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09-03 投稿



emporia 发音

英:  美:

emporia 中文意思翻译



emporia 词性/词形变化,emporia变形

emporia 相似词语短语

1、-poria ─── n.云苓(茯苓);卧孔菌属

2、-sporia ─── 孢子

3、aporia ─── n.困惑;窘迫;难题;难点

4、emporiums ─── n.商场,大百货商店;商业中心

5、exosporia ─── n.外生孢子;(孢子或花粉)外壁(exosporium的变形)

6、emporium ─── n.商场,大百货商店;商业中心

7、euphoria ─── n.(常指较短时间的)极度兴奋,情绪高涨,狂喜

8、empirical ─── adj.经验主义的,完全根据经验的;实证的

9、empiric ─── adj.经验主义的(等于empirical);n.经验主义者;江湖医生

emporia 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Emporium:Owl shop in Diagon Alley where Harry bought Hedwig. ─── 咿啦猫头鹰商店。对角巷猫头鹰店,哈利从那里购得海德薇。

2、IT is 7:30 on a Sunday night, and business is booming at Guixi, a large and popular downtown food emporium (食肆?大排档?)here. ─── 周日晚七点半,正是市中心的贵溪餐厅里生意兴隆的时候。

3、hang zhou tower is the mational advancde clooective ,it is the best emporium in country.lastly we must say our owe all the achievenments to the encouragenment and help from our staff and leaders. ─── 杭州大厦是全国文明单位也是全国最优秀的商场之一,而我们的成功是来自所有员工和领导的努力和帮助。

4、emporium lighting ─── 商场照明

5、Rice in Casserole behind the People's Emporium, it's Cost-effective because of you can add rice free. ─── 人民商场后面卖的沙锅饭,添饭不要钱真的想起都划算。

6、3 Room 2 Hall 2 Toilet 1 Cookroom 1 Balcony,101 M2,Good ornament,with fitment, electrical apparatus,elevator,garden.Some emporium,bank, street near here. ─── 101平米,精装修,带家私,有电梯.花园小区,附近超市银行步行街一应俱全.

7、Boxing Emporium ─── 拳击场

8、As a great mediator between domestic comfort and civic assembly, the material is an emblem of Istanbul's history, garlanded with emporium and its longstanding reputation as an "East/West" depot. ─── 如果笼子不再是一种圆滑的礼貌的面纱,McCorkle对基里姆地毯的使用转化了装饰的纪录意义,作为一名伟大的仲裁者,这种材料是伊斯坦布尔历史的象征。

9、nowdays all of the emporium have installed ATM,so we just take a Bank Card when we go to shop . ─── 有些乘客听不到要求关掉收音机的指示是因为他们的收音机开得实在是太大声了。

10、Or between the ten-quid jeans they buy in certain clothing emporia and the Far Eastern sweatshops where miserably paid people turn out such items? ─── 或者是他们在某些服装百货店买的十英镑的牛仔裤和在远东血汗工厂里生产这些东西的薪水可怜的人们之间有何关系?

11、The bright green and purple self-service coin-counting machines are in more than 7,500 groceries nationwide, including Albertson's, Food Emporium, Kroger and Safeway. ─── 全国7500多家杂货店,包括艾伯森食品商场、克罗格食品店和赛弗韦食杂店,都安装了这种鲜绿和紫色的自助点币机。

12、There are coffee shop, hair and beauty salon, business center and emporium in the lobby. ─── 大堂设有咖啡厅、美容美发和商务中心、商务等服务项目;

13、Analyzing Factors to IAQ in Storage Emporia ─── 仓储自选式百货商场空气品质影响因素分析


15、We can find many things we need in the emporium. ─── 在商场里可以买到许多我们需要的东西。

16、Pic.7: The new Solid phone by Emporia is aimed at people over 50 or with hearing disabilities. ─── emporia公司的新款Solid手机把消费群锁定为50岁以上人士和有听力障碍的人士。

17、The emporium is the final place of drainage and presentation for people living in this world of desire, and is a composite mirror reflecting a pure life within colorful rays. ─── 商场,是这个欲望世界中的最终宣泄与寄托,是在光鲜亮丽中折射纯粹生活的综合体。

