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09-03 投稿



irreproachable 发音

英:[??r??pro?t??b(?)l]  美:[??r??pr??t??b(?)l]

英:  美:

irreproachable 中文意思翻译



irreproachable 短语词组

1、irreproachable quality ─── 无可挑剔的质量

irreproachable 词性/词形变化,irreproachable变形

名词: irreproachability |副词: irreproachably |

irreproachable 相似词语短语

1、reproachable ─── adj.应责备的

2、reproachably ─── 可指责的

3、inapproachable ─── adj.无敌的(名词inapproachability,副词inapproachably);不能接近的;难到达的

4、irreproachableness ─── 无可挑剔

5、irreplaceable ─── adj.(因贵重或独特)不能替代的,独一无二的;失掉(或损伤)后无法补偿的

6、irreprovable ─── 不可挽回的

7、irreproachability ─── 无可责备;无懈可击

8、irreproachably ─── adv.无过失地;不可非难地

9、irretraceable ─── adj.不能再找到的;不能回头的;不能复原的

irreproachable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、23But he preferred to make a noble decision worthy of his age, of his noble years, of his shining white hair, and of the irreproachable life he had led from childhood. ─── 23然而他作了一个高尚的抉择,相称于他的高龄和声望,相称于他的白发,也与他自幼至今的无可指摘的生活方式相称。

2、She is shown as an irreproachable daughter-in-law, neither angry nor depressed, and thus a pure victim. ─── 她以无可指责的婆母的身份出现:她既不凶,也不压迫(“柔顺静默”),因此她是一个完美的受害者。

3、It emerged that her past behaviour was far from irreproachable. ─── 事实表明, 她过去的行为绝非无可非议。

4、has lived a blameless life; of irreproachable character; an unimpeachable reputation. ─── 过着清清白白的生活;无可指责的品质;清白的名声。

5、of irreproachable character; ─── 无可指责的品质;

6、Job Title: Pesticides Supplier Account ManagerPersonal attributes Irreproachable ethical conduct Mindset of a t...... ... ─── 公司名称:上海汉易商务咨询有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-6-11

7、“Sir, my behaviour both in and out of work has been irreproachable, apart only from the fact that I have found the odd glass or two of gin and tonic irresistible. ─── “先生,我除了觉得古怪的玻璃杯和两杯松子酒和滋补品无法抗拒之外,在工作中和工作以外的行为都是无可指责的。”

8、22 he has now reconciled in his fleshly body through his death, to present you holy, without blemish, and irreproachable before him, ─── 可是现今天主却以他血肉的身体,借着死亡使你们与自己和好了,把你们呈献在他跟前,成为圣洁,无瑕和无可指摘的,

9、His manners were irreproachable, and his morals above suspicion ─── 他的举止无可挑剔,作风又很正派。

10、He seemed to feel that by his own irreproachable regularity he would clear himself of blame. ─── 他觉得靠自己这种完美无缺的条理性,就可以免于旁人的责备。

11、A man of irreproachable conduct commands the respect of others. ─── 品行端正的人,受人尊敬。

12、Inzaghi is doing well and yesterday’s training session only bears to confirm what we already all expected: that Pippo’s desire to score is as strong as ever and his timing irreproachable. ─── 皮波现在状态很好,昨天的训练赛上确认了我们所有人所希望的:皮波的射门还像以前一样有力,他的时间感依然的无可挑剔。

13、” “Sir, my behaviour both in and out of work has been irreproachable, apart only from the fact that I have found the odd glass or two of gin and tonic irresistible. ─── “先生,我除了觉得古怪的玻璃杯和两杯松子酒和滋补品无法抗拒之外,在工作中和工作以外的做法都是无可指责的。”

14、7 Command this, so that they may be irreproachable. ─── 你要拿这些话去劝戒,使她们无可指摘。

15、In order to insure a good reception there, only one irreproachable thing is asked of you;your conscience? ─── 那些地方的人为了要好好接待你,只要求你一件东西必须是无可指摘的,良心吗?

