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09-03 投稿


adventurous 发音

英:[?d?vent??r?s]  美:[?d?vent??r?s]

英:  美:

adventurous 中文意思翻译



adventurous 网络释义

adj. 爱冒险的;大胆的;充满危险的

adventurous 短语词组

1、adventurous sports ─── 冒险运动

2、adventurous four ─── 冒险四

3、adventurous things to do ─── 冒险的事情

4、adventurous antelope canyon ─── 冒险羚羊峡谷

5、adventurous time ─── 冒险时期

6、adventurous stories ─── 冒险故事

7、adventurous activities ─── 冒险活动

8、adventurous ride ─── 冒险骑行

9、adventurous quotes ─── 冒险语录

10、adventurous synonym ─── 冒险的同义词

11、adventurous experience ─── 冒险经历

12、adventurous spirit ─── 冒险精神

13、adventurous pandemic podmates ─── 具有冒险精神的大流行播客

14、adventurous in spanish ─── 西班牙语冒险

15、adventurous definition ─── 冒险的定义

16、adventurous antonyms ─── 冒险反义词

17、be a bit more adventurous ─── 更具冒险精神

adventurous 同义词

carefree | dauntless | plucky | headlong | precarious | dangerous | gallant | jeopardous | imprudent | foolhardy | uncertain | enterprising | brash | valiant | venturesome | impetuous | intrepid | reckless | exciting | chancy | daredevil | chivalrous | adventurous | incautious | exploratory | courageous | rash | brave |adventuresome | heroic | risky | risk-taking | game | undaunted | spirited | hasty | audacious | hazardous | bold | fearless | perilous | daring | injudicious | indiscreet

adventurous 词性/词形变化,adventurous变形

名词: adven-turousness |副词: adventurously |

adventurous 反义词


adventurous 相似词语短语

1、adventurers ─── n.冒险家;投机商(adventurer的复数)

2、venturous ─── adj.不顾一切的;好冒险的;大胆的

3、disadventurous ─── 有害的

4、adventitious ─── adj.外来的,偶然的

5、adventurously ─── adv.爱冒险地

6、unadventurous ─── adj.不冒险的;无冒险精神的;安然无恙的

7、adventures ─── 冒险活动;商业投机(adventure的复数)

8、misadventurous ─── 冒险的

9、adventuress ─── n.女冒险家;女投机者

adventurous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Warren was an adventurous businessman. ─── 沃伦是一位有冒险精神的商人。

2、Bernie the Bird: A wise and adventurous bird who is a good friend to the mermaid sisters. ─── 伯尼鸟:一只聪明爱冒险的小鸟,小美人鱼姐姐的好朋友。

3、He is an adventurous explorer. ─── 他是一个大胆的探险家。

4、Stand Out: rewards adventurous people who use their passion for the outdoors to influence change and drive awareness around sustainability. ─── 奖励那些通过自己对户外运动的激情影响和改变人们关于可持续性发展的认识。

5、He did it with some flourish of ceremony, for a mail journey from London in winter was an achievement to congratulate an adventurous traveller upon. ─── 乔治王旅馆的帐房先生按照他的习惯打开了邮车车门,动作略带几分礼仪性的花哨,因为能在冬天从伦敦乘邮车到达这里是一项值得向具有冒险精神的旅客道贺的成就。

6、Adventurous individualism and the spirit of independence characteristic of the previous era yield to a desire for system and regularity. ─── 上一个时代中的冒险的个人主义和独立人格的精神屈从于对制度和规律性的渴望。

7、Therefore, using the winches safely can really be helpful on your adventurous trips. ─── 因此,使用绞车安全才能真正有利于您的冒险旅行。

8、To take intellectual risks, to be adventurous and consider unusual ideas, and to use their imaginations. ─── 去冒聪明的险,大胆一点去思考奇特的想法,以及使用想像力。

