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09-03 投稿


detaching 发音

英:[d??t?t???]  美:[d??t?t???]

英:  美:

detaching 中文意思翻译



detaching 同义词

shell | come off |separate | draft | delegate | disengage | unfasten | joint | cut off | loosen | assign | isolate | come away | remove | disconnect | sever | disjoin

detaching 常用词组

detach from ─── 从…分离;拆卸

detaching 短语词组

1、detaching hook ─── 分离钩

2、detaching apparatus ─── 分离装置

3、detaching a lawn ─── 拆开草坪

4、detaching cells ─── 分离细胞

5、detaching gear ─── [化] 可卸接头; 可卸油枪接头

6、detaching from work ─── 脱离工作

7、detaching from toxic parents ─── 脱离有毒父母

8、detaching def ─── 分离def

detaching 反义词


detaching 词性/词形变化,detaching变形

名词: detachability |形容词: detachable |动词过去式: detached |动词现在分词: detaching |动词第三人称单数: detaches |动词过去分词: detached |副词: detachably |

detaching 相似词语短语

1、attaching ─── adj.附属的;v.附上;依恋(attach的ing形式)

2、ditching ─── n.挖沟;[航]水上迫降;甩开;v.挖沟;[航]水上迫降(ditch的ing形式)

3、reteaching ─── 复课

4、dethatching ─── 去影线

5、beaching ─── n.船只搁浅;搁滩;抢滩;滩头系留;vt.将…拖上岸(beach的现在分词)

6、detailing ─── n.(建筑、服装等的)装饰细部;(汽车的)彻底清洗;v.详述,详细列举(或说明);派遣,选派;彻底清洗(汽车)(detail的现在分词)

7、debauching ─── vt.使堕落;使颓废;n.放荡;vi.放荡;诱使做不道德的事

8、detaining ─── vt.拘留;留住;耽搁

9、depeching ─── 依赖

detaching 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、After death the torso of the Walking Corpse has a chance to survive, detaching itself and crawling after the hero. ─── 在行尸死亡后有一定概率幸存(成为爬行尸,详见该帖),并缓慢地向英雄爬行。

2、You can also detach all attached processes. ─── 也可以分离全部附加进程。

3、Unfortunately, this means that if you were previously attached to the project, you must detach and re-attach to the project! ─── 不幸的是,这意味着如果您先前加入了这个项目,就必须退出并重新加入该项目!

4、The shared memory is not destroyed even after all processes detach from it. ─── 即使在所有进程都与之脱离之后,这个共享内存也不会被销毁。

5、Don't detach the coach from the train. ─── 别把这个车厢从火车上拆下来。

6、Stacking system and bolt detaching system allows circuits to be configured, changed and added easily and immediately. ─── 堆垛系统和螺栓分离系统允许电路进行配置,改变和补充立即轻松。

7、Detach a link from a chain. ─── 从链子上拆下一个链环。

8、This allows you to overlap the detach and update phases of the two sets of volumes. ─── 从而允许将两个卷集的分离和更新阶段重叠。

9、But most metals have electrons that can detach from their atoms and move around. ─── 但是很多金属的电子能够与它们的原子分离,到处漂移.

10、Anyway the opening is scored so that it pushes in easily but doesn't detach itself. ─── 不管怎样开口有刻痕,拉开很容易,但拉环会脱离罐子。

11、If something goes bad, you can't detach the databases from the new instance and put them back. ─── 如果出现故障,您无法将数据库与新实例分离开来并放回原来位置。

12、The reveries from which it was difficult for him to detach himself were ideal constructions of something else than Rosamond's virtues. ─── 他梦寐以求,难以割舍的理想,不是探索罗莎蒙德的内心,而是某种物质的结构。

13、A new method for automatic generation of mesh on LOM is proposed by means of modularization method after the principle of detaching waste parts from model is analyzed. ─── 分析了物体分层制造中用网格分离废料的原理,提出了一种模块化的网格划分方法;

14、At crucial moment, what does this immortal fool do but detach the regiment from its place and order a charge over a neighboring hill where there wasn’t a suggestion of an enemy! ─── 在这千钧一发之际,这个头号大傻瓜是怎样指挥的呢?他把团队从阵地撤出,下令向邻近的一座小山发起冲锋,而那里连一个敌兵的影子也没有。

15、The proportion of W-W and W-M interface detaching on the fracture surface increases as the addition of Y2O3, resulting in the decrease of static tensile strength and elongation. ─── Y2O3粒子降低了钨-钨、钨-黏结相界面结合强度,随着Y2O3质量分数的增加,钨合金静态抗拉强度和延伸率降低;

