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09-03 投稿


dismembered 发音

英:[d?s?memb?d]  美:[d?s?memb?rd]

英:  美:

dismembered 中文意思翻译



dismembered 短语词组

1、dismembered stream ─── 海浸河

2、dismembered to death ─── 肢解致死

3、dismembered define ─── 肢解定义

4、dismembered book ─── 被肢解的书

5、dismembered body ─── [法] 碎尸

6、dismembered tab ─── 肢解标签

7、dismembered river ─── 被肢解的河流

dismembered 词性/词形变化,dismembered变形

动词过去式: dismembered |动词现在分词: dismembering |动词过去分词: dismembered |名词: dismemberment |动词第三人称单数: dismembers |

dismembered 相似词语短语

1、discumbered ─── 已编号

2、undismembered ─── 不记得

3、dismembers ─── vt.肢解,割断手足;分割,瓜分

4、distempered ─── adj.不健全的;紊乱的;v.身心失调;心烦意乱(distemper的过去分词)

5、dismember ─── vt.肢解,割断手足;分割,瓜分

6、misremembered ─── vt.记错

7、disremembered ─── vt.忘记,忘却

8、dismemberment ─── n.肢解;分割

9、dismemberer ─── 成员

dismembered 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Anderson-Hynes dismembered pyeloplasty ─── 肾盂成形术

2、The murderer dismembered the corpse. ─── 谋杀犯肢解了尸体。

3、A man held a dismembered leg up to the sky with a questioning gaze as if he wanted me to tell him what to do. ─── 一个男人拿着自己被炸断的腿,质问般的注视好像要我告诉他要做什么。

4、The murderer dismembered the corpse. ─── 谋杀犯肢解了尸体。

5、Keywords the case of dismembered body;suspect;presumption; ─── 碎尸案;犯罪嫌疑人;刻画;

6、Promethean: A being animated by Azoth as a result of a unique alchemical process. The Promethean's body always comes from a dismembered and reassembled corpse (or corpses). ─── 活尸:藉由独特的炼金术手段以水银为能源活化的生物。活尸的躯体通常由肢解的尸体(们)组合而成。

7、They are a dismembered branch of the great Appalachian family, and are seen away to the west of the river, swelling up to a noble height, and lording it over the surrounding country. ─── 它们乃是阿巴拉契亚山脉断开的一支,在河上往西处眺望,便能远远地观见。卡兹奇山脉巍峨耸峻,以一种王的态姿,傲岸于环围村陌。)

8、In 893 Walburga's body was disinterred, dismembered, and parts of it were distributed to churches in Germany, Belgium, and France. ─── 893年,沃尔布加的遗体被掘出,同时分成了几部分,分别存放在德国,比利时和法国的教堂里。

9、dismembered river ─── 解体河

10、At the end of the presentation, he says many delegates asked him to autograph copies of the map showing a dismembered U.S. ─── 据帕纳林说,陈述结束后,很多代表请他在美国分裂的地图复印件上签字。

11、First of all I dismembered the corpse. ─── 首先,把尸体肢解。

12、the dismembered corpses ─── 被肢解的尸体

13、A man's dismembered body was found buried in salt and stuffed in a metal trunk in a flat in Tuen Mun yesterday. ─── 昨日于屯门大兴发现一遭支解男尸,以粗盐腌着,藏在铁皮箱内。

14、But now Smart Union, a Chinese toymaker, is being dismembered through a provisional liquidation. ─── 然而,如今的合俊集团(一家中国玩具制造商)却面临着临时清算,遭遇解体。

15、In particular there was the Ning rite during which a dog was dismembered to placate the four winds or honour the four directions. ─── 特别是“宁”礼中将狗肢解以安抚四风或敬畏四方。

16、dismembered geosyncline ─── 残块地槽解体地槽

17、Sant Egidio of Taranto is said to have revived a dismembered cow by arranging its severed limbs and ordering it to walk. ─── 据说,塔兰托的圣埃吉迪奥通过把牛的四条已经砍断的腿排列起来并命令它走路而使一头被解肢的牛复活了。

