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acta 中文意思翻译



acta 短语词组

1、acta pharmacologica sinica ─── [医]中国药理学报

2、Acta Phys Sin ─── 行动起来

3、acta wear acta ─── 磨损

4、electrochimica acta ─── 电化学作用

5、res inter alios acta ─── [网络] 他人之间的行为;他人行为的原则;国之间的行为

6、acta meaning ─── 法学院

7、acta tropica ─── 热带记录

8、acta physiologiae plantarum ─── 植物生理学

9、Acta Sanctorum ─── [拉] ─── [宗]圣 徒行传(圣徒和殉教言行录集)

10、acta pharmacologica sinica b ─── 中国药理学学报b

11、stop acta ─── 停止行动

12、conciliar acta ─── 协约法

13、acta biomaterialia ─── 生物材料学报名

14、exitus acta probate ─── [法] 行为是否正当, 应视其后果而定

15、acta materials ─── 材料记录

16、acta materialia ─── 物料行为

17、acta sports ─── 体育学报

acta 相似词语短语

1、anta ─── n.[建]壁角柱;壁端柱;n.(Anta)人名;(日)安田(姓);(西、葡、俄、塞、塞内)安塔

2、acts ─── v.行动;表现;起作用;扮演(角色);担任;假装;代理(act的第三人称单数);n.行为;假装;某种行为(或常规等);法令;判决书;会议记录;(戏剧等的)幕;表演;演出团体(act的复数);abbr.声控遥测系统(AcousticControlandTelemetrySystem);声控制与遥测系统(AcousticControlandTelemetrySystem)

3、act ─── v.行动;表现;起作用;扮演(角色);担任;假装;代理;n.行为;假装;某种行为(或常规等);法令;判决书;会议记录;(戏剧等的)幕;表演;演出团体;abbr.活跃的(active);演员(actor);实际的(actual)

4、facta ─── n.呈文;辩驳书(factum的复数)

5、octa ─── n.八面体

6、actg ─── abbr.起作用的(acting);abbr.(ACTG)艾滋病临床试验小组(AIDSClinicalTrialsGroup)

7、acto ─── n.雅图(投影机品牌);abbr.自动计算传递振荡器(AutomaticComputingTransferOscillator);n.(Acto)人名;(西)阿克托

8、acca ─── abbr.特许公认会计师公会(theAssociationofCharteredCertifiedAccountants);abbr.美国空调承包商协会(AirConditioningContractorsofAmerica)

9、pacta ─── 无形约束

acta 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Flinn B.,Ruhle M.,Evans A.G.,Toughening in composites of Al2O3 reinforced with Al,Acta Metall,37(4),234(1989 ─── 周洋,詹国栋,徐明英,氧化铝及氧化铝陶瓷基复合材料强韧化的研究,华中理工大学学报,22(12),94(1994

2、Yu, W., Z. Li and Y. Yuan, 2006, Preliminary results from a coupled atmospheric GCM-ocean surface wave model's climate modeling. Acta Oceanologica Sinica. ( SCI ─── 于卫东,刘琳,巢纪平,2006,印度洋偶极子事件期间的海-气相互作用分析,海洋科学进展。

3、Lee HC, Chang KC, Lan CF, Hong CT, Huang YC, Chang ML. Factors associated with prolonged hospital stay for acute stroke in Taiwan. Acta Neurol Taiwan. 2008;17:17-25. ─── 张谷州、李雪桢、黄裕净、蓝忠孚:台湾脑中风急性期超长期住院探讨。天坛国际脑血管病会议,中国北京,民国97年6月。

4、Tan , J2J 1980. Geological history of insects. Acta Zootaxonomica Si nica , ─── [谭娟杰,1980.昆虫的地质历史.动物分类学报

5、Du , N. S. , W. Lai , C. R. Nan and H. W. Jiang 1995 The morphology and ultrastructure of the mature egg of Eriochei r si nensis. Acta Zool . ─── [堵南山,赖伟,南春容,姜焕伟1995中华绒螯蟹成熟卵形态和超微结构的研究.动物学报41(3):

6、Activin A might not be responsible for the number of eggs ovulated of goats. The main effect of ACT A may be extention of follicular stage. ─── 推测ACTA主要作用可能是延长卵泡期,对于山羊排卵个数的影响不起主导作用。

7、WAN Yong-jun, GU Yi.Study of damping property of polyurethane/vinal ester interpenet polymer net[J].Functional Polymer Acta, 2000,13(1),81-84. ─── [2]万勇军,顾宜.聚氨酯/乙烯基酯树脂互穿聚合物网络阻尼性能的研究[J].功能高分子学报,2000,13(1):81-84.

