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09-03 投稿


humpbacked 发音

英:[?h?mp?b?kt]  美:[?h?mpb?kt]

英:  美:

humpbacked 中文意思翻译



humpbacked 词性/词形变化,humpbacked变形


humpbacked 短语词组

1、humpbacked rafter ─── 驼背椽

2、humpbacked bridge ( ─── 道路的)弓形桥, 驼峰桥

3、humpbacked def ─── 驼背def

4、humpbacked fly ─── 蜜蝇

5、humpbacked cows ─── 驼背奶牛

6、humpbacked bovine ─── 驼背牛

7、humpbacked limia ─── 驼背利米亚

humpbacked 相似词语短语

1、hardbacked ─── 硬背

2、jampacked ─── adj.塞满的;挤得水泄不通的;v.挤满(jampack的过去分词)

3、humpbacks ─── n.座头鲸;驼背

4、hog-backed ─── 猪背山,猪背岭

5、humpback ─── n.座头鲸;驼背

6、unbacked ─── adj.无后援的;无人下赌的;未被骑过的马;(椅子)[家具]无靠背的

7、cutbacked ─── 削减

8、comebacked ─── 复出

9、hunchbacked ─── adj.驼背的

humpbacked 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Humpback whales, protected under a 1966 worldwide moratorium by International Whaling Commission after years of overhunting, are renowned for their complex songs and acrobatic displays. ─── 座头鲸以会“唱动听的歌曲”和表演杂技而著称。多年来,座头鲸被人类过度捕猎,1966年,国际捕鲸委员会出台捕杀禁令以保护这一物种。

2、The International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) reports Japan is also expanding its annual whale hunt to include 50 endangered humpback whales. ─── 国际爱护动物基金会(IFAW)报告说日本还扩大其每年鲸的狩猎量,包括50只濒危的驼背鲸。

3、Japan's decision Friday will save 50 humpback whales that Japanese whalers had planned to catch and kill in Antarctic waters. ─── 周五日本决定挽救50头日本捕鲸者已计划在北冰洋水域捕杀的座头鲸。

4、Japanese whale hunters plan to capture 50 humpback whales in the (end) Antarctic in the coming months. ─── 日本捕鲸者计划将于下月在南极捕获50头座头鲸。

5、Humpbacked dolphins Sousa chinensis ─── 中华白海豚

6、1 Physical disability can be seen, so the disabled, such as the blinder, the humpback, the people of poliomyelitis, and the people of limbless, were felt miserable. ─── 我们觉得:瞎子、驼背、小儿麻痹、缺手缺脚等身体有缺陷的人好可怜。

7、off Antarctica in the first major hunt of humpback whales since the 1960s. ─── 1960年开始,至上个月,日本派遣捕鲸船队到南太平洋和南极洲主要猎捕驼背鲸.

8、“Right then and there I called out, ‘Oh Lord, a humpbacked woman would be a tragedy. ─── “我当场就叫了出来‘哦。上帝, 一个女人驼背将会是极大的不幸。

9、"Other Baleen whales are the Blue, fin, gray, humpBack, and sei whales and the rorqual. Baleen was once used for corset stays and is still used in some industrial Brushes" ─── 其它的须鲸有蓝鲸、鳍鲸、灰鲸、驼背鲸、鳕鲸和鲸。鲸骨曾一度广泛用作妇女紧身胸衣的支撑物,现在仍用来制造一些工业用刷。

10、When I was born, my future bride was pointed out to me. Then the Lord added, 'But your wife will be humpbacked. ─── 当我出生的时候,上帝指出了我未来的妻子,然后他说道,‘你的妻子将会是驼背的。’

11、Humpback whales near Hawaii. Curtsinger says whales seem to be looking him in the eye when he approaches. ─── 夏威夷附近海域的驼背鲸。克钦格说,鲸鱼在靠近他的时候好像一直用眼睛盯着他。

12、Japan has been under pressure from conservation groups, the United States, Australia and New Zealand not to hunt humpback whales - which are considered near extinction. ─── 日本处于保护集团的压力之下,包括美国,澳大利亚和新西兰,不要猎杀座头鲸,这种鲸认定已经濒临灭绝.

