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09-03 投稿



fatalities 发音

英:[f??t?l?tiz]  美:[fe??t?l?tiz]

英:  美:

fatalities 中文意思翻译



fatalities 短语词组

1、femme fatalities message board ─── 妇女致命信息委员会

2、fatalities definition ─── 死亡事故定义

3、fatalities in ─── 死亡人数

4、fatalities on mt hood ─── 胡德山的死亡人数

5、fatalities from war ─── 战争死亡人数

6、fatalities define ─── 死亡定义

7、fatalities synonym ─── 死亡同义词

8、league table of fatalities ─── 死亡人数排行表

fatalities 反义词


fatalities 词性/词形变化,fatalities变形

名词复数: fatalities |

fatalities 同义词

disastrous | important |deadly | crucial | fated | fateful | ruinous | lethal | final | incurable | significant | pivotal | killing | mortal | violent | decisive | black | calamitous | terminal | grave | malignant | destructive | pernicious | serious | destined

fatalities 常用词组

fatality rate ─── 致死率

fatalities 相似词语短语

1、natalities ─── n.出生率;生产率

2、fatuities ─── n.昏庸;愚昧;愚蠢的言行

3、banalities ─── n.平凡;陈腐;陈词滥调

4、vitalities ─── n.活力,生气;生命力,生动性

5、futilities ─── n.无用;徒劳;无价值

6、facilities ─── n.设施;工具,设备

7、totalities ─── n.[天]全食;全体;总数

8、fat cities ─── 兴旺;生活优裕

9、finalities ─── n.定局;终结;结尾;最后的事物;最后的言行

fatalities 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Nothing is so fatal to religion as indifference. ─── 对宗教来说,没有东西比漠不关心更致命了。

2、His illness was fatal to our plan. ─── 他的患病给我们的计划带来灾难。

3、Why is fluoroacetate poisoning fatal? ─── 为什么氟乙酸中毒是致命的?

4、Drunk driving fatalities have declined more than 10 percent over the past 10 years. ─── 醉酒驾车死亡事故在过去的10年里已下降了10%以上。

5、Several people were injured, but there were no fatalities. ─── 有几个人受伤,但没有人死亡。

6、Death is instantaneousin a fatal accident. ─── 在致命的事故中,死亡是即刻发生的。

7、A passenger perchance ride on the wagon prevent a fatal accident. ─── 一个偶然坐车的旅客使这辆大车免遭了一场大祸。

8、Although there are some people that do get fatalities and serious illnesses. ─── 但有些人的病情的确严重,有些甚至被夺去生命。”

9、All the fatalities were aboard the bus. The truck driver was slightly injured and his only passenger was unhurt, said the official. ─── 官方说:所有的不幸都在汽车上发生,卡车司机受了轻伤,仅有一名乘客没有受伤。

10、If she gets ill again it could prove fatal. ─── 如果她再患病,就会有性命之忧。

11、Of the first 100 recorded Everest fatalities, for example, 41 were Sherpas. ─── 例如,有记录的最初100名埃佛勒斯峰丧生者中,有41名是夏尔巴人。

12、He take a fatal dose of drug. ─── 他服用了一剂致命的毒药。

13、FATAL: internal failure, system halted. ─── 严重出错:内部错误,系统中止。

14、It is recommended that you send fatal error reports to Microsoft. ─── 建议您将错误报告发送到Microsoft。

15、We dealt the enemy a fatal blow. ─── 我们给敌人以致命的打击。

16、Marriage at this stage could be fatal to your career. ─── 你这种时候结婚可能会毁了你的事业。

17、His presidential hopes suffered a fatal blow in New Hampshire. ─── 他做总统的梦想在新汉普史尔遭到了严重打击。

18、He committed a fatal mistake. ─── 他犯了一个无可挽回的错误。

19、If Miss Ley saw him, it would be fatal. ─── 如果莱伊小姐看见了他,事情就无可挽救了。

20、The director of Israeli emergency services says there were no other fatalities. ─── 以色列紧急救援服务负责人说,没有人死亡。

