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09-03 投稿


crosier 发音

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crosier 中文意思翻译



crosier 网络释义

n. 牧杖;(主教或男修道院长的曲柄)权杖

crosier 短语词组

1、crosier funeral home cleburne tx ─── 克洛希尔殡仪馆 ─── 克莱伯恩德 ─── 克萨斯州

2、crosier pearson funeral ─── 克罗西尔皮尔逊葬礼

3、crosier pearson funeral home in cleburne tx ─── 克洛希尔皮尔逊殡仪馆在 ─── 克莱伯恩德 ─── 克萨斯州

4、crosier funeral home cleburne ─── 克莱伯恩 ─── 克罗希尔殡仪馆

5、crosier def ─── 克洛希尔def

crosier 词性/词形变化,crosier变形

异体字: crozier |

crosier 相似词语短语

1、crossed ─── adj.交叉的;划掉的;十字形的;v.交叉;越过(cross的过去式和过去分词)

2、cosier ─── 温暖舒适的(cosy的比较级)

3、crosiers ─── n.牧杖;(主教或男修道院长的曲柄)权杖

4、Hoosier ─── n.美国印第安纳居民的绰号,山地人,印第安纳人

5、crosse ─── n.兜网棒;网兜木棒;长曲棍球的球棒;n.(Crosse)(美、英、法等)克罗斯(人名)

6、rosier ─── adj.脸色更红润的;更乐观的;更安逸的;n.(Rosier)(美)罗齐尔(人名)

7、crosser ─── n.垫木;隔条;衬木;adj.生气的;发怒的

8、prosier ─── 散文家

9、choosier ─── 选择器

crosier 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、(b) long staff similar to this, carried ceremonially by a bishop; crosier ─── 主教举行仪式时手持的权杖(形如牧羊人之手杖)。

2、pastoral crosier - the emblem of a shepherd ' s watchfulness over his flock , and denotes episcopal jurisdiction and authority. ─── 牧师杖凌驾于一个牧师群体之上的监督性存在,象征主教的裁判权和代理权。

3、"Pope says chillily and raised a crosier to in a twinkling target me: " since so, as the betrayer, I can prefer a deportation. ─── 教皇冷冷的说道,举起权杖瞬间锁定住了我:“既然这样,对于背叛者,我只能选择驱逐。”

4、The outstanding management outstanding achievement that these quality add him makes he grasped Swedish telecommunication gigantic child the crosier that loves to establish a letter. ─── 这些素质加上他的杰出经营业绩使他握到了瑞典电信巨子爱立信的权杖。

5、Pastoral Crosier - The emblem of a shepherd's watchfulness over his flock and denotes episcopal jurisdiction and authority. ─── 牧师杖-凌驾于一个牧师群体之上的监督性存在,象征主教的裁判权和代理权。

6、An implement or tool, such as a bishop's crosier or a shepherd's staff, with a bent or curved part. ─── 曲柄杖一种带有弯曲部分的用具或工具,如主教的权杖或牧羊人的牧杖

7、an archbishop's cross, a magnificent crosier. ─── 一个大主教的十字架,一条华美的法杖。

8、an archbishop's cross, a magnificent crosier, ─── 一个大主教的十字架,一条华美的法杖,

9、3, NE:Keeping the crosier expenses increases to 200 golds, the CD is45; ─── 3、NE:保存权杖费用增加至200金,CD为45秒;

10、Pastoral Crosier - The emblem of a shepherd's watchfulness over his flock, and denotes episcopal jurisdiction and authority. ─── 牧师权杖-统驭无知者的领袖,象征主教的裁判权和威信。

11、Strengthen fireball to shoot the result as 45% gradually. 3, NE:Keeping the crosier expenses increases to 200 golds, the CD is 45; ─── 加强火球渐射效果为45%. 3、NE:保存权杖费用增加至200金,CD为45秒;

12、On the other hand, advertising ethics is the crosier of consensus and should not be abused. ─── 广告必须深刻理解社会所共同认知的伦理内涵,明确自己的伦理责任。

13、China is no more than a downfallen baronage though she owns the crosier of historical tradition. ─── 中国虽然把持着历史渊源这根权杖,却只是个没落的贵族。

14、Then I will make a crosier by branch for you. ─── 那么我用树枝帮你做一支权杖吧?

15、When pair of crutches change to Shan crutch, does crosier Ying Fang incline the postoperative convalecent stage of offside tibia platform fracture? ─── 您的位置:凡人谷知道>医疗健康>外科>右侧胫骨平台骨折手术后恢复期双拐向单拐转变时拐杖应放哪侧?

16、Bingzhe dies, li Jianxi of 45 years old has received father's crosier. ─── 李秉哲去世后,45岁的李健熙接过父亲的权杖。

17、China is no more than a downfallen baronage though she owns the crosier of historical heritage. ─── 中国虽然把持着历史渊源这根权杖,却只是个没落的贵族。

18、She puts a bamboo flute before chest and be like to hold the crosier in ancient Egyptian queen hand. ─── 她将笛子放在胸前,就像握着古埃及女王手中的权杖。

19、After Li Bingzhe dies, li Jianxi of 45 years old has received father's crosier. ─── 李秉哲去世后,45岁的李健熙接过父亲的权杖。

20、an implement or tool,such as a bishop's crosier or a shepherd's staff,with a bent or curved part ─── 曲柄杖,一种带有弯曲部分的用具或工具,如主教的权杖或牧羊人的牧杖

21、Ong staff similar to this,carried ceremonially by a bishop; crosier ─── 主教举行仪式时手持的权杖(形如牧羊人之手杖)

22、Ong staff similar to this, carried ceremonially by a bishop; crosier ─── 主教举行仪式时手持的权杖(形如牧羊人之手杖)

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