16、A saw-tooth profile to the Gurney flap (red arrow) adds downforce, but also helps in detaching the airflow as it leaves the exit profile of the flap. ─── 一个锯齿形的剖面附在尾翼的床轮処(红色箭头処)来增加下压力,也帮助在关闭尾翼的剖面的同时分离气流。

17、Radl has reference transparence and detach thealgorithm from program, which make derivation of algorithm and program easy and guarantee the correctness of Apia program. ─── Radl语言的引入使得算法和程序相分离,并具有引用透明性,这些都有利于算法和程序的推导,从而可保证作为系统输入的Apla程序的正确性。

18、Tilt seatback forward, and slide it outboard to detach it from pin on center pivot bracket. ─── 向前倾斜座椅靠背,向外部滑动,从中心枢轴支架销上将其卸下。

19、To facilitate the detach of the lining,could we change the original zipper to revolving slider on the left zipper? ─── 为了内夹克穿脱更方便,拉链是否可以改为左插和旋转头的拉链?

20、Remove the dirty parts from the motor unit. Detach the juicer in the following order. ─── 从电动机组件上拆下脏部件。按下列顺序拆卸榨汁机。

21、Even if you have a hard time letting go, you can at least observe yourself taking things very seriously, which in itself helps to detach you from the experience of anxiety. ─── 即便要”算了“是你很难做到,也至少可以去观察在做严肃谈话时候的自己,这样就能让你置身于焦虑感觉之外。

22、It is impossible to detach oneself from reality. ─── 人要想超脱现实是办不到的。

23、Only do not detach the lid or wash it with detergent. ─── "只是不要打开盖子或用洗涤剂清洗。"

24、A process is detaching the DLL, or the process is exiting.Any per-process cleanup should be performed. ─── 一个进程断开dll链接,或者进程结束,每进程清除要执行。

25、Spreading the lower side of the front panel plate outward (arrow B), detach the plate from the body. ─── 向外侧拉伸前面板框的底边(箭头),把板从机体上卸下。

26、in the experiments essentially uses electricity to push the flame away from the burner, detaching it from the fuel source, so it goes out. ─── 实验中的电棒本质上是用电把火焰从燃烧器中推开,把它从燃料源中分离出来,然后火就熄灭了。

27、In SQL Server 2005, a suspect database cannot be detached; before you can detach it, you must put it into emergency mode. ─── 在SQL Server 2005中,无法分离可疑数据库,必须将数据库置入紧急模式,才能对其进行分离。

28、The act or process of disconnecting or detaching; separation. ─── 分开,拆开分开或拆开的动作或过程;分离

29、Start detaching your mind and emotions and just go with the flow when you are having a conversation. ─── 开始摆脱你的想法和情绪吧,谈话时只需要你顺其自然。

30、Making a flower offering, when you make offering, we're detaching, we're sacrificing something. ─── 例如供花,当你献供时,我们是在舍弃,在奉献。

31、On the MIDI input application, the Attach and Detach buttons connect and disconnect the application from the selected MIDI device. ─── 在MIDI输入应用程序中,Attach和Detach按钮负责连接或断开所选MIDI设备的应用程序。

32、Earth is detaching herself from other creations much as ascending humans are learning to detach themselves from their friends, family, workmates, boss, beloved, spouse, children, pets, plants, land and possessions. ─── 地球正在将自己与其它造物分离开来,就象提升者正在学会将自己从朋友、家人、同事、上司、爱人、配偶、孩子、宠物、植物、大地和财物之中分离出来一样。

33、DetachEventBuffer Detach an event buffer from this window. ─── 从窗口中释放缓冲区的处理事件.

34、This paper analyzed the contamination cause and process from three aspects: the membrane property,the liquid property and the operating condition of membrane detaching. ─── 从膜的性质、料液的性质以及膜分离的操作条件3个方面分析了膜污染的成因和膜污染过程;分析了膜污染的种类;

35、A boy would slowly detach himself from the gang. ─── 一个孩子就慢慢地从这个帮伙中退出去。

36、Lattice robots move by crawling over one another, attaching to and detaching from connection points on neighboring robots. ─── 格型机器人通过一个模块爬行到另一个模块上的方式进行移动,模块间通过连接点相互连接或分离。

37、It bewitched the region's left, detaching large parts of it from a path of social democracy for a generation. ─── 它迷惑了该地区的左派,让他们很大部分的一代人偏离了社会民主的道路。

38、The only solution in this case is to avoid detaching AXIOM completely from the data flow during serialization. ─── 这种情况下,惟一的办法是避免序列化过程中AXIOM完全和数据流脱离开。