21、But this bare bones approach could have a fatal flaw. ─── 但是这种梗概性的方法会有一种致命的缺陷。

22、He received a fatal wound in the battle. ─── 他在战斗中受了致命伤。

23、In 1742 he suffered a fatal attack of smallpox. ─── 1742 年,他染上了致命的天花。

24、He took the fatal decision to marry Martha. ─── 他做出了致命的错误决定,就失娶玛莎。

25、Images of buildings toppling over and burying people are the cause of a great deal of earthquake related fatalities. ─── 在我们印象中,房屋倒塌继而活埋受害者成为大量地震事故的死因。

26、Death was instantaneous, eg in a fatal accident. ─── 当即死去(如在致命事故中).

27、This proved fatal to the ZEV mandate. ─── 事后证明,这对ZEV"强制要求"是致命的。

28、Fires in informal settlements are almost a daily occurrence. Unfortunately most of the fatalities are infants less than a year old. ─── 火灾每天都有发生,不幸的是大部分遇害的孩子不满一岁。

29、Her children's death is a fatal blow on her. ─── 孩子们的死对她是致命的打击。

30、Fatal Attraction. Implants death urge in subject. ─── 厌世术:向受术者灌输对死亡的渴望。

31、His illness was fatal to our plans, ie caused them to fail. ─── 他生病後我们的计画就落空了.

32、One unpublished report shows that deer cause 40,000 road accients a year,often causing fatalities to humans. ─── 一份未出版的报告显示,鹿每年造成4万起交通事故,并经常造成人员死亡。

33、Communications breakdown may well become a fatal corporate disease. ─── 交流障碍很可能成为未来公司致命的问题。

34、It was the sixth fatal cancer in Hong Kong. ─── 在本港致命癌症中排行第六位。

35、He's got land, you know; it's a fatal disease. ─── 你知道,他有田地;这是他的心腹之患。

36、Death is instantaneous in a fatal accident . ─── 在致命的事故中,死亡是即刻发生的。

37、Traffic accidents cause many fatalities. ─── 交通事故造成许多人死亡。

38、Nothing is more fatal to health than an overcare of it. ─── 对健康的致命危险莫过于对健康的过分担忧。

39、He came here because of a fatal result from an affair of honour. ─── 他因为决斗而致人于死地,所以来到了这里。

40、He had no knowledge of what a fatal dose might be. ─── 他不知道致死的剂量是多少。

41、She took the fatal decision to marry Henry. ─── 她作出了祸及一生的决定,嫁给亨利。

42、A fatal weakness would be their downfall. ─── 一个致命的弱点会导致他们垮台。

43、The driver was one of the fatalities. ─── 司机是意外死亡者之一

44、The fatal enemy of heart is the lass of time. ─── 心灵的致命的仇敌,乃是时间的魔合.

45、The primary end point was fatal or nonfatal stroke. ─── 主要终点是致死或非致死的卒中。

46、Your argument has a fatal flaw. ─── 你的论点有一个致命的错误。

47、Immediately he thought he had committed a fatal offense. ─── 他马上就知道他闯了大祸,得罪了人。

48、How can it be otherwisethan fatal? ─── 怎麽会不致命呢?

49、For him it was a fatal inaction. ─── 对他来说,这一次休息却是一个致命伤。

50、I could no longer doubt that a possibly fatal crisis was at hand. ─── 我不再怀疑,一切可能是毁灭性的危机近在咫尺了。

51、More than50 percent of adolescent fatalities in car accidents occur at night. ─── 以上的导致青少年死亡的车祸发生在夜间。

52、"Dull" murmured Miss Bulstrode, struck by the fatal word. ─── “单调”布尔斯特罗德小姐低声说,这两个可怕的字使她一怔。

53、It was the eighth fatal cancer in Hong Kong. ─── 在本港的致命癌症中居第八位。

54、A. ARC has fatal errors in strategy and algorithm. ─── 在战略和算法上自动资源编辑器有错误。

55、Women's beauty, like men's wit, is generally fatal to the owners. ─── 女人的美如同男人的智慧,对其拥有者来说通常意味着不幸。

