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09-03 投稿


bridges 发音

英:[?br?d??z]  美:[?br?d??z]

英:  美:

bridges 中文意思翻译




bridges 常用词组

arch bridge ─── 拱形桥

suspension bridge ─── 吊桥

bridge construction ─── 桥梁施工;桥梁结构;桥梁建筑

bridges 短语词组

1、building bridges with culture ─── 与文化架起桥梁

2、build bridges ─── 建造桥梁

3、covered bridges ─── 有盖桥梁

4、land-bridges (land-bridge ─── 的复数) 陆桥

5、cell bridges ─── [医] 胞间桥

6、toll-bridges (toll-bridge ─── 的复数) n. 收费桥

7、steel plate for bridges ─── [化] 桥梁钢板

8、hydrogen bridges ─── [医] 氢桥

9、builds roads and bridges ─── 修桥铺路

10、suspension bridges ─── 吊桥( suspension bridge的名词复数 )

11、cell-bridges ─── [医] 细胞桥

12、cross bridges ─── [组织] ─── [生理]横桥交联桥

13、City of Bridges ─── [网络] 桥梁之城

14、Yerkes-Bridges test ─── [医] 伊-布二氏试验

15、steel plates for bridges ─── [化] 桥梁钢板

16、intercellular bridges ─── [医] 胞间桥

17、building bridges ─── 建造桥梁(building是build的现在分词,bridges是bridge的复数形式)

18、Harry Bridges ─── [网络] 布里奇斯

19、furnace bridges ─── 熔炉桥架

bridges 词性/词形变化,bridges变形

动词现在分词: bridging |动词第三人称单数: bridges |动词过去式: bridged |动词过去分词: bridged |形容词: bridgeable |

bridges 相似词语短语

1、abridges ─── vt.删节;缩短;节略

2、bridged ─── adj.桥接的;v.架桥;渡过;横跨……之上;缩小(差距)(bridge的过去式和过去分词)

3、Bridges ─── n.布里奇斯(姓氏)

4、bridles ─── n.(Bridles)人名;(英)布赖德尔斯

5、bridge ─── n.桥;桥牌;桥接器;船桥;vt.架桥;渡过;n.(Bridge)人名;(英)布里奇

6、fridges ─── n.电冰箱;n.(Fridge)人名;(英)弗里奇

7、bridies ─── n.布赖迪(男子名)

8、brides ─── n.新娘(杂志名)

9、ridges ─── n.(ridge的复数)山脊,隆起的纹路;n.(Ridges)人名,(英)里奇斯

bridges 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Do not know graphics or do not understand the drawings will not be able to build ships , bridges or houses. ─── 不会制图或不懂图纸就不能造船,架桥或盖房子。

2、We build too many walls and not enough bridges. ─── 我们造了太多墙,却没有造足够的桥。

3、All the bridges over the Thames offer fine views. ─── 从泰晤士河上的所有大桥上都能看到优美的风光。

4、You're burning your bridges behind you if you do that. ─── 你这样做不过是自断后路而已。

5、Lloyd Bridges Noah Beery Jr. ─── 劳埃德·布里奇斯。

6、Many steel arch bridges cross the Mississippi in its lower reaches. ─── 在密西西比河的下游许多拱形铁侨横跨河面。

7、We hardly noticed bridges when we drove over them at 40 mph. ─── 当我们以每小时四十英里的速度驾车超过他时,我们几乎没看到桥。

8、His career has been a climb to the top and he still has more bridges to cross. ─── 他的事业是通向顶峰的山坡,但他还有更多的难关要闯。

9、Many bridges were swept away by the floods . ─── 很多桥梁被洪水冲断了。

10、Most road bridges have piers rising out of the valley. ─── 很多公路桥的桥墩是从河谷里建造起来的。

11、Most steel railway bridges produce much more noise than ballasted track. ─── 多数钢铁路桥比石渣轨道产生更多噪音。

12、If you hate me,ask me to leave bridges.For bridges are my life. ─── 完全出于美观,请熟悉该桥的朋友解释下这个的作用,谢谢!