39、So close was her hold upon his arm, that he feared to detach himself lest he should hurt her; therefore he called out loudly for assistance without moving. ─── 她的手还紧紧地抓住他。 他怕伤害了她,简直不敢把手抽开,只好一动不动,大声叫人来帮忙。

40、Don't detach yourself from reality. ─── 不要脱离实际。

41、In 1931, Japan occupied Manchuria and tried to detach China's northern provinces, leading to open war in 1937. ─── 一九三一年,日军占领东三省,并企图吞并华北省份,终于导致一九三七年爆发中日战争。

42、Lots of weekends away to relax and detach from serious realms of thinking and spending time in sensuous, gentle environments will keep your relationship fresh. ─── 你也应利用好自己很有主见的特点,在工作中多作自由发挥。

43、The act or process of disconnecting or detaching;separation. ─── 分开,拆开分开或拆开的动作或过程;

44、The affixing picture, multidimensional material technique and surface detaching, stitching method were used combined with image-processing to rec. ─── 主要是通过贴图技术和多维材质技术、面剥离法和面缝合法,并配合图像处理技术,实现大楼的快速三维重建。

45、Like some lizards alive today, its tail could detach if seized by a predator, to allow an escape.It would then regrow. ─── 和现代某些蜥蜴一样,长颈龙的尾巴在被凶猛动物咬住时也可以自己断开,它们则趁机逃跑,尾巴会慢慢再长起来。

46、In detaching the science of law from theology and religion, he prepared the ground for the secular, rationalistic version of modern natural law. ─── 在将法学与神学和宗教分离时,他为现代自然法世俗的、理性主义的观点奠定了基

47、Detaching-oneself, converting angle of view, developing talking, cooperating and teamwork are important ways to practise reflecting. ─── 跳脱自我、变换视角、开展对话、合作共进是教师实践反思的重要方式。

48、Lists the application domains in the process and prompts the user to select the domain to detach from. ─── 列出进程中的应用程序域并提示用户选择要同其分离的域。

49、It showed that the critical shear stress for cell detachment was relatively low on PHB, thus cells tend to aggregate and detach from surfaces. ─── 在经多聚赖氨酸衣被的表面临界脱离剪应力提高,细胞铺展生长。

50、Hot attach and detach allows adding and removing devices at any time when powering down or rebooting. ─── 在没有电和重新启动的情况下,相关的和分开的东西在任何时间下可以增加或移动

51、When the fibre placement is finished, the tows cover the surface all over, no stacking and detaching. ─── 铺丝完成时,丝束“包裹”整个曲面,无堆叠和分离现象。

52、He cannot wholly detach himself from the technicalities and personal inconveniences which accompany the battle for intelligence. ─── 他无法完全摆脱伴随着情报战而来的技术性问题和使他个人感到不方便的事情。

53、D: Anyway the opening is scored so that it pushes in easily but doesn't detach itself. ─── 不管怎样开口有刻痕,拉开很容易,但拉环会脱离罐子。

54、He decided to detach himself from the human world, and practice Buddhism. ─── 他决定超脱尘网,一意修行。

55、GPRS detach changes the state to PMM-DETACHED. ─── GPRS 分离会将状态改变为 分组移动管理-分离 状态.

56、Additionally the display case may be rotated axial-wise by detaching the counter nut at the pressure connection. ─── 另外,拆开压力接口的埋头螺母,显示屏可以轴向旋转。

57、Spreading the lower side of the front panel plate outward( arrow B), detach the plate from the body. ─── 向外侧拉伸前面板框的底边(头B)把板从机体上卸下。

58、Click the image name from which you want to detach. ─── 单击要分离的映像名称。

59、DetachEventBuffer Detach an event buffer from this device. ─── 分离一个事件缓冲区从这个设备上。

60、If your computer is attached to any kind of docking station or port replicator, turn off the computer and detach it before proceeding. ─── 如果你的机器上连接有其他移动设备,在开始前务必关机并断开。

61、Performance Tools allow you to attach to or detach from a running process that is being sampled. ─── 使用性能工具,您可以向取样的运行进程附加探查器或从运行进程分离探查器。

62、If you can detach yourself from the gossip chain, you cut the majority of the drama out of your work days. ─── 如果你能把自己与喜欢说长道短的同事们隔开,你就能杜绝工作中各种戏剧性情况发生在你身上。

63、Suffering can only be freed by detaching the spirit imposed by the body. ─── 只有精神强加于物质,那么才可以把苦楚释放出来。

64、The care which he had himself taken to detach her from him was succeeding. ─── 他设法使珂赛特和他疏远,这已有了成效。

65、Some practitioners even shut out all sensory input ”no sights, no sounds, and nothing to touch ”and try to detach themselves from the commotion around them. ─── 一些冥想者甚至排除所有的感官输入,没有视觉,没有听觉,也不触碰任何东西,试图把自己从周围的骚动中分离出来。

