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09-03 投稿


bengalee 发音

英:[[ben'ɡe?li:]]  美:[[ben'ɡe?li:]]

英:  美:

bengalee 中文意思翻译



bengalee 相似词语短语

1、benames ─── vt.为…取名

2、Bengali ─── n.孟加拉人;孟加拉语;adj.孟加拉的;孟加拉人的;孟加拉语的

3、Bengal ─── n.孟加拉(位于亚洲)

4、bename ─── vt.为…取名

5、Bengalee ─── n.孟加拉国人;adj.孟加拉(人)的

6、Bengalese ─── adj.孟加拉的;孟加拉人的;孟加拉语的;n.孟加拉人

7、benamed ─── vt.为…取名

8、bengaline ─── n.罗缎;孟加拉织品

9、Bengalis ─── n.孟加拉人(Bengali的复数)

bengalee 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Over the Bay of Bengal, summertime latent heat release associated with deep convection exceeds longwave radiative cooling, resulting in intense heating in almost the whole troposphere. ─── 夏季孟加拉湾地区的深对流凝结潜热释放远大于长波辐的冷却作用,因而整个对流层几乎都保持较强的非绝热加热。

2、West Bengal's policing is at best inadequate, with around 80 officers per 100,000 people, compared with over 250 in most developed countries. ─── 但西孟加拉的警察配备充其量也只能说是不充足,每100,000人仅有80个警察人员,在大部分发达国家该数字应该是超过250人。

3、The Varty brothers alleged in court they needed an order because they feared for their lives and for the safety of the Bengal tigers. ─── 在法庭上,瓦提兄弟称,他们需要该禁令是因为他们担心自身和两只孟加拉虎的生命安全。

4、Bangladesh: A country of southern Asia on the Bay of Bengal. ─── 孟加拉国:亚洲南部的一个国家,位于孟加拉湾。

5、October of 1905, English colonists parted Bengal that it was the biggest province in India. ─── 1905年10月,英国统治者实行了分割孟加拉的政策。

6、The Gulf of Bengal does not agree with me as well as the Indian Ocean. ─── 在印度洋上航行我无所谓,可是在孟加拉湾我就不行了。

7、In West Bengal, a poor household will typically have three breadwinners doing seven occupations between them. ─── 在西孟加拉省,一个贫困家庭一般有三个人挣钱,从事七种工作。

8、Equally, what is China doing building roads, ports and pipelines in Myanmar and Pakistan, connecting west and south-west China with the Bay of Bengal and the Indian Ocean? ─── 同样,中国在缅甸和巴基斯坦建设公路、口、道,将中国西部和西南部与孟加拉湾和印度洋接通,这又是为了什么?

9、Maoist Naxalite rebels in India claimed to have “liberated” an area in the state of West Bengal, seizing control from the local government. ─── 印度毛主义者纳萨尔派叛乱者称,已经“解放”孟加拉邦中某地区,从当地政府手中夺取了控制权。

10、Tata was lured to West Bengal by the promise of cheap land, which the state government expropriated on its behalf from the farmers who tilled it. ─── 塔塔是被西孟加拉政府许诺的廉价土地吸引而将厂址选在那里。当地政府为了吸引塔塔在当地建厂,用政府的名义从当地农民手里强制征用了这些土地。

11、People of Bangladesh and West Bengal in India share a common culture and language. ─── 从1965年印度与巴基斯坦发生战争之后,火车服务便停止了。

12、"It is clear that the Vartys have no legal entitlement to keep those Bengal tigers on the sanctuary. ─── “瓦提兄弟没有任何权利仍然将两只孟加拉虎留在保护区,对此协议中有明确规定。

13、"There have been no human infections reported yet in India, but health officials in West Bengal fear that ignorance of the disease is increasing the chances of its spread to humans. ─── 在印度还没有人类感染禽流感的报导,但是在西孟加拉邦的卫生官员担心,对这种疾病的无知会扩大人类感染的可能性。

14、Tidal waves in Bengal, India, killing some10000 people. ─── 印度孟加拉邦发生海啸,1万人死亡。

15、To be fair, only so much of the blame can be apportioned to the West Bengal government. ─── 公平的说,事情不能只怪西孟加拉邦政府。