9、On Thursday, Friday and early on Saturday, you're at your adventurous, assertive best. Count on others to be dazzled by your natural warmth and charisma. ─── 周四、周五和周六的早上,你都处于最武断和最冒险的状态。小心别人被你天生的热情和魅力弄得不知如何是好了。

10、Taking Off ALTHOUGH he was the first person to try bungee jumping in Beijing, Zhang Di never claimed he was brave or adventurous. ─── 北京蹦极第一人张迪不断挑战极限尽管是北京尝试蹦极运动第一人,张迪从不觉得自己很勇敢或者富有冒险精神。

11、Whitewater rafting is more adventurous and difficult than normal rafting. ─── 乘木筏玩激流漂比普遍的木筏漂流更冒险,更困难。

12、Moreover, Sentimental education in Chinese culture is lacking in adventurous mind. ─── 与西方艺术形成比对,中国封建社会一向幽禁女性身体。

13、The author of the article also said that when Governor Clinton was young, he was far too preppy to do anything as adventurous as that. ─── 于是这个愚蠢的、老掉牙的故事总算可以安歇了。文章的作者还说比尔.克林顿年轻时太书生气,不可能干出那种冒险的事情。

14、For Isobel Armstrong, Professor of Literature at Birkbeck College, London University her work is both powerful and adventurous. ─── 伊泽贝尔?阿姆斯壮(伦敦大学伯贝克学院文学教授)称她的作品既充满力量而又富于冒险。

15、To my surprise, my wife came out 'mid-venturer' -- more adventurous in her travel desires than I am. ─── 出乎意料的是,我妻子是个“中度冒险者”,旅行的探险欲望比我更高。

16、To my surprise, my wife came out 'mid-venturer' -- more adventurous in her travel desires than I am. ─── 出乎意料的是,我妻子是个“中度冒险者”,旅行的探险欲望比我更高。

17、If you are an adventurous diner, New York will be a small taste of heaven. ─── 如果你是个喜欢冒险的食客,纽约是个人间天堂。

18、One given to adventurous or quixotic conduct. ─── 侠义心肠的人,堂吉诃德式的人物喜欢冒险或作出堂吉诃德式行为的人

19、His hope and his dream was to become one among those whose names are recorded in story as the gallant and adventurous benefactors of our species. ─── 他梦寐以求的愿望,是跻身于见义勇为、扶弱挤贫的侠士行列,从而能名垂青史。

20、He had always wanted an adventurous life in the tropics. ─── 他一直都想要一种在热带丛林里的冒险生活。

21、You are an adventurous and enthusiastic person. The latent capacity embedded in your body is hard to quantify, whereby you can embark on your own career bravely. ─── 你是一个喜欢冒险和富有热情的人.你的体内蕴藏着不可估量的巨大潜能,你可以借此勇敢地开始你的事业.

22、On an adventurous visit to the Arctic Circle in 1975. ─── 1975年在北极圈,欲尝试海洋冒险的查尔斯全副武装。

23、Her clothing is suggestive of an adventurous personality. ─── 她的服饰显示了她爱冒险的个性。

24、A funny film about girl and her boyfriend who have an adventurous vacation. ─── 关于一个女孩和她的男朋友的惊险的假期的滑稽故事。

25、No writer is more adventurous than Mark Twain. ─── 吐温是最富有探索精神的作家。

26、To fasten the development of w-e project, and describe the gas reservoir in detail, adventurous try is carried out in Dena area. ─── 但为了加快西气东输项目建设,尽快落实迪那2构造的开发方案,进一步精确描述气藏,在该区域进行了大胆的尝试。

27、Therefore, you could find you are wrapping up some type of adventurous endeavor you have been participating in. ─── 因此,你可能会发现自己正在为某种经营已久的探索性的努力画上句号。

28、And for the adventurous guys of New York or Los Angeles, Hudson Jeans suggests a pair of colored (red perhaps) salvaged jeans. ─── 对于纽约和洛杉矶那些勇于尝试的男孩儿们来说,哈德森牛仔系列推荐一条染色的(也许可以是红色)破洞牛仔裤。

29、On the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you might find yourself hitchhiking on if you were so adventurous. ─── 在停刊号的封底,有张早晨乡间小路的照片,那种你去爬山时会经过的乡间小路。

30、Grandma was an adventurous woman and had a fantastic sense of humor (even when her street was flooded)! ─── 奶奶是一位爱冒险的女人,而且有一份非常大的幽默感(即使在她的街被洪水肆虐的时候)!

