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09-03 投稿


necromancy 发音

[ 'n?krom?nsi]

英:  美:

necromancy 中文意思翻译



necromancy 网络释义

n. 巫术,妖术

necromancy 词性/词形变化,necromancy变形

名词: necromancer |形容词: necromantic |

necromancy 相似词语短语

1、necromantic ─── adj.妖术的;降神术的

2、aeromancy ─── n.[气象]天气预测;气候占卜学

3、necromania ─── 尸癖

4、nigromancy ─── 黑人浪漫主义

5、necromancer ─── n.巫师

6、cheiromancy ─── n.观掌术,手相学

7、oneiromancy ─── n.解梦;圆梦

8、necromaniac ─── 亡灵狂

9、ceromancy ─── 神经官能症

necromancy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Because of this, Necromancy was considered a "black" art. ─── 正因为如此,职掌被认为是一个“黑色”艺术。

2、And if there's a Necromancy Amplifier installed in town this job will be much easier: the number of dead creatures summoned to the battlefield will be greater. ─── 如果这个时候在城里安装了一个骸骨立柱的话,这就会变得很简单:召唤到战场的亡灵将会变得更多。

3、I then absolutely concluded, that all these appearances could be nothing else but necromancy and magic. ─── 也常常去采集一些卫生的野菜,煮熟了和着面包一起吃,或者就当生菜吃;

4、The betrayer locked himself in Hikm, blocked the sea-lane, destroyed the portal which lead to town and refused to give back the Amulet of Necromancy. ─── 这个叛徒固守在希金城里,封锁了航道,破坏了通往城市的入口并拒绝交出招魂护身符。

5、Edwin Odessarian, arcane master of the darkest necromancy... the Thayvian wizard's very name strikes fear into the hearts of most mortals. ─── 瓦罗彻普:最邪恶的死灵大师,艾德温奥德赛隆,光是这位赛恩巫师的名字就足以吓坏了大部分的人。

6、I have come for the Amulet of Necromancy. ─── 我是来取招魂护身符的。

7、Some believe each Necropolis builds a 'Necromancy Amplifier' to help its heroes raise the dead. ─── 有人相信每座墓地都建有“巫术放大器”,它能帮助英雄驱役亡灵。

8、Playing with the Ouija Board is a conscious intercourse with demons. It is practicing two things that are forbidden and condemned: divination and necromancy. ─── 玩显灵板是有意识的与恶魔交往。这是在实习被禁止和谴责的两件事:占卜和招魂。

9、Necromancy will be added, allowing characters to raise the dead to fight for them. ─── 招魂将增加,从而提高汉字的死为他们争取。

10、Daniel Ogden surveys the places, performers, and techniques of necromancy as well as the reasons for turning to it. ─── 丹尼尔奥格登调查的地方,演员和技术清道以及原因谈到它。

11、With his deadly sickle and necromancy, Dutin becomes one of the most dangerous warriors in Ruminater now. ─── 现在,藉著他的致命镰刀与死灵术,杜丁成为了反刍者中最危险的战士之一。

12、Moderate enchantment, necromancy [evil], and transmutation;CL 8th;Craft Construct, creator must be caster level 8th, animate dead, bull's strength, geas/quest, limited wish;Price 8,000 gp; ─── 肉身魔像手册:该手册包括操纵死尸,蛮力术,指使术及有限许愿术,并且为制造者在制造肉身魔像时视为比实际施法者等级高一级。

13、Moderate necromancy; CL 10th; Craft Rod, Extra Turning, class ability to turn or rebuke undead. ─── 中级死灵灵光;施法者等级十级;制造权杖、额外驱散、驱散或叱喝不死生物的职业能力。

14、Not content with merely defeated her, Isra used her great skill at necromancy to raise and bind Lilith to her, where her combat skill would now forever support those she fought against. ─── 不满足仅仅是打败她,艾莎用她那强大的招魂术复活并束缚了莉莉斯。现在她的战斗技巧将永远为对抗艾莎的对手而使用。

15、If Necromancy leaves play, bury the creature. ─── 若死灵术离场,埋葬该生物。

16、Necromancy and enchanting are two kinds of magic. Healers are clerics, and they can be either Dark or Light. ─── 死灵魔法和幻术是两种魔法,治疗者都是牧师(属于另外一种魔法),他们可以属于任何一个阵营。

