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09-03 投稿



Uranus 发音

英:[?j?r?n?s?j??re?n?s]  美:[?j??r?n?s; j??re?n?s]

英:  美:

Uranus 中文意思翻译



Uranus 短语词组

1、Climate of Uranus ─── 天王星的气候

2、Exploration of Uranus ─── 天王星的探索

3、vernal equinox uranus ─── 春分天王星

4、Sailor Uranus ─── 天王星水手

Uranus 相似词语短语

1、Cronus ─── n.克罗诺斯(提坦巨人之一,天神乌拉诺斯和地神该亚的儿子,他夺取了父亲的王位,后又被他的儿子宙斯把他的王位夺去)

2、uranous ─── adj.铀的;含铀的;四价铀的

3、urachus ─── n.[胚]脐尿管

4、jurants ─── adj.宣誓的;n.宣誓人

5、Uranus ─── n.[天]天王星

6、uranium ─── n.[化学]铀

7、Cusanus ─── 库萨努斯

8、uranism ─── n.同性恋,同性恋爱;同性性欲

9、uraeus ─── n.神蛇标记;蛇形饰物

Uranus 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、April 15 is likely to be a tough day due to Mars conjunct Uranus, when someone near is likely to make you see red. ─── 4月15号很可能是黑色的一天,因为火星与天王星相合所以有些人可能会让你见红(不是血,意思是得花点钱)。

2、Uranus from Pisces is supporting this event , so you can expect a positive surprises. ─── 双鱼座上的天王星支持这事件,所以你可以期待一个正面的惊喜。

3、After graduating in 1843, he secured observational data on Uranus through an intermediary: Challis, whose observatory was a mile's walk from St. ─── 1843年他毕业后,就向剑桥大学的天文学家查理斯索取了天王星观测记录。

4、A consideration of these two possibilities might clarify both the relation between Uranus and Neptune, and the essential character of astrology. ─── 关于这两种可能性的思考,有助于澄清天王星与海王星之间的关系,以及占星学的本质所在。

5、The goddess of the earth ho bore and wmarred Uranus and as the mother of the Ttans and the Cyclopes. ─── 大地女神盖亚,嫁给了天神乌拉诺斯,是泰坦诸神和独眼巨人库克罗普斯的母亲。

6、While on Friday you will have experienced Uranus opposition the Sun, now you will have volatile Uranus conjoin the full moon. ─── 到了周五即9.15日天王将对冲太阳,冲面变数的满月又有了具有变动效应的天王星的参与,可想而知。

7、On the very same day as the eclipse, July 7, Mars will be inbeautiful angle to Uranus, so you may be taking a trip quiteunexpectedly. ─── 在7月7日满月的同一天,火星将和天王星呈现一个漂亮的角度,所以你可能毫无预期地做一趟短途旅行。

8、Once Uranus moves into Aries, he can have some fun. ─── 一旦进入白羊座天王星移动,他可以有一些乐趣。

9、In this regard, the prevailing star for Aquarius is Uranus. ─── 在这方面,现行的水瓶座守护星是天王星。

10、Financial news should be sudden and excellent October 4, due to Mars trine Uranus, and October 20, thanks to Venus trine Jupiter. ─── 10月4日,火星与天王星形成相位,美妙绝伦的财政信息突然而至,还有10月20日,感谢金星木星。

11、From Voyager, we now know a lot more about Uranus. ─── 从旅行者2号那里,我们知道了不少有关天王星的情况。

12、This places Uranus opposite the sun in Earth's sky, and so this distant world will be out from sundown to sunup tonight. ─── 在地球的天空中,它位置于太阳的对面,因此,这遥远的世界将从今晚日落到日出之间出现。

13、After Uranus was discovered, many people realized that there must be another planet which was affecting the way it moved. ─── 在天王星被发现之后,许多人认识到一定存在另一个行星影响着它移动的轨迹。

14、Alas, more relationship turbulence will come up a week later, on Friday September 12, when Uranus in Pisces will conjoin the Sun in Virgo. ─── 唉,再接下来的一个星期,人际关系上的麻烦事会接踵而至。

15、Ruled by shocking Uranus, Aquarius is ery much epitomes the planet that inspires it. This sign has astonishing intellectual and communication skill. ─── 受天王星控制的水瓶座简直就是天王星的缩影。水瓶座具有令人吃惊的智慧和沟通能力。

16、Daughter of Uranus and Gaea, she married her brother Cronus, who swallowed all their children except Zeus, whom Rhea concealed. ─── 乌拉诺斯和该亚的女儿,嫁给她的兄弟克洛诺斯。克洛诺斯吞下了他们所有的孩子,只有宙斯因为瑞亚把他藏了起来而幸免于难。

17、Saturn trine Uranus promotes the ability to use initiative and originality, whilst applying common sense and knowledge gained from applied commitment. ─── 土星三合天王星促使了肯主动及运用创意的能力,与此同时运用的常理及智慧,都是从实际的承诺中获取的。

18、Family and people you hire to help you with the home could be touchy and quick to start an argument on August 18. Mars will be in hard angle to Uranus. ─── 8月18日,当火星与天王星产生不良角度,家人或那些你聘请来帮你处理家居的人变得敏感及容易发生口角。

19、What do Saturn and Uranus signify? ─── 土星和天王星象征了什么?