13、Among songbirds and humpback whales, competing males seem to imitate each other's songs. ─── 在鸣禽或者座头鲸之间,雄性相互竞争的手段似乎是模仿对方的叫声。

14、Bald, humpbacked, the short, the T-shirt, Pu Lada looks like has not left Jinjiang to be the same, yesterday appeared when the ancestor prosperous stadium, his attire like past. ─── 光头、驼背、短裤、t恤,普拉达就像从来没离开过晋江一样,昨天出现在祖昌体育馆时,他的衣着一如从前。

15、The mother humpback whale and her calf have made progress toward the Pacific Ocean in the past few hours but biologists say the pace has slackened. ─── 母鲸和幼鲸在过去几个小时在朝太平洋的路上有了进展,但生物学家说他们的脚步放慢了。

16、humpbacked rafter ─── 卷棚顶

17、Humpback whales ─── n. 座头鲸属

18、Japanese *whale hunters plan to capture 50 hunt bank (humpback) whiles Indian talk to it (whales in the Antarctic) in the coming months. ─── 日本捕鲸者计划下月在南极捕捉50头驼背鲸。

19、Preliminary Results of the Effects of SURTASS-LFA Sonar on Singing Humpback Whales; Technical rept ─── 关于鲸鱼振鸣回声的SURTASS-LFA声纳影响的初步测试结果/技术报告

20、A humpback whale, immersely long, who sang to the snail a wonderful song of shimmering ice and coral caves and shooting stars and enormous waves. ─── 一只很长很长,背上高高隆起的鲸鱼,对着小蜗牛唱了一首关于闪烁的冰山和珊瑚洞以及流星和巨浪的美丽歌曲。

21、The Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (Sousa chinensis) are medium sized and robust body. ─── 2003年6月至2004年5月,对广西北海水域中华白海豚(Sousa chinensis)的种群数量、分布和人为活动影响等展开研究。

22、Humpback Cowrie ─── n. 龟甲宝螺(宝螺超科,宝螺科)

23、3、Humpback whales near Hawaii. Curtsinger says whales seem to be looking him in the eye when he approaches. ─── 夏威夷附近海域的驼背鲸。克钦格说,鲸鱼在靠近他的时候好像一直用眼睛盯著他。

24、Activity: Swim with the Dolphins offers an exciting 60-minute humpbacked dolphins. ─── 与海豚游泳给你60分钟亲近海豚。

25、Right then and there I called out, "Oh" Lord, a humpbacked woman would be a tragedy. ─── 我当场就叫了出来“哦”。上帝,一个女人驼背将会是极大的不幸。

26、“Right then and there I called out, ‘Oh Lord, a humpbacked woman would be a tragedy. Please, Lord, give me the hump and let her be beautiful. ’” ─── “我当场就叫了出来‘哦。上帝,一个女人驼背将会是极大的不幸。求求您。上帝,把驼背给我,让她变漂亮吧。’”

27、A humpback whale. ─── 座头鲸

28、Japanese whale hunters plan to capture fifty humpback whales in the Antarctic in the coming months. ─── 日本捕鲸者计划将于下月在南极捕获50头驼背鲸。

29、This year, they also plan to kill 50 threatened humpback whales and 50 endangered fin whales. ─── 一定要保护?诘匮?我想我个仔大个都仲可以有鲸鱼睇呀!!!