17、She was part of a powerful sorcerer's harem but when he delved into the dark arts of necromancy he turned his entire household into zombies. ─── 她是某个强大巫师成群妻妾中的一个,当那个巫师钻研招魂的黑暗艺术时,他把自己的一大家子全变成了僵尸。

18、When Necromancy comes into play, put that creature into play as though it were just played and Necromancy becomes a creature enchantment that targets the creature. ─── 当死灵术进场时,放置该生物进场,并将其视为刚进场。此时,死灵术成为生物结界,其目标为该生物。

19、Of course, Golgari necromancy is some of the most potent ever seen.They don't even believe that their creations are anything hideous or unnatural. ─── 因循着他们的哲学, 葛加理的死灵法术理所当然的效率高超, 虽然他们甚至不认为自己创造出的是不自然的骇人事物。

20、He had been considered a maverick for years due to his insistence on studying the forbidden arts of necromancy. ─── 多年以来,克尔苏加德一直被认为是一个异类,因为他坚持研究被禁止的通灵术。

21、Necromancy is discovered. There were always creepy people who dressed in black and liked skulls, but they had a sense of purpose. ─── 亡灵术被发现了。世界上总是有那些穿着一身黑装喜欢骷髅头的怪怪的家伙,不过他们还算是有点目的的。

22、The relic of the necromancy and ghost and folk faith in HanZhong district ─── 汉中地区的巫鬼遗风与民间信仰

23、the relic of the necromancy and ghost ─── 巫鬼遗风

24、necromancy n. ─── 招魂术;

25、You may choose to play Necromancy as an instant; ─── 你可将死灵术视为瞬间使用。

26、The Amulet of Necromancy I have, But the Ring of the Unrepentant, the Cloak of Death's Shadow, and the Staff of the Netherworld remain to be acquired. ─── 现在我只拿到了招魂护身符,但是另外3件宝物:无悔指环、死亡阴影斗篷以及冥界手杖仍有待获取。

27、This literary figure vividly interprets the evolution changing from necromancy to Taoism, and mainly shows the successive change from necromancer novels to Taoist novels. ─── 此文学形象的演变既形象诠释了方仙道向神仙道教演进的规律,亦集中反映出方士小说与道士小说之间的嬗递关系。

28、As long as the wielder holds this weapon, he gains a +8 insight bonus on saving throws against spells and effects with the necromancy descriptor. ─── 持有者拿着此武器时在对抗死灵系法术和效果的豁免鉴定时获得+8洞察加值。

29、Dark magic is more oriented towards necromancy, whereas Light magic will put the stress on enchantments. ─── 黑暗魔法更倾向于死灵魔法,而光明魔法在幻术方面比较强。

30、When you play Necromancy, choose target creature card in any graveyard. ─── 当你施放死灵术时,选择坟墓场中的目标生物牌。

31、Straker chose the dark path of Necromancy , but it was soon discovered that his fighting skills by far outclassed his magical abilities. ─── 斯强克选择了巫术这一黑暗道路,但很快发现他的格斗技巧大大超过他的魔法能力。

32、i designed witchcraft : necromancy when witchcraft : alchemy is finished . also , it ' s a card game whose style is still occident medieval. ─── 《魔幻牌:炼金术士》完成后我紧接着设计了这款《亡灵召唤师》。它延续了欧美中世纪的风格,也是一款纸牌对战类型游戏。

33、necromancers and necromancy ─── 师巫邪术

34、Dark magic is more oriented towards necromancy, whereas Light magic will put the stress on enchantments. In both alignments, some races are specialized in the favorite magic of their alignment. ─── 黑暗魔法更倾向于死灵魔法,而光明魔法在幻术方面比较强。两个阵营里面都有某些种族可以专精本阵营的专长魔法。

35、Isabel I have come for the Amulet of Necromancy. ─── 伊莎贝尔我是来取招魂护身符的。

36、It could probably be considered a form of Necromancy, though I haven't studied it enough to be sure. ─── 它应该算是通灵术的一种,不过我还没仔细研究过,所以不好说。

37、Some Necromancy effects can create or exploit this property. ─── 某些死灵术也会造成这类效果。

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