20、Link: Can You Afford not to own Uranus? ─── 一起拥有天王星?

21、Two days later, on March 12, the Sun and Uranus will conjoin in Pisces. ─── 两天后的三月十二日,太阳和天王星一起出现在双鱼宫。

22、Uranus The eariest supreme god, a personification of the sky who was the son and consort of Gaea and the father of the Cyclopes and Titans. ─── 乌拉诺斯,最早的主神,是天的化身,大地女神的儿子和配偶,泰坦诸神和库克罗普斯的父亲。

23、October: Saturn and Uranus are still opposed, but now, Venus, Mercury and Pallas are hanging around Saturn to keep it company. ─── 10月:土星和天王星仍然反对,但现在,金星,水星和帕拉斯是挂围绕土星保持公司。

24、Halloween, always a highly creative holiday, will be much more so this year, thanks to a lovely interplay between Mars and Uranus. ─── 万圣节,总是一个非常有创意的节日,今年这次会比往年更甚。这要归功于火星和天王星之间的美丽对话。

25、Impressive astrological alignments involving Saturn and Uranus, this August, all serve to bring out your inner magician. ─── 8月,关于土星和天王星的星象上的运行轨迹是令人印象深刻的,它将服务于那从你内心跳出来的神奇的魔术师。

26、Uranus represents sudden change and rebellion. ─── 天王星代表突然性的改变和反叛。

27、Pluto was discovered when astronomers were trying to find the cause of Uranus' strange orbit. ─── 冥王星是在天文学家探索天王星奇怪轨道奥秘之际发现的。

28、The revolutionary influence of Uranus will be significant for you because Uranus is moving across the top of your chart! ─── 来自天王星的革命性的影响对你来说意味深远,因为它正穿越你星盘的顶部!

29、Uranus was the ancient Roman god of the sky. ─── 乌拉诺斯是古罗马的天空之神。

30、Pisces believes in sacrificing for the greater good and Uranus is a huge fan of humanitarianism. ─── 双鱼座认为,在更大的利益和天王星是一个巨大的风扇人道主义牺牲。

31、Within this distance, to about Uranus's orbit, the angles between the sun, Earth and the craft's motions are sufficiently large. ─── 在这个相当于到天王星轨道的距离内,太阳、地球和运动的太空船之间的夹角才够大。

32、Adivised by his mother, Grouns beats Uranus, severs the link between sky and earth, and becomes the new king of the cosmos. ─── 克罗诺斯在他母亲的建议和帮助下打败了他的父亲乌拉诺斯,分开了天地间的连接,成为了宇宙的新首领。

33、This may be why Uranus's rings are slightly out of round: their self-gravity resists the tendency to smear into a circular band. ─── 或许这就是为何天王星环不是那麽的圆:环内的重力在对抗要扩散成圆带的倾向。

34、The satellite of Uranus that is second in distance from the planet. ─── 天卫一距离天王星第十四远的天王星卫星

35、In Pisces, Uranus is somewhat subdued. ─── 在双鱼座,天王星是有所减少。

36、His prominent status, Uranus is translated into Chinese. ─── 他地位显赫,译成中文便是天王星。

37、Uranus will begin to retrograde July 1, but only until December 1 when this planet of creativity and unpredictability will awaken again. ─── 天王星从1号开始退行,到12月1号这颗掌控创造力和不确定性的行星将会再度铮醒。

38、On Friday, April 24, Mercury and Uranus will be perfectly oriented, so you may have a confidential meeting that goes gangbusters. ─── 24号周五,水星和天王星将处于一个完美的朝向,所以你可能会有一个重要的会议成功的举行。

39、On March 12, Uranus will conjoin the Sun in your house of home, and that always brings surprises. ─── 3月12日,天王星将联合太阳出现在你的家庭的位置,而且总是带来惊喜。

40、The satellite of Uranus that is third in distance from the planet. ─── 天卫二距离天王星第三远的天王星卫星。

41、January 22 could be your best romantic day of the month, when Venus will conjoin Uranus - surprises will abound! ─── 一月二十二日是你这月中感情方面最好的一天,金星和天王星结合,会带来惊喜!