30、He is skinny, with hollow cheeks, humpbacked nose and thin lips. ─── 身材很瘦,高颧骨,凸鼻子,薄嘴唇。

31、The park is also home to a spectacular world of marine life, including humpback whales, sea otters, porpoises and harbor seals. ─── 在此您可随时可以听到冰河破裂的隆隆声以及冰川崩裂的景像。

32、Divers rescued a humpback whale off the coast of Acapulco, Mexico.The adult male was tangled in fishing nets about a mile out to sea. ─── 在墨西哥A海岸潜水员拯救了一只被渔网缠绕的成年驼背鲸,位置在离海一里左右的地方。

33、A crescent in stone, the humpbacked bridge at Mostar spans the Neretva River in Yugoslavia's Bosnia-Hercegovina Republic. ─── 在南斯拉夫的波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那共和国的莫斯塔尔市,一座如新月般的石砌弓形桥横跨了聂雷托巴河。

34、1 Physical disabilities can be seen, so the disabled, such as the blinder, the humpback, the people of poliomyelitis, and the people of limbless, were felt miserable. ─── 大凡身体上的残障,我们的眼睛都能看得见。我们觉得瞎子、驼背、小儿麻痹、缺手缺脚者好可怜。

35、Then the Lord added, ‘But your wife will be humpbacked. ─── 接着,上帝又补充说‘不过,你的妻子会是一个驼背。’”

36、When you swim with humpback whales it's not their size that overwhelms you but their beauty. ─── 当你与驼背鲸在水中畅游时,让你为之惊叹的并不会是它的体型而是它的美丽。

37、She had one eye and a humpback. ─── 她是个独眼,又是驼背。

38、The IWC was also supposed to answer a request by the Danish government to hunt 50 humpback whales. ─── 丹麦政府也向国际捕鲸委员会提出请求,要捕杀50头座头鲸。

39、Japan 's decision Friday will save 50 humpback whales that Japanese whalers had planned to catch and kill in Antarctic waters. ─── 星期五日本的决定将会减少50头座头鲸,原本日本捕鲸人准备在南极水域捕杀.

40、Smaller whales include the bottlenose, the humpback, the sperm, and the finback. ─── 并且它与在整个文章内容上不能衔接,故不能填。

41、Divers rescued a humpback whale off the coast of Acapulco, Mexico. ─── 在墨西哥阿卡普尔科海岸附近,潜水员救助了一只座头鲸。

42、The motherly caring and the songs of the Humpback whales fascinate not only the whale scientists, but also impressed NASA. ─── 座头鲸亲子的照料方式与歌唱,不仅吸引鲸鱼学家,也打动太空总署。

43、humpback bridge ─── n. 弓形桥, 罗锅桥

44、I mean, if you've ever heard the eerie song of the humpback whale [whale song], you know that it don't sound like those spring peeper [frog sound]. ─── 是啊,如果你听过座头鲸那神秘的歌声,就会知道它和北美雨蛙的叫声完全不同。

45、A fisherman fishing just east of the Farallon Islands spotted a female humpback whale entangled in a web of crab traps and lines. ─── 一天,一名在法拉隆群岛东边打鱼的渔民发现一条雌性座头鲸被捕蟹网缠住。

46、“right then and there i called out, ‘oh lord, a humpbacked woman would be a tragedy. please, lord, give me the hump and let her be beautiful. ─── “我当场就叫了出来‘哦。上帝, 一个女人驼背将会是极大的不幸。求求您。上帝, 把驼背给我, 让她变漂亮吧。’”

47、then and there I called out, ' Oh Lord, a humpbacked woman would be a tragedy. ─── 当时当场,我就叫喊着‘哦!上帝,一个女人驼背将会是极大的不幸。

48、A humpback whale mother and calf embark on an epic journey from tropical coral paradises to storm ravaged polar seas. ─── 一头母座头鲸带着她的幼鲸开始了一场从热带天堂般的珊瑚海开始的远行,她们的目的地,是布满惊涛骇浪的极地大洋。

49、Japanese whale hunters plan to capture 50 humpback whales in the Antarctic in the coming months. ─── 日本捕鲸者计划下个月在南极捕获50头驼背鲸。

50、The fleet intends to kill more than 1,000 whales while in the Southern Ocean, including 50 endangered fin whales, 50 threatened humpback whales and 935 minke whales. ─── 此次捕鲸活动,船队计划在南极猎捕1000多头鲸鱼,这其中包括50头濒于灭绝的长须鲸,50头濒危驼背鲸以及935头小须鲸。