18、Beijing is becoming more than 2,300 communities emporium at the new battlefield. ─── 北京市2300多个社区正在成为百货商场瞄准的新战场。

19、We've measured air quality and taken a questionnaire in an underground emporium and found that the temperature was a little high and the fresh air volume was shortage, etc. ─── 本文通过对某地下商场空气品质的测试及问卷调查,得出该商场存在着温度过高、新风量不足等问题。

20、Research on the design of healthy walking space of emporia ─── 健康的商业步行空间设计研究

21、Research on the design of healthy walking space of emporia ─── 健康的商业步行空间设计研究

22、underground emporium ─── 地下商场

23、Like many tourists to this southern Chinese boomtown, I barely got past the first shopping mall after the border crossing, Luohu Commercial City, an emporium of counterfeit goods at bargain prices. ─── 与许多到这个中国南方新兴都市的旅行者一样,穿过边界罗湖贸易区后,我几乎错过了第一个购物场所,一个便宜的冒牌货商场。

24、a gastronomic(al) emporium ─── [美俚]餐馆; 公寓

25、samples of the sanitary articles in some industry or emporium from 2001 to 2003 were analyzed with microbiological index, and 59 samples measured up to the standards with a rate of 86.76 %. ─── 本文分析了四会市区2001年至2003年一次性使用卫生用品生产企业及部分商场销售的样品共68份进行微生物学招标监测。合格数59份,合格率为86。76%。

26、lie numerous shopping centre-huan jiang shang mao starboard,chao hu emporium face to face,geographical position preponderance. ─── 位于繁华商业区--环疆商贸城右侧,草湖商场对面,地理位置优越。

27、The above mentioned products can be bought in all emporia of this city. ─── 上述产品在本市各大百货商店都能买到。

28、Would you like to purchase hardware for your emporium? ─── 您需要为自己的商场采购五金制品吗?

29、Underground Emporium load ─── 地下商场负荷

30、a good variety of fresh and live goods in our emporium are waiting for your choice and purchase. ─── 本商场供应多种鲜活商品,请君选购。

31、Air and environmental quality in emporia: a subjective survey ─── 大型商业中心空气质量和环境质量的主观调查

32、Elder added that inspections of companion animals-food products are “based on risk” , which means that the processing plant in Emporia, Kans. ─── 他说,资源是有限的,并且对人类的伙伴即动物的食品检查是不安全的。

33、Emporium: Owl shop in Diagon Alley where Harry bought Hedwig. ─── 咿啦猫头鹰商店。对角巷猫头鹰店,哈利从那里购得海德薇。

34、Finally, can the importance of sea straits be linked to specific kinds of ports such as emporia? ─── 最后,海硖的重要性是否可以联系到像商业中心这样特殊类型的港口?

35、But I do not reduce sell it in emporium, it depends the country condition. ─── 但是我不会缩减在大商场的销售,这要视情况而定。

36、It is not because the powerful memory he has,but the elevator which can lead to the emporium and remember the mark from lift to parking lots. ─── 并不是他拥有超强的记忆能力,而是他只记从哪部电梯进入商场,然后记住从电梯到停车处的标识就行了。

37、Some sites, such as Term Paper Emporium and Absolutely Free: Online Essays offer course papers for free. ─── 有些网址,如"学期论文大卖场"和"绝对免费:网上论文",免费提供课程论文。

38、In order to fully utilize the data in emporia, we designed the interface between MIS and BDSS. ─── 充分利用商场现有的MIS数据及硬件设备, 设计出MIS与BDSS 之间的数据接口;


40、Yuppie Avalokitesvara I think we all have it, if you don't have I will say just go to the Chinese Emporium they have some very good one, very good main porcelain some of them bronze so beautiful make. ─── “雅皮观音”我想我们都拥有他,如果你还没有,我会说,去国货商店找找看吧,他们有上好的观音,大部分是瓷的,也有铜制的,做工精良。

41、There is tend in China, more and more jewelry store join into the emporium, how do you think it? and could you give a forecast of it in the future? ─── 在中国现在有一种趋势,越来越多的珠宝企业选择进入百货商场,您如何看?能否为他们的未来作一个预测?