42、Halloween sounds like fun, too - with Mars in Scorpio contacting Uranus in Pisces, you may want to give a party and enjoy the results! ─── 万圣节似乎会很有趣,火星在天蝎座会与双鱼座上的天王星有接触,你会想举办一个派对,享受你的成果。

43、Astronomers expected that Uranus would have a magnetic field because of its great mass. ─── 天文学家们想,天王星由于体积巨大可能存在磁场。

44、One problem with the gas-drag model is that it does not explain the presence of irregular satellites around Uranus and Neptune. ─── 但对于环绕著天王星与海王星的不规则卫星而言,气阻模型却不能解释其由来。

45、On the other hand, Uranus' time in Pisces has helped us to befriend people from all over the world that we otherwise would not have gotten to know. ─── 另一方面,天王星在双鱼座的时间,帮助我们交好来自全国各地的,否则,我们不会认识了世界各国人民。

46、Make safety a priority at home on August 18, too - especially things electrical, due to an altercation due between Mars and Uranus. ─── 8月18日也要注意家居安全,尤其是一些电器用品,这是由火星与天王星不良角度所带来的影响。

47、At this eclipse, Uranus will be beautifully angled to the Sun and moon, so again the theme of foreign people and places enters the equation. ─── 在新月日蚀的时刻,天王星将和太阳月亮形成漂亮的角度,所以关于外国人和国外的主题将再次凸显出来。

48、A year on Uranus lasts 84 of our years, but the planet's day is about as long as Saturn's or Jupiter's. ─── 天王星上的一年相当于我们地球的八十四年,但是这个行星的一天大约与土星或木星的一天相当。

49、Conflict with siblings may also be on tap at the beginning of the month, as Mercury in Gemini clashes with Uranus. ─── 在本月初,当水星在双子座冲突于天王星时,兄弟姐妹的冲突也可能发生。

50、With Uranus conjunct the Sun in your 3rd house, your mind will crackle with a plethora of new ideas. ─── 与天王星契合太阳在你的第三家,你的心将裂纹与过多的新思路。

51、The problem has been that both Neptune and Uranus have been in lethargic retrograde mode for months, moving backward for a very long time. ─── 主要问题是天王星和海王星这几个月来一直是无精打采的衰退状态,已经后退很长时间了。

52、"Can I have a look at Uranus too, Lavender?" said Ron. ─── 可以把天王星也让我看一眼吗,拉文德?’罗恩说。

53、As saidearlier, Mercury will be in a debilitated state now that it's retrograde, butto be confronted by Uranus too is overwhelming. ─── 像之前说到的,水星将会处在微弱状态逆行,但是与天王星的对冲威力也将势不可挡。

54、Astronomers cannot explain the magnetic field on Uranus. ─── 天文学家们对天王星上的磁场无法解释。

55、By mastering such restrictions and fixed limits, we can actualize the reformations, innovations, and inventions symbolized by Uranus. ─── 借由控制这些约束及被确定的限制,我们可以实现天王星所象徵的改革、创新与发明。

56、Venus, in your house of other people's money, will send Uranus, planet of surprise, a lovely, positive beam and as a result you should benefit. ─── 处在你外财宫的金星将朝代表意外的天王星发出一道美丽、正面的光线并且结果对你来说会非常有益。

57、The next planet out, Uranus—after Saturn. ─── 土星之后的下一颗行星是天王星。

58、Uranus is in love with new technology, teamwork, being unique while being part of something bigger than one's self, and a brainstorming genius. ─── 天王星与新技术,配合爱,是在被作为唯一的一部分的东西比一个人的自我更大的,天才的集思广益。

59、With Saturn opposing Uranus twice in 2009 and two more times in 2010, you have time.However, this question is not likely to go away. ─── 土星和天王星反向在2009年会出现两次,2010年的出现会比2009年多两倍,你还有时间。

60、In conjunction with Operation Uranus, the Soviets attacked Army Group Center near Moscow to prevent reinforcements being sent to Stalingrad. ─── 为了配合行动,苏联莫斯科方面阻止了向斯大林格勒前进的德国援军。

61、New discoveries about Uranus excited planetary astronomers in 1977. ─── 一九七七年对天王星的几项新发现振奋了行星天文学家。

62、In case you needed more encouragement, Neptune may rule your fifth house of true love, but Uranus is IN that house. ─── 你是需要一些勇气的,因为海王星主宰你的真爱宫,但同时天王星也在这一宫。

63、Astronomers had been trying to explain the strange orbit of the seventh planet, Uranus . ─── 天文学家曾一直试图解释第七颗行星—天王星奇怪的轨道现象。

64、Uranus may not have the razzamatazz in Pisces that he has in some other zodiac signs, but he is not without his charms within this area of our lives. ─── 可能没有天王星在双鱼座过分感伤,他在其他一些十二生肖了,但他是不是没有他的魅力在这个我们生活的领域。

