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09-03 投稿



gab 发音

英:[g?b]  美:[ɡ?b]

英:  美:

gab 中文意思翻译




gab 网络释义

vi. 空谈;瞎扯闲聊;唠叨n. 多嘴;饶舌;爱说话唠叨n. (Gab)人名;(西)加夫;(法)加布

gab 短语词组

1、he has a gift of the gab ─── 他有口才

2、Stop your gab ─── 住嘴,别唠叨了

3、eccentric gab ─── 偏心gab

4、dissenter cannot get /user/connect/gab/embed ─── 异议者无法获取/user/connect/gab/embed

5、chateau heartiste gab ─── 哈迪斯特盖布城堡

6、have the gift of gab ─── 能说会道

7、gab session ─── 非正式谈话, 长时间的会议

8、inevitable et gab ─── 不可避免的

9、blow the gab ─── 告密, 泄露秘密

10、line of gab ─── [网络] gab的一行

11、have a gift of the gab ─── 好口才,能说会道,伶牙俐齿

gab 词性/词形变化,gab变形

动词过去式: gabbed |动词过去分词: gabbed |动词第三人称单数: gabs |名词: gabber |动词现在分词: gabbing |

gab 习惯用语

1、blow the gab ─── [口]泄露秘密; 告密

2、Stop your gab! ─── [口]住嘴!别絮叨了。

gab 相似词语短语

1、gabs ─── v.空谈,闲聊,啰嗦,唠叨;n.谈话,唠叨;口才;(操纵阀上起临时连接作用的)钩或V形开口槽;n.(Gab)(美、俄、奥)加布(人名)

2、Sab ─── abbr.美国咨询委员会(ScientificAdvisoryBoard);美国细菌学家协会(SocietyofAmericanBacteriologists)

3、gamb ─── n.(尤指绘在盾形纹章上的)腿;胫

4、grab ─── vt.攫取;霸占;将…深深吸引;vi.攫取;夺取;n.攫取;霸占;夺取之物

5、garb ─── n.服装;装束;打扮;vt.装扮;穿衣

6、Mab ─── abbr.内存分配块(memoryallocationblock);海军航空基地(MarineAirbase);材料咨询委员会(MaterialsAdvisoryBoard);n.(Mab)人名;(英)马布

7、Lab ─── n.实验室,研究室

8、gaby ─── n.傻瓜;笨人;n.(Gaby)人名;(法、罗、英)加比

9、Bab ─── n.巴布(女子名,等于Barbara);abbr.巴比伦王国(Babylonia)

gab 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、gab room ─── n. 女性的休息室,据说女性在里面聊天

2、The “Gab”party was everything they promised and more.Regis Philbin,Madonna and every fired editor of the “New Yorker”was there.Unfortunately,it was Trey who was soing most of the gabbing. ─── “饶舌”派对比主办单位承诺的还要棒.瑞吉斯菲尔宾、玛丹娜以及被“纽约客”杂志开除的所有编辑都参加了.不幸的是,大多数时间里是崔在那里饶舌.

3、the gift of gab Seldom have I met a girl who's had such a gift of gab like Lee Lee's. ─── 我几乎没见过像莉莉这样有口才的女孩子。

4、Seldom have I met a girl who's had such a gift of gab like Lee Lee's ─── 我几乎从未见过销售量丽丽这们有口才的女孩子

5、The key - note speaker certainly has the gift of gab . ─── 主讲者确实很有口才。

6、The things what you can't stand are the wife's gab,ladylove's tears and confidant's misunderstanding which makes. ─── 最让男人受不了的是妻子的唠叨,情人的眼泪,红颜知己的误解。

7、On the Expanding Gab Between the Poor and the Rich In the Present Stage of the China ─── 中国现阶段贫富差距扩大问题分析

8、Nibs, would—Stow this gab," roared Hook, and the spokesmen were dragged back. ─── 尼布斯,你——别说这些废话了,”胡克吼道,说话的人被拖了回来。

9、Same problems of boat grouting engineering for coal gab area are discussed in this paper. ─── 摘要文章对煤矿采空区治理工程中的钻孔注浆问题进行了讨论。

10、Here then is what I know about the subject, shorn of as much baffle gab and BS as I know how to make it. ─── 但是,职业摄影师和严肃的业余摄影爱好者需要的是光学素质最好的镜头,其制造成本非常高昂。怎么办?

