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09-03 投稿


pitting 发音

英:[?p?t??]  美:[?p?t??]

英:  美:

pitting 中文意思翻译



pitting 短语词组

1、pitting phenomenon ─── 点蚀现象

2、alternate pitting ─── 互列纹孔式

3、anti-pitting additives ─── 抗点蚀添加剂

4、fatigue pitting ─── 疲劳点蚀

5、tangential pitting ─── 切向纹孔式

6、sieve pitting ─── 筛状纹孔式

7、corrosive pitting ─── 点蚀

8、corrosion pitting ─── 侵蚀点

9、sensory pitting ─── [医]感(觉)陷(昆虫)

10、pitting edema ─── [医] 指压性水肿, 压凹性水肿

11、surface pitting ─── [化] 表面点蚀

12、scalariform-opposite pitting ─── [医]梯状纹孔式

13、cavitation pitting ─── 汽蚀坑, ─── 汽蚀破坏

14、pitting potential ─── 局部腐蚀势

15、pitting of contact ─── 接触的点蚀

16、pitting surface ─── [机] 斑面

17、corrective pitting ─── [化] 修正缺陷

18、pitting corrosion ─── [化] 孔蚀; 膜孔型腐蚀

19、air bubble pitting ─── [化] 气泡点蚀

pitting 词性/词形变化,pitting变形

动词过去式: pitter-pattered |动词现在分词: pitter-pattering |动词过去分词: pitter-pattered |动词第三人称单数: pitter-patters |

pitting 相似词语短语

1、pithing ─── n.脑脊髓刺毁法;v.从(植物茎)中取髓(pith的ing形式)

2、bitting ─── n.(Bitting)人名;(英、德、瑞典)比廷

3、spitting ─── v.吐痰;吐出;啐唾沫;用炙叉叉住(spit的ing形式);n.分散;喷溅物;点燃导火线

4、fitting ─── n.(设备或家具的)配件,附件;可拆除装置(常复数);安装,装配;试衣;adj.适合的,恰当的;在某方面合适的,合身的;v.合适;试穿;安置;组合;符合;癫痫发作(fit的现在分词);n.(Fitting)(美)菲廷(人名)

5、petting ─── n.爱抚;v.爱抚(pet的ing形式);宠爱

6、litting ─── v.分裂;解理(lit的现在分词)

7、hitting ─── n.击中;v.击打;碰撞;使碰上;击中;产生不良影响;到达;遇到困难;使突然想起(hit的现在分词)

8、patting ─── v.轻拍(pat的现在分词);n.(Pat)(美、印、墨)帕特(人名)

9、kitting ─── n.配套采购;配套出售件;备件上线;v.装备;被装备(kit的ing形式)

pitting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The pillars sustain the roof of the pit. ─── 坑道顶用柱子支撑着。

2、Pit one's wits against the bureaucracy of the tax office. ─── 与税务局的官僚作风斗智。

3、The sides of the pit fell in and buried Tom and Dick. ─── 坑壁坍塌, 把汤姆和迪克埋在里面。

4、He came near falling into the pit. ─── 他险些儿掉到坑里去了。

5、Widely thin area,even dotted pitting and holes were found on the inwall near the liquid entrance and exit. ─── 在运行中其下塔靠近液体入口和出口处附近的内壁面上出现局部减薄、坑点及穿孔,严重影响了设备的安全服役。

6、She felt as if she were falling headlong into a pit. ─── 她感到她似乎突然头朝下掉进坑里。

7、They dug a pit to bury the rubbish. ─── 他们挖了一个坑把垃圾埋掉。

8、pitting process the face width of the pinion employed was half that of the wheel. ─── 点蚀过程中的小齿轮面宽度雇用了一半,该轮。

9、Is the No. 1 pit the largest one ever cemetery. ─── 一号坑是至今发现的最大的坑吗?

10、The pit itself will become a skating rink. ─── 原来的“熊坑”将改为一个溜冰

11、Failure: Pitting, cratering, or erosion of the surface. Obvious and significant deterioration. ─── 失败:表面出现斑痕、坑凹或侵蚀,明显且重要的材料毁损。

12、Class C: solid mineral exploration; geophysical exploration; establish mineral exploration infrastructure (pitting). ─── 2630213丙级:固体矿产勘查;地球物理勘查;勘查工程施工(坑探)。

13、The sides of the pit are too steep. Slope them a bit. ─── 坑边挖得太陡了,再坡一点。

14、Cystic acne usually results in deep pitting or scarring of the skin. ─── 囊肿型痤疮往往导致皮肤凹陷或留下疤痕。

