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09-03 投稿


obscured 发音

英:[?b'skj??d]  美:[?b'skj?rd]

英:  美:

obscured 中文意思翻译



obscured 词性/词形变化,obscured变形

动词过去式: obscured |动词过去分词: obscured |形容词最高级: obscurest |动词现在分词: obscuring |形容词比较级: obscurer |动词第三人称单数: obscures |副词: obscurely |名词: obscureness |

obscured 同义词

shade | inconspicuous | confused | foggy | unnoticeable | vague | confuse | mask | inexact | minor | veil | bedim | dim | enigmatic | gloomy | blur | indistinct | ambiguous | complicate | apart | grey | blurred | conceal | shadowy | twilight | isolated | incomprehensible | muddy | shroud | eclipse | cryptic | blanket |faint | overcloud | equivocal | tough | hidden | obnubilate | unsung | befog | impenetrable | unknown | unclear | becloud | obliterate | mist | dark | cloak | indefinite | hazy | black | blot out | hide | fuzzy | disguise | darken | opaque | cloud | fog | abstruse | distant

obscured 反义词


obscured 短语词组

1、obscured syn ─── 模糊syn

2、be obscured by ─── 被…遮盖,因…而相形见绌

3、obscured crossword ─── 模糊纵横字谜

4、obscured by clouds ─── 被云层遮蔽

5、obscured trends ─── 模糊的趋势

6、obscured definition ─── 模糊的定义

obscured 相似词语短语

1、unobscured ─── adj.清楚的;不隐匿的;不晦涩的;不暗的

2、bescoured ─── 装饰

3、objured ─── 向上

4、obscurest ─── (意思)不清楚的;含糊的;无名的;费解的(obscure的最高级)

5、obscurer ─── 模糊的;晦涩的;阴暗的(obscure的比较级)

6、obscures ─── adj.昏暗的,朦胧的;晦涩的,不清楚的;隐蔽的;不著名的,无名的;vt.使…模糊不清,掩盖;隐藏;使难理解;n.某种模糊的或不清楚的东西

7、obscure ─── adj.昏暗的,朦胧的;晦涩的,不清楚的;隐蔽的;不著名的,无名的;vt.使…模糊不清,掩盖;隐藏;使难理解;n.某种模糊的或不清楚的东西

8、obdured ─── 强迫的

9、obscurely ─── adv.费解地,晦涩地;隐匿地

obscured 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The rapid expansion of China's gross national product also obscured the lack of any real increase in living standards. ─── 中国国民总产值的迅速增长也回避了生活水平的实际降低。

2、Historically, the craftsman created artificial representations by changing the positions and forms of materials, enlightening the obscured and contributing to the development of art. ─── 在艺术发生的最初,他/她用手改变物质的位置和形态,创造了人工形象,启迪了蒙昧者的灵魂,成就了艺术。

3、The basic message of Christianity -- love your brother -- is obscured under torrents of blood to the point of benumbing the audience. ─── 基督教的基本信息--热爱你的兄弟,在使观众变得麻木的血液洪流中,已经变得很模糊了。

4、All trace of his working-class background was deliberately obscured. ─── 他工人阶级出身的所有痕迹都给有意地隐藏起来了。

5、But a program exploiting the temporal aspects of video could restore the logo by overlaying it with nearby frames where it was not obscured. ─── 但是能处理影片时序方面的软体,就可藉著叠合邻近的清晰影格将图案还原。

6、Sand blasted glass, obscured glass, non-glare glass, Misty glass, etc.. ─── 喷砂玻璃、磨沙玻璃、防眩玻璃、蒙砂玻璃等。

7、Waiting the coming train, his eyes obscured as by mist. ─── 在湿润眼眶中等候开来的列车。

8、Kitchen linoleum lined the floor, cables and pipes obscured the ceiling, and banks of monitors were stacked against the bulkheads. ─── 合起的双筒潜望镜罩倒挂在位于正中央的驾驶台后面。

