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09-03 投稿



decore 发音


英:  美:

decore 中文意思翻译



decore 短语词组

1、decore door ─── 装饰门

2、decore home ─── 装饰家居

3、decore max ─── 装饰最大值

4、decore tool ─── 装饰工具

5、decore vred ─── 黄色的

6、decore sp ─── 装饰sp

7、decore mean ─── 装饰意味

decore 相似词语短语

1、decodes ─── 译(decode的第三人称单数);破解转换(decode的第三人称单数);解读(decode的第三人称单数)

2、decare ─── n.十公亩

3、decors ─── 装饰;布置(decor的名词复数)

4、decoded ─── 译解

5、decode ─── 解码

6、decoke ─── v.使(内燃机)脱碳;n.(内燃机的)脱碳

7、decor ─── n.装饰,布置

8、decoder ─── n.解码器,译码器;译码员

9、decorate ─── vt.装饰;布置;授勋给;vi.装饰;布置

decore 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、And the Warriors, Clippers and Kings were still rearranging the decor in the basement. ─── 勇士,快船和国王还是在地下室里重新布置着那些装饰品。

2、"[He] disliked the heavy, fustian . . . and brocaded decor of Soviet officialdom" (Frederick Forsyth) ─── “[他]不喜欢苏联官员身着纬起毛织品和棉缎的笨重的着装风格” (弗雷德里克·福赛思)

3、Boloni Home Decor Co., Ltd. ─── 博洛尼家居用品有限公司

4、We want to buy Caps and Hats, Sweaters, Sweaters, Apparel, Hats, Gloves, Decor Textiles ─── 我们要采购盖帽和帽子,毛衣,毛衣,衣服,帽子,手套,装饰纺织品

5、From Arthur Freydin, Interactive Marketing Manager for Home Decor Products, Inc. ─── Arthur Freydin,Home Decor Products,Inc的互动营销经理

6、When selecting a kindergarten for your child, parents should focus on the classroom decor, teaching aids and play toys and how these materials coincide with your child's learning. ─── 对幼儿园环境的挑选,家长应留心室内布置和教具、具,是否与教学主题配合,是否符合幼儿的人体工学。

7、The classic Isfahan red and blue give this rug a timelessness that allows it to complement any decor. ─── 古典的伊斯法罕红和蓝使这款设计与所有装饰格调都永远相配。

8、LED Digital lattice are widely used in cloverleaf junction,bridge,riverbank,decor,building outline,etc. ─── LED数码管广泛使应用于立交桥、河堤、舞台装饰及楼宇外墙轮廓等场合,

9、Her quarters-hers and rick's-were so stark and cold now, stripped of decor and furnishings, ready for Captain Raul Forsythe, the new occupant. ─── 她的船舱,她和瑞克两个人的,已经搬空了家具和装饰品,现在显得冰冷又空旷,正准备迎接自己的下一个住户,罗尔-福尔塞提舰长。

10、[ He ]disliked the heavy, fustian.and brocaded decor of Soviet officialdom&b{Frederick Forsyth) ─── [他]不喜欢苏联官员身着纬起毛织品和棉缎的笨重的着装风格弗雷德里克 福赛思})

11、Pour l'autre partie du decor. ─── 为了地球另一边的装饰.

12、Aboard, understated elegance is the byword for the decor. ─── 在船上,含蓄的优雅是其装潢的代名词。

13、Contemporary Chinese decor with modern furnishings ─── 当代中式装修风格,搭配现代化的家俱

14、Many, such as Buchi, in the popular Shibuya district, are tiny, with standing room only.But their stylish decor makes them a far cry from the dingy sake dens of old. ─── 在被誉为“潮流圣地”的东京涩谷街上,许多面积狭小但装潢精美的小酒吧陆续亮相,这些新兴的米酒酒吧完全取代了昔日昏暗脏乱的米酒铺的形象。

15、The interior has been tastefully remodelled by a local designer and each room has its own decor and character. ─── 从休闲景观阳台,到精致的家庭烹制早点,酒店的每个细节都让您在这个迷人城市的逗留更为完美。