8、It is a reference material for authors and readers as well as the editors of acta. ─── 可供从事学报工作的编辑以及学报论文的作者与读者参考。

9、Zhou LZ, Ma Y, Ye XT. 2002. Distribution of glires in arid regions of China [J]. Acta Zoologica Sinica, 48(2): ─── [周立志,马勇,叶晓提.2002.中国干旱地区啮齿动物物种分布的区域分异.动物学报,48

10、Veleanu C. Contribution to the anatomy of the cervical spine Functional and pathogenetic significance of certain structures of the cervica vertebrae[J]. Acta Anat 1975, 92:467. ─── 孔抗美,齐伟力,王卫东,等.颈神经根管切开减压术的应用解剖学研究[J].中华骨科杂志,1997,17(8):479-481.

11、Pierre,F Bosseket,M Peronnet,et al.Chenmicl reaciviy of iron base substrates with liquid Mg-Zr alloys[J] Acta Mater,200149:653. ─── 张鹏,杜云慧,曾大本,等.熔铝灰铁坩埚的腐蚀与防护[J].特种铸造及有色合金,2000,5:25.

12、Analysis of Citation in the Acta Acad Med Nanjing ─── 对我院学报的引文分析

13、Nielsen FF , Karring T , Gogolewski S. Biodegradable guide for bone regeneration[J ]. Acta Orthop Scand , 1992 ,63(4) :66268. ─── 张子军,卢世璧.引导性骨再生的初步实验研究[J].中华实验外科杂志,1995,12(1):59260.

14、He is an associate editor for an international journal of acoustics (Acta Acustica). ─── 他是国际声学杂志(声学学报)的副主编。

15、Chen S.Y., 2004, High-efficiency Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of soybean, Zhiwu Xuebao (Acta Botanica Sinica), 46(5): 610-617 ─── 崔欣,2002,大豆子叶节受体系统的建立及农杆菌转化的研究,硕士毕业论文,东北农业大学,指导教师:曹越平

16、The Second Meeting of Acta Optica Sinica Editorial Committee,Jiading,Shanghai,April 22,1982 ─── 1982年4月22日在上海市嘉定县召开《光学学报》第二届编委会会议

17、SUN Jing, TANG Can-Ming, YUAN Xiao-Ling, ZHU Xie-Fei, ZHANG Tian-Zhen. Selection technique for transgenic Bt cotton using Kanamycin as an indirect iden-tification marker. Acta Gossypii Sinica, 12(5): 270-276. ─── 孙敬,唐灿明,袁小玲,朱协飞,张天真.利用卡那霉素间接鉴定法进行大规模的棉花转基因育种技术.棉花学报,2000,12(5):270-276.

18、artificial propagation of the Chinese sucker ( Myxocypri nus asiaticus) in the downstreams of Gezhouba Hydroelectric Project . Acta Hydrobiol . ─── [余志堂,邓中,蔡明艳,邓昕,姜华,易继舫,田家元1988葛洲坝下游胭脂鱼的繁殖生物学和人

19、four methods internal fixation. Acta orthorp Scand ,1980 ,51 :949. ─── 4方伟松,章银灿.不稳定型股骨粗隆间骨折的内固定方法选择.

20、6 Ingemansson S O.Clinical observations on ten cases of methanol poison ing with purticulur reference to culurmunifestations. Acta Ophthaimol,19 84,62(1):15 ─── 7张铭连,宁俊恩,李瑞峰.甲醇中毒性视神经病变的图形视诱发电位.中华眼底病杂志,1997,13:241

21、Ward P J, Atkinson H V, Anderson PRG, et al.Semi-solid processing of novel MMCs based on hypereutectic aluminium-silicon alloys[J]. Acta Materialia, 1996,44(5): 1717. ─── 张豪,陈振华,康智涛,等.多层喷射沉积6066铝合金半固态挤压[J].中国有色金属学报,1998,8(2):191.

