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09-03 投稿



moody 发音

英:[?mu?di]  美:[?mu?di]

英:  美:

moody 中文意思翻译




moody 短语词组

1、hank moody ─── 汉克·穆迪

2、moody afternoon ─── 闷 ─── 闷不乐的下午

3、skin on skin franc moody ─── 亲肤弗兰克穆迪

4、aaron moody football ─── 阿伦穆迪足球

5、moody's investors services inc. ─── [经] 穆迪氏投资服务公司

6、Helen Wills Moody ─── [网络] 穆迪;慕迪夫人;慕狄

7、Dwight Lyman Moody n. ─── 德怀特·莱曼·穆迪

8、dawning is the day moody blues ─── 黎明是忧郁忧郁的日子

9、Moody Church ─── 穆迪教堂

10、moody s mood ─── 穆迪的情绪

11、Moody chart ─── 穆迪图

12、leafless tree in asia moody blues ─── 亚洲的无叶树

13、Moody's Investors Service ─── 穆迪投资者服务公司

14、Moody's Corporation ─── 穆迪公司

15、moody's bond yield ─── [经] 穆迪氏债券收益率

moody 词性/词形变化,moody变形


moody 相似词语短语

1、Moody ─── adj.喜怒无常的;易怒的;郁郁寡欢的;n.(Moody)(美、英、加、澳)穆迪(人名)

2、Woody ─── n.(美)伍迪(人名);adj.(woody)木质的;多树木的;木头似的;n.(woody)阴茎勃起

3、foody ─── 美食

4、goody ─── n.糖果;身份低微之老妇;吸引人的东西;伪君子;adj.感伤的;伪善的;假正经的;int.太好啦;n.(Goody)人名;(英)古迪

5、doody ─── 排泄物;粪便;n.(Doody)人名;(英)杜迪

6、hoody ─── n.套头衫;年轻小混混

7、moldy ─── adj.发霉的;乏味的;陈腐的

8、boody ─── 笨蛋

9、mood ─── n.情绪,语气;心境;气氛;n.(Mood)人名;(英)穆德;(瑞典)莫德

moody 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"The threat of deflation appears to be low," said Nikhilesh Bhattacharyya, associate economist of Moody's Economy.com. ─── 周一公布的新数据显示,中国四月的主要通涨数据仍然是负的。

2、Even Mr Buffett, as happy as he must be with his investment in Moody's, crunches his own numbers when using derivatives. ─── 尽管巴菲特先生一定对自己在穆迪的投资感到满意,但在使用金融衍生品时也缩手缩脚。

3、The murderer is a moody person. He gave the man a murderous blow. No one knows his motive. ─── 凶手是个易怒的人,他给那人致命一击,没有知道他的动机。

4、Moody people are very difficult to deal with. ─── 喜怒无常的人很难对付。

5、In my mind ,rain was always so cold and moody ,messed up with depression ,but this rain brought warmness to me. ─── 从前的记忆中雨总是冷冷的阴暗的湿漉漉的,手忙脚乱之中带着失望,可是今年的雨,却让我感受到了温暖。呵呵。

6、And moody Pluto winks while Orpheus plays. ─── 俄尔甫斯一奏琴,愠怒的普路同就闭眼。

7、However, Moody et al. reported that ADM exerted mitogenic effects on cultured C6 gliomal cells that correlated with increases in cAMP and c-fos expression. ─── 但是,Moody等报道ADM促进培养的C6、细胞胶质细胞增殖,其作用与升高cAMP和上调c-fos表达有关。

8、He relapsed into a moody silence. ─── 他又重新陷于忧郁的沉默中。

9、American musician and composer. A leader of the bop movement in jazz, Parker is best remembered for his smooth, moody improvisations. ─── 帕克,夏利埃1920-1955美国音乐家和作曲家,爵士博普运动的领导人,以其流畅感人的即兴演奏而受人们怀念

10、Moody stows his wand in its holster and thumps his way to the door. ─── Moody把他的魔杖装进了皮套里,然后朝门走去。

11、The director created a moody atmosphere throughout the whole movie. ─── 导演在此部电影中营造了一种感伤的气氛。

12、He's a moody guy, one day ha y, the next day sad. ─── 他是个情绪化的人,今天兴高采烈,明天就会情绪低落.