42、I stuty in Emporia State Uni. as an exchange student, I decided to move out of the campus, cause it is really expensive to live on campus. ─── 所有的人认为是我小题大做,认为是我敏感,现在我终于逃出那间虽然仅仅居住了一个月却充满回忆的屋子,也终于觉得解脱了。

43、a gastronomic(al)emporium ─── [美俚]餐馆;公寓

44、To TV market, for example, the volume and patterns of sales channels from speaking, occupy the largest share of the TV market remains emporium. ─── 以电视机市场为例,从渠道形态数量和销售量上看,占据电视机市场份额最大的依然是百货商场。

45、"Slim cans communicate trendy, modernity, and New Age - all of which fit the bill for Orient Emporium teas. ─── “小井罐沟通时尚,现代,和新时代-所有这一切都符合该法案的东方商场的茶。

46、Keywords underground emporium;fuzzy comprehensive evaluation;fire risk assessment; ─── 地下商场;模糊综合评价;火灾风险评价;

47、Experimental Study on Spreading Characteristic of Fire in Home Appliance Emporium ─── 家电商场火灾蔓延特性的实验研究

48、He acquired a large site at the unfashionable end of Oxford Street, ignored everyone who told him it would never work, and built an emporium fit for the new century. ─── 塞尔弗里奇在牛津街不太时尚的地区购买了一大块土地,尽管有人认为他不会成功,但他没有理会,在那里建起了一个合乎新世纪特色的商业中心。

49、For butterfly bag, go to the Naraya shop near Emporium Dept Store at Phrom Phong BTS.Less people more choices. ─── 听讲好多冒牌蝴蝶袋,其实有鬼人知咩,只不过系普通料既隔绵袋...

50、Hygienic investigation on an underground emporium in Harbin City ─── 哈尔滨市某地下商场工作环境的卫生学调查

51、International brand should have a queue to go to high-rank emporium in Shanghai ─── 上海高档商场国际品牌排队等座位

52、"Some sites, such as Term Paper Emporium and Absolutely Free: Online Essays offer course papers for free." ─── "有些网址,如""学期论文大卖场""和""绝对免费:网上论文"",免费提供课程论文。"

53、Singapore, emporium of the East. ─── 新加坡,东方的商业中心。

54、big emporium ─── 大空间建筑

55、Contrastive analysis of energy-saving transformation of emporium building ─── 商场建筑物节能改造技术对比分析

56、In order to cater for customers' mind , some emporium begin to beat their brains on the '8' of the prices. So, the prices showed as48, 68, 168 etc. ─── 一些商场为了迎合顾客的心理,在商品的价格上,也开始动8的脑筋。所以,商品的价格就成了48元、68元、168元等等

57、Defects in the Operational Research Mode-by Studying the Emporium Replenish Stock Model ─── 从商场进货模型看运筹学报童模型的缺陷

58、In a dry cleaner's emporium, "Drop your pants here." ─── 在干洗店里:脱下你的裤子.

59、Wasin emporium can provides you a completely free space and make the delicate care of modern furniture express in every table and chair. Enjoying life is our common stipulation. ─── 华成商场提供给您一个完全自由的空间,让现代家具对您的细致关怀物化在每一件桌椅上。享受生活,是我们的共同约定。

60、Air and environmental quality in emporia: a subjective survey ─── 大型商业中心空气质量和环境质量的主观调查

61、This paper compares Changsha Jingwanzi Furniture Mart with IKEA Shanghai Store from several aspects to persuade local enterprises to make human-oriented emporium to come out top in the industry. ─── 本文通过比较国内某家具城和宜家上海商场总结出家具销售企业应引起重视的几个方面,并在此基础上倡导企业将“以人为本”的理念应用到销售的各个环节。

62、belowground emporium ─── 地下商城

63、An emporium is a shop. ─── 商场是个购物的场所。

64、It concentrates on exploring the tactics and methods of how to develop cyber marketing in an emporium. ─── 同时,对商业企业开展网络营销的策略和方法进行了探索。