13、An engineer construction or combat battalion built the needed bridges. ─── 一个工程建筑营或战斗营修建需要的桥梁。

14、You shouldn't burn bridges because you never know when you will need them. ─── 别把桥烧了。你也不知道什么时候你自己还要过桥。

15、The bridges are cast insitu with sawn timber formwork. ─── 天桥使用锯木作为模板浇注。

16、All kinds of ancient bridges can be seen everywhere. ─── 在这里,随处都可看到大小不同、造型各异的桥。

17、I look at these bridges as giant sculptures suspension bridges especially, they have these incredible lines, these incredible curves. ─── 我把这些大桥视为宏大的雕塑,特别是悬索桥,它们拥有让人难以置信的直线与曲线造型。

18、Avoid parking under or on bridges or overpasses. ─── 别停在桥底下。

19、It is used to lighten the parks and bridges etc. ─── 主要用途:公园、庭院等装饰亮化用。

20、It consists mainly of a hill and a man-made lake, with bridges, towers and halls all over the area. ─── 颐和园由万寿山和昆明湖(人工湖)构成主体框架,里面亭台楼阁、殿堂厅室、塔航桥关,应有尽有。

21、I can appreciate the ageless splendor of temples and museums and bridges. ─── 我可以欣赏那些古色古香的庙宇,博物院和各式各样的桥梁。

22、For seven days and nights his soldiers marched across the bridges. ─── 七天七夜以来,他的士兵们横过了那栋桥梁。

23、Two new bridges have been built in our city last year. ─── 去年我们城市新建了两座桥。

24、Many bridges span the Thames. ─── 很多桥横亘在泰晤士河上。

25、I wasn't sure about removing that tree, but I've burned my bridges and chopped it down now. ─── 当时我吃不准是否要把那棵树移掉,但是现在我已把它砍倒了,已无法挽回。

26、Perseverance bridges the gap between ambition and success. ─── 坚忍是横越于雄心与成功之间的桥梁。

27、Stay away from bridges, overpasses and tunnels. ─── 不要停车于桥梁,天桥和隧道。

28、AI now crosses bridges to attack. ─── AI会通过桥梁攻击了。

29、It's unwise to burn all your bridges. ─── 不给自己留条退路是不明智的。

30、Authorities are still inspecting bridges, roads, dams and buildings for damage. ─── 当局仍在检查桥梁、道路、大坝和建筑物以防损坏。

31、The asymmetrical construction represents three bridges in one. ─── 在这个非对称性建筑的桥中就体现了这三点的说.

32、Sometimes he huddled away from the wind under the bridges. ─── 他经常蜷缩在桥底下避风。

33、Of small bridges, flowing water and old-style houses. ─── 小桥、流水、人家的景象。

34、After all was said and done, what was Bridges' impression of the subject of his very presidential impression? ─── 会见尽兴作别之后,说起此次对总统有何印象,布里奇斯作何感想?

35、I came across children sleeping under bridges. ─── 我偶然发现睡在桥下的孩子。

36、The builders have contracted for three bridges this year. ─── 今年这些建筑工人已经承包了三座新桥梁。

37、Building this road will involve the construction of ten bridges. ─── 修这条路必须包括建造10座桥梁。

38、It includes money for needed repairs to roads and bridges. ─── 包括给公路和桥梁提供必要的维修资金。

39、And part of the river's ugly and many of the bridges are. ─── 其实那条河,有些地段真叫人恶心,好多桥也是丑八怪似的。

40、As a Chinese American, I am more than thrilled to see such a wonderful ambassador who bridges the two sides. ─── 作为一个美籍华人,看到有这样一位架起中美友谊桥梁的神奇使者,我难以言表自己的兴奋之情。

41、He also enjoys playing golf and bridges. ─── 他也喜欢打高尔夫球和桥牌。

42、Engineering structures, such as bridges or dams. ─── 工程筑构工程结构,如桥或坝

43、We passed under several bridges. ─── 我们在几座桥下通过。

44、The lake froze over in January. Bridges freeze before the adjacent roads. ─── 一月份此湖被冻住。桥比附近的路早冻住

45、Lets be fair Bridges are already an advantage to the player. ─── 公平点,在桥上战斗已经让玩家有优势了。

46、Object that contains all site link bridges for this. ─── 对象的所有站点链接桥。

47、Our bridges and highways have begun to fatigue. ─── 我们的桥梁和高速公路已开始受到破坏。

48、In paris tramps often doss down under the bridges. ─── 巴黎的流浪汉常常睡在桥下。

49、And part of the river's ugly and many of the bridges are too. ─── 其实那条河,有些地段真叫人恶心,好多桥也是丑八怪似的。

50、It looks as if it's suspended between bridges to both of the Mur's shores, but it's actually on a floating platform. ─── 这座建筑看起来像是悬挂在横跨穆尔河两岸的桥梁上,事实上它是漂浮在一个平台上的。

51、Don't burn your bridges behind you. ─── 不要自断退路。

52、The Seine was hidden by bridges,the bridges by houses. ─── 塞纳河隐没在各座桥下,而各座桥又隐没在房屋下面。

53、He was the engineer of a railroad in the mountai with many bridges and tu els. ─── 他是一条铁路的工程师,该铁路筑于山里,有许多桥梁和隧道。

54、Since NATO bombed the Danube bridges,the only way across is by barge. ─── 北约把多瑙河上的桥炸了,人们借助驳船过岸。