18、dismembered body ─── [法] 碎尸

19、Laparoscopic Anderson-Hynes dismembered pyeloplasty for the treatment of ureteralpelvic junction obstruction (Report of 27 cases) ─── 腹腔镜Anderson-Hynes肾盂离断成形27例报告

20、I'd love to just so long as no one gets chomped or... dismembered. ─── 我愿意,只要没人会被咬碎或肢解了。

21、After he, too, is dismembered, the group buries the remains, planting the parts into the crust of the earth. ─── 这些人掩埋了残骸,将它们种在了土壤表层。

22、dismembered corpse ─── 碎尸残骸 [colloq]

23、An unknown man's dismembered body was found by the police in the suburb woods. ─── 警察在郊区的小森林里发现了一个不知名的男人的碎尸。

24、Instantaneousness has dismembered eternality and beauty has been materialized. ─── 瞬间支解了永恒,美被物化了。

25、In 1867 the so-called "Compromise" created the Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary, dismembered after the first World War ─── 1867年,根据所谓“协约”建立了奥地利--匈牙利二元君主国,第一次世界大战后解体。

26、Capital globalization strengths vulnerable situation of labor in developing country.Formation of new industrial workers in China also encounters strategy of being dismembered by capital. ─── 摘要在全球化背景下,国际资本的自由流动强化了发展中国家劳动力的弱势地位,中国新产业工人的形成也遭遇被资本肢解的策略。

27、dismembered remains ─── 被肢解尸体

28、13 When he had brought up from there the bones of Saul and of his son Jonathan, the bones of those who had been dismembered were also gathered up. ─── 达味由那里将撒乌耳和他儿子约纳堂的遗骸,并那七个被悬挂的遗骸,一同运了回来,

29、Tarshark chops his target for three times with a very fast speed. Deals deadly damage and the target will be dismembered for three pieces. ─── 塔沙克以非常快的速度连续劈砍他的目标三次。造成致命的伤害,且目标将会被分尸成三块。

30、In both Britain and America regulators are asking firms to produce “death plans” that lay out how they can be efficiently liquidated or dismembered under financial stress. ─── 英美两国都要求金融机构拟定所谓的“死亡计划”,即在财务困境之下如何有效进行清偿和分割。

31、The revolts dismembered the country. ─── 叛乱使国家四分五裂。

32、The school decided to remove it in the summer vacation.The work began at 2009/07/27(Mon) 10 AM.In the afternoon, the Bodhi Tree was dismembered in several huge parts and taken out soon. ─── 校方决定在暑假时将此树砍除,2009年07月27日(一)上午10点左右开始动工,下午肢解完成后将主枝干的尸块运走。

33、Dismembered Analysis Method on unlikeness Second Sample Quantity Information ─── 次级样本含量不等资料的分解分析法

34、Lukacs disagreed with irrationalism,naturalism,and all kinds of formalism, which dismembered and distorted the integrality of human beings. ─── 卢卡契反对非理想性主义创作,批判自然主义和各种形式主义对人的完整性肢解和歪曲,同时兼论了卢卡契与布莱尔特的论争;

35、She then dismembered him, hiding parts of his body in the cellar. ─── 她接着将他的尸体肢解,把几块碎尸藏进了地窖。

36、dismembered stream ─── 海浸河

37、Then he raped the corpse, dismembered it, put the pieces into a pillowcase, and dumped them in a field. ─── 然后他奸尸、碎尸并将尸体残片放在一个枕套中,然后将它们扔在了一个田里。

38、One patient had persistent obstruction after secondary failed dismembered pyeloplasty. ─── 1例患儿行两次离断性肾盂成形术,目前仍带肾造瘘管。