16、"Bengal:a region of eastern India and Bangladesh. ─── 孟加拉:印度和孟加拉国东部地区。

17、Born in East Bengal, she was an adept in the Tantrik and Vaishnava methods of worship. ─── 她出生于东孟加拉,擅长坦陀罗和毗瑟奴派的崇拜方式。

18、In India, Bangla is mainly spoken across the states of West Bengal and Tripura. ─── 在印度,孟加拉语主要的使用范围横跨西孟加拉和特利普拉两省。

19、Bengal begins to construct his Taj Mahal, still on... ─── 孟加拉开始盖起山寨版的泰姬陵,目前还是建设中。

20、In addition, pls kindly tell me who knows the special mention notice in the e-mail which send to Bengal, thank you! ─── 另,有谁知道发送给孟加拉的邮件有没有特别要注意的?谢谢!

21、A Bengal tigress called Sita rests with one of her trio of six-month-old cubs. ─── 一只叫做茜塔的母孟加拉虎正和他的幼崽休息在一起,这是她的三胞胎中的一只。

22、A river of Burma flowing about1,609km(1,000mi)southward to the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea.It is the chief river of the country. ─── 伊洛瓦底河缅甸一河流,全长1,609公里(1,000英里),向南流入孟加拉湾和安达曼海。它是这个国家的主要河流

23、After decades of concentrating on its base among the rural poor and disdaining outside investment, the Com-munist Party of West Bengal has fiercely embraced capitalism and moder-nity. ─── 分割伴随着独立,那意味着,没有来自中央政府的重要帮助,柯尔喀塔只好接收了几百万名来自东巴基斯坦的难民。

24、Positive rate of rose Bengal staining the positive rate in proliferating diabetic retinopathy group was higher significantly than non-proliferating diabetic retinopathy group and the control ?48% vs 24% and 14%? P < 0.05? P < 0.01?. ─── 孟加拉玫瑰红染色阳性率:增殖性糖尿病视网膜病变组阳性率显著高于非增殖性糖尿病视网膜病变组和对照组(48%比24%和14%,P

25、Positive rate of rose Bengal staining. ─── 孟加拉玫瑰红染色阳性率。

26、He has visited Bengal, Austria and France to attend UNIDO, IJO program coordinate and international academic meeting. ─── 参加编著出版著作4部。

27、PI401479 from Bengal had the highest oleic acid percentage(53.10%). ─── 孟加拉国的PI401479油酸含量最高,达53.10%。

28、It maintains exhibits of some of Nepal's most well known and endangered fauna, including one-horned Indian rhinos, Bengal tigers, and the clouded leopard. ─── 其主要展示一些尼泊尔著名的濒危动物,如独角印度犀牛,孟加拉虎,还有云豹等。

29、A British governor promoted potato cultivation in Bengal in the 1770s, and within a century it was a well established garden vegetable. ─── 1770年代一位英国总督在孟加拉推广马铃薯栽培,而且在一个世纪内马铃薯是菜园中被广泛种植的蔬菜。

30、 双语使用场景

31、Similarly, the study, which focused on West Bengal and Gujarat, found that bidi workers living in utter poverty, ill health and pathetic conditions want to shift their profession. ─── 同样地,聚焦于孟加拉邦和古吉拉特邦的该研究发现比迪烟工人非常贫困,健康状况差,情况令人伤感,想转换他们的职业。

32、In Bengal delta plain subsurface aquifers,these microbial reactions may mobilize arsenic from the solid phase into the aqueous phase,resulting in contaminated underground water. ─── 在孟加拉三角洲的地下含水层中,微生物参与了将砷从固相迁移到水相的关键步骤,最终导致了地下水中的砷污染。

33、In India and China, summer is also the season for tropical storms with typhoons in the Pacific and cyclones in the Bay of Bengal. ─── 在印度和中国,夏季也是热带风暴的多发季节,受到来自太平洋的台风和孟加拉湾的飓风威胁。

34、We transmit herewith an order for 2,500 Lbs. Bengal Indigo . Please find. ─── 兹随函寄上深蓝色染料2,500磅的订单一份,请查收。

35、Countries in Bay of Bengal affected by the strongest earthquake in40 years caused massive tidal waves, killing hundreds of thousand people, over one million people homeless. ─── 印度洋多国遭受四十年来最严重地震及海啸侵袭,死伤无数,上百万人无家可归.