65、Keywords Underground emporium Air quality Questionnaire The improvement way; ─── 地下商场;空气品质;调查问卷;改善途径;

66、A discussion on the design of discrete-type smoke extraction system in an emporium ─── 某商场分散式排烟系统设计的探讨

67、The average radon concentration inside the emporium was 34.10+9.42 Bq/m~3 with the total effective dose per year of 1.0709 mSv. ─── 商场平均氡浓度结果分别为34.10±9.42 Bq/m~3,营业员氡暴露的年总有效剂量为1.0709mSv。

68、And we are looking for a large-scale top-grade emporium to operate this commercial facility. ─── 拟引进大型高档百货商场经营。

69、Julius IV sold the Austrian stores in 1998, but kept one landmark food emporium in Vienna and the family's property portfolio in central Europe. ─── 1998年,尤利四世卖掉了在奥地利的店铺,但是保留了一个地标性的食品商场以及家族在中欧地区的房地产投资组合。

70、The THJ carry cargo elevator series are the perfect transport equipment for industrial enterprise, storage and large-scale emporium, with reasonable price, safe employing and convenience servicing. ─── THJ系列货梯,价格合理,使用安全,维修方便,是厂矿企业、仓库、商店等用户的理想选择。欢迎选择THJ系列产品。我厂竭诚为您提供满意服务。

71、Young couples streamed into the North China Car Emporium last week, when work and school were off for National Day and the Mid-autumn Festival. ─── 上周正值国庆节和中秋,单位和学校都放假休息。年轻夫妇们川流不息地涌入“中国北方汽车交易市场”。

72、Furniture Emporium ─── 家具商场

73、1 Pls come with us to parade on Nanfang emporium at every night. ─── 大部分都是古美街道的朋友,也有很多住在这里的老外参加,希望你也加入我们!

74、For example, the Yaxiya Emporium, Suguo Supermarket, Times Supermarket, and Dynasty Store have various commodities. ─── 亚细亚商城、苏果超市、时代超市、名店王朝等大型现代化购物场所林立、商品丰富。

75、SK: Good morning, sir! Welcome to the Polearm Emporium! ─── 早上好,先生!欢迎来到长柄武器商场!

76、On Early Practice of "Making Foreign Things Serve China" through Emporia Kang Xi's Attitudes to Western Learning ─── 从康熙帝对待西学的态度看"中体西用"的早期实践

77、Meanwhile the company set up many bedding, curtain and timbering shopping malls in emporium of Johannesburg. ─── 并在南非约翰内斯堡商业中心开有数家建筑装饰材料、窗帘及床上用品商城。

78、emporium fire ─── 商场火灾

79、Central Grand Hotel is constructed with the investment of Nanjing Central Emporium Co., Ltd and is a member of China Tourist Hotel Association. ─── 中央大酒店是由南京中央商场股份有限公司投资兴建的,三星级旅游涉外饭店,是中国旅游饭店协会的会员。

80、an arts and crafts emporium ─── 工艺品商店

81、Since April 30TH, The Collection` s Edition (Gold) of Beijing Olympic Emblem” will start to sell at Wangfujing Gongmei Emporium official licensed products flagship store. ─── 3月30日起,“北京奥运徽宝黄金珍藏版”在王府井工美大厦奥运会特许商品旗舰店开始销售。北京市其它奥运特许商品零售店和京外城市的奥运特许商品零售店将陆续开始销售。

82、Maoye Emporium expects expanding its chain department stores in the global market. The mission of Maoye Emporium is to become the most famous retailer in China and worldwide brand name. ─── 我们期待,以连锁经营为特征,以开拓全球市场为目标的茂业百货,建中国一流企业,创世界知名品牌。

83、I have also added a Psychology certification through Emporia State University. ─── 同时我还通过了伯恩·利亚州立大学的心理学认证。

84、At a shop selling silk scarves from Hangzhou on the third floor of the emporium, the president bought nine satin scarves at 60 yuan apiece. ─── 在3层一家挂满杭州丝巾的摊位,总统最后以60元一条的价格,一口气选了9条真丝缎面的丝巾。

85、A furniture emporium. ─── 家具商店

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