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09-03 投稿



explicate 发音

英:[?ekspl?ke?t]  美:[?ekspl?ke?t]

英:  美:

explicate 中文意思翻译



explicate 词性/词形变化,explicate变形


explicate 相似词语短语

1、explicated ─── vt.说明,解释

2、explicates ─── vt.说明,解释

3、duplicate ─── vt.复制;使加倍;n.副本;复制品;adj.复制的;二重的;vi.复制;重复

4、explicative ─── adj.阐明的;解释的

5、explicans ─── n.术语或陈述的意义

6、applicate ─── 应用

7、explicable ─── adj.可解释的,可说明的

8、expiscate ─── 展开

9、explicator ─── 解释者

explicate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、We can explicate the causation between good &evil and reward &punishment from the angle of sociology and psychology. ─── 善恶与赏罚之间的因果关系可以从社会学和心理学的视角加以阐释。

2、My analysis will be mostly an attempt to explicate what the Cox Report would have said if they had been able to properly weigh the conflicting arguments. ─── 我的分析主要是要试图解释和分析考克斯报告写了什么,如果他们的报告能恰当地权衡这些冲突的话。

3、How can we best explicate 'King Lear' and understand it? ─── 我们怎样才能最详尽地分析并理解《李尔王》呢?

4、Chapter One will explicate the researcher's motivation and offers the orientation of this thesis. ─── 第一章将说明研究动机并引出全文方向。

5、Keywords tacit knowledge;explicate;strong or weak tacit knowledge;virtual reality; ─── 隐性知识;显性化;强弱隐性知识;虚拟现实;

6、Popular books that attempt to explicate Einstein's theories ─── 试图阐述爱因斯坦理论的通俗读物

7、First of all, we analyze the sketch of futures market in China and the distributions ofyields.Based on this, we apply ADF and PP methods to examine the market validity,and explicate the follows. ─── 首先,我们运用多年来的期货历史数据分析中国期货市场的总体运行状况和收益率的分布特征,在此基础上,运用ADF和PP两种方法检验了整个市场的有效性的状况,为后文的工作打下基础。

8、Begin with different theories,Behaviorism and Humanism explicate the origin of abnormal psychology and the remidies. ─── 行为主义和人本主义从不同的理论出发,阐述了异常心理产生的原因和治疗方法。

9、Asking each student to explicate the difficult poem ─── 要求每一位学生解释这首难懂的诗

10、Memetics is a newly developed theory aiming to explicate the evolutionary mechanisms of culture from the perspective of Darwinism. ─── 模因论是基于达尔文进化论的观点解释文化进化规律的一种新理论。

11、Each week, we will cover an aspect of negotiation in depth, explicate some key issues, discuss the reading, and examine critical issues that have been raised with regard to your experience. ─── 我们每周会深入探讨某一谈判主题、阐明其中主要问题、讨论参考读物、并检视你曾遇过的难题。

12、It can't,on the other hand, explicate the theory basis of both the right loss of true owner and the right acquisition of Bona fide assignee. ─── 因此不能既合理解释原所有人失去所有权的依据,又说明善意第三人必然取得所有权的依据;

13、In the first section, I explicate the definition and characteristics of land-ownership and demonstrate the great significance land-ownership institutions have to the social evolution. ─── 论文的第一部分,通过对各种关于土地制度含义的分析,阐明了土地制度的科学含义及特点,并以此为基础论述了农村土地制度改革对社会经济发展的重大意义。

14、The Europeans ( buttressed by a few experts from poor countries ) are there to explicate , and are set up as good guys and bad guys . ─── 欧洲人(在少数几名穷国专家的支撑下)的作用是摆在那里作为说明,而且被分为好人和坏人两类。

15、This paper backdates the courses and related issues experienced in the group of agriculture and biology, and explicate the significance and impact of this symposium. ─── 本文旨通过对农、生物组的学术讨论会历程及相应问题进行回溯,阐述本次科学讨论会的意义和影响。

16、To explicate the microprocesses of threat regulation, I draw on social cognitive theory, symbolic interactionism, and the psychology of emotion regulation. ─── 通过借鉴社会认知理论,符号互动论,以及情绪调节心理学,我阐明了威胁管理的微处理。