39、dismembered ureteropelvioplasty ─── 断离性肾盂输尿管成形术

40、Operation is the the treatment of choice for retrocaval ureter, we dismembered the ureter and anastomosed it anterolaterally which will rehabilitate the ureter in front of the inferior vena cava. ─── 治疗上采用离断输尿管,于下腔静脉前外侧复位矫正,恢复输尿管正常通道。

41、The conglomerate dismembered the business. ─── 那家联合大企业分割了这个商行。

42、The young man's dismembered body was found by the police. ─── 那个年轻人的碎尸被警察发现了。

43、Police say the body had been dismembered. ─── 警方说尸体已被肢解。

44、The scene the horror film where the cannibal s dismembered the missionary left me with my hair standing on end. ─── 在那部恐怖电影中,食人者肢解那传教士的镜头使我毛骨悚然。

45、The ultimate purpose of this organization is to reunite the dismembered country. ─── 这个组织的最终目的是重新统一这个被分割的国家。

46、After the war, the defeated country was dismembered and could no longer be called a nation. ─── 战争之后,战败国分崩离析不再是一个统一的国家。

47、The work was prefaced by a digital photomontage in which the group is assembled around the basket with the dismembered body and surrounded by a crowd of onlookers. ─── 作品以另一幅数码照片为引子,那幅照片的画面中,这组人聚集在一个放有被肢解的尸体的篮子周围,并被众多围观者包围。

48、Anderson-Hynes Dismembered Pyeloplasty for Ureteropelvic Junction Stricture ─── Anderson-Hynes离断式肾盂成形术治疗肾盂输尿管连接部狭窄

49、24. The wolves dismembered the deer's dead body with their sharp teeth. ─── 狼群用锋利的爪子肢解了羊的尸体。

50、She had some interesting ideas about a composition of dismembered extremities draped in tattered Republic uniforms, but she just needed to wait until inspiration bit. ─── 她想到一些有趣的绘画构思,比如在残肢断臂上覆盖着破碎的共和国制服,但她需要等待灵感的刺激。

51、Dismembered pyeloplasty ─── 离断肾盂成形术

52、Our department was dismembered when our funding dried up. ─── 我们的资金缩减时,我们部门被肢解了。

53、The first relates to the question of large cross-border banks which cannot be easily dismembered into country-sized chunks. ─── 第一个与大的跨国银行有关的问题,这些跨国银行不能被分解成国家规模的银行。

54、Anderson-Hynes dismembered pyeloplasty via the anterior extraperitoneal approach (Report of 26 cases) ─── 经前腹入路离断式肾盂成形术26例报告

55、We go around and rescue machines that have been abandoned, or even dismembered. ─── 我们必须问自己,这些机器到底想做些什么,它们想被刷成什么颜色?

56、The original Jiaonan Group in the Jiaonan area is dismembered into three stratigraphic se-quences :(1)the Late Archean Dashangou Rock Formation in the lower part , represented by bi-otite granulitite and leucogranulitite with amphibolite; ─── 胶南地区原划胶南群被肢解为三个地层系列:其一,下部晚太古代大山沟岩组、为黑云变粒岩、浅粒岩夹斜长角闪岩岩石组合;

57、A comparison of the clinical outcome between retroperitoneal laparoscopic and open dismembered pyeloplasty ─── 后腹腔镜与开放离断肾盂成形术的临床效果比较

58、Because residential district are mostly of closing type, some have been dismembered, and some have been the obstacle of the city expansion. ─── 由于住区大多采用封闭型布局,一些住区已经被城市支解,有的则成了阻碍城市扩张的障碍。

59、After the war, the deafted country was dismembered and could no longer be called a nation. ─── 战争后,战败国被瓜分,不再是个国家了。

60、For resistant cases, the body was dismembered and the pieces burned, mixed with water, and given to family members as a cure. ─── 对于抗性案件,身体被肢解了,并且片断用水烧了,混合了和给家庭成员作为治疗。

