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09-03 投稿


aster 发音

英:['?st?]  美:['?st?]

英:  美:

aster 中文意思翻译



aster 网络释义

n. [植] 紫菀属植物;星状体n. (Aster)人名;(德、意、捷)阿斯特尔

aster 短语词组

1、Aster linarifolius ─── [网络] 燕子线虫

2、Aster L. ─── [医] 紫菀属

3、Aster linosyris ─── [网络] 阿斯特里克斯

4、aromatic aster ─── [网络] 芳香的星星

5、Aster acuminatus ─── [网络] 白

6、Aster falcatus ─── [网络] 阿斯特falcatus

7、Aster fastigiatus ─── [医] 女菀

8、arrow leaved aster ─── [网络] 箭有翅星

9、Aster ericoides ─── [网络] 白ster

10、Aster dumosus ─── [网络] 翠菀

11、Aster tataricus Linn. ─── [医] 紫菀

12、aster family un. ─── 菊科

13、Aster cordifolius ─── [网络] 燕子cordifolius

14、Aster divaricatus ─── [网络] 白ster

15、Aster macrophyllus ─── [网络] 大黄菊

16、annual salt-marsh aster ─── [网络] 一年一度的盐沼

17、Aster novi-belgii ─── [网络] 荷兰菊;紫菀属;菊科紫菀属

18、-aster ─── [用以构成生物学属名]表示“星”, “星状结构”:diaster suf. 表示“劣等的”,“次等的”,“伪的”,“无价值的”:criticaster, poetaster

19、Aster novae-angliae ─── [网络] 美国紫菀

aster 词性/词形变化,aster变形


aster 相似词语短语

1、alter ─── vt.改变,更改;vi.改变;修改;n.(Alter)(美、德)阿尔特(人名)

2、asters ─── n.[植]紫菀属植物;星状体;n.(Aster)人名;(德、意、捷)阿斯特尔

3、apter ─── 阿普特(人名)

4、asper ─── n.阿斯皮尔(土耳其和埃及从前的银币名);n.(Asper)人名;(德、意、瑞典)阿斯佩尔;(英)阿斯珀

5、asker ─── n.请求者;发问者;n.(Asker)人名;(英)阿斯克;(土、瑞典、斯里、俄)阿斯克尔

6、-ster ─── n.灭菌,绝育;消毒器,杀菌器;n.(Ster)人名;(德)施特

7、after ─── prep.在……之后;在……身后;反复;跟随;追求;以……命名;conj.在……之后;adv.后来,以后;adj.后来的,以后的;后部的

8、astern ─── adv.向船尾,在船尾;向后

9、astert ─── 星号

aster 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、wild aster having grayish leafy stems and flower heads with narrow pale lavender or violet rayes; of rocky desert slopes California to Arizona and Utah. ─── 一种野生紫苑,头状花序,有淡紫色或紫罗兰色边花;生长在加利福尼亚至亚利桑麻和犹他州的多岩石的沙坡上。

2、A2. Both robots must start from the same location, at the entrance to the first room (the "Yellow Zone") in the course. The f aster ─── 兩個機械人必須在同一位置起步,於賽事首個房間(“黃色區域”)的入口。較快的機械人先開始起步,較慢起步的機械人最少

3、A Study on Morphology and Cytology of Aster moupinensis (Asteraceae) from the Three Gorge Reservior Area ─── 三峡库区川鄂紫菀(菊科)的形态学和细胞学研究

4、Aster fulgidulus ─── n. 辉叶紫菀

5、aster looked in, green eyes brilliant as emeralds ─── 埃斯特探头进来,一双碧绿的眼睛象翡翠那样闪着光亮。

6、Wild aster having grayish leafy stems and flower heads with narrow pale lavender or violet rayes,of rocky desert slopes California to Arizona and Utah. ─── 一种野生紫苑,头状花序,有淡紫色或紫罗兰色边花,生长在加利福尼亚至亚利桑麻和犹他州的多岩石的沙坡上。

7、Results: Aster mixture had inhibitory effect on cough caused by concentrated ammonia in mice, prolonged the latency of cough(P

8、Aster tataricus Linn. ─── [医] 紫菀

9、The sun was dropping behind the farthest mountain , and the valleys were purple with something deeper than aster . ─── 夕阳已渐渐沉没在远山的背后,壑谷间一片紫蔼,颜色比紫菀还浓。