16、A tiny eatery* decorated almost completely in black and white is creating a big buzz* in Toronto but it's not the decor getting attention -- it's the servers, who all wear French maid outfits. ─── 多伦多一家几乎全黑白装饰的小餐馆引来诸多关注,但并非因为它的装修,而是身着法式女仆服饰的服务员。

17、Application of the Propitious Designs in the Ceramic Decor ─── 吉祥图案在陶瓷装饰中的运用

19、NH Hoteles plans to reopen the hotel in September with a more modern decor. ─── NH旅馆集团计画在九月让那家旅馆以现代化装潢之姿重新开幕。

20、Anarchy Decor create a lot of anarchy. ─── 它能制造十分混乱的状态。

21、There is a new style of eating that is changing the dining decor of many of Perth's fine dining establishments. ─── 一种新的吃的方式正在改变许多食肆的装饰风格,这就是品尝菜单的概念。

22、The Indian deer parlor's dinosaurs show the importance of novel decor as a selling point. ─── 印地安啤酒屋以恐龙为装潢主题,新奇的空间安排为重要的卖点。

23、"YICHENG DECOR" is a strikingly new-concept brand for housing adornments. ─── “意城家品”是一个具有全新概念的家居饰品品牌。

24、Application of PLC and DH~+ Net on an Automatic Control System for the Electric Decor Flexible Production Line ─── PLC及DH~+网在电泳柔性自动生产线中的应用

25、All of the rooms feature luxury Archaized Dignity furnishings with Valance Fabricsand a decor that mirrors the lake's beauty and the traditional Chinese architecture of the region. ─── 客房面积宽敞,近一半的房间可欣赏南湖迷人的风景。


27、Home Decor and Renovations Expo ─── 家庭装潢和修缮博览会

28、The decor of both places, both have that whole “overly white” motif going, so I can see how the Muse guys would like Wynn Win. ─── 好像学习两语的,一个口语的,一个著述的。现在我住在上海作演员。我拍了几个电视剧,还几个电影。

29、Zapotec rugs are excellent for Indian art collectors that like original pieces, or for those who appreciate Indigenous arts and crafts and rustic home decor. ─── 加厚面层还可进行多次打磨翻新处理,从而增加使用年限。

30、"Even the decor is a bricolage, a mix of this and that" (Los Angeles Times) ─── “甚至连装饰品也是利用现成材料制成的东西,是这样那样的东西混合而成的”(洛杉矶时报)

31、The furniture and decor of his room spelled elegance and a substantial income. ─── 他的室内家具和装饰意味高雅和收入丰裕。

32、From the simplest Indo-Pakistani workers cafe in Karama to the gastronomic delights and decor of eateries at the swanky five-star hotels, Dubai offers a huge range of dining experiences. ─── 你可以到卡尔玛最简陋的印巴平民咖啡馆,也可以光顾豪华的五星级酒店享受美食和装潢给你带来的快乐。迪拜能给你带来不同的就餐体验。

33、The star-graded hotel located in the centre of a world-class city makes you linger among the magnificent Buildings with luxury facilities and elegant decor. ─── 位于世界一流城市中心位置的星级宾馆,雄伟壮丽的建筑,豪华典雅的装饰定会令人流连忘返。

34、He disliked the heavy, fustian.and brocaded decor of Soviet officialdom ─── 他不喜欢苏联官员身着纬起毛织品和棉缎的笨重的着装风格

35、The decor is so artistic. ─── 全部装饰很有艺术性。

36、International Showcase featuring Interior Decor Products ─── 国际展览,展出室内装潢产品

37、In addition to the challenging and authentic gameplay, Midnight Bowling 3 D has an environment that makes you feel like you're in a swanky lounge, with subtle lighting and classy decor. ─── 另外在挑战和可信的游戏,午夜3D保龄会使你感觉置身于有精细灯光和玻璃台子的光亮的休闲室里。

38、They decided not to modernise the Victorian decor. ─── 他们决定不对维多利亚时代的装潢进行现代派的改变。

39、You may ONLY use the approved decor styles listed below. ─── 你只能使用以下核准的装潢风格。

40、The Hotel De Supreme Dongguan (Chongwei Jiudian) Is A Guangdong Resort Hotel Built And Run To Meet Exacting International Standards. It Features Decor With A Strong Southeast Asian Flavor. ─── 德大酒店东莞优惠预订,如果您需要在东莞,中国住宿(包括酒店、宾馆、旅店,饭店、汽车旅馆),这个酒店将是一个不错的选择。