9、Unlike the desktop, which can get obscured by the windows on top of it, the taskbar is visible almost all the time. ─── 与桌面不同的是,桌面可以被窗口覆盖,而任务栏几乎始终可见。

10、The beam centrally obscured is reshaped to annulus beam by a diffractive beam shaper and another phase corrector, as a result central obscuration is avoided. ─── 为消除次镜遮挡,提高光通信终端的发射效率,提出一种基于衍射光学元件的新方法。

11、The writer's meaning was obscured by his convoluted prose. ─── 作者的意思被他晦涩的文章掩盖起来。

12、To cause to be obscured; cloud. ─── 使迷惑:使模糊、不清楚或迷乱

13、We described a method to estimate the foveal position in images of retinas with macular disease in which the fovea is obscured. ─── 为因黄斑病变造成中心凹结构破坏的眼底确定中心固视的位置提供方法。

14、Vertical visibility 50m in fog, sky obscured. ─── 垂直能见度50米,有雾,天空不明。

15、view was obscured by fog. ─── 雾中景色朦胧。

16、On the other, beyond pickets of eucalyptuses, rose the dark mass of a more esoteric rain forest which obscured, presumably, the ocean. ─── 另一侧,比桉树桩更远的地方,冒出一片黑乎乎的,愈发深奥莫测的热带雨林,使得大海似乎显得模糊不清。

17、"All observations beyond our galaxy are obscured by the disc of the Milky Way," he points out, so we need to be careful how we interpret them. ─── “所有在我们银河系更远处的观察研究都会因银河系的断开而变得难以解释”,他指出,所以怎样来解释它们,我们需要谨慎小心。

18、The clouds obscured the moon. ─── 云把月亮遮蔽了。

19、As long as the light remains constant, the green appears the same, but as the light source changes (such as when the sun is obscured) so does the color seen by the observer. ─── 只要光线不变,绿色就保持不变,但如果光源改变(比如太阳变暗了)观察者看到的颜色也会改变。

20、On the other, beyond pickets of eucalyptuses, rose the dark mass of a more esoteric rain forest which obscured, presumably, the ocean. ─── 另一侧,比桉树桩更远的地方,冒出一片黑乎乎的,愈发深奥莫测的热带雨林,使得大海似乎显得模糊不清。

21、The item he intentionally obscured would make several interpretations possible. ─── 他故意搞得含混不清的条款,可能会做出好几种解释。

22、The lips are obscured by the landscape of the trees in Leonardo's typical blended style of Sfumato. ─── 唇部则借助莱昂那多渲染层次的典型手法,在树景的掩映下显得模糊晦涩。

23、The subacute (intermediate) infarct seen here at the right shows edema with obscured structural outlines and swelling that shifts the midline to the left. ─── 右边是亚急性梗死(中速),出现明显水肿,伴组织结构轮廓不清和肿胀,正中线推向左侧。

24、The vast plain was obscured by the falling flakes of snow. ─── 大雪纷飞,原野一片迷茫。

25、Crown: top of the head, or (if obscured by hair or headwear), where the top of the head/skull would be if it could be seen. ─── 头顶:头部的最上端,或(如果受头发或头饰的影响),可见到的头部/脑壳的最上端.

26、Both types are obscured from and confused about truth.In short, delusion envelops these individuals! ─── 任己见则是知识障:都是把真理迷昧不明了,总言迷障!

27、But this was somewhat obscured by the ensuing fire. ─── 但对随着地震发生的火灾却起着一些阻挡的作用。

28、Ms Rihll mixes delight at the ancients' ingenuity with contempt for the way their work was obscured by vague and ignorant contemporary chroniclers, as well as by later scholars keen to peddle pet theories rather than look at the evidence. ─── 古人的心灵手巧让里尔感到高兴,而愚昧无知的当代编年史作家,还有后来热衷于兜售热门理论而不注重证据的学者,他们对古人劳动成果的漠视,又为她所不齿。