51、Having a hump; humpbacked. ─── 有隆起的;驼背的

52、"Right then and there I called out,' Oh Lord, a humpbacked woman would be a tragedy. ─── "当时当场,我就叫喊着'哦!上帝,一个女人驼背将会是极大的不幸。

53、In a boat off the coast of Gabon, Africa, Michael Nichols, a National Geographic photographer, rode the waves made by male humpback whales vying for a female. ─── 再在非洲,加蓬的海岸上,国家地理杂志的摄影师米克.尼姑拉丝乘风破浪,这些波浪是由一个雄性驼背鲸追逐雌性的时候掀起的。

54、"You see, in heaven at the birth of each boy, the Lord announces which girl he will marry.When I was born, my future bride was pointed out to me.Then the Lord added, 'But your wife will be humpbacked. ─── 且不管德国哲学家门德尔松的这一番解释是否真的源于与上帝对话,这种为爱人舍身的精神着实让人感动,相信任何一个姑娘听到这番爱语都会为之动容。

55、Then the Lord added, 'But your wife will be humpbacked. ─── 接着上帝又加上一点‘但是你的妻子将会是个驼背。’”

56、' "Right then and there I called out, ' Oh Lord, a humpbacked woman would be a tragedy. ─── 当时我当场大喊,“上帝,一个驼背的女人是个悲剧。

57、Further, the humpback's large, scalloped fins withstand stall at angles of attack (into the onrushing flow) 40 percent steeper than their seemingly more streamlined counterparts. ─── 此外,和流线形的鳍比较起来,大翅鲸巨大扇贝形的鳍可增加40%的攻角(鳍切入急流时的角度),也不至失控。

58、Survey of the Status of the Dugong in the Beibu Gulf,China,with Remarks on the Indian Humpbacked Dolphin( Sousa plumbea ) ─── 北部湾儒艮现状的调查兼记印度洋白海豚

59、Like that old humpbacked Richard. ─── 比方说那个驼背的理查老国王。

60、Forty tons of gleaming muscle, a humpback whale blasts out of the water near South Africa. ─── 在靠近南非,一条驼背鲸冲出海面,它重达40吨伴有微微发光的肌肉。

61、Children await coolies and rickshaws to help them transport things across humpback bridges.They chase after the rickshaw to make them pay for this unsolicited service. ─── 孩子们在拱桥的上坡帮助苦力和人力车夫推车,他们追逐着人力车夫以获得这未经允许的服务的报酬。

62、humpbacked bridge ─── 弓形桥; 驼峰桥; 驼背形桥

63、"Right then and there I called out, 'Oh Lord, a humpbacked woman would be a tragedy. Please, Lord, give me the hump and let her be beautiful.' " ─── 我当场就叫了起来:“哦,上帝,一个女人驼背将会是极大的不幸。求求您,上帝,把驼背给我,让她变漂亮吧。”

64、hyperbolic humpback bridges ─── 双曲拱桥

65、And the coolest part is that you will have the chance to witness the migratory movement of humpback whales between eastern Australia and the Balleny Islands, Antarctica. ─── 最棒的一点是你有机会目睹驼背鲸在澳州东部和南极洲间的迁移景观。

66、humpbacked; hunchbacked ─── 伛偻

67、A massive prehistoric sea reptile that was longer than a humpback whale and had teeth the size of cucumbers has been found by fossil hunters on a remote Arctic island. ─── 一头巨大的史前海洋爬行动物在遥远的北极岛屿被化石猎人发现,它的身形超过驼背鲸,具有黄瓜般的长度的牙齿.

68、Humpback whales hold the world's record for longest mammalian voyage. ─── 座头鲸保持着世界上哺乳动物中迁徙距离最长的记录。

69、Environmental groups in Taiwan have called for action to protect the endangered Eastern Taiwan Strait Humpback Dolphin, which is threatened by pollution and bottom trawling. ─── 台湾的环保组织已呼吁采取行动来保护濒危中华白海豚的生存免受污染和海底拖网渔业的威胁。

70、Imagine a dozen humpback whales all rising to the sur-face at the same time, mouths agape. ─── 可以想见,如果十馀头座头鲸同时升上水面,张开血盆大口,有多壮观!