11、gab lever ─── 凹节杆

12、General Agreements to Borrow (GAB) The arrangements under which the IMF negotiated to borrow from the "Group of Ten" (most important industrial nations). ─── 借款总安排这是基金组织为增加其资金来源,向成员国借款的一种办法。

13、Jack's gift of the gab helped him get a good job./Every month John salts away half of his salary. ─── 杰克的口才使他得到了那份工作。/约翰每个月都要把他工资的一半存起来。

14、Im Hemmel gab es eine gutherzige Fee. ─── 天上有位善良的仙女。

15、I don't talk a lot. I just don't have the gift for gab. ─── 我的哥哥对语言很有天分,他能说服任何人,任何事。

16、gift of (the) gab ─── 口才好,辩才,能说会道

17、I've known about your gift of gab for some time.You undoubtedly have a very convincing explanation for everything you've done. ─── 方先生的口才我早知道,对自己所作所为一定有很满意中听的解释。

18、have the gift of the gab; have a nimble [glib] tongue; good at talking; be a good talker; with a facile tongue; smooth-spoken ─── 会说会道

19、Skinski was a warm member with the gab. ─── 斯根斯基是一个热衷于神侃的人。

20、the gift of the gab ─── 口才

21、Es gab in Deutschland nie eine zentrale Kulturmetropole vergleichbar mit Paris f &252;r Frankreich oder London f &252;r England. ─── 德国从未有过一座像法国巴黎或英国伦敦那样的文化中心都市。

22、general agreements to borrow (GAB) ─── 借款总安排

23、Bisher gab es 11 Habbo Club-M?bel, die - verteilt auf ein Jahr - monatlich an alle Mitglieder ausgeh?ndigt wurden. ─── 以前只有11种哈宝会员家具是在一年里面的每一个月里派送给哈宝会员的。

24、Es gab keine Komplikationen. ─── 伤没有出现并发症。

25、The wife's gab messes you up,the ladylove's makes your heart soft,the confidant's misunderstanding pushes you off a cliff. ─── 妻子的唠叨使男人的心乱上加乱,情人的眼泪让男人已硬的心变得酥软,红颜知己的误解把男人的心由悬崖推进深谷。

26、he has a theatre named after him in the ancient English city of Bath, and has honorary doctorates galore- but his real gift is of the gab. ─── 在英国古城巴斯有以他的名字命名的剧院;他还有许多荣誉博士的称号--然而,他的真正天才是他的口才。

27、Es sei sehr schwer, von den Knochen eines Fossils Verwandtschaften abzuleiten, gab er zu bedenken. ─── 他说很难从一具化石的的骨头来推导人和人猿的亲缘关系。

28、Es war schon recht spät am Abend, aber trotzdem gab ich dem Film noch eine Chance. ─── 已是深夜时分,尽管如此,我仍给这部影片一个机会。

29、Don't gab. I have to protect myself by attempting deafness if you still gab without end. ─── 不要唠叨.如果您没完没了地唠叨,我不得不装聋来自我保护.

30、Therefore, I have the impression that Japan's monks have a common characteristic: the gift of the gab, like China's geomancer. ─── 所以,在我的印象中,日本的僧人有一个共同的特点:能说会道、像我国的风水先生。

31、A natural charmer, with the gift of the gab, he can talk himself out of most situations and likes to think he's a ladies man! ─── 他是天生的情场高手,凭着三寸不烂之舌,总能找出理由把自己说成是个女士杀手。

32、The spotted hawk swoops by and accuses me, he complains of my gab and my loitering. ─── 斑纹苍鹰掠过上空并斥责我,它怪我唠叨和迟迟不走。

33、gab session ─── n. 长时间的闲谈

34、he has a theatre named after him in the ancient English city of Bath, and has honorary doctorates galore- but his real gift is of the gab. ─── 在英国古城巴斯有以他的名字命名的剧院;他还有许多荣誉博士的称号--然而,他的真正天才是他的口才。

35、Adsorption characteristics, based on the GAB model wereanalyzed and the monolayer moisture content and adsorption energy were obtained. ─── 并以GAB模型为基础,进一步研究了联合干燥笋片的吸附特性,确定了其单分子层水分含量和吸附能值。

36、eccentric gab ─── 偏心轮叉子

37、With his gift of gab, he should make an excellent politician. ─── 以其雄辩之才,他应该可以成为出色的政治家。

38、I've got a secret to tell you. You swear you won't gab to anyone? ─── 我要告诉你一个秘密.你能发誓不告诉别人吗?