29、There were only a few hours of daylight left and a strong wind was blowing, stirring the overgrown grass which partially obscured the scattered tombstones. ─── 再有一两个小时太阳就要下山了,一股劲风刮来,吹得丛生的已经蔓延到了墓碑上的杂草来回摇摇晃晃的。

30、He stood in the center of the room, still in his overcoat, his eyes obscured by the goggles. ─── 他站在房子中间,还穿着大衣,眼睛上蒙着护目镜。

31、The ground-floor windows are obscured by wire mesh. ─── 底楼的窗户被铁丝网罩着。

32、A significant feature that is obscured,misrepresented,or not readily evident;a catch. ─── 他打算告发他们把货物卖给他时作虚伪不实的吹嘘。

33、A city in the Wawaatt Archipelago dominated by freshwater lagoons, Kachirho was not as obscured by enshrouding jungle canopy as the more inland Wookiee settlements. ─── 卡基洛,一座位在Wawaatt群岛、围绕著礁湖的城市,并不像其他武技族内陆的居住地,被丛林树冠层所掩盖。

34、And, partly obscured at the top of the cartoon, "Bush AWOL. ─── 在漫画上部被遮住一角的电视上写着“布什擅离职守”;

35、an eclipse in which the eclipsed body is only partially obscured ─── 一个天体只有部分被遮盖的一种食

36、But a titanic struggle behind the scenes, obscured by public events and often blurred by Tehran's whirring rumour mill, may be just as crucial to the country's future. ─── 但是,在众多公众事件以及德黑兰当下纷杂的流言背后,一场隐藏的巨大纷争可能会对这个国家的未来产生巨大的影响。

37、His fame was obscured by that of his great father. ─── 他父亲的名气使他黯然失色。

38、The sun obscured by overcast, refracted from the jungle and heated the moist dark air. ─── 云翳蔽空,日色朦胧,经丛林这么一反射,又阴又湿的空气就给烤得热烘烘的。

39、He promenaded this otherness.It made him a star but obscured his talent. ─── 他大肆招摇这种另类,这让他成了明星,却掩盖了他的演戏天份。

40、Thick cloud cover over India obscured the sun when the eclipse began but the clouds parted in several cities, minutes before the total eclipse took place at 6.24 am. ─── 印度上空乌云密布,在日食出现的时候挡住了太阳;但在个别城市,早晨6点24分,在日食出现的几分钟前乌云便散去。

41、It is like the sun. It may seem obscured by clouds and dust, but only from the point of view of the perceiver. ─── 像太阳一样。它彷佛被云尘所蒙蔽,但那不过是见者所见。

42、He caught a brief glimpse of a gloomy, high ceilinged, twin-bedded room; then there was a loud twittering noise, followed by an even louder shriek and his vision was completely obscured by a large quantity of very bushy hair. ─── 他只瞥见了一个幽暗的,有着高高的天花板的双人房间,听见了杂乱的噪音,紧跟着是一声更响亮的叫声,然后他的视野被一大丛茂密的头发完全挡住了。

43、As a result, he missed much of the Dodgers' Spring Training, to the consternation of a new management team that wanted to see what it had in the left-hander, whose vast potential had been obscured by five years of elbow problems. ─── 他在春训中缺席太多,造成新的管理团队一阵错愕,他们希望知道这个左投有多大本事,因为小小郭大部分的潜力都被5年来的肘伤所遮蔽。

44、Near the horizon the sun was smouldering dimly, almost obscured by formless mists and vapors, which gave an impression of mass and density without outline or tangibility. ─── 天边,太阳从似乎漫无边际的浓雾和水汽中挤出一丝光晕,给人造成一种朦朦胧胧、无从捉摸的印象。

45、The veil she was wearing obscured her features. ─── 她罩的面纱遮掩了她的面容。

46、His success obscured his earlier failures. ─── 他的成功为他早先的失败遮了丑。

47、Theory, which asserts heat and light to be modes of motion, is at present obscured by two clouds. ─── 动力学理论断言,热和光都是运动的方式。但现在这一理论的优美性和明晰性却被两朵。

