! ─── 她是绝对信任我的!

70、An Experimental Research on Implicit Learning in Artificial Grammar. ─── 人工语法中的内隐学习实验研究。

71、The priests demanded that the states which had accepted the Reformation submit implicitly to Romish jurisdiction. ─── 在会议上,神父们要求那些接受改革运动的各邦绝对服从罗马教的权威。而那些宗教改革家则坚持以前所通过的宗教信仰自由议案。

72、A mirrored media set cannot be implicitly broken (split) by removing a mirror. ─── 不能通过删除某个镜像来隐性分割(拆分)镜像媒体集。

73、We trust Yow implicitly today. ─── 奉主耶稣圣名,阿们!

74、Export subsidies are generally not used explicitly but occur implicitly through changes in the profit margins of marketing boards. ─── 出口补贴一般不采用直接方式,而是通过变动经销机构的利润含蓄地进行的。

75、SET DATEFORMAT overrides the implicit date format setting of SET LANGUAGE. ─── SET DATEFORMAT将覆盖SET LANGUAGE的隐式日期格式设置。

76、Reference points may be implicit, assuming the users have common understanding. ─── 参考数据可能是隐含的?假设数据使用者已有共识.

77、You also implicitly accept that smoking is addictive, since your cigarette consumption plan seems to be to start and never stop. ─── 你也暗中承认,抽烟会上瘾,因为你的香烟消费计划似乎将要开始,而且再也不会停止。

78、Explicitly disallow use of implicitly generated member functions you do not want. ─── “访问修饰符的限制”不能解除“因多继承而导致的成员函数的两义性”!!

79、Content Model: Adding a child to an ItemsControl object implicitly adds it to the ItemCollection for the ItemsControl object. ─── 内容模型:向ItemsControl对象添加一个子项会隐式将其添加到该ItemsControl对象的ItemCollection。

80、By entering the competition, participants implicitly agree to abide by the general CIPC Regulations, ipso facto. ─── 参赛者参与竞赛,则构成默许遵守CIPC竞赛总章之事实。

81、Your obligations are implicit in the contract. ─── 你的责任在契约中已有暗示。

82、The crew had implicit faith in the captain's judgment. ─── 全体船员都绝对相信船长的判断。

83、But like the Bush administration, she said President Obama will take no options, implicitly including military ones, off the table. ─── 但是她说,奥巴马政府正如布什政府一样,不会去排除任何手段,包括使用武力的可能性。

84、He speaks in a humorous and implicit vein. ─── 他说话幽默含蓄。

85、There is no implicit conversion from ulong to any integral type. ─── 不存在从ulong到任何整型的隐式转换。

86、Using this script, the Notifier can automatically remove implicitly dropped and expired requests. ─── 使用该脚本,通告程序可自动删除隐式删除的和过期的请求。

87、Sole constructor. (For invocation by subclass constructors, typically implicit. ─── 唯一的构造函数。(通常由子类隐式调用)

88、She had the implicit trust of her staff. ─── 她得到了全体职员的绝对信任。

89、Implicit in his speech was the assumption that they were guilty. ─── 他话语中的言外之意是设定他们有罪。

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