41、? Real and virtual decor and costumes had to be conceived and built to match the3 D figure" Lara Croft". ─── 另外,还得构想、造出或实或虚的装饰和服装用来搭配“劳拉·劳馥”这个3D角色。

42、For a special luxurious look and feel to your decor try our range of designer wallpaper. ─── 对于那种看上去而且感觉特别豪华的装饰,尝试用一系列墙纸来设计吧。

43、There is no need to spend extra effort on emphasizing how comfortable the room is, how modern the decor is, how clean the toilet is or now warm the service is. ─── 我不愿花太多笔墨赘述这里的房间有多么舒适,装潢有多么现代,卫生间有多么干净或者服务有多么热情。

44、"Discotheque, also discothque:a nightclub that features dancing to recorded or sometimes live music and often has showy decor and elaborate lighting." ─── "迪斯科舞厅:以伴有唱片或有时现场音乐来跳舞为特征的夜总会,而且经常有华丽的室内装潢和精心设计的灯光装置."

45、The tomb has a unique architectural decor, with polychrome half-human, half-plant caryatids and painted murals. ─── 古墓内有独特的建筑装饰、彩饰的半人半植物女像柱和各种壁画。

46、An inveterate changer of decor. ─── 坚决要改变布景的人

47、Florence, Italy studio specializing in bouquets and decor for weddings and business events. ─── 意大利佛罗伦萨的工作室,专门在鲜花装饰为婚礼及商务活动。

48、We want to buy Bedspreads, Carpets, Rugs, Mats and Durries, Rugs, Bedspreads, and Decor Pillows. ─── 我们要采购床单,地毯,毯子,垫和棉花地毯,毯子,床单和装饰枕头。

49、Company Name KASH SQUARE DECOR, INC. ─── 作者:佚名文章来源:不详点击数:更新时间:2008-6-30

50、Leading company in gift, home &holiday decor products, design-driving, import &wholesale. ─── 关键字:特别设计,自主设计的礼品,家用和节日装饰品,进口,批发

51、Embraced my continental style decor and flavor of multinational cuisine, you may enjoy a superb collection of delicacies in relaxing and refined atmosphere. ─── 充满欧陆格调的芝芝西餐厅,即有昔日名菜又有创新佳肴,您尽可在轻松高雅的氛围中享用琳琅的珍馐美点。

52、You don't want to clash with the decor. ─── 如果你不想和场合不符一个女士应该先做好准备。

53、Entries overall rational layout, decor is superb and furnishing articles flowers, fresh and elegant display in the room, refined and elegant. ─── 作品整体布局合理,雕工精湛,花卉摆件,清新淡雅,摆放于室内,高雅脱俗。

54、We specialize in luxury home decor that is both upscale and unique. ─── 我们专门从事开发华贵家居饰品,她高端,独特。

55、The quality of comfortable, relax and contemporary shop design and decor is an essential part of the total "RBT" modern tea culture experience. ─── 不论您是来这里一尝健康饮品的滋味,一边品茶一边享受阅读乐趣;

56、Living room are decor with newly gorgeous wood floor, custom wood shutter are built thru out. ─── 客厅有装饰华丽的新木质地板,客厅里有木造百叶门。

57、 双语使用场景

58、Offering metal handicraft,indoor and outdoor decor,iron planter,flower stand,iron garden plaque;Candler,antique decor vase,wall hanging,floor stand,etc. ─── 厂家生产金属工艺品,家庭工艺品,铁工艺花瓶,仿古花瓶,花园花盆套,铁花架,室内工艺铁挂壁,烛台,等。

59、Our products are mainly home decor and gift items, such as ceramics and Chrismas products including trees and lights.Please access http://www.edelman.nl for more information. ─── 公司主要经营的产品是家居装饰品和礼品,以陶瓷和圣诞产品为主。

60、This frightening decor terrorizes captives. ─── 它使俘虏们感到无比的恐惧!