66、U gotta detach them and refix then if only coming any mistakes. ─── 只要出一点差错,就可能要全部拆卸,重新装配。

67、After a period of intense concentration, Albert Einstein would take a nap or find another way to detach from whatever he was working on. ─── 在一段强烈的集中精力之后,爱因斯坦也会休息一会,去找其它的方法远离他正在处理的事情。

68、Do not detach the coach from the train . ─── 别把这个车箱从火车上拆下来。

69、Otherwise it must detach units to preserve signal and road communications, protect dumps and convoys. ─── 否则必须派遣部队去维持秩序和交通,保护仓库和运输。

70、By tacitly detaching executive compensation policy from long-term performance, committees harm their companies and the economy as a whole. ─── 委员会暗中将高管薪酬政策与长期业绩脱钩,这会损害公司和整体经济。

71、Sometimes, however, it takes additional time to detach from all the processes being debugged. ─── 但是,有时从正在调试的所有进程中分离需要额外的时间。

72、Then, when you detach the stale version of the database from a given server instance, you can immediately attach the fresh version. ─── 于是,当从给定的服务器实例中分离陈旧的数据库版本时,就可以立即附加新的版本。

73、The former insists that the subject should empathize with the object while the latter demands that the subject should detach himself from the object. ─── 前者强调审美须移情于物,后者则要求审美者与外物分离。

74、We command a carpenter to detach the bookITlf from the wall. ─── 咱们需求一名木匠将书架从墙上拆下来。

75、Short cycle times can be achieved by detaching the mold plates before the concrete is completely set up. ─── 在混凝土完全硬化之前拆模可以缩短周期时间。

76、The magma of melted detaching and sinking crystal completely mixes with that of the melted crust in the magmatic chamber of crust, which forms the Palaeogene syncollision and volcanic arc magma. ─── 堆晶体发生部分熔融,拆沉物熔融岩浆与地壳熔融岩浆于地壳岩浆房产生完全混合作用,形成古近纪具同碰撞及弧火山属性的岩浆。

77、Detach the sensing line from the inlet ball valve and the elbow on the relief valve. ─── 从进口球阀和安全阀上的弯头处拆卸感应管道。

78、You can't detach yourself? ─── 你当真撒不开手?

79、Later I was able to detach myself from that desolate mood. ─── 像机敏的外交家那样,我问父母我该做些什么。

80、Errors produced while detaching a database can prevent the database from closing cleanly and the transaction log from being rebuilt. ─── 分离数据库时生成的错误会阻止完全关闭数据库和重新生成事务日志。

81、Learn to collect data once application reaches a known state by attaching and detaching profiler to a running process. ─── 了解如何通过将探查器附加到运行的进程和从运行的进程分离探查器,在应用程序达到已知状态后收集数据。

82、In one embodiment, a recording medium is easily removed from the wireline reel, has a simple structure, easy to detach contrast to the present technology. ─── 利用本发明实施例,可以轻松取下缠绕在轴上的记录介质,与现有技术相比,具有结构简单,拆卸装配简单方便的特点。

83、University must full of scholars and grandmaster, they should produce ideology, discover truth, devote to learning, engage in knowledge, detach the real. ─── 大学教授要能够跳出三界,不在五行,鄙视功名,祛除物欲,搞学问、迷学术、做学者、慕大师,致力于真理的追求,沉缅于探索的快乐,以享受原创的幸福。

84、Detach syringe and leave a meniscus of mixture on the hub of the balloon lumen. ─── 取下注射器并在球囊腔的针座内留下一半月形的液面。

85、He had to detach himself from social activities for the time being in order to concentrate on his studies. ─── 为了专心致志于学业,他只好暂时撇开社交活动。

86、At crucial moment, what does this immortal fool do but detach the regiment from its place and order a charge over a neighboring hill where there wasn't a suggestion of an enemy! ─── 在这千钧一发之际,这个头号大傻瓜是怎样指挥的呢? 他把团队从阵地撤出,下令向邻近的一座小山包发起冲锋,而那里连一个敌兵的影子也看不见!

87、It is better to detach from the process before stopping the debugger, so that you can quit Word and Excel in the normal way. ─── 在停止调试器之前,最好与进程分离,以便您能正常退出Word和Excel。

88、Use this stored procedure to determine the names of files to attach to or detach from the server. ─── 使用此存储过程确定附加到服务器或从服务器分离的文件名。

89、They simply detach their egos from materialism and re-attach it to spiritualism. ─── 他们只是把自我从唯物主义中剔除出去却从唯心主义上重新依附于它。

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