22、Deloof T, Berre J, Genette F, et al. Disturbances of the carbohydrate metabolism in acute head trauma. Acta Neurochir Suppl(Wien) 1979;28(1): 113 -4 ─── 全国第四届脑血管病学术会议.各类脑血管疾病诊断要点[J].中华神经外科杂志,1996,29(6):379

23、Pembrey wasn't sure how you would test such a grand theory, and he put the idea aside after the Acta paper appeared. ─── 但他不知如何验证这个伟大的设想,论文发表后,就被束之高阁了。。

24、Li Z M, Wu S K.Study on bridged substituted styryl pyrazine derivatives probe fluorophore. Acta Chimica Sinica 1997,55:90 ─── 3李泽敏,吴世康.结构受阻的取代的苯乙烯基吡嗪衍生物作为荧光探针的研究.化学学报,1997,55:90


26、Hou JH, Wu ML, Hu YF, Zhang XZ, Hu ZT. 2001.Study on the bird community structure in the forest-steppe transition zone[J] Acta Zoologica Sinica, 47 (suppl.): 148 - 156. ─── 候建华, 武明录, 胡永富, 张向忠, 胡振天. 2001. 森林/草原过度地带鸟类群落空间结构研究. 动物学报, 47 (专刊): 148 - 156.

27、res inter alios acta alteri nocere non debet ─── 他人之间的行为不得妨害不参加得人


29、Feng Shiyong and Zou Guohua. A New Method for Increasing Precision in Survey Sampling Acta Mathematica Scientia, 2001, 18 (1) 282-288. ─── 冯士雍,关于样本对总体代表性问题的认识与讨论--兼论抽样调查中辅助变量的,作用,统计研究,2001年第9期30-34.

30、Bagchi T P,Agarwal P K,Gunn R D,et al.Calculation of thermal explosion limits.Thermochim Acta,1981,51:175 ─── 于伯龄,姜胶东.实用热分析.北京:纺织工业出版社,1988

31、Holm J,Hemming Senl,Nelsen NV Thomsen M.Clin Chen Acta 1987;170;345 ─── 余海瑾,董晓蓓,陈楠。肾小球疾病中尿蛋白电泳的测定及病理相关分析[J]。上海医学,2001,24(2):115-117

32、Acta Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology ─── 中医药学报

33、Teng, L.S. (1987) Stratigraphic records of the late Cenozoic Penglai orogeny of Taiwan, Acta Geol.Taiwanica, n.25, p.205-224. ─── 余辉龙、施辉煌、黄春盛、何智刚、曾宝树(1990)台南县龙船及高雄县坑内、小滚水构造重点地质核查报告,中油内部报告。

34、ACTA and sICAM-1 were positively correlated with AST and GLB.Inversely,and negatively related with ALB(P

35、Wu Bin .Zhang Shanyuan Yang Guitong. The experimental study on the elastic wave propagation in framed rods. ACTA MECHNICA SOLIDA SINICA 1997, 10(4 ─── 吴斌等.有限长正交异性圆柱壳受冲击扭矩作用的弹性波传播,太原工业大学学报,1997,28(2

36、Pem berton S G , Zhou Zhicheng , Eachern J M . IchnologicalStudies on Tem pestites [J]. Acta Sedim entological Sinica ,2000 , ─── 孙枢,李继亮.我国浊流及其它重力流沉积研究进展概况和发展方向问题刍议[J].沉积学报,1984,2(4):1-5.

37、Ramachandra K.,On the units of cyclotomic fields,Acta Arith.,12(1966/67) ,165-173 ─── 华罗庚,王元,裴定一,分圆域的独立单位系,自然杂志(创刊号),5(1978)。

38、These results showed that during an estrus cycle, the differences in INH B, ACT A, and FSH might be the reason for fecundity differences. ─── 结果表明,发情周期内INHB、ACTA与FSH的差异可能是导致大足黑山羊和萨能奶山羊繁殖力差异的根本原因之一。

39、Lin, S.B., 1982, Serpentinites from the Yuli Belt, Tananao Schist, eastern Taiwan;Acta Geol.Taiwanica, no. 21, p. 104-121. ─── 克思忠,1988,台湾地区蛇纹石结晶构造与矿物化学之研究,国立台湾大学地质学研究所硕士论文,165页。

40、As many see it, however, the ACTA would strengthen intellectual-property laws at the expense of the Internet community's well-being. ─── 然而正如大多数人的看法一样,《反假冒贸易协议》会加强对知识产权的保护,但却是以牺牲互联网社区的利益为代价的。

41、10 Yang Hongqi, Hou Zongyi, A posteriori parameter choice strategy for nonlinear monotone operator Equations,Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica,18(2):289:294,2002 ─── 11杨宏奇,侯宗义.非线性不适定算子方程的双参数正则化方法.数学物理学报,24(2):129--134,2004

42、Muramatsu H,Tamiya E,Suzuki M,et al.Quartz crystal gelation determination of fibrinogen concentration[J].Anal Chim Acta,1989(217):321 ─── 府伟灵,陈鸣,蔡国儒,等.实用型低密度石英谐振式生物传感器阵列检测系统的构建[J].中华医院感染学杂志,2004,14(1):1

43、Eric Douvilie, Philippe Bienvenu. Yttrium and rare earth elements in flui dsfrom various deep-sea hydrothermal systems[J]. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 1 999, 63:627-643. ─── 于增慧翟世奎.海底热液沉积物中流体包裹体的研究进展[J].海洋地质与第四纪地质,:.