39、Stop your gab! ─── 别闲聊了!

40、Seldom have I met a girl who's had such a gift of gab like Lee Lee's. ─── 我几乎没见过像莉莉这样有口才的女孩子。

41、The determinant and prognosticate result which are disposed with resemble simulation can be applied in other similar gab and guide preventing and putting out a fire. ─── 危险区域判定结果和预测结果经相似模拟处理后,可运用于其它采空区,指导防灭火;

42、You have the gift of gab. ─── 你如此能说会道。

43、Hitler is often said to have been no more than a small man with a large gift of gab. ─── 人们常说希特勒不过是个非常能说善辩的小人物而已。

44、Gab Silva Thank you for nice comment. ─── 注册后发表评论。如果您已经注册,请登录。

45、Jack's gift of the gab helped him get a good job. ─── 杰克的口才使他得到了那份工作。

46、Man gab uns maximal zwei Staffeln. ─── 人们以为我们最多拍两季。

47、Span while working at the personal side of gab idea of when the right to initiate, to welcome you to add friends; ─── 俺边工作边瞎扯点个人想法,权当抛砖引玉,,欢迎各位网友补充;

48、had the gift of the gab ─── v. 有流利的口才(能说会道)

49、Smith would have made a good salesman, he has the gift of the gab. ─── 史密斯准能成为一个很好的推销员,他能说会道。

50、They'd like to employ a girl who has a gift or gab to head the P. R. department ─── 他们想雇用一个有口才的女孩子当公关部主任

51、No, though I must admit you do seem to have the gift of gab. ─── 不是,虽然我必须承认你看起来很伶牙俐齿。

52、blow the gab on ─── 告发,告密

53、have the gift of gab ─── vi. 有流利的口才(能说会道)

54、I have no toleration for his gab. ─── 我不能忍受他的唠叨。

55、I wish my son had the gift of gab like yours ─── 我希望我和儿子也能有你那样的好口才

56、he has a theatre named after him in the ancient English city of Bath, and has honorary doctorates galore but his real gift is of the gab ─── 在英国古城巴斯有以他的名字命名的剧院;他还有许多荣誉博士的称号--然而,他的真正天才是他的口才。

57、You can get the gift of gab by learning to continue conversations even when you aren’t sure what to say.Just say anything. ─── 我的策略是先做最简单的事情, 如果你不敢在几百个陌生人面前介绍自己, 就不要勉强,如果弄巧成拙,打击了自己的信心就不好了。

58、Fame and fortune have enveloped the England skipper home and abroad, but now Golden Gab is ready to give Golden Balls a run for his record money. ─── 国内外的名誉和金钱早就将英格兰队长裹得严严实实,但是如今金嘴巴已经准备好对金球球的创记录合同价格发起冲击。

59、R. Eine Renaissance wie in Italien oder Frankreich gab es wohl in Deutschland gar nicht? ─── 德国没有类似于象在意大利或法国兴起的文艺复兴运动吗?

60、Canjian continued: Lu Qing, who were observing the day this really is not simple, speaking gab, What street is read. ─── 残剑接过话头说:陆青这个人我观察了一天,的确不简单,能言善变,是个经过大风大浪的老江湖。

61、Er wurde immer schneller und das Wasser spritzte nach links und rechts wie bei einem Motorboot. (Einen Motor gab es aber nicht. ─── ) 船越行越快,水花左右飞溅,就象开着摩托艇似的(不过这船可没有装马达)。

62、Oh! Stop your gab, we've been listening to you for hours and we're tired of it. ─── 得了!别再说了!我们已经听你讲了几个钟头了,实在听腻了。

63、GAB model ─── GAB模型

64、She has the gift of the gab. ─── 她口才很好。

65、While bountifully blessed with the gift of gab, Gemini are notoriously bad listeners. ─── 双子:多嘴多舌的双子座是最差的听众。