17、The aim is to explicate for the user of modern TCI systems the underlying scientific concepts and the relevance for clinical practice. ─── 其目的是阐明对用户系统的特克斯和凯科斯群岛的现代科学的基本概念和相关的临床实践。

18、It also explicate the foundation of Administrative Adjudicaiton System and the meaning of the existence of Administrative Adjudication. ─── 同时本部分还对行政裁决制度建立的基础及行政裁决存在之意义进行了阐述。

19、to explicate the theory of relativity ─── 阐述相对论


21、Man's whole life and environment have been laid open and elucidated(Thomas Carlyle.Expound and explicate imply detailed and usually learned and lengthy exploration or analysis: ─── 人的整个生命和生活环境都已得到说明和阐释(托马斯 卡莱尔)。Expound和指详细的并且通常是学术的和冗长的考察与分析:

22、to explicate a difficult text ─── 解释一篇难懂的课文

23、The third one explicate the developing status of the silicate category thermal material, making the Hongqiang product as the example. ─── 第三部分以宏强建筑保温材料为例详细说明了硅酸盐类保温材料的发展现状,以充分的事实说明了硅酸盐类保温材料的优越性;

24、Four interface methods usually used between Matlab and VC are presented in this paper,and examples are given to analyze and explicate the application of those four methods. ─── 介绍了Mat-lab与vc接口的4种常用方法,并以接口实例进行了分析与说明。

25、The aim of this study is to explain the uniqueness of Dongpo's style by analyzing the metaphoric word meanings as well as character images in an attempt to explicate his special usage. ─── 为了解释东坡风格的独特,本文拟就其用字的意象,进行语意的隐喻思维分析,试图从他用字的特别用法,做另一面相的解释。

26、What makes mathematics so effective when it enters science is a mystery of mysteries, and the present book wants to achieve no more than to explicate how deep this mystery is. ─── 是什么让数学时,以便有效地进入科学是一个神秘的谜,本书要达到不超过阐明有多深这个奥秘的。

27、Explicate the Construction of our Harmony Societh with the Complex Systems Theory ─── 用复杂系统理论探析和谐社会的构建

28、It will explicate the historical and societal contexts from which modern schooling system and its policies are generated. ─── 首先会讲解现代学校教育及其相关政策发展的历史及社会背景。

29、Thus, the causes of Thai Coup also illustrate and further explicate the inherent contradictions between authoritarianism and democratism in worldwide post-developing countries. ─── 对泰国政变的深层次原因的探究,能够为分析宪政后发国家内部威权主义和民主主义两大传统的竞争和矛盾提供鲜明的例证和理论上的初步说明。

30、The British nuclear physicist David Bohm said that it seems that there are two kinds of order, the explicate order and the implicate order. ─── 英国核物理学家大卫.博姆说过,世间似乎存在着两种秩序,分离明了的和综合暗含的。

31、Please explicate more on the questions, as they are important. ─── 请阐述更多的问题,因为他们是很重要的。

32、We shall have to explicate its basic assumptions before we can assess its implications. ─── 我们能评估其含义以前,我们得先解释其基本假设。

33、Growth and preferential attachment can even help explicate the presence of scale-free networks in biological systems. ─── 成长与优先连结甚至有助于说明,为何无尺度网络会出现在生物系统里。

34、In the Jin Dynasty mathematicians used both text and image to explicate mathematical knowledge, and cartographers synthesised the principles of painting and drawing. ─── 晋代,数学家已经运用文字和图来阐释数学知识,地图专家总结了绘图的法则。

35、In the second section, we explicate the guidelines under which to implement the PBL teaching method and the details about how it's employed in philosophy courses. ─── 在第二小节中,说明PBL教学法的实施要领,以及它被运用在哲学课程中的调整细节。

36、Indeed, I went to visit Professor Hargadon to ask him to explicate it. ─── 确实,我去拜访了哈格顿教授,请他解释这个理论。

37、Cai Yuanpei is a great educationalist in our country. The article tries to explicate Cai Yuanpei's perspective of "modern student" in three aspects including presenting the concept, feature. ─── 摘要蔡元培是我国伟大的教育家。本文主要从“现代学生”概念的提出及其特征和培养途径三方面来阐述蔡无培的“现代学生”观。

38、At the same time as he was concerned to explicate normativity generally speaking, the evidence unambiguously suggests that he was especially interested in political issues. ─── 同时他涉及到阐明标准的一般说法,这毫不含糊地暗示着他对政治问题尤其感兴趣。