65、In 1977, an airplane went high above the atmosphere of Earth and carried a telescope to look at Uranus more clearly. ─── 在1977年,一架携带了天文望远镜的飞机飞出地球大气层以便更清楚地观察天王星。

66、Uranus in Pisces is stirring up fierce need within you to break old restraints and to truly become the person you were born to be. ─── 天王星位于双鱼座激起你内在强烈的需要,去断掉旧的束缚,真正成为原本的那个自己。

67、The nine major planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. ─── 九大行星分别是水星、金星、地球、火星、木星、土星、天王星、海王星和冥王星。

68、People had a further understanding of the Solar System when Herschel discovered Uranus in 1781. ─── 1781年,赫歇耳发现了天王星,使人类对太阳系有进一步的认识。

69、Unexpected changes in the orbit of Uranus led astronomers to deduce that its orbit was subject to gravitational perturbation by an unknown planet. ─── 在天王星的轨道变化导致天文学家们推断,它的轨道还受另一个未知受行星的引力影响。

70、So we decided to let them go at it again. Was uranus able to bring down the champ? NOOOOOOOOOOO. ─── 所以我们决定让他们再战一周。那天王星把冠军拉下马了么?没没没。

71、In the case of Uranus and Neptune, the accumulation of planetesimals was too much of a good thing. ─── 以天王星与海王星为例,微行星聚积太多并不是好事。

72、Your first inkling that something is up will comeon September 15 when Saturn will oppose Uranus. ─── 你最先的感知来自15号土星与天王星的冲撞。

73、Venus, the planet of harmony also syncs up with your ruler Uranus on Saturday, August 22 and brings in some sweet relief. ─── 在同时期,8月22号优雅和谐的金星在周六和你的主裁星天王翩然共舞,将会为你带来些许甜蜜的抚慰。

74、Brace for a shock about money when Mars conjoins Uranus on April 15. ─── 4月15那天准备迎接火星联合天王星在金钱事务上的冲击。

75、Cordelia appears to be the inner shepherding satellite for Uranus's Epsilon ring. ─── 天卫六是Epsilon光环中离主星最近的一颗牧羊卫星。

76、Uranus in Pisces is stirring up fierce need within you to break old restraints and to truly become the person you were born to be. ─── 天王星位于双鱼座激起你内在强烈的需要,去断掉旧的束缚,真正成为原本的那个自己。

77、The satellite of Uranus that is fourth in distance from the planet. ─── 天卫三距离天王星第四远的天王星卫星

78、In Aquarius, Neptune is behaving in sort of a yin-yang energy to Uranus. ─── 在水瓶座,海王星是表现在一阴排序阳能源天王星。

79、Uranus is unusual because it is tilted. ─── 天王星)非常特殊,因为它是倾斜的。

80、Astronomers studied Uranus carefully in the years that followed. ─── 天文学家们从那时起对天王星进行了很多年的认真的研究。

81、Uranus is unusual because it is tilted. On earth, it is always cold at the North and South Poles and it is always hot at the equator, but this is not true on Uranus. ─── URANUS(天王星)非常特殊,因为它是倾斜的。在地球上,北极和南极总是最冷,赤道总是最热,但是在天王星上这个规律不正确。

82、The rest had no major aspect between Mars and Uranus. ─── 剩余的人没有火星和天王星之间的主要相位。

83、There is an opposition formed between Venus and Uranus in your chart. ─── 在你的命盘中,金星跟天王星之间形成对分相。

84、Cronus attacked Uranus with a sickle and cut off his sexual organs and threw them into the sea. ─── 克洛诺斯 用一把镰刀割下了父亲的生殖器,抛入了海中。

85、Uranus fits in the next spot in the pattern pretty nicely, not perfectly, but close. ─── 天王星放在接下来的这个空位里倒是很合适——尽管谈不上十分精准,但已经非常接近了。

86、The opposition between Saturn and Uranus often indicates a state of discomfort between the old and the new. ─── 土星与天王星之间的对分相时常指出新旧之间的不安状态。

87、Innovative Uranus will link up to the Sun today and give everyone a jolt. ─── 代表着创新的天王星将连接着太阳,它将给每个人一个震撼。

88、Can I have a look at Uranus too, Lavender?" said Ron. ─── ‘可以把天王星也让我看一眼吗,拉文德?’罗恩说。

89、Ophelia appears to be the outer shepherding satellite for Uranus's Epsilon ring. ─── 天卫六是Epsilon外层光环中的一颗牧羊卫星。






比如月球,中国称之为月亮,英语叫做:Moon。而不是拼音 YueLiang。





土星是: Saturn,翻译过来是萨图努斯,是古罗马神话里十二主神之一的农神。















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