36、A river of Burma flowing about1,609 km(1,000 mi) southward to the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea. It is the chief river of the country. ─── 伊洛瓦底河缅甸一河流,全长1,609公里(1,000英里),向南流入孟加拉湾和安达曼海。它是这个国家的主要河流。

37、About 100 Bangladeshi fishermen are feared drowned after their boats sank in a storm in the Bay of Bengal. ─── 大约100个孟加拉国的渔夫被吓到在他们的船洗物槽之后在孟加拉的海湾的一阵暴风雨中淹死。

38、If you want outdoor activities, try hiking in the Indian Himalayas, plan a dive trip in the Bay of Bengal, or take a camel trek in Rajasthan. ─── 假如你要作户外活动,可以试一试在印度喜马拉雅山脉健行,在孟加拉湾海滨作潜水之旅,或者在拉贾斯坦邦骑骆驼长途游玩。

39、Many large rivers in the world have great submarine fans in their estuarine area, with the Bengal Fan the biggest. ─── 世界许多大河口外都发育有大型深海扇,其中最大的为孟加拉深海扇。

40、Location: Bangladesh is in southeast Asia with Burma to the southeast, India to the north, west and east. It has a southern coast on the Bay of Bengal. ─── 地理位置:位于南亚东部。东南与缅甸为邻,东、西、北三面与印度接壤,南临孟加拉湾。

41、Bay of Bengal, 1943.Only the periscope wake disturbs moonlit waters as you spy on dark shapes on the horizon. ─── 1943年的孟加拉湾,当你侦查在黑暗的天际,只有潜望镜波动被月光照亮的水面。

42、Now this might be tricky for some, but there’s a big difference between a Labrador puppy and a Bengal Tiger. ─── 可能对一些人来说这只是个小玩笑,但是在拉布拉多猎狗和孟加拉老虎之间还是有很大差别的。

43、Based on the rich information and combined with the advantage and disadvantage of DPAB, the cooperation area should be Venezuela, Mexico, Russia, Middle East, Indonesia, Bengal, middle Asia and Africa. ─── 在充分掌握大量信息的基础上,结合大庆石油管理局自身的优势和劣势,今后合作的重点地区应该是委内瑞拉、墨西哥、俄罗斯、中东、印度尼西亚、孟加拉、中亚、和非洲地区。

44、When the British left the subcontinent in 1947, the area that was East Bengal became the part of Pakistan called East Pakistan. ─── 1947年英国撤出这片次大陆以后,东孟加拉成为巴基斯坦的一部分,称东巴基斯坦。

46、German Shepherd named Pepper sits with two endangered Bengal tiger cubs and a cougar cub, far right, at the home of veterinarian Rob Zammit outside Sydney, Australia. ─── 一只叫贝波的德国牧羊犬极其温柔慈爱地坐在两只濒危的孟加拉幼虎和一只美洲幼狮中间。

47、The trend indices of the weevil laboratory populations fed on Guangdong banana II, Thailand banana, Bengal AAB cavendish, Brazil banana, and Fenbanana, Saba banana, were 10.51, 10.87, 9.56, 8.25, 6.98, 6.81, respectively. ─── 以广东香蕉 2号、泰国香蕉和孟加拉龙牙蕉等香蕉品种假茎为食料的香蕉假茎象甲实验种群趋势指数较大 ,以巴西香蕉为食料的较小 ,以粉蕉、Saba大蕉为食料的最小

48、It is a "cyclone" when it forms over the Bay of Bengal and the northern Indian Ocean, and "typhoon" in the western Pacific. ─── 产生自孟加拉湾和北印度洋时称作“龙卷风”,产生自西太平洋时称作“台风”。

49、A country of southern Asia on the Bay of Bengal. ─── 孟加拉国亚洲南部的一个国家,位于孟加拉湾。

50、By the 1820s China imported 900 tons of opium from Bengal annually. ─── 到1820年代,中国每年进口鸦片的数量达到了900吨。

51、Are eddies nature's trigger to enhance biological productivity in the Bay of Bengal? ─── 在孟加拉海湾涡旋是增强生物学能力的自然的引发吗?