39、Secondly, I'll explicate the relation between the metaphor and the Being, in which they are defined and understood each other; ─── 第二部分则在说明隐喻与存有之间的关系,此二者关系在于相互定义,也都同样受制于概念而遭到遗忘;

40、Then, a structural equation model is established in order to explicate the dimensionalities and directionalities of antecedents for perceived sponsor sincerity in philanthropic sponsorship campaigns of service product brands. ─── 此模型加以严谨之实证,进而建立一结构方程式模型,以阐明在服务性产品品牌公益赞助活动中被知觉之赞助者诚意之前置变项。

41、Discuss the several factors that effect the capability o f database, and explicate the basic practice which can improve the capabilit y of database. ─── 探讨了影响数据库性能的几个主要因素 ,阐述提高数据库性能的基本策略

42、To be sure ,light carry weak charge which can explicate the light as the wave . ─── 无疑地,光子带有微弱电荷能够解释光的波动性。

43、Through the combination of the theory and practice, the necessity about economical operation of pumping station is more explicate than ever. ─── 通过理论与实际的结合,进一步明确了排灌站经济运行的必要性。

44、Demonstrate, do not explicate. ─── 示范论证,而不是说明。

45、QoS (Quality of Service) is an issue about the long-term reliability and usability of network, with a explicate meaning how users think of network actions in the course of holding net- connection and grouping transfers. ─── QoS(Quality of Service)服务质量指的是网络一个长期可靠性和可用性问题,其引申含义是用户在保持网络连接和传输分组过程中,对网络行为的看法。

46、His viewpoint focused on the following: Take measures for thoroughgoing reform and explicate scientifically the theory of the "transition stage"; ─── 其集中表现为:正本清源,科学阐述马列“过渡阶段”理论;

47、To further explicate our understanding, a contrastive analysis of the narrative art of the two authors is offered at the end of the dissertation. ─── 为进一步说明本文的分析,论文最后简要比较了两部作品的叙事艺术。

48、explicate one's moral values ─── 详细阐述自己的道德标准.

49、To explicate nursing ethics education and practice from main concepts of nursing care ─── 从护理主概念引申护理伦理教育和实践

50、Explicate Sun Zhong shan's Party Establishing Ideology ─── 简析孙中山的建党思想

51、It will explicate the historical and societal contexts from which modern schooling system and its policies are generated. ─── 首先会讲解现代学校教育及其相关政策发展的历史及社会背景。

52、The main premise is to explicate through analysis and interpretation the poetic essence unique to the works, and subsequently to exemplify how these essences should influence our interpretations. ─── 希望藉由对此三首作品的剖析与诠释,得以了解这些乐曲独有的乐诗本质,进而将所获心得延伸至浪漫时期普遍的音乐本质,以期增加演奏者的诠释角度。

53、Then, combined with the tax substantive law, explicate how the new tax model rely on the existing tax kind to design the derating plan. ─── 本文还结合税收实体法,对新模型如何依托现有税种设计减免方案进行了详细说明。

54、As for the two ways for the government to pu rchase bond,the paper analyses its effect on enterprises' economy and explicate s some original views. ─── 最后对政府购买国债资产的两种方式对实体经济所产生的影响进行了分析 ,并提出了自己的看法。

55、The second part: to mainly explicate the thought of people"s highest purpose theory in Kant"s philosophy. ─── 第二部分,主要阐述康德的哲学思想中所体现的人是最高目的的目的论思想;

56、In this paper, we wish to explicate the scope properties of the cardinality wh-phrases and propose a decomposition analysis with which any of such phrases can be decomposed into a cardinality wh-operator and an existential group quantifier. ─── 本文试图说明数量疑问短语的辖域特征并提出解构分析法将此类短语分解为数量疑问算子与存在集体量词。

57、In this article, theoretical lnguistics, social linguistics, and stylistic ideas are relied on to explicate the stylist c aspects of Uyghur folk proverbs. ─── 本文采用理论语言学、社会语言学和修辞学理论来研究维吾尔谚语的修辞艺。

58、But at present it is still one of the greatest challenges to explicate the mechanism of long-term adaptation in specific brain regions. ─── 然而,阐明从急性给药到特殊脑区持续性的适应机制仍然是当前成瘾研究最具挑战性的目标之一。