16、Excellent graphics and design, plenty of game modes along with stylish sound make a great addition to the irreproachable game design. ─── 出色的图形和设计,丰富的游戏模式与时尚的声音成为一位伟大的除了无可指责的游戏设计。

17、Excellent graphics and design, plenty of game modes along with stylish sound make a great addition to the irreproachable game design. ─── 出色的图形和设计,丰富的游戏模式与时尚的声音成为一位伟大的除了无可指责的游戏设计。

18、His conduct is irreproachable (or beyond reproach). ─── 他的行为无可非议。

19、irreproachable conduct ─── 无可指责的行为

20、We will not quarrel for the greater share of blame annexed to that evening,"said Elizabeth. "The conduct of neither, if strictly examined, will be irreproachable; ─── 那天下午的事,究竟应该谁多负责任,我们也用不着争论了,严格说来,双方的态度都不好,不过从那次以后,我觉得我们双方都比较有礼貌些了。

21、She welcomed her unexpected visitor with irreproachable politeness. ─── 她以无可指摘的礼仪接待了不速之客。

22、The candidate should have an irreproachable competence on Lean manufacturing management also on the quality process and tools, In the management side, a strong leadership is required. ─── 适合人员应该具备完美的高效生产管理知识及能力,以及熟悉品质系统及工具,管理方面具备很强的领导能力。

23、her past behavior was far from irreproachable. ─── 她过去的行为远不是无可指责的。

24、Courage should be great and the mind clear,knowledge should be general and conduct irreproachable ─── 胆欲大而心欲小,智欲圆而行欲方

25、to be sublime; it was to be irreproachable. ─── 和崇高,而只求无过罢了。

26、Do you know that he's the honestest and faithfullest fellow that ever lived, and that he has an irreproachable good name? ─── 你就不知道他是天地间顶顶忠实、顶顶可靠的家伙吗?你就不知道他有一个无可非议的好名誉吗?

27、Miasmas still inhabit it.It is more hypocritical than irreproachable. ─── 更恰当地说,它是伪善的,而不是无可非议的。

28、BIO-BEAUTE commits to providing irreproachable cosmetic quality: exceptional textures and 100% natural fragrances. ─── BEAUTE保证提供无可指责的护肤品质量:优异的质地和100%天然香味。

29、Li Yang, and if it were really crazy English as a matter of fact, it is his achievements, others irreproachable. ─── 如果李阳和它的疯狂英语真的名如其实的话,这是他的成绩,别人无可指责。

30、A man of irreproachable conduct commands the respect of others ─── 为人处世品行方正的人受人敬佩。

31、Javert's ideal, was not to be human, to be grand, to be sublime; it was to be irreproachable. ─── 对沙威来说最理想的是,不去讲人道、伟大和崇高,而只求无过罢了。

32、If this twofold aim is admitted, every act of Rastoptchin's appears irreproachable . ─── 如果认可这一双重目标,拉斯托普钦的任何行动都是无可非议的。

33、has lived a blameless life; of irreproachable character; an unimpeachable reputation. ─── 过着清清白白的生活;无可指责的品质;清白的名声。

34、irreproachable honesty ─── 无可非难的诚实

35、irreproachable conduct. ─── 准确无误的举止

36、8 He will keep you firm to the end, irreproachable on the day of our Lord Jesus (Christ). ─── 天主必要坚固你们到底,使你们在我们的主耶稣基督的日子上,无瑕可指。

37、The quality, then, would be irreproachable and equivalent to that of the raw fruit though not necessarily presenting the same aspect. ─── 那么,这种品质就会是无可挑剔并且等同于加工前的水果——尽管不一定表现相同的外观。

38、man of irreproachable conduct commands the respect of others. ─── 品行方正的人受人敬佩。

39、2 Therefore, a bishop must be irreproachable, married only once, temperate, self-controlled, decent, hospitable, able to teach, ─── 那么,监督必须是无可指摘的,只作过一个妻子的丈夫,有节制,应慎重,端庄,好客,善于教导;