15、There isn't a bottomless pit of money for public spending. ─── 公共开支并非用之不尽的。

16、It was found that the pitting and crevice corrosion of steel wires were the main forms of corrosion. ─── 发现70钢丝的缝隙腐蚀和点蚀是钢丝绳的主要腐蚀形式。

17、A male chauvinist, cries such, believed that by the pit is real. ─── 一个大男人,哭成那样,相信被坑是真的。

18、I'd go to the pit itself to save the union. ─── 为了保卫合众国,我宁愿下地狱。

19、They sure make a pit bull look like Winnie the Pooh by comparison. ─── 与前者相比,他们确实积极的多了。

20、In general, the rougher the surface, the poorer the pitting resistance, and the lower the critical pitting temperature. ─── 表面越粗糙,耐点蚀性能越差,临界点蚀温度越低。

21、Hand out leaflet and stuff in winter is the pit. ─── 在冬天分发传单等物品非常辛苦

22、They'd dug a shallow pit and left the rubbish in it. ─── 他们挖了一个浅坑把垃圾扔在了里面。

23、He felt an aching feeling in (the pit of) his stomach. ─── 他胃疼。

24、The fighting in Darfur is usually described as racially motivated, pitting mounted Arabs against black rebels and civilians. ─── 达尔富尔的冲突往往被描述成种族间的仇恨,马背上的阿拉伯人与黑人平民和叛军间的争斗。

25、Don't believe what he says. He's trying to dig a pit for you. ─── 不要相信他的话。他在算计你。

26、London elects its mayor, pitting the Labour party incumbent, Ken Livingston, against the Conservatives' Boris Johnson. ─── 伦敦市长改选,现任工党市长利文史东将迎战保守党的强森。

27、The emergency storage pit is also equipped with an agitator. ─── 事故浆液池也装配有一个搅拌器。

28、I finished my pit stop and bid them adieu. ─── 休息片刻后,我向他们道别,继续上路了。

29、Cooperative gameplay supports up to three players, pitting you and your friends against the dark forces of Middle-earth. ─── 本作支持三人合作游戏方式,能让你和你的朋友一起来对抗中土大陆的邪恶势力。

30、The tissue affected by edema will usually pit. ─── 受浮肿影响的组织常在按后起凹陷。

31、Debt is like a bottomless pit. ─── 债务就像无底洞。

32、It gave him a feeling of lead at the pit of his stomach. ─── 他觉得真象一枪打进了肚皮。

33、Excavated terra-cotta Horses of the No. One Pit. ─── 一号坑陶马一部。

34、Would you pull an ass out of a pit on the sabbath? ─── 你们中间谁有驴或牛在安息日掉在井里不立时拉它上呢?

35、And they could clash, pitting the old and white against the young and brown. ─── 并且他们可能会碰撞,老人和白人与青年和棕色人种的对抗。

36、They lie with the uncircumcised, with those who go down to the pit. ─── 他们必与未受割礼的和下坑的人一同躺卧。

37、The surface condition (roughness) of corrosion test sample has a pronounced influence on the pitting resistance of the base metal. ─── 腐蚀试样的表面状态(粗糙程度)对母材金属的耐点蚀性能有明显的影响。

38、Tiles. Check tiles and grout and touch up/repair where there are cracks or pitting. ─── 瓦片。检查一下瓦片和灌浆。有开裂或蚀损的地方要维护\修补。

39、I've got quite used to working in the pit. ─── 在矿井工作我已经很习惯了。

40、They dug a pit to bury the body. ─── 他们挖了一个坑,埋葬了尸体。

41、There are only five workers. Pit crews can only be five people. ─── 只有五个工人。维护组只能有五个人。

42、The pit - prop fell on his head and knocked him out. ─── 坑木掉在他头上,把他打昏过去。

43、He worked all his life down the pit. ─── 他一生都在矿坑中工作。

44、Docile.A heart of docile, is a beautiful pit. ─── 善良。一颗善良的心,是美丽的核。

45、A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit. ─── 吃一堑, 长一智。

46、There was slight pitting edema over both legs. ─── 两下肢轻度凹陷性水肿。

47、A fall in the pit,a gain in your wit. ─── 吃一堑,长一智。

48、Once fall into a pit, again in your wit! ─── 人多智慧多!