44、Distribution of relative extreme values and extremum times by arkov jump processes: Upward type.,Acta Mathematica Sinica, New Seriers, Vol 13:3, 347-356,1997. ─── "生灭与跳跃过程的积分型泛函及其应用",97年清华大学基础研究奖。

45、Wu Shiguo et al., 2001. Comprehensive investigation of offshore active fault: A case study from West Sagami Bay, Central Japan. Acta Geologica Sinica (in press). ─── 吴时国、付永涛、秦蕴珊,2001西菲律宾海盆的增生消减过程与南海的形成演化。苏纪兰主编,南海环境与资源基础研究前瞻,海洋出版社,100-105。

46、Zhu , X. , Z. X. Chen and Y. L . Wang 1960 Cytological study on fertilization of Carassi us aurat us and Megalobrama termi nalis. Acta Biol . ─── [朱洗,陈兆熙,王幽兰1960金鱼和鳊鱼卵球受精的细胞学研究.实验生物学报7(122):29

47、2 Prins M , Krabbe PF , Swinkels QO , et al1 The effect of t reat2ment on quality of life in psoriasis patient s1 Acta Derm Venere2ol , 2005 ,85 (4) :3042310 ─── 1于叶,闵促生.窄谱中波紫外线治疗银屑病的作用机制及临床应用.临床皮肤科杂志,2006,35(2):1252127

48、FORSLINE P L, ALDWINCKLE H S. Evaluation of Malus sieversii seedling populations for disease resistance and horticultural traits[J]. Acta Horticuhurae, 2004, 663: 529-534. ─── 张新时.伊犁野果林的生态地理特征和群落学问题[J].植物学报,1973(2):240.

49、CAI Zhong-min,XU Wen-lin,ZHANG Jian-wen.The limit loading of slopes for nonlinear Mohr-Coulomb material[J].Chinese Journal of Acta Mechanica Solida Sinicar,1995,16(3):254-258. ─── [8]蔡中民,徐文令,张建文.非线性Mohr-Coulomb体边坡的极限荷载[J].固体力学学报,1995,16(3):254-258.

50、LI P, CAO Z, ZHANG C. Differential-pulse polarography of amino acids in acetaldehyde-borax medium[J]. Anal Chim Acta,1990, 236(2):307. ─── 张晓丽,伍艺兵.镍-脯氨酸络合物在硼砂中的示差脉冲吸附伏安法[J].分析化学,1995,23(12):1422.

51、JU Huang-xian,CHEN Hong-yuan.The study on the electrochemical behaviour of Toluidine Blue on a carbon fiber microcylinder electrode[J].J of Acta Chim Sinica,1994,52:1118-1125. ─── [19]鞠幌先,陈洪渊.碳纤维微电极研究:甲苯胺蓝在碳纤维微盘电极上的电化学性质[J].化学学报,1994,52:1118-1125.

52、Shen Shouwen,Peng Dajun,Yan Qibin,et al.Study Acta on Jurassic sequence stratigraphy in Turpan-Hami basin [J]. ica Sedimentology Sinica,2001,29(2) :263(in Chinese with English abstract). ─── [1]沈守文,彭大钧,颜其彬,等.吐哈盆地侏罗系层序地层学研究[J].沉积学报,2001,29(2):263.

53、RISTORI C, DEL C, MARTINI M, et al. Potentiometric detection of pesticides in water samples[J].Analytica Chimica Acta, ─── 孟范平,唐学玺,李桂芳,等.利用乙酰胆碱酯酶传感器监测海水久效磷[J].海洋环境科学,2003,22(4):63-67.