40、It emerged that her past behavior was far from irreproachable. ─── 事实表明,她过去的行为绝非无可指责的。

41、LIKE politicians the world over, Nicolas Sarkozy ran for office on a promise to restore popular faith in politics, end electoral cynicism and create an “irreproachable” government. ─── 跟全世界的政治家们一样,尼古拉斯萨科奇执政期间承诺要在公众心中重塑对政治的信心,终结选民们的愤世嫉俗,建立一个“无可挑剔”的政府。

42、"That seemed to me to be an irreproachable logic on her part," Kendler says. ─── “她无可指责”,金德勒说:“我开始对她进行抗抑郁药物的治疗,她开朗了许多。

43、His character is irreproachable. ─── 他的品德是无可非难的。

44、These dalliances irritated Elsa, who eventually became his wife, but as she told a friend, a genius of her husband's kind could never be irreproachable in every respect. ─── 这让最终成为爱因斯坦妻子的埃尔莎非常生。不过,正如她对一位朋友讲的那样,像她丈夫这样的天才永远不会十全十美。

45、He seemed to feel that by his own irreproachable regularity he would clear himself of blame ─── 他觉得靠自己这种完美无缺的条理性,就可以免于旁人的责备。

46、Irreproachable proactive work, a strong sense of responsibility, a strong dedication and team spirit. ─── 品行端正,工作积极主动,责任心强,有较强的敬业精神及团队合作精神。

47、The morals of good men must be irreproachable and they mustn't be so indifferent to the things causing harm to society. ─── 好人在道德上必须是无可指责的,他们也不应当对社会的事情熟视无睹。

48、The morals of good men must be irreproachable and they must n't be so indifferent to the things causing harm to society. ─── 好人在道德上必须是无可指责的,他们也不应当对危害社会的事情熟视无睹。

49、Hooper spent a long life, irreproachable in outward act, yet shrouded in dismal suspicions; ─── 他无亲无故,但到场的有周到庄重却不动声色的大夫,只想尽力减轻死者的最后痛苦。

50、In that case, the star speak on the irreproachable conduct it? ─── 那么,明星的代言行为难道就无可指责?

51、irreproachable adj. ─── 无可指责的;

52、Beyond any reasonable objection; irreproachable. ─── 无懈可击的;无可指责的

53、"Listen--when one bears an irreproachable name, as I do, one is rather sensitive." ─── “听着:当一个人有了象我这样没受过玷污的名誉的时候,他总是有点敏感的。”

54、While these two men were manoeuvring, each on his own side, with irreproachable strategy, ─── 当他们各自都在进行无可指责的战略时,

55、The clumps of blossoms had just been bathed; every sort of velvet, satin, gold and varnish, which springs from the earth in the form of flowers, was irreproachable. ─── 花束洗涤一净;所有幻成花形从地下冒出来的丝绒、绫缎、彩釉和黄金都毫无瑕疵。

56、After very little correspondence the princess had been elected an honorary member of this irreproachable institution to which she now intended to drive. ─── 仅仅经过很少几次的通信联系,她就被选为她此刻要驱车前往的那个无可指摘的组织的名誉会员了。

57、irreproachable quality ─── 优质

58、In order to insure a good reception there, only one irreproachable thing is asked of you; your conscience? ─── 那些地方的人为了要好好接待你,只要求你一件东西必须是无可指摘的,良心吗?

59、in an irreproachable and blameless manner. ─── 以无可指责的、清白的方式。

60、only one irreproachable thing is asked of you; your conscience? ─── 只要求你一件东西必须是无可指摘的,良心吗?

61、That lady, prudent and reserved, maintained an irreproachable demeanour ─── 这位女士,持重,谨慎,保守了无可非议的品行。

62、If this twofold aim is admitted, every act of Rastoptchin's appears irreproachable. ─── 如果认可这一双重目标,拉斯托普钦的任何行动都是无可非议的。

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