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09-03 投稿



godhood 发音

英:[['g?dh?d]]  美:[['g?dh?d]]

英:  美:

godhood 中文意思翻译



godhood 相似词语短语

1、good food ─── 美食

2、godrooned ─── 戈德龙

3、hoghood ─── 猪圈

4、godhead ─── n.神性;上帝

5、boyhood ─── n.童年,少年时代;男孩们

6、to hood ─── 到引擎盖

7、ladhood ─── n.少年,小伙子;家伙(lad的变形)

8、sonhood ─── n.儿子;孩子(对年轻人的称呼);男性后裔(son的变形)

9、godroon ─── 戈德隆

godhood 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Out a window, and straight down to the godhood. ─── 从窗子,从那直接下到神木林。

2、The godhood of Cheng Huang in Tang Dynasty was getting higher and emperors' ennoblement is the key factor of the ascent. ─── 唐代城隍的神格有越来越高的趋势,人主加封于城隍神,则是城隍神格提升的最关键因素。

3、Godhood is irresistible.The hemorrhaging expense of yet another hero will not keep us away. ─── 神的地位是难以抗拒的诱惑,即使是另一个英雄血淋淋的代价也不能阻止我们。

4、The dramatis personae Jia Baoyu cannot change rules of the world, although he holds godhood of uncommon stone and shen-ying shi zhe, although he was born in a noble family. ─── 含玉而生的贾宝玉,前身既凝聚了补天顽石和神瑛侍者神性,在人间又是大贵之家的宠儿,但却改变不了尘间规则,依旧经历人间的悲凉;

5、Since she and her sisters had found him in the godhood, one of them had dogged his every step, never letting him out of sight. ─── 自从她和她的姐妹们在神木林里找到他开始,她们的其中一个就顽强地跟着他,从不让他消失在视线里。

6、This is their opportunity to experience their growing in Godhood in a beautiful new place. ─── 这是他们有机会体验在神性,他们成长在一个美丽的新地方。

7、1.Hi:I do not believe Lord Odin would be accepting "submission"for mortals for godhood at any time! ─── 我相信吾主奥丁任何时候都不会接受一个凡人要求神格的“提案”!

8、If you can prove youself a true hero on Earth, your godhood willbe restored. ─── 只要你证明自己是凡间的真英雄,你就可以恢复天神的身份了。

9、The lesson is, of course, to realize your godhood, your connectedness with Prime Creator and with all that exists. ─── 当然课程是认识你们的神性,认识与最初的创造者并且与你们所有存在的你们的连通性。

10、Every village and town had its own Ch'eng-Huang, most often a local dignitary or important person who had died and been promoted to godhood. ─── 每一个村庄和市镇都有自己的城王,通常大多数都是地方高官,或者是已经死去的重要人物,被提升为神。

11、There are many misconceptions about the idea of godhood. ─── 有很多误解神性的想法。

12、His inability to claim his godhood comes from not knowing that he is the champion of his own cause. ─── 他无法获得他的神性源自他不知晓他是他自己事业的冠军。

13、Sentient Godhood. ─── 有知觉的神格。

14、When Jesus came to earth, it was not his Godhood he laid aside, but his glory. ─── 当耶稣来到世上时,祂并没将自己的神性放下,而释放下自己荣耀。

15、The lesson is, of course, to realize your godhood, your connectedness with Prime Creator and with all that exists. ─── 当然课程是认识你们的神性,认识与最初的创造者并且与你们所有存在的你们的连通性。

16、So what are the requirements for godhood. What makes a good god? ─── 那么我们对神明又有什么要求呢,是什么造就了一个好上帝?

17、Forgiveness alone is enough to attain Godhood. ─── 只有宽恕足以达到神灵之境界。

18、“shuts herself in”, means indication of godhood has ceased to exist. ─── “闭坐其中”,表示持有神格的存在死掉了。

19、Mormons are no longer polygamous, but they do believe that people can attain "godhood" and that the dead can be baptised . ─── 摩门教徒已不再一夫多妻,但是他们依然坚信人可以获得“神性”并且相信死者的灵魂可以被净化。

20、godhood characteristic ─── 神格特征

21、Hi: I do not believe Lord Odin would be accepting "submission"for mortals for godhood at any time! ─── 我相信吾主奥丁任何时候都不会接受一个凡人要求神格的“提案”!

22、As children idolize those who can do what they cannot do, your society clearly demonstrates this same method of creating godhood. ─── 因为孩子们过度崇拜那些什么都不能做的他们,你们的这个社会清楚地示现了创造神性的同样方法。

23、Artemis may have stolen his godhood, but this one has stolen his heart. ─── 最后,作者与读者分享了自己去疤、保养皮肤方面的成功心得。

24、It was then that people began whispering about the possible godhood of Han Fei-tzu. ─── 就是那个时候起人们开始私下里传说韩非子可能具有神性。

25、The Realizer. Entertain no imaginations whatever, for the thing is a no-thing. Knowing this then is Human Godhood. ─── 领悟者。不取悦任何幻象,因为物是无物。知此就是神性的人。

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