52、A German Shepherd named Pepper sits with two endangered Bengal tiger cubs and a cougar cub, far right, at the home of veterinarian Rob Zammit outside Sydney, Australia. ─── 在悉尼一个名叫罗布的兽医家中,一只叫贝波的德国牧羊犬极其温柔慈爱地坐在两只濒危的孟加拉幼虎和一只美洲幼狮中间。

53、After the muting of Bengal army in 1857, the control of India passed to the British Crown and Queen ictoria became Empress of India in 1877. ─── 1857年东印度公司孟加拉军队的当地士兵发动兵变后,1858年印度改由英国君主统治。1877年维多利来女王正式成为印度女皇。

54、Waves from the Bay of Bengal lap at the 40-foot-wide (12-meter-wide) stone embankment surrounding the Shore Temples in Mahabalipuram, a seaside town in Tamil Nadu, India. ─── 在马哈巴利普拉姆,从孟加拉湾而来的海浪击打着环绕着海岸寺的40英尺(12米)宽的石头堤坝。马哈巴利普拉姆是印度泰米尔纳德邦的一座海边小城。

55、Bengal is region of easternIndia and Bangladesh. ─── 孟加拉是印度和孟加拉国东部地区。

56、And, last October, protesters in Pakistan burned hundreds of food-ration stores in West Bengal after stockpiles emptied, leaving thousands of people unfed. ─── 去年十月,巴基斯坦西Bengal地区在分发全部的食物还不够的时后,群众愤怒地烧毁数百个粮食供应站。

57、In the tender trap of her jaws,a Bengal tiger totes her cub in India's Bandhavgarh National Park. ─── 在印度的斑德哈瓦加国家公园,一只少见的多产孟加拉虎在16年里产下了6胎。

58、The Sundarbans mangrove forest, one of the largest such forests in the world (140,000 ha), lies on the delta of the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna rivers on the Bay of Bengal. ─── 孙德尔本斯国家公园是世界上最大的红树森林之一,占地面积140,000公顷,位于孟加拉湾的恒河、布拉马普特拉河和梅克纳河三角洲。

59、A river of Burma flowing about1, 609 km(1, 000 mi) southward to the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea.It is the chief river of the country. ─── 伊洛瓦底河缅甸一河流,全长1,609公里(1,000英里),向南流入孟加拉湾和安达曼海。

60、The British Crown exercises a real and despotic dominion over the larger ortion of this vast country, and has a governor-general stationed at Calcutta, governors at Madras, Bombay, and in Bengal, and a lieutenant-governor at Agra. ─── 在这个幅员广大的国家里,英国政府实际上只能控制一部分。它在加尔各答设有全印总督,在马德拉斯、孟买和孟加拉都有地方总督,在亚格拉还有一个代理总督。

61、According to the analyses of 5-days lagged correlation, the ISO propagates northward from the tropics to higher latitudes in the regions of the Arabian Sea, the Bay of Bengal, and the Indian Ocean. ─── 从季内扰动5天后之移行路径的比较中发现,观测中夏季季内振荡有明显自低纬地区往北移动的现象以及微弱的东移,部份模式则在低纬地区有西移的趋势。

62、In 1963 some 200,000 Indians in West Bengal and Assam faced imminent starvation. ─── 1963年,印度西孟加拉省与阿萨姆省有将近20万人面临饥饿的威胁;

63、But there is one place where their numbers are increasing: the swampy mangrove forests of the Sunderbans in West Bengal, India. ─── 但是,只有一处则不减反增,那就是西孟加拉桑德班斯的沼泽红树林区。

64、During the 1990s a new epidemic strain, V. cholerae O139 Bengal was identified. It caused large outbreaks in India and Bangladesh beginning in 1992. ─── 90年代一种新的流行株,0139Bengal霍乱弧菌得到了鉴定,该菌引起始于1992年印度、孟加拉国的多次大爆发。

65、Known as “Naxalites”, after the district of Naxalbari in West Bengal where they staged an uprising in 1967, they are these days almost a nationwide force. ─── 他也不是很了解外面的世界。但他仍然非常坚定地说:“我们要让人民明白,改变他们的生活,要靠武装斗争,而不是选票。”