66、Mit 20 Jahren bat er um Elsas Hand, aber sie gab ihm einen Korb. ─── 20岁那年,他向爱尔莎求婚,但是碰了个钉子。

67、Remember, to describe someone who speaks very confidently and in a way that makes you want to listen, we say they have the gift of the gab. ─── 如果我们想形容那些说话有很强的说服力的人,就可以用这个表达havethegiftofthegab

68、dight one's gab ─── 别嚼舌头,住嘴

69、I have the gift of gab, so I'd make a good salesperson. ─── 我有口才,所以我可以成为一个优秀的销售人员。

70、The accident had occurred unexpectedly that the tailings outpoured from the gab during the gob hydraulic fill in Dongguashan copper mine. ─── 冬瓜山铜矿东山采空区全尾砂充填过程中,发生尾砂泄漏事故,经事故原因分析,查处尾砂泄漏点,采用高压旋喷注浆技术堵水,结果表明治理效果很好。

71、Fat people will gab, giggle, guffaw, galumph, gyrate, and gossip.They are generous, giving, and gallant. ─── 三、拼图游戏并不重要,重要的是四个人(包括一个瘦子)围着一张牌桌玩拼图游戏所得到的乐趣。

72、Oh! Stop your gab , we've been listening to you for hours and we're tired of it. ─── 得了!别再说了!我们已经听你讲了几个钟头了,实在听腻了。

73、Keywords photonic crystal;dielectric material;periodic structure;photonic band gab;photonic localization; ─── 光子晶体;周期性结构;光子禁带;

74、also Some students like to tell a lie, fabricated, or exaggerated, although the gift of the gab, but not a true friend. ─── 还有一些同学喜欢撒谎,无中生有,或夸大其词,虽然能说会道,却得不到真正的朋友。

75、Ich bat Mrs. Hubbard, die Amerikanerin, um ein paar Aspirin, die sie mir bereitwillig gab. ─── “我向美国人哈伯德夫人要了几片阿司匹林。她慷慨地给了我。”

76、Aber Hanna gab er ein Stuck traurig ;denn er hatte Hanna lieb, obgleich der H ERR ihren Leib verschlossen hate. ─── 但他当面(?)只分给哈拿一份,他虽然爱哈拿,耶和华却使哈拿不能怀孕。

77、Is sure not line of gab, wins favor by ostentation, is introducing oneself do not outsmart oneself. ─── 切勿夸夸其谈,哗众取宠,在自我介绍不要弄巧成拙。

78、gift of gab ─── n. 口才(辩才, 伶牙俐齿)

79、General Aerobic Heterotrophic Bacteria (GAB) ─── 好气异养细

80、general arrangements to borrow (GAB) ─── 一般借款协定

81、Keywords dried beef;sorbitol;moisture sorption isotherm;BET equation;GAB equation; ─── 牛肉干;山梨糖醇;等温吸湿线;BET公式;GAB公式;

82、Modification of GAB Model for Agricultural Products ─── GAB吸附模型的修正

83、Gabion box Gabion box origins from Europe, it has a development history of more than 100 years. Gab... ─── 发布者:彭丽娟所在地:河北衡水市行业:冶金矿产职位:经理工作年限:一年以上

84、Es gab Tote und Verletzte. ─── 有伤亡发生。

85、blow the gab ─── 告密

86、I promised him that I would tell everyone I knew to come to him for gas and gab if they ever got to Eagle. ─── 我答应他,我想告诉大家,我知道到他的气体和甲如果他们任何时候都必须鹰。

87、For centuries, politicians have shown a remarkable gift for gab when handing out other people's money. And rarely do today's promises turn easily into tomorrow's deeds. ─── 数个世纪以来,政治家一直有一种惊人的天赋,那就是在分派别人钱财时总能说得滔滔不绝,却很少将今天的许诺轻易转化为明天的行动。

88、Fat people will gab, giggle, guffaw, gallumph, gyrate and gossip. ─── 胖的人会喋喋不休、咯咯笑、狂笑、放肆、摇摆不定、说长道短。

89、I hate it when people gab in movie theaters. ─── 我讨厌在电影院看电影总是说个没完的人。







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