49、In the pit is a friend of mine, I took the photo. ─── 在坑是我的朋友,我采取了相片。

50、For they have dug a pit for my life. ─── 他们竟挖坑要害我的性命。

51、Thou hast laid me in the lowest pit, in darkness, in the deeps. ─── 你把我放在极深的坑里,在黑暗地方,在深处。

52、The sides of the pit fell in. ─── 井壁塌了。

53、A gill is equal to a quarter pit. ─── 一及耳等于四分之一品脱。

54、Near the point of inflection, fatigue pitting or wear occurs easily. ─── 在拐点附近易产生疲劳点蚀和磨损。

55、Since 1996, tailings have been deposited in a mined-out pit. ─── 从1996年开始,尾矿已堆存到一露天矿坑里,坑内处置是在原矿开采后的场地重新堆放矿山废弃物。

56、Pitting, crevice corrosion and layer corrosion occurred on 180YS and LF21M. ─── 180YS、LF21M除点蚀、缝隙腐蚀外还发生层间腐蚀。

57、A religious divide pitting Muslims against non-Muslims is not the answer to a strong, cohesive Singapore. ─── 在新加坡,回教徒和非回教徒如果因为宗教分歧而产生对立,将不利于营造一个具有强大凝聚力的社会.。

58、A sheep fell into a pit, and I helped it out. ─── 一只羊掉进坑里,我把它救了出来。

59、Otherwise, it's kinda like a mosh pit. ─── 否则,这会像个陷坑。

60、Let us take a look at the bear pit. ─── 咱们去熊坑看一下。

61、She felt a knot in the pit of her stomach. ─── 她感到心窝一阵紧揪。

62、Pit saw files are for sharpening teeths of pit saws. ─── 主要是为了削尖坑锯齿。

63、Well, you're about to go into thesnake pit. ─── 你正要送羊入虎口。

64、Back in the smelting, pull the lever to open the lava pit. ─── 回到熔炼房间,拉下控制杆打开火山岩坑。

65、RR: Rakdos Pit Dragon gains flying until end of turn. ─── {红}{红}:拉铎司暗渊巨龙获得飞行异能直到回合结束。

66、Thou hast laid me in the lowest pit, in darkness, in the deeps. ─── 6你把我放在极深的坑里,在黑暗地方,在深处。

67、Handing out leaflets and stuffs in winter is the pit . ─── 在冬天分发传单等物品非常辛苦。

68、A small cuplike depression or pit in a bone or an organ. ─── 凹窝骨头或器官里杯形的小坑或凹陷处

69、Her lot was cast with her head in a narrower pit than her limbs. ─── 她的命运与她的头脑一起被抛进了比她的身躯还狭窄的掩体。

70、The reason of the pit reduced the nucleation energy is analyzed. ─── 分析和讨论了凹坑降低金刚石核形成能的原因。

71、It was about the combat, the challenge of pitting ourselves against others. ─── 这事关一种战斗,一种使我们与他人为敌的挑战。

72、For neither in theory nor in practice can a struggle become protracted by simply pitting the weak against the strong. ─── 因为单纯地以弱敌强,无论在理论上,在实际上,都不能产生持久的结果。

73、He pit the poor schnook cleaning table in the coffee shop. ─── 他为那个在咖啡店清理桌子的笨蛋感到可怜。

74、He went down the pit(= started work as a miner)when he left school. ─── 他中学一毕业就当矿工了。

75、Left pit his wits and will against nature's fury. ─── 只能用他的智慧和意志去对抗大自然的狂暴。

76、He had an excited lost feeling in the pit of his chest. ─── 他胸膛里涌起了一阵激动而又不知所措的感觉。

77、The musicians took their respective places at the orchestra pit. ─── 乐师们各自在乐池就座。

78、Corrosion behaviors are pitting and stripping for polyaniline coatings as immersio... ─── 在腐蚀介质中聚苯胺膜以点蚀或剥离的方式进行腐蚀。

79、People trading in the pit are generally very bad systems traders. ─── 在场内交易的人通常都是很差的系统交易者。

80、Failure: Pitting , cratering, or erosion of the surface. Obvious and significant deterioration. ─── 失败:表面出现斑痕、凹或侵蚀,明显且重要的材料损毁。

81、Yea, ye overwhelm the fatherless, and ye dig a pit for your friend. ─── 伯6:27你们想为孤儿拈阄、朋友当货物。

82、Don' t let the child fall into the pit. ─── 别叫孩子掉进坑里去。

83、Don't pit your puny wit against my massive intelligence. ─── 不要拿你的小聪明来对付我高深的智慧。

84、A hole or pit, especially one in a road surface. ─── 坑洞尤指路面上的涡穴或坑洞

85、Fear and the pit are upon us, Devastation and destruction. ─── 47恐惧和陷坑,残害和毁灭,都临及我们。

86、Stop by the Polar Pit Cafe for some Hot Chocolate! ─── 为一些热巧克力顺道拜访极的坑咖啡馆!

87、He had a sudden sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. ─── 他内心深处突然有一种不祥之感。

88、A hare fell into a pit, and Jack helped it out. ─── 一只兔子掉进了坑里,杰克把它救了上来。

89、Many coal-miners were imprisoned in a pit accident. ─── 在一次塌方事故中,许多矿工被压在了井下。

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