66、Our equipments have exported to Japan ,Korea ,Singapore,Vietnam India Indonesia America Bengal and etc. ─── 以专业制造自动电镀设备,废气处理设备为主。

67、The Bay of Bengal lies in Asia. ─── 孟加拉湾位于亚洲。

68、Thanks to the enormous potentiality, polished technique, sound management and rich experience, our corporation successfully open the domestic market, as well some oversea market, such as Vietnam and Bengal. ─── 凭借雄厚实力、精湛技术、优秀管理、丰富经验,目前,总公司在开拓国内市场的同时,还大举进军海外,并成功开拓了越南、孟加拉国市场。

69、Title: Morphological characteristic of four kinds of seed of bengal dayflower (Commelina benghalensis L. ─── 关键词:竹叶菜;种子形态学;地上种子;地下种子

70、In Bengal, holi is called Dol Yatra or the spring yatra. ─── 在孟加拉,好利节被称为多尔朝圣期或者春天朝圣期。

71、Countries in Bay of Bengal affected by the strongest earthquake in 40 years caused massive tidal waves, killing hundreds of thousand people, over one million people homeless. ─── 印度洋多国遭受四十年来最严重地震及海啸侵袭,死伤无数,上百万人无家可归。

72、During a wrestling competition held in one of the streets of Kolkata, West Bengal, India, a contestant literally throws his opponent out of the game. ─── 在印度孟加拉邦加尔各答一条街上举行的一场摔跤比赛中,一名参赛者直接把他的对手摔倒。

73、Why were cool SST anomalies absent in the Bay of Bengal during the 1997 Indian Ocean Dipole Event? ─── 为什么在1997年印度洋双极事件中孟加拉湾没有出现冷SST异常?

74、After the muting of Bengal army in 1857, the control of India passed to the British Crown and Queen Victoria became Empress of India in 1877. ─── 1857年东印度公司孟加拉(非法词语,系统屏蔽)的当地士兵发动兵变后,1858年印度改由英国君主统治。1877年维多利来女王正式成为印度女皇。

75、P1 was the most perfect primer among all these 11 pairs,which could distinguish the 3 Monopterus albus populations collected from Hunan,Guangdong(China) and Bengal. ─── 其中引物P1最理想,其PCR扩增产物能区分来自湖南、广东和孟加拉3个不同地域的黄鳝种群。

76、A river of Burma flowing about1, 609 km(1, 000 mi) southward to the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea. It is the chief river of the country. ─── 伊洛瓦底河缅甸一河流,全长1,609公里(1,000英里),向南流入孟加拉湾和安达曼海。它是这个国家的主要河流

77、The natural thermoluminescence (NTL) of foraminiferal shells from piston cores MD81349 and MD77181 from the Ninetyeast Ridge and the Bengal Fan of the Indian Ocean were studied for the climate changes during the past 300 ka. ─── 东北印度洋赤道90°E海岭和孟加拉扇MD81349,MD77181岩心记录了30万a来气候变化的历史.

78、India mutiny: In 1857 the native troops of the Bengal army of the East India Company mutinied because of 1.resentment at the reforms of ancient. ─── 印度兵变:1857年东印度公司孟加拉军队的当地士兵发动兵变。

79、Devastating reverberations rippled across the Indian Ocean and Bay of Bengal, as towns were crushed by floodwaters and helpless fishermen were swept out to sea. ─── 地震的振动反射引起印度洋和孟加拉湾破坏性的波涛,使沿海的城镇被洪水所冲垮,无助的渔民被卷入大海。

80、"The agreement (with Quan and Bray) was that we use the Bengal tigers to pilot a tiger rehabilitation project. ─── “协议规定,我们野化两只孟加拉虎,是华南虎野化项目实际执行前的实验项目。

81、Football is particularly popular in two regions in India - Calcutta and West Bengal. ─── 印度克卡达市和西孟加市是两个热爱足球运动的地区。

82、However, at California Six Flags Discovery Kingdom, a bottlenose dolphin blows a mass of bubbles whilst looking over a female Bengal tiger, they are good friends now. ─── 不过,在美国加利福尼亚六旗探索王国游乐园,一只宽吻海豚(bottlenose)竟然和一只孟加拉老虎结为了好友,在与“小虎妹”相见时还会以吐泡泡的独特方式问好。

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