48、Any identifying details have been obscured, and no "innovative" or proprietary architectures are presented. ─── 其中忽略了任何确定性的细节,并且不提供“革新的”或专有的体系架构。

49、We all have a pure and clear Buddha nature, obscured by worry and delusion. ─── 人人本有清净纯真的佛性,只因烦恼无明遮蔽了。

50、How he obscured his lieutenants, though they themselves loomed large and serious, blue of chin and important of mien, with hands buried deep in the pockets of their short overcoats! ─── 他的副手们在他的映衬下显得多么微不足道,尽管他们隐隐显得高大严肃,下鄂高贵,态度傲慢,双手深深地插在短外套里!

51、His success obscured his failures ─── 他的成功使他的失败显得微不足道。

52、The sun is obscured by clouds. ─── 太阳被云遮住了。

53、We all have a pure and clear Buddha-nature, obscured by afflictions and delusion. ─── 人人都有纯真和清静的佛性,而这佛性被苦恼和无明给蒙蔽了。

54、a success that obscured earlier failures ─── 一个掩盖了早期失败的成功

55、That assumption was that if both ends of a radio connection spoke at once, the signals being received would be obscured. ─── 一直以来的假设是如果一个无线电连接的两端都同时讲话,那么正在接收的信号将会相互干扰。

56、This is a story about truth obscured, justice deferred and the American way distored in the hands of petty semanticists. ─── 在这个故事里你会看到卑劣的诡辩家们如何掩盖真理、混淆是非,如何曲解美国道路的含义。

57、Still, this remarkable cosmic vista is largely obscured by nebular dust and only revealed here in penetrating infrared light by the Spitzer Space Telescope. ─── 但是,这片美丽的宇宙景色被星云尘埃遮蔽了,只能在斯皮策太空望远镜利用红外光拍摄的影像中看到。

58、The hall was dimly lit, its walls cloaked in shadows and faded tapestries of subjects probably religious but long since obscured. ─── 大厅里光线朦胧,墙上蒙着阴影;

59、His hair hung to his shoulders, a full beard obscured half of his face; his massive arms and chest were covered with tattoos. ─── 他的头发一直垂到肩膀,浓密的胡子几乎遮住了半张脸。在他粗壮的胳膊和厚实的胸膛上刺着文身。

60、It would later indicate that the station was very sensitive to northeasterly winds while somewhat obscured to the southeast. ─── 于当天稍后的数据显示,该站对于东北风非常敏感,而东南面则可能被屏蔽。

61、Rising prices tend to raise incomes in the short term, so their long-term effects are obscured by the constant stream of new policies. ─── 上升的价格会提高短期收入,但其长期影响却被不断出台的新政策掩盖了。

62、They say the celestial event started as a partial eclipse, and the dark shadow of the Moon obscured only the Sun's lower half. ─── 他们表示,此天象始于一个日偏食,当时月亮阴影仅吞噬了太阳的下半部。

63、At the same time,the edges of image always are obscured because of noises in image capturing process.So it is pop all along to study on the edge detection technique of digital image. ─── 同时,图像获取过程中受到各种噪声的影响,必然会引起图像边缘的模糊,因此对图像边缘提取技术的研究一直是一个热门。

64、Aveil of mist obscured the view. ─── 一层雾于景色模糊了。

65、His technical command of artistic processes never obscured his sense of humour. ─── 他艺术般熟练的指挥过程从来没有掩盖他的幽默感。

66、The coming night gradually obscured the smoke of the chimneys. ─── 夜幕降临,逐渐遮掩住家家户户烟囱里冒出的炊烟。

67、His fame was obscured by that of his wife . ─── 他妻子的名声使他的名声相形见绌。

68、In war the event is all, and Germany lost the war. This has obscured her victories in the field. ─── 在战争中,胜败就是一切,而德国战败了。战败使它在战场上的历次胜利黯然失色。

69、It is like the sun. It may seem obscured by clouds and dust, but only from the point of view of the perceiver. ─── 像太阳一样。它彷佛被云尘所蒙蔽,但那不过是见者所见。