54、Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization Analysis of Wheat-Rye Germplasm under the Background of "Xiaoyan 6",Acta Botanica Sinica,(in press ─── 半浸根法加倍小麦远缘杂交幼胚再生植株染色体,作物学报,2003,29(6):955-957

55、Shi , X. B. , Z. J . Qiu , L . Lu and Z. K. Xu 1990 The nuclear effect on morphogenesis during conjugation in Stylonychia mytil us. Acta Zool . ─── [史新柏,邱子健,卢莉,徐振康1990棘尾虫接合生殖期间核对形态发生的影响.动物学报36(1):1

56、In the "Acta" of 1691 James Bernoulli derived the equation for the tractrix ─── 在1691年的《学报》中詹姆士?伯努利推导出跟踪曲线的方程。

57、Zhou Qinwu, Bian Zhengzhong, Zhang Dalong. De-noising and contrast enhancement of UltraSound speckle image based on wavelet. Acta Acustica, 28 (2003)4, 381?384, (in Chinese). ─── 周秦武,卞正中,张大龙.基于小波的超声斑纹噪声抑制与对比度增强.声学学报,28(2003)4,381?384.

58、Figure. Prof. Wang Daheng, the chief editor of 1st editorial board of Acta Optica Sinica, presided over '88LM&LS. ─── 图为光学学报第一届主编王大珩教授主持'88国际激光材料与激光光谱专题会议。

59、271 Bergbrant IM, Acta Derm venereol(stocklt)[J].1991,167(suppl):1-36 ─── [281杜荣昌,王侠生,章强强,等正常人群头皮屑糠批马拉色菌的检测[J].中华皮肤科

60、5 Kou L,Markowsky G,Berman L.A fast Algorithm for Steiner Trees, Acta Informatica,1981,15 : 141-145 ─── 4陈国良.遗传算法及其应用.北京:人民邮电出版社,1996

61、Xie , P. , Y. Zhuge , M. Dai and N. Takamura 1996 Impacts of eutrophication on biodiversity of plankton community. Acta Hydrobiologica Si ni2 ─── [谢平,诸葛燕,戴莽,高村典子1996水体富营养化对浮游生物群落多样性的影响.水生生物学报20

62、Lock G.Acute mesenteric ischemia:classification,evaluation and therapy [J] Acta Gastroenterol Belg,2002,65(4):220-225. ─── 张宏,陈春生,乔进春等急性肠系膜上动脉栓塞的诊断和治疗[J]。中国现代医学杂志,200414(6):861.

63、But measures to address substandard drugs do not figure at all in ACTA, the EU or Kenyan legislations that claim to target unsafe medicines. ─── 但是ACTA、欧盟或声称打击目标是不安全药物的肯尼亚立法根本没有提到解决劣药问题的手段。

64、70 to 79 years of age. Acta Psychiatr Scand,1984,70(4):478. ─── 2周玉芳,吴晓光,汤哲,等.老年人常见病调查与随访分析.中华老年

65、Lu YX , Liu CM, Zou ZG, Xu W, Wang JM, Chen MQ, Huang YM. Acta Crystallographica ─── 刘春明,吕银祥,郭鹏,农昊,周辉,徐伟,潘星龙,华中一.功能材料,2004,35(增刊),464.

66、Zhou, L-Z, Ma, Y and Ye, X-T, 2002. Distribution of glires in arid regions of China. Acta Zoologica Sinica, ─── 周立志,马勇,叶晓提,2002.中国干旱地区啮齿动物物种分布的区域分异.动物学

67、Expression of actA gene of Listeria monocytogenes in Escherichia coli and preparation of ActA monoclonal antibodies ─── 产单核细胞李斯特菌actA基因在大肠杆菌中的表达及其单克隆抗体的研制

68、Today, there are many academic periodicals with the word acta in their titles (the publisher Elsevier has 64 such titles). ─── 今天,许多学术期刊的名称中都含有acta这个词(仅埃尔塞维尔科学出版社就有64个)。

69、The paper does not contain any thermal data and therefore is not within the current scope of Thermochimica Acta. ─── 可事实不是这样啊,我想是不是我的文章不符合该杂志的办刊宗旨?谢谢!

70、HE Shu-ying, QIAN Zhi-yu. Protective effects of crocin on cultured calf aortic endothelial cells injured by low-density lipoproteins(LDL), Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, 2006; supplement 1: 163. ─── 何书英,钱之玉.西红花苷对低密度脂蛋白所致鹌鹑内皮细胞损伤的保护作用,华西药学杂志2006;21(1):028-031。

71、Qiao, G-X, Xu, X-Q, Qu, Y-H, Zhang, G-X and Lei, F-M 2003. Species diversity and geographical distribution patterns of Drepanosiphidae in China. Acta Zootax. Sin. ─── 乔格侠,徐晓群,屈延华,张广学,雷富民,2003.中国斑蚜科物种多样性及地理分布。