56、Occasionally air-conditioning units failed and it was then that fatalities occurred. ─── 偶尔空调机组会出现故障,往往就在此时会发生死亡事故。

57、SSL is free but it has a fatal shortcoming. ─── ssl协议是免费的,但是它有重大缺陷。

58、Your attitude decides that what the fatal you will own! ─── 你的态度,将会决定你能拥有什么样的人生。

59、From whence they went to the fatal tree. ─── 从那里他们走上绞刑架。

60、A small, nevertheless fatal error. ─── 很小却是致命的错误

61、Ok, everyone, we have known that arsenic has fatal effect. ─── 好,观众朋友,我们知道砒霜呀。它有致人于死地的致命作用

62、There have been ten swimming fatalities (ie Ten people have lost their lives while swimming) this summer. ─── 今年夏季已有十人游泳遇溺。

63、How can it be otherwise than fatal? ─── 怎么能不是致命的呢?

64、So the goal here is to minimize fatalities. And I just want to leave you with the personal points that I think you might be interested in. ─── 我们的目标是将死亡人数降至最低我希望留给大家一些个人的看法我认为你们可能会感兴趣的。

65、There are six fatal accidents in the first week of the year. ─── 在这一年的第一周发生了6起致命的事故。

66、Cases (n = 869) were persons who developed fatal or nonfatal CAD. ─── 869例患有致命的或者非致命的冠心病患者。

67、When told they had escaped to the surface without fatalities, Mr. Urzua and the miners listening to the conversation let out a cheer. ─── 当被告知他们的同事已经安全逃到地面时,乌尔苏亚和其他聆听着对话的被困矿工发出了欢呼。

68、Smoking cause fatal lung cancer. ─── 吸烟引起致命的肺癌。

69、This flaw may not, in practice, prove fatal. ─── 实际上,这毛病可能不是致命的。

70、It will be fatal to the people who are allergic to it. ─── 对于那些对它过敏的人它将是致命的。

71、His wounds are serious, but luckily not fatal. ─── 他的伤势很严重,但幸运不是致命的。

72、Fatal error: Unable to load Java Library jvm. ─── dll, error: 找不到指定的模块。是什么问题啊?

73、That is the commonest fatal hereditary disease. ─── “在你的家族里,秃发是遗传性的吗?”

74、I wonder whether it is a fatal disease. ─── 不知道它是否是致命疾病?

75、The fateful up-to-date data of the gate have a fatal error. ─── 大门的决定性最新数据有一个致命错误。

76、Infection, if not treated, is almost invariably fatal. ─── 如不及时治疗,感染几乎必定是致命的。

77、The archergoddess discharged a shaft with fatal aim. ─── 女神箭手射出了万无一失的箭,命中目标。

78、FTS is also facing a lawsuit in connection with the fatalities. ─── “外国轮胎销售公司”自身也因为这些交通死亡事故而面临官司。

79、Untreated shock is usually fatal. ─── 休克不治疗可致命。

80、Your argument has one fatal flaw. ─── 你的论点有一个致命的瑕?。

81、In an address to the UN Security Council, Mr Ban said he was gravely concerned about civilian fatalities. ─── 在向联合国安理会发表的讲话中,潘基文表示,他非常担心平民伤亡。

82、Otherwise there have been no Israeli fatalities. ─── 另外,至今还没出现以色列籍人员死亡。

83、The accdent caused several fatalities. ─── 事故造成了数人死亡。

84、The fatal day of the election finally arrived. ─── 大选决定命运的一天终于来到了。

85、Respecting cultural and religious practices in the face of mass fatalities. ─── 在面对大规模死亡时,尊重文化和宗教习俗,。

86、"To be or not to be" was the fatal decision for Hamlet. ─── 对于哈姆雷特来说,"是活下去,还是选择死亡"是一个重大的决定。

87、The one and only weakness, but a fatal one; the weakest point. ─── 唯一的致使弱点,最大的弱点。

88、He has a fatal belief in the power of money. ─── 他绝对相信金钱的力量。

89、The archer goddess discharged a shaft with fatal aim. ─── 女神箭手射出了万无一失的箭,命中目标。

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