71、Humpbacked Limia ─── n. 驼背泥鳉(花鳉科)

72、Well, smoking people will scare away fierce dogs because they are usually humpbacked and dogs will think they are taking stones. ─── 恩,抽烟的人能够吓跑恶狗,因为抽烟的人容易驼背,狗会以为抽烟者在捡石头。

73、I mean, if you've ever heard the eerie song of the humpback whale [whale song], you know that it don't sound like no spring peeper [frog sound]. ─── 我的意思是,如果你曾经听说过的怪异的座头鲸歌,你知道它不是蛙叫。

74、Then the Lord added, 'But your wife will be humpbacked. ─── 接着上帝又加上一点‘但是你的妻子将会是个驼背。’

75、We can go actually and swim around on Google Earth and visit with humpback whales. ─── 我们能到夏威夷群岛的另一边去探索。

76、humpback whale ─── n. 座头鲸

77、He has tagged and tracked a wide variety of marine mammals, including harbor seals, pilot whales, gray whales, right whales, bowhead whales, humpback whales, sperm whales, fin whales and blue whales. ─── 他标记并跟踪各种各样的海洋哺乳动物,包括港海豹、领航鲸、灰鲸、右鲸、弓头鲸、座头鲸、抹香鲸、长须鲸和蓝鲸。

78、Japan's decison Friday will save 50 humpback whales that Japanese whalers had planned to catch and kill in Antarctic waters. ─── 日本在周五的决定拯救了50头驼背鲸,当时日本的捕鲸人打算捕获和屠杀在南极海域这些鲸。

79、Humpback whales pass through these waters each year, migrating for the polar feeding grounds. ─── 每年驼背鲸群都会经过这深蓝的海水,向极地喂养水域迁移。

80、Right then and there I called out, "Oh" Lord, a humpbacked woman would be a tragedy. ─── 我当场就叫了出来“哦”。上帝,一个女人驼背将会是极大的不幸。

81、A humpback whale with green teeth ─── 座头鲸长了绿色的牙齿

82、Then the Lord added, ' But your wife will be humpbacked. ─── 接着,上帝又补充说'不过,你的妻子会是一个驼背。'"

83、Determination of Mercury and Arsenic in Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins by Hydride Generation- Atomic Absorption Spectrometry ─── 氢化物发生-原子吸收光谱法测定中华白海豚中的汞和砷

84、If the analysis by the researchers is confirmed, mice can beadded to the short list of creatures that sing in the presence of the opposite sex, including songbirds ,humpback whales , porpoises, insects and ,possibly, bats. ─── 如果研究者们的分析能够得到证实,老鼠可以加入会在异性面前“唱歌”的生物之列,这类动物包括鸣雀、座头鲸、海豚、昆虫,可能还有蝙蝠。

85、10. Notable exceptions are the nearly song-like choruses of bowhead whales in summer and the complex, haunting utterances of the humpback whales. ─── 在会话结构方面,那些“答非所问”,即“风牛马不相及”的两句话可以构成完美的相邻对。收藏指正

86、Right then and there I called out,"Oh" Lord,a humpbacked woman would be a tragedy. ─── 我当场就叫了出来“哦”,上帝,一个女人驼背将会是极大的不幸。

87、It is not freezing but even in summer the wind is bitingly cold and we can smell the bad breath of a humpback whale as it groans past our bows on Sermilik Fjord. ─── 天气还不是最冷的时候,但即使在夏天,风也是寒冷刺骨。当驼背鲸哼哼着经过我们的船头向塞尔米利克峡湾游去时,我们闻得到它的口臭。

88、23.Notable exceptions are the nearly song-like choruses of bowhead whales in summer and the complex, haunting utterances of the humpback whales. ─── 值得注意的例外是,弓头鲸会在夏天唱歌,座头鲸会发出复杂得吓人的声音。

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