59、In the second chapter of the article, I divide the underachievers" personality factors into four respects to explicate: learning motive, learning interest, attachment and volition. ─── 在第二部分里,本文对中学学业不良学生的非智力因素特征分为学习动机、学习兴趣、情绪情感、意志四个方面作了具体阐述。

60、We give an example of the compatibility of Radix Aconiti Laterlis Preparata and Radix Glycyrrhizae , and try to explicate the principle of their compatibility from components interaction angle. ─── 以附子甘草为例,试从组分合和的角度阐述其配伍后减毒增效的机理。

61、Please explicate the specific restrictive measures on the foreign control of a U.S. bank and the criteria for approval. ─── 请美方明确外资银行控股美国银行的具体限制措施和具体审批标准。

62、Also from the discourse differences and complex relationship between literature and history, we can further explicate the freedom characteristics of literature as aesthetic discourse. ─── 从文学与历史的话语本质差异与复杂关系,可以进一步揭示出文学作为审美话语的自由特性。

63、So those were really good three explicate purposes that we identified at the beginning. ─── 这就是,我们开始,确立的三个表层目标。

64、Then I will explicate in the third part the philosophy of history of Kant which I call the model of perpetual peace. ─── 第三部分将讨论康德的历史哲学,笔者将其定位为永久和平模式。

65、At that time, the image-numberology was criticized by Buddhist scholars, who still took use of image-numberology to explicate the phenomenal realm. ─── 象数易学受到佛教缘起性空理论的批判,但南北朝佛教仍利用易学象数来说明现象世界。

66、Finally, I explicate how to set up a new ethics order.In the demesne of politics, in order to achieve morale quality, we should construct a new institution of officer virtue. ─── 在经济层面,加强伦理制度建设的主要任务是关于市场经济的伦理制度建设;

67、On the one hand,it is required to explicate the relations between the realization of the principle of human rights and the state power; ─── 一方面,明晰人权原则的实现与国家权力之间的关系,明确国家权力之间监督机制的必要性;

68、Beijing humanistic Olympic game for 2008 will not only critically inherit super sprits of Olympic culture, but also will explicate about egoistic value orientation. ─── 摘要2008年北京的人文奥运不仅批判地继承了奥林匹克文化的超越精神,而且阐明了人本主义的价值取向。

69、0831 explain, construe, elucidate, explicate, expound, interpret. ─── 均用来表示阐明,解释等意思。

70、English major: you explicate simile and metaphor in the parachute instructions. ─── 英文系学生:阐述降落伞说明书里的明喻和隐喻。

71、We design a program-based anomaly detection model under Unix and explicate chiefly pattern extraction module, detection module and detection parameters amending module. ─── 在unix环境下构建了一个基于程序行为的异常检测模型,详细阐述了该模型的模式抽取模块、检测模块以及检测参数修正模块的设计与实现。

72、Objective To explicate the effect of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) on the atherogenesis. ─── 目的探讨血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)在动脉粥样硬化形成过程中的作用。

73、The accelerator has been fruitfully combined to explicate economic dynamics ─── 在用来阐述经济动态学的模型中,加速数一直同乘数卓有成效地结合在一起。

74、In the second section, I explicate the historic progress of our land-ownership reform in the New Period, and reveal some problems that exist in the course of it. ─── 论文的第二部分,阐述了新时期我国农村土地制度改革的历史进程,在对其现状的分析的基础上提出了当前我国农村土地制度存在的问题。

75、In the explicate order, everything seems to exist outside of everything else, like a flower is outside of the table, the flower is outside of the earth, is outside of the wind, of the cloud. ─── 在分离明了的秩序中,每一件事物都存在于其他事物之外,就象一朵花在桌之外,在土之外,在风之外,在云之外。

76、a. Could the U.S. explicate in greater details what the requirements for interstate expansion by a foreign bank are, and what the specific criteria for approval are? ─── 请美国对这方面的规定作一个详细的介绍:说明在美外资银行跨州设立机构的要求和具体审批标准。

77、explicate v. ─── 详细解说;

78、The next chapter then sets out to explicate Deleuze's question of thinking through this concept of hieroglyphic experience. ─── 第四章以异象经验为基础,正式说明德勒兹的思考问题。

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