61、9.Weapons will jam and misfire, cannons will seize up and explode as the field of conflict becomes strewn with the bodies of wounded and dying men, lacerated and dismembered by pike, bayonet and shot. ─── 在战场上武器将会卡弹和不发火,大炮将会塞住而膛炸,甚至炸伤自己的士兵,遭到长枪、长矛、刺刀和子弹贯穿、切断的手足,使整个战场上尸横遍野。

62、Only anastylosis, that is to say, the reassembling of existing but dismembered parts can be permitted. ─── 因此,这种使用合乎需要,但决不能改变该建筑的布局或装饰。

63、I read this novel, I see a lot of dismembered body parts. ─── 我读到了身体的部分,被肢解的身体。

64、Not only were the walls of the city breached for the first time by a foreign enemy, but the empire was dismembered and portioned out to many Greek-and Latin-speaking rulers. ─── 不仅是城墙首次被外国军队攻破,而且整个帝国也被肢解,由许多讲希腊语或拉丁语的统治者分别控制。

65、They conquered the people and seized a number of territories, which effectively dismembered the human state into divided parts. ─── 他们战胜了人类,并占领了一定数量的领土,从而有效地将人类国家分裂成很多部分。

66、Palestinians feel that a viable state is practically impossible, so deeply has Israel encroached on their land and dismembered their society. ─── 而巴勒斯坦则感到,几乎无法建立起一个能发展的国家,因为以色列对他们领土侵占是如此之深,对他们社会的分割是如此之甚。

67、Certainly, Jesus is not expecting a bunch of disfigured and dismembered disciples to be following Him about. ─── 耶稣当然不是期望一群四肢不全的门徒来跟从祂。

68、Proterozoic stratum was dismembered, and was temporarily named Wujashan Rock Group since it assumes a large and non-sequence stratum look and with a middle-deep range of deformation. ─── 由于该套地层区域上表现为层状无序地层,以发育中深构造层次变形为主要特征,因而笔者暂将其命名为吴家山岩群。

69、Attach it to the dismembered leg of an unsuspecting cockroach and listen to its neurons as an iPhone interface creates visualizations. ─── 将它附着到一只毫无戒心的蟑螂的肢解腿上,便能像iPhone界面创造的视觉化一样聆听它的神经元。

70、All reconstruction work should however be ruled out "a priori".Only anastylosis, that is to say, the reassembling of existing but dismembered parts can be permitted. ─── 然而对任何重建都应事先予以制止,只允许重修,也就是说,把现存但以解体的部分重新组合。

71、The inclination is somewhat necessary.But this does not mean that ancient Chinese theories should be dismembered arbitrarily by Western theories. ─── 但以西释中决不意味著可以用西方的理论任意地肢解中国古代的学说。

72、Conclusion Wounds caused by boat propeller injuries have their unique characteristics, distinguished from wounds of dismembered corpse. ─── 结论船舶螺旋桨损伤具有独特的特征,可与碎尸损伤进行鉴别。

73、For example, some carcasses were largely intact and others were dismembered and scattered widely, which would not have happened instantaneously. ─── 举例来说,有些骨骸大致完整,有些则遭到肢解且散落开来,这两种情形应该不是同时发生。

74、Dismembered pyeloplasty with small incision assisted by retroperitoneal laprascopy (Report of 8 cases) ─── 后腹腔镜辅助下小切口肾盂成形术(附8例报告)

75、They are a dismembered branch of the Appalachian family, and are seen away to the west of the river, swelling up to a noble height and lording it over the surrounding country. ─── 那是阿巴拉契亚山系的一条旁支,从河的西岸远远望去,群山拔地而起,高耸入云,君临一方。

76、But once again, I found my own mouth of sugar is the eraser, was he dismembered the inside. ─── 但有一次,我发现嘴里的糖块是我自己的橡皮擦,被他肢解了放在里面。

77、the case of dismembered body ─── 碎尸案

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