31、Driftage is a kind of adventurous and exciting on-water amusement, so that turnover, dropping and wet of clothes are normal. ─── 三、流是一项具有惊险,刺激的水上娱乐项目,翻船,掉水,衣服打湿属于正常。

32、He was noted both for the intense masculinity of his writing and for his adventurous and widely publicized life. ─── 他以作品充满阳刚气息,以及他的冒险犯难、广受瞩目的生活闻名于世。

33、To save her friend, Lyra, a little orphan girl, takes fantastic and adventurous journey through a parallel universe. ─── 一个小女孩为了探索一种奇妙的黑暗物质而开始了一段奇幻旅程。

34、He was predestined to lead an adventurous life. ─── 他注定要过冒险的生活。

35、"Once you open up this can of worms, there's all sorts of very adventurous thinking on this sort of thing, " Mortlock said. ─── “一旦你揭露了这个一团糟的问题,就会在这类事情上的各种各样、非常充满危险的想法”马忒拉克说。

36、However, the Chinese do not lack an adventurous spirit. ─── 但是,中国人也不少冒险精神。

37、If you're feeling more adventurous, you can join your local community group to help create a breathing place where you live. ─── 如果你想要做更多,你还可以加入你社区的团体,帮助你的社区创造出一个可以呼吸的地方。

38、Although Pinky was more conservative than Vicky, she found that she, too, had an adventurous spirit. ─── 虽然江秋萍比林姬莹保守,但她发现自己也很有冒险精神。

39、But diving from a high platform is more adventurous, more exciting. ─── 但是高台跳水更冒险更刺激。

40、You are a La Perm! You are adventurous and love the great outdoors. You're also known for your unique hair style, which you are quite proud of. ─── 你是一只彼尔姆猫!你热爱冒险,喜欢大型户外活动。你最引以为豪的是你独特的发型,它使你声名远播。(彼尔姆,俄罗斯乌拉尔城市)

41、Youth also refers to courage over cowardness , adventurous and rish-taking over the seek of peace and comfort. ─── 一个人一生中最宝贵的时刻莫过于青春期了。每个人在这个时候都是充满活力与干劲的。

42、"For me it's the loss of an adventurous friendship over the past 50 years and it's the loss of a great American citizen," Hotchner told The Associated Press. ─── “对个人来说,我失去了一段长达50年的浓厚友谊和一个出色的美国公民。”胡池尼尔告诉美联社记者。

43、They are usually adventurous and willing to take risks. ─── 他们通常很大胆,也愿意冒险。

44、His advanced ideas are a little too adventurous for our company right now. ─── 他先进的思想对我们现在的公司来说有些太冒险了。

45、I say “popping” the corks but if we were really adventurous, we might try making a bigger, far more romantic splash at our next party! ─── 可是如果够胆量,下一个派对,我们会尝试一种更为大胆更为浪漫的开瓶方式。

46、The essence of an adventurous lifestyle. The ultimate seductive scent that's confident and classic. Sporting the rich legacy of the sea - it's a true expression of masculinity. ─── "独木舟"的香味,代表一种冒险的生活方式,极富魅力,独立与高品味;海上运动的风格,充份传达阳刚的男子气

47、If you feel adventurous, swim with the rays and nurse sharks there. ─── 倘若你喜欢追求刺激,可以和魟及锈须鲛同游。