10、tufted perennial wood aster of North America; naturalized in Europe. ─── 北美丛状多年生林紫菀;也在欧洲野生。


12、wild aster with fernlike leaves and flower heads with very narrow bright purple rays; ─── 一种野生紫苑,叶羽状半裂,花头状,有紫色的边花;

13、Based on the analysis of NDWI, and according to various spectral characteristics of ground objects in the ASTER image, this thesis puts forward NDWIASTER1、4 on the basis of the ASTER image. ─── 在分析归一化差异水体指数的基础上,根据ASTER数据不同地物的光谱特征,提出了基于ASTER数据的归一化差异化水体指数NDWIASTER1、4。

14、Aster flaccidus ─── n. 萎软紫菀

15、5. wild aster with fernlike leaves and flower heads with very narrow bright purple rays; Alberta to Texas and Mexico. ─── 一种野生紫苑,叶羽状半裂,花头状,有紫色的边花;产自亚伯达至德克萨斯和墨西哥。收藏指正

16、The sun was dropping behind the farthest mountain, and the valleys were purple with something deeper than aster. ─── 夕阳已渐渐沉没在远山的背后,壑谷间一片紫蔼,颜色比紫菀还浓。

17、Aster indamellus ─── n. 叶苞紫菀

18、This paper presents the properties of bar billet c aster,analyses the composition of PLC system and its network communication and m onitoning system.The operating results are fully approved. ─── 介绍了小方坯连铸机的性能特点,分析了PLC系统的构成以及其网络通讯和监控系统,对其运行结果作了充分肯定。

19、Terra's ASTER sensor captured this view of filaments of blue-green algae swirling across Guatemala's Lake Atitlán on November 22, 2009. ─── 11月22号,绕地卫星上的热发射和反射接受器捕捉到了这种蓝绿细丝状水藻旋转越过危地马拉的亚提特兰湖。

20、The mound was not visible in an ASTER image acquired in late 2008. ─── 这块高地在2008年底拍摄的图片中还看没有。

21、Aster alpinus ─── n. 高山紫菀

22、The Study of Tasseled Cap Transformation and Regional Evapotranspiration Models Based on ASTER ─── 基于ASTER的穗帽变换与区域蒸散模型研究

23、Aster ageratoides var. pendulus W. ELi & G. X. Chen ─── 垂茎三脉紫菀

24、The optimum extraction conditions of shionone from herbs Tatarian aster root were studied. ─── 这研究了紫菀药材中挥发油酮的最佳提取条件。

25、Progress in study of retrieving land surface temperature by using ASTER data ─── 利用ASTER数据反演陆面温度的研究进展

26、the The same is true for milker milking machines, milker area milking areas and aster lines . ─── 对于挤奶的机器,奶场,牧场同样是这样的,越干净越好。

27、Aster scaber Thunb. ─── 东风菜

28、ASTER sensor provides 14 bands of spectral information including visible and near infrared (VNIR) , short wave infrared (SWIR) and thermal infrared (TIR) . ─── ASTER传感器提供了包括可见光-近红外(VNIR)、短波红外(SWIR)、热红外(TIR)共14个波段的地物波谱数据。

29、wild aster having leafy stems and flower heads with narrow bright reddish-lavender or purple rays; western Colorado to Arizona. ─── 一种野生紫苑,头状花序,有淡紫红色或紫色边花;产自科罗拉多至亚利桑那州。

30、Sect. Aster ─── n. 紫菀组

31、aster and Hoban had their heads bent over a sketch for the battle account ─── 埃斯特和胡班已经在埋头搞一份附在战报中的略图。

32、emergency full aster ─── 再全速倒车

33、perennial wood aster of eastern North America. ─── 北美东部生长的多年生林紫菀。

34、Aster heterolepis ─── n. 异苞紫菀

35、light blue aster ─── 亚兰菊

36、rhizomatous perennial wood aster of eastern North America with white flowers. ─── 北美开白花的根状茎多年生林紫菀。

37、He thought aster sometimes crowded the line between courage and rashness ─── 他认为埃斯特有时候混淆了勇敢与鲁莽之间的界限。

38、Aster ageratoides ─── n. 三脉紫菀, 山白菊

39、Monitoring Glacier Changes and Inventory of Glaciers in Muztag Ata-Kongur Tagh, East Pamir, China Using ASTER Data ─── 利用ASTER影像对慕士塔格公格尔山冰川解译与目录编制