61、To shorten time of plane decor development, decor development concurrent hasbeen carried on, of that decor mold design has been a branch project. ─── 为缩短飞机内装饰开发周期,提高开发质量,绵阳飞机工业(集团)实行内装饰设计制造并行工程,内装饰成型模具设计是其中的一个子项目。

62、The five-star hotel is acclaimed for its elegant decor, inviting ambiance, attentive service and well-trained staff who make the best of the hotel’s facilities to service guests from across the world. ─── 一直以来保持着五星级酒店的良好声誉。酒店环境格调高雅,内部装饰雅致而又大气。同时,有专业培训有素的员工用欧洲最先进的设备为顾客们提供优质的服务。

63、If wemade our own tables and chairs, we wouldn't throw them out the moment we changed the interior decor. ─── 如果我们自己做桌椅,我们不会在进行室内装潢后立即把它们丢掉;

64、It is a charming night with an all-white decor. ─── 全场被布置为白色,为厨师的颁奖晚宴增添气氛。

65、However beguiling the decor, however beautiful the carved cornices, the gleaming brass fixtures, if the joists of a building are made of balsa wood it is not a good investment. ─── 一栋房子无论内饰华丽如何,雕塑精美如何,陈设炫目如何,如果梁木不实,就没有投资的意义了。

66、Auspicious designs and pagodas as wall decor are all model chinoiserie. ─── 吉祥图案和宝塔壁饰皆是中国风格的形式。

67、The opulence of the front office decor varies inversely with the fundamentalsolvency of the firm. ─── 公司入口处装潢的豪华程度和它基本的财务状况好坏成反比。

68、But they don't have the patina of the past, the decor of nostalgia that calls one back to childhood Saturday mornings in a library. ─── 但它们缺乏那种古朴气息,装潢也不是怀旧风,无法让人回想起小时候在图书馆渡过的一个个周六上午。

69、All at once the stark, unforgiving decor of the Sanctuary was thrown back into sharp focus, its familiar geometry dispelling the alien angles that had invaded his consciousness. ─── 圣殿周遭那荒凉难忘的布景又进入眼帘,熟识的几何视图驱散了异度维角的意识侵袭。

70、Its really a beautiful home decore and a powerful ionizer as well. ─── 它的确是一款漂亮的家庭装饰,也是一款强大的电离器。

71、The style of a company or organization is reflected in everything from the look of its letterhead to its office decor to the design of its product and services offered. ─── 从信笺至产品或服务形象可以反映企业的风格。

72、The quiet decor of her home made her feel comfortable and at ease. ─── 她家里淡雅的装饰使她感到舒适。

73、Data of decor mold design can be managed effectively. ─── 建立了自顶向下的设计模式与导航设计机制,实现了模具设计过程的数据管理。

74、Contains living-room furniture, dining-room furniture, and bedroom furniture for furniture arrangements, home decor, residential floor plans, home design, space plans, and furniture layouts. ─── 包含起居室家具、餐厅家具和卧室家具,它们用于家具摆放、居室装饰、居住平面布置、居室设计、空间规划和家具布局。

75、Excuse me, I just wanted to compliment you on the stunning decor. ─── 不好意思,我只想赞美一下你那了不起的装饰布置。

76、It presents a splendid Louis XVI portrait on coronation costume, in architectural decor. ─── 它提出了一个灿烂的路易十六画像加冕服装,建筑装饰。

77、Pourquoi le soleil disparait? --Pour l'autre partie du decor. ─── 为什么太阳会消失? --为了地球另一边的装饰。

78、Others lure younger guests with garish decor and discounts. ─── 另外一些则以花哨的装饰品和低廉的折扣吸引年轻人。

79、The outside of the building must remain the same through all 3 decor changes. You may NOT change the outside whatsoever. ─── 屋子外面需要一致相同,虽然你是装修了3种不同款式,但是外观一定要保持不变。

80、Toiletries, printer cartridges,dorm decor andschool supplies can take a chunk, for starters. ─── 对于大学新生来说,卫生用品、打印墨盒、宿舍装饰以及学习用品要占到很大一部分。

81、Excuse me,I just wanted to compliment you on the stunning decor. ─── 不好意思?我只想赞美一下你那了不起的装饰布置。

82、Its use is quite extensive, It can be used for garment ,decor fabric,bedclothes and automobile and so on. ─── 它的用途很广泛,可以用作服装面料、装饰织物、床上用品和汽车用品等产业用品。

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