48、If Emma had been with him. they would hae chatted but he would not have had this sense of being a distinct person, clear cut and adventurous against the big blue sky. ─── 如果艾玛靠在我身边,也许我们会愉快地交谈,可那就感受不到在广阔碧空下那个独特、鲜明的自我,还有些冒险。

49、After eighty adventurous experiences, Tang Sanzang finally got the real Buddhist scripture. ─── 唐三藏历经九九八十一难终于取得了真经。

50、The biggest technical problem with the mechanism of embedding the RDF in comments within the HTML page is that it is a pretty adventurous layering of technologies. ─── 在HTML页中将RDF嵌入注释的机制所存在的最大技术问题就是:它是一种相当冒险的技术分层。

51、Centrally located this cluster of islands entices the adventurous, the daring and the lover of nature and beauty to frolic in the sun, sea and sand. ─── 坐落在菲律宾中央的群岛怂恿着冒险、勇敢和热爱大自然与美的人们在阳光下、大海里和沙滩上嬉戏。

52、An adventurous vacation. The film is sweet and funny and has a happy ending. ─── 假期的滑稽故事。这部电影有甜蜜,有趣的情节和美好的结局。

53、The works on display are all in oil, with ab old, adventurous use of color. ─── 参展的作品均为油画,浓墨重彩,不拘一格。

54、But, even this does not content the adventurous naval architect. ─── 但是,即使如此,还不能使具有冒险精神的海运设计师满意。

55、He liked this kind of adventurous life. ─── 他喜欢这种冒险的生活。

56、And people are getting more and more adventurous,eager to get closer to nature. ─── 人们越来越大胆而具有挑战性,渴望与大自然靠得更近.

57、It is better to be adventurous than cautious, because fortune is a woman. ─── 大胆冒险胜于谨小慎微,因为命运是弱者。

58、Andy isn't a cery adventurous man. ─── 安迪不是一个喜好冒险的人。

59、Aventuros are impetuous and adventurous gentry, eager to see the world and fight. ─── 冒险者部队由冲动无畏的贵族们组成,迫切渴望将战火燃遍全世界。

60、His response was characteristic of his adventurous spirit. ─── 他的回答表现出他具有冒险精神的特点。

61、These are just a few examples to illustrate how adventurous and fascinating shopping in Macau can be. ─── 在大部分没有明码标价的商店内,如顾客提出要求,通常可获得折扣优惠。

62、Of all quarters in the queer adventurous amalgam called London, Soho is perhaps least suited to the Forsyte spirit. ─── 在伦敦这样一个五方杂处,令人莫测的怪地方,苏荷区恐怕是最最不适合福尔赛精神的了。

63、Nevertheless to most urbanite, too exciting too adventurous game is afraid also play do not rise, so, here introduces a few kinds of handy, practical outdoors motion to you. ─── 不过对于大多数都市人来说,太刺激太冒险的游戏恐怕也玩儿不起,那么,这里就向你介绍几种简便、实用的户外运动。

64、See the film of this adventurous journey, now being screened at main cinemas throughout South Africa. ─── 去看这次冒险旅行的电影,现在正在全南非主要影院放映。

65、Where is the most adventurous place you could do it? ─── “适合你做这种工作的最令你神往的地方在哪里?

66、Public speaking is adventurous for anybody else. ─── 公众演说对于每个人来说都是极其富有挑战性的。

67、A chivalrous or adventurous undertaking. ─── 大胆的或冒险的经历

68、Commerce is unexpectedly confident and serene, alert, adventurous, and unwearied. ─── 商业是出乎意料地自信的,庄重的,灵敏的,进取的,而且不知疲劳的。

69、They almost lost their lives in that adventurous voyage. ─── 在那次惊险的航程中,他们差点儿没命了。

70、She was drawn to the elven forests by stories from her childhood and fell in love with her adventurous life in the wilderness. ─── 她被童年时期读过的那些故事吸引到了精灵之森,并且爱上了荒野中的冒险生涯。