40、Aster subulatus may form superiority community, affecting the biological diversity, so it had a bigger potential of harmful effect. ─── 在自然条件下,钻形紫菀可以形成单一优势群落,影响生物多样性,具有较大的危害潜力。

41、Aster ageratoides Turcz. ─── 三褶脉马兰

42、Based on multitemporal ASTER images of four central districts in Beijing, this paper analyzes the seasonal change of urban vegetation abundance. ─── 以北京市西城、东城、宣武和崇文四个中心城区为研究区,利用2004年四个季节的AS-TER影像,分析了城市实际植被覆盖度的季节性变化。

43、A Split-window Algorithm for Retrieving Land-Surface Temperature from ASTER Data ─── 一个从ASTER数据中反演地表温度的劈窗算法

44、aster had been around women ─── 埃斯特见识过不少女人。

45、Aster argyropholis ─── n. 银鳞紫菀

46、Dwarfish aster in an unknown variety. Its bloom anticipates that of the other asters of a big week. ─── 在未知的种类方面的比较矮小的紫苑。它的花预期一大的周的其它紫苑的。

47、Oedogonium aster f. sphaerosporum ─── n. 星形鞘藻球孢变型

48、wild aster with fernlike leaves and flower heads with very narrow bright purple rays; Alberta to Texas and Mexico ─── 一种野生紫苑,叶羽状半裂,花头状,有紫色的边花;产自亚伯达至德克萨斯和墨西哥

49、Aster ageratoides Turcz.var.laticorymbus Hand.-Mazz. ─── 宽序紫菀

50、Aster gracilicaulis ─── n. 细茎紫菀

51、The ASTER Imaging Rock and Soil Information Extraction Method in Multiple Vegetations Covered Areas ─── 多种类植被覆盖地区ASTER影像岩石、土壤信息提取方法研究

52、wild aster having leafy stems and flower heads with narrow bright reddish-lavender or purple rays; western Colorado to Arizona ─── 一种野生紫苑,头状花序,有淡紫红色或紫色边花;产自科罗拉多至亚利桑那州

53、Retrieval of the Surface Reflectivity and the Aerosol Optical Thickness over Chiba Land Area from ASTER and Landsat/TM Imagery ─── 从ASTER和Landsat/TM卫星数据反演日本千叶地区地表反射率和气溶胶光学厚度分布

54、Dwarfish aster in an unknown variety. Its bloom anticipates that of the other asters of a big week. ─── 在未知的种类方面的比较矮小的紫苑。它的花预期一大的周的其它紫苑的。

55、Aster panduratus Nees ex Walp.[A. fordii Hemsl. ─── ],以全草入药。全年可采,晒干。

56、With a slow reluctant nod, Aster said,"Clear the bridge." ─── 埃斯特勉强而迟疑地点了点头说:“撤出舰桥。”

57、Aster L. ─── [医] 紫菀属

58、Aster ageratoides var. oophyllus ─── 卵叶三脉紫菀

59、At present there are many hyper-spectral libraries used widely in the world, such as USGS_MIN, JPL, JHU, IGCP-264, ASTER ect. ─── U SGS- MIN、JPL、JHU、IGCP- 2 6 4、ASTER等是当前国际上几个常用的光谱数据库。

60、Keywords Co Aster mixture;antitussive;expectorand;antiasthmatic; ─── 复方紫菀合剂;止咳;祛痰;平喘;

61、Aster fuscescens ─── n. 褐毛紫菀

62、wild aster with fernlike leaves and flower heads with very narrow bright purple rays; Alberta to Texas and Mexico. ─── 一种野生紫苑,叶羽状半裂,花头状,有紫色的边花;产自亚伯达至德克萨斯和墨西哥。

63、Himalayan topography captured by Reflection Radiometer ASTER, which flies on NASA's Terra . ─── 喜马拉雅山脉的地形被反射辐射计紫菀,这苍蝇在美国航天局的Terra卫星。

64、"aster any of various plants of the genus aster in the composite family, having radiate flower heads with white, pink, or violet rays and a usually yellow disk. " ─── 一种菊科紫菀属的植物,有带白、粉、或蓝紫色伞形放射状头状花序,花盘。

65、tufted perennial wood aster of North America; naturalized in Europe ─── 北美丛状多年生林紫菀;也在欧洲野生