70、He reveals the deep things and the hidden things; He knows what is obscured in the darkness, And the light dwells with Him. ─── 祂启示深奥隐秘的事,知道暗中所含的,光也与祂同居。

71、A veil of mist obscured the view. ─── 一层雾使景色模糊了。

72、Three people died when 50 cars and trucks crashed on a Florida highway. Police say fog and smoke obscured the view and led to the pileup between Tampa and Orlando. ─── 50辆汽车和卡车在佛罗里达州的一条高速公路上发生碰撞,造成3人死亡。警方称烟雾降低了能见度,从而导致了坦帕和奥兰多两城之间的汽车碰撞。

73、Crown: top of the head, or (if obscured by hair headwear), where the top of the head/skull would be if could be seen. ─── 头顶:头部的最上端,或(如果受头发或头饰的影响),可见到的头部/脑壳最上端。

74、Front deviations can also be obscured. ─── 前面的缺陷也能被隐藏。

75、Gets a value indicating whether the scrollbar of an HTML element with an align attribute value of right is obscured upon rendering. ─── [本主题是预发布的文档,在将来发布的版本中可能会有更改。空白主题是为将来预留的。

76、If the Next button is obscured by your taskbar, you may have to minimize your taskbar or drag it to a different side of the screen. ─── 如果Next按钮被任务栏遮蔽了,那么您可能必须最小化任务栏,或者将它拖到屏幕的另一边。

77、In war the event is all, and Germany lost the war. This has obscured her victories in the field. ─── 在战争中,胜败就是一切,而德国战败了。战败使它在战场上的历次胜利黯然失色。

78、The years have obscured the name of this professor, but not the lesson she taught. ─── 多年后,我已忘了这位老师的姓名,但牢牢记住了她的教诲。

79、Trees obscured his vision; he couldn't see much of the square's southern half. ─── 树木遮住了他的视线,他不怎么看得见广场南半部。

80、The snow-covered landscape is scattered with some dark green bamboos and trees.The old temple obscured by mist enhances a sense of transcendence. ─── 图绘雪后群山,银装素裹,山间乔木丛竹苍翠,烟岚笼罩下的古庙,倍觉神圣。

81、an eclipse in which the eclipsed body is only partially obscured. ─── 一个天体没有完全被另一个天体本身或它的影子遮盖的一种食。

82、Photos in which the applicant is wearing a hat or head covering worn for religious reasons are acceptable if the full facial features are not obscured. ─── 只要脸部特征能全部体现,则申请人可以佩戴帽子或出于宗教原因将头部盘裹。

83、Crown: top of the head or (if obscured by hair headwear) where the top of the head/skull would be if could be seen. ─── 头顶:头部的最上端,或(假如受头发或头饰的影响),可见到的头部/脑壳最上端。

84、Heidegger's view that the mere existence of such a concept of time's time, the result is obscured a man ask for existence. ─── 海德格尔以为这种时间不雅只是存在者的时间,其成果是遮盖了人关于存在的追问。

85、Her poor English obscured her meaning. ─── 她的英语差, 难以表达自己的意思。

86、Unlike the origins of most nations, America's origins are not obscured in the mists of time. ─── 不象大多数国家的起源那样,美国的起源不会隐藏在时间的长河里。

87、In the narrative, the clouds of ash obscured the sun, which means that the people of Pompeii couldn't see the sun because the clouds of ash were in the way. ─── 在文中,灰云遮住了太阳。意思是庞培的人们看不到太阳,因为太阳被火山灰挡住了。

88、The scattered orc villages that dotted the landscape were completely obscured by the legions of ogres and orcs that made up the Rallosian Army. ─── 原本星星点点散布在草原上的兽人村落现在完全被组成拉洛斯大军的巨魔和兽人军团所淹没,都快认不出来了。

89、They say the celestial event started as a partial eclipse, and the dark shadow of the Moon obscured only the Sun's lower half. ─── 他们表示,此天象始于一个日偏食,当时月亮阴影仅吞噬了太阳的下半部。

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