71、If you want to be an explorer, you must be adventurous. ─── 如果你想成为一个探险家,你必须有冒险精神。

72、An extended adventurous voyage or trip. ─── 冒险旅行一次大范围的或冒险的旅行

73、You can't leave Beijing without trying some delicious local food. Be adventurous! Pop into any restaurant that looks interesting and order something. ─── 你总不能不尝尝当地美味的特色菜就离开北京吧。一定要勇于尝试!看到有趣的餐馆就马上进去吃点东西。

74、The book which is fortunetelling said that I am adventurous and outgoing.Yes, that is an actual Lucy. ─── 一本算命书上说我是大胆外向的,是的,那才是一个真实的Lucy。

75、Also in the meantime, the sister of one of the mean midget's victims goes on a camping trip with several of her more nubile, and sexually adventurous friends. ─── 在味同嚼蜡的牢狱生活里,囚犯组成的橄榄球队很快成为一道亮丽的风景,而团结众人的保罗也成了球队的精神领袖,他顶住各方压力力保球队迎接比赛。

76、The fearlessness and concentration that serve him in his adventurous pursuits are part of the same gene that makes him such a focused actor" -- J.J. ─── 一方面特别希望得到父亲的肯定,另一方面一旦碰到自己不能解决的问题,就会有强烈的歉疚感。

77、You: But I don't want to get back with a girl just because she looks good. Let me ask you, which of your guys is most adventurous? ─── 你:但,我不想因为她看上去漂亮就和她复合。问你一下,你认识的人中谁最有冒险精神?

78、But, Hannah, an only child, possessed a more adventur ous personality. ─── 但是,汉娜是一个独生女,性格中更富有冒险精神。

79、The eldest was an extraordinary sailor -- brave, dutiful, tough and adventurous. ─── 大儿子是一个非凡的水手:坚强、勇敢、尽职,而且富于冒险精神。

80、The color combinations available for the awning frame-from subdued to adventurous. ─── 多彩的罩壳部件,自由组合,或清秀或奔放;

81、Animals of all shapes and sizes have made the trip into space including a group of particularly adventurous sea urchins. ─── 不同形状和大小的动物被送入了太空,包括一种特别富有冒险精神的海胆。

82、Fortunately, the sea movie Finding Nemo showed them the colorful and adventurous undersea life. ─── 同时,愉快地学会不少课文中枯燥的单词。

83、Vanessa: You need someone who's outgoing and adventurous, artistic and self-assured. ─── 凡妮莎:你需要的是一个外向、有冒险心、有艺术涵养,又有自信的人。

84、They run a hard-luck snowmobile tour business that takes adventurous winter tourists up the mountains to experience the ultimate extreme winter thrill. ─── 可是事情并未告一段落,一场具毁灭性的超级大雪崩正在蕴酿,最终会否淹没整个城镇,而他们究竟能否保存性命,并且及时解救无辜的居民逃出生天?

85、He lived up to his adventurous creed. ─── 他实现了他的冒险愿望。

86、That's where the parcel's going to be, and we've got to reach It before anyone else does. Feeling adventurous? ─── 包裹会到邮件室里面,我们得在其他人先察觉之前把它回收。有没有种冒险的感觉?

87、This isn't highfalutin art-about-art. It's marvellous and adventurous stuff. ─── 这不是为艺术而艺术的华而不实的东西,而是有所大胆创新的非凡作品。

88、You are far too different in your likes and dislikes. The adventurous risk-taking Archer finds you boring due to your cautious, routine nature. ─── 双方的好厌大相径庭。谨慎小心、按常规办事的你肯定会让喜欢冒险的射手座人感到厌倦。

89、Some sports which seems dangerous and adventurous demand lots of courage such as Bungee jump. Regretful, last time I gave it up due to shortage of braveness. ─── 一些看起来危险并有冒险性的体育运动如:磞级要求很有勇气。上一次就因为缺少勇气我放弃了。

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