66、Janice sat up talking with Byron long after aster left ─── 埃斯特走后,杰妮丝和拜伦促膝长谈。

67、Aster often talks to us. It seems like a casual exchange at the time but, in retrospect, we realize that every word is meaningful! ─── 父虽常常与我们谈话,当时看起来好像是闲聊,不过严格地去回想,竟没有任何多馀的话语。

68、any of various chiefly fall-blooming herbs of the genus Aster with showy daisylike flowers. ─── 垂状花冠的紫菀属草本植物,类似于雏菊。

69、With a slow reluctant nod, Aster said, "Clear the bridge." ─── 埃斯特勉强而迟疑地点了点头说:“撤出舰桥。”

70、1 species: stokes' aster. ─── 一个种;平滑斯托菊。

71、Fault Analysis Based on ASTER Imaging Information: Introduced by an Application Test in Baiyin Area, Gansu Province ─── 基于ASTER数据的断裂构造判读:以甘肃白银地区为例

72、white wreath aster ─── 多花紫菀

73、Keywords ASTER;Landsat/TM;atmospheric correction;albedo;aerosol optic thickness; ─── 大气校正;地表反射率;气溶胶光学厚度;

74、Aconitum, Waratah, Green Anthurium, Celosia, Orange Bird, Carnation, Aster, Salal (Balloons not included ─── 和尚帽,富贵花,绿掌,鸡冠花,橙小鸟,康乃馨,王孔雀,沙巴叶

75、ASTER(Advanced Space-borne Thermal Emission and Reflection radiometer) ─── ASTER(先进星载热发射和反射测量仪)

76、A Retrieval Model of Land Surface Temperature With ASTER Data and Its Application Study ─── 利用ASTER遥感数据反演陆面温度的算法及应用研究

77、Aster hunanensis ─── n. 湖南紫菀

78、Keywords remote sensing;black soil;soil organic matter(SOM) content;Total N content;Total Fe content;soil spectral character;ASTER image;TM image;retrieval; ─── 关键词遥感;黑土;有机质含量;全氮含量;全铁含量;土壤光谱特征;ASTER遥感影像;TM遥感影像;反演;

79、Petroleum aether,acelic aster,acet and ethanol extract of Melia azedarach with different dose was used for repellency and contact tests against Sitophilus zeamais,and repellent rate and correction mortality were calculated. ─── 将苦楝籽的石油醚、乙酸乙酯、丙酮、乙醇4种溶剂的提取物设计成不同剂量,对主要储粮害虫玉米象进行驱避、触杀试验,计算驱避率和校正死亡率。

80、An Experimental Study of DEM Acquirement from ASTER Based Stereopair ─── 基于ASTER立体像对提取数字高程模型的试验研究

81、aster was calculating on three days of depredation and one day to escape ─── 埃斯特打算剽掠三天,再用一天时间溜走。

82、He thought Aster sometimes crowded the line between courage and rashness. ─── 他认为埃斯特有时候混淆了勇敢与鲁莽之间的界限。

83、Chemical component analysis of essential oil from Aster poliothamnus Diels. By GC-MS ─── GC-MS分析灰枝紫菀中挥发油的化学成分

84、The Pilot Study on Petrochemistry Components Mapping with ASTER Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing Data ─── 利用ASTER热红外遥感数据开展岩石化学成分填图的初步研究

85、aster of Subtlety: Being under the effects of Cyclone when the buff from this talent is about to expire will no longer make it last indefinitely. ─── -敏锐大师:这个天赋的效果消失的时候受到旋风效果的影响不会再使得它持续无限长的时间了。

86、Application of ASTER Remote Sensing Data to Monitoring Ecological Damage in Mine ─── ASTER遥感数据在矿区生态损害现状监测中的应用

87、Aster is always saying that we have to serve others and forget about ourselves. ─── 父常说:我们应该服务别人,而忘记自己。

88、aster ran off the attack in a curt businesslike way ─── 埃斯特以一种简捷,踏实的方式进行了这次袭击。

89、a href="http://aster-october-sky.56khln.us/">Aster october sky 748444, Buy Ultram, 27695, Cheapest Cialis, sky, Cheapest Cialis, 95656, ─── 十月的天空-视频-优酷视频-在线观看-十月的天空欧美电影吉伦希尔库

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