55、In the IBM Token-Ring Network, the number of bridges through which a frame passes on the way to its destination. ─── 在IBM的令牌环型网络中,一帧信息在向目的地传送路径上所通过的桥接器个数。

56、Cultural exchanges are a way of building bridges between countries. ─── 文化交流是各国之间建立联系的纽带。

57、The Scheldt - Two bridges to centre island replaced with land bridges. ─── 两座通往中央岛屿的桥梁被换成了地面桥梁。(炸不断的那种。)

58、A hill bridges the town from east to west. ─── 一座山从东向西横贯全镇。

59、A supernatural creature of Scandinavian folklore, variously portrayed as a friendly or mischievous dwarf or as a giant, that lives in caves, in the hills, or under bridges. ─── 巨人,巨怪斯堪的那维亚民间传说中的超自然的生物,时而被描述成友好的或顽皮的侏儒,时而被描述成巨人,居住在山洞里、小山上或桥下

60、By now, several bridges have been built over the Changjiang River. ─── 到目前为止,长江上已经建了好几座桥。

61、I came across children sleeping under bridges. ─── 我偶然发现睡在桥下的孩子。

62、All the bridges over the Thames afford fine views. ─── 从泰晤士河上的所有大桥上都能看到优美的景色。

63、Flood waters washed away one of the main bridges in Pusan. ─── 洪水冲垮了釜山的一座主要桥梁。

64、By now, several bridges have been built over the Yellow River. ─── 到目前为止,黄河上已经建了好几座桥。

65、A snack in the afternoon bridges the gap between lunch and supper. ─── 在午餐和晚餐之间,下午吃些点心补充一下。

66、In big cities skyscrapers, bridges and tunnels were built. ─── 人们在大城市里建起了摩天大楼、桥梁和隧道。

67、But Napoleon, by a stroke of luck, was able to build two new bridges. ─── 侥幸的是,拿破仑居然突击造起两座桥。

68、A LOVE of bridges is understandable in a country with 400 islands. ─── 在一个有400个岛屿的国家,人们对桥的喜爱是可以理解的。

69、Persons who prefer to drive can reach us via all major bridges and tunnels. ─── 如您欲开车前来,可从各大桥或隧道进入纽约都会区。

70、The theme for this evening is "building bridges". ─── 今晚的主题是“搭建桥梁”。

71、The disulfide bridges might then be viewed primarily as stabilizing components. ─── 二硫桥可以被看作是初级的稳定因素。

72、It consists mainly of a hill and a man-made lake, with bridges, pagodas and halls all over the area. ─── 它主要是由一座小山,一个人工湖构成的。到处布满了桥,宝塔和走廊。

73、The Great Wall separate the people, however the bridges connect the people. ─── 万里长城把人们分开,而大桥却把人们联结在一起。

74、The islands are linked by causeways and bridges. ─── 岛屿之间由堤道和桥梁相连。

75、So he walked around the town and over the bridges of Konigsberg several times. ─── 因此他走了在镇附近和在七桥梁多次。

76、Why did the soldiers blow up all the bridges when they retreated? ─── 为什么士兵在撤退时,把桥梁都炸掉了呢?

77、Floor-beam webs have cracked in tied arch bridges. ─── 在系干拱桥的横梁腹板上发生裂纹。

78、A construction company. Roads, bridges, big stuff. ─── 一家建筑公司。修路, 筑桥, 都是大工程。

79、They build roads, houses, bridges, ships, pipelines, and canals. ─── 他们修路、盖房、架桥、造船、铺管道、挖运河。

80、The early Chinese built suspension bridges of hemp rope. ─── 古代的中国人建造过麻绳悬索桥。

81、The Szechuanese were sentimental about their few bridges. ─── 四川人对他们少数几条桥感情很深。

82、The Bridges of Madison County presents a richly-textured emotional tapestry. ─── “廊桥遗梦”向观众展现了一份精心编织的情感世界。

83、He builds many large bridges! ─── 很多大桥他都有参与建造的!

84、Brunel constructed railway bridges. ─── 布鲁内尔造了一座座铁路桥。

85、It is used to lighten the parks, yards and bridges etc. ─── 公园、庭院、桥梁等装饰亮化用。

86、I don't want to burn my bridges at this time. I'll tell when all is set. ─── 我不想自绝后路,一切妥当了之后我再告诉他。

87、The ferries, bridges, and tunnels which connect roads. ─── 一、连接道路之渡口、桥梁、隧道等。

88、Mountains were tunneled through and valleys were traversed by mammoth bridges. ─── 在重山间打通无数隧道,并在山谷间架上巨大桥梁。

89、Frames can bounce back and forth between the two parallel bridges connecting. ─── 帧可以恢复过来在两个平等桥连接局域网络。

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