72、emerging trend was reviewed in a paper in the journal Acta Astronautica. ─── 学报》在一篇文章中报道了这种新兴趋势。

73、doctrine of res inter alios acta ─── [法] 他人行为排斥主义

74、Zhou LZ, Ma Y, Li DQ. 2000. Distribution of great gerbil (Rhombomysopimus) in China [J]. Acta Zoologica ─── [周立志,马勇,李迪强.2000.大沙鼠在中国的分布.动物学报,46(2):130

75、Cui , L . B. , C. L . Liu , X. Liu and Y. H. Lu 2001a Cell types and secretion of the digestive gland of Haliotis discus hannai Ino. Acta Zool . ─── [崔龙波,刘传琳,刘迅,陆瑶华2001a皱纹盘鲍消化腺细胞类型及分泌产物.动物学报47(1):32

76、"The Application of Tracking Differentiator in Application of Zero," Wen-ge Zhang, Jingqing Han, ACTA Automatica Sinica, Vol.27 No.5, Sept 2001 ─── "跟踪微分器用于零点配置,"张文革,韩京清,自动化学报,,第27卷第5期,2001年9月

77、It said that ACTA might include "a de minimis exception that could permit travellers to bring in goods for personal use". ─── 其纲领中这样说,还说ACTA可能会“设定最低限额,旅客所携带的自用的盗版资料可以不予追究”。

78、Q.H.Wu, Z.Y.Tao, K.Cui, L.L.He, D.X.Li and H.Q.Ye: Microstructure and morphology of phases in laser remelting ceramic coatings, Acta Metallurigca Sinica, 31 (1995), A508-512. ─── 吴秋红,陶曾毅,崔昆,贺连龙,李斗星,叶恒强:激光重熔陶瓷层的显微结构和相结构,金属学报,31(1995),A508-512。

79、Under the auspices of the Advisory Committee on Travel Agents (ACTA), a review was carried out in 1996 to strengthen the regulatory mechanism of licensed travel agents. ─── 在旅行代理商谘询委员会的支持下,当局在一九九六年进行检讨,目的是加强对持牌旅行代理商的规管机制。

80、Acta Pharmacol Sin... expression of Bcl- XL and activation... ─── 冬凌草甲素通过改变 Bax/Bcl-xL...

81、Yin YB, Zhang Y, Yu P, Luo JC, Jiang Y, Li SG. Comparative study of apoptosis-related gene loci in human, mouse and rat genomes. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai). 2005 May;37(5):341-8. ─── 张昆林,张静,罗静初,酵母基因上游与内含子可能存在的协同转录作用,《生物化学和生物物理学进展》2005,32,46-52.

82、McNeal, J. M. et al., Geochime. Cosmochion. Acta, 1759(1974) , 38 ─── 刘铮,中国科学院微量元素学术交流会汇刊,科学出版社,1980,23-55


84、Xu , C. S. , Y. H. Li , Y. H. Hu , Y. W. Han and J . L . Guo 2001 Changes of proteinase activities during SISPH of rat liver. Acta Zool . ─── [徐存拴,李永辉,胡轶红,韩亚伟,郭建林2001大鼠肝蛋白水解酶在短间隔连续部分肝切除

85、The study is published in the journal Acta Paediatrica. ─── 研究出版在《儿科学报》杂志上。

86、The existence and uniqueness of solution for a class of stochastic functional equations on S.P. space, Acta Mathematica Scientia No.3, 2001. ─── 一类变分条件下的微分方程解的有界性,自然科学进展,2001年。

87、Fang , Y. Q. , X. Qi , P. Liang and G. Y. Hong 1990 Annual change of the gonadal development of the Amphioxus in Xiamen. Acta Oceanologi2 ─── [方永强,齐襄,梁萍,洪桂英1990厦门文昌鱼性腺发育的周年变化.海洋学

88、H. Q. Ye, D. X. Li and K. H. Kuo: Tetrahedrally close-packed phase in superalloys, New phases and domain structures, Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 22 (1986), A1-A43. ─── 叶恒强,李斗星,郭可信:高温合金中的拓扑密推相:析相及畴结构,金属学报,22(1986),A1-A43。

89、Zhang YY, Wang N, Zhang J, Zheng GM. 2006. Acoustic difference of narcissus flycatcher complex. [J]. Acta Zoologica Sinica, 52 (4): 648-654. ─── [郑光美.2005.中国鸟类分类与分布名录.北京:科学出版社.


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