13、At the same time, two other major rating agencies Fitch and Moody's has not been adjusted to follow the S &P's outlook for the United Kingdom. ─── 同时,另外两家主要评级机构惠誉和穆迪并未跟随标普调整对英国的评级展望。

14、But John Lonski, an economist at Moody's, reckons that spreads are signalling the expectation of default levels not seen since the Depression. ─── 但是穆迪公司经济学家约翰朗斯基认为利差所给出的预期信号是大萧条以来从未见过的。

15、You could be the most moody person, but for some ridiculous reason next minute you can be very happy. ─── 你可能是一个最最忧郁的人,但为了一些荒谬可笑的理由,下一分钟,你又变得非常高兴。

16、Chang Su-su appeared to be upset and sat in moody silence. ─── 张素素却似乎感触很深,默默地在出神。

17、He seems very moody these days. Don't tease him. ─── 他这两天好像心情不好,你别去撩逗他。

18、When Hurstwood came, Carrie was moody. ─── 嘉莉正在闷闷不乐,赫斯渥回来了。

19、On the turn of a moment, Gemini can become cynical, biting, moody and quickly angered. ─── 关于交一刻,双子可以成为愤世嫉俗、咬,穆迪很快激怒。

20、Her husband had become withdrawn and moody. ─── 她的丈夫变得沉默寡言而且喜怒无常。

21、Creax: Long time din chat d.. how's life nowadays? Hows work? Ur latest blog post seems moody orr. ─── 亚特兰飞:好一句话,换了环境,说不定也会有烦恼,避得了多少烦恼呢?你的想法都很中立,想必你的人生一定很丰富吧

22、"We may see that for a couple of more months until we start to see some real momentum in some sector of the economy. " ─── Moody’sEconomy.com总监马里萨·迪·纳塔莱说,“这种情况还会持续一段时间,知道我们开始看见一些真正能够推动经济增长的动力。”

23、They can also be deeply moody; Harano strikes the Fianna more often than any other tribe save the Silver Fangs. ─── 但他们也会陷入深深的阴郁;除了银牙,芬尼安最容易受到消沉的打击。

24、He's fairly reserved, thoughtful, sometimes even moody. ─── 他比较保守,沉思,有时甚至忧郁。

25、When you're moody, I can help you get your troubles off. ─── 你悲伤时,我可帮助你摆脱烦恼。

26、Pisces are very moody people. ─── 双鱼座是喜怒无常的人,

27、A negative outlook indicates the possibility that Moody's could downgrade the country's sovereign credit rating within a year or two. ─── 一种负面的前景预测显示出了一种可能性,即穆迪可能在会一、两年之内调低美国的主权信用等级。

28、She had imagination enough to be moody. ─── 她越想心情越感到忧郁。

29、Patricia McRae and Kathryn Moody, from Adelaide in Australia, said they had only come to Ocean Park just to see the pandas. ─── 张和民又指出,从专业角度看,年纪老迈的安安和佳佳不宜送返大陆,“现在动它们,颠簸就不好了,应留在香港安享晚年”。

30、Lah lah lah lah lah lah lab lah lah lah lah lah.When you're moody tell me.I can get your trouble off. ─── 啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦,你悲伤时,告诉我,我会消除你的烦恼。

31、Hes been really depressed lately, been all moody and been spending a lot of time at the hospital. ─── 他最近挺抑郁,喜怒无常,而且花那么多时间在医院。

32、Moody's did not return phone calls. Standard & Poor's responded, saying it's not as bad as critics paint it out to be. . . ─── s则不回答任何电话。标准普尔响应了,说它不像批评人士指出的那样坏…

33、They're moody, but don't have the walking-on-a-tightrope qualities we needed for Corelli. ─── 他们情绪化,但却缺乏在柯洛利身上需要的一种‘行走在拉紧的绳索上’的感觉。

34、All the above mentioned original documents must be submitted to Moody China at the first training day. ─── 上述所有资料原件必须在培训开始当天提交至摩迪中国。

35、Penetrate the moody, sensual world of Last Tango in Paris, and prepare yourself for "the most controversial film of its era"(Leonard Maltin). ─── 居于巴黎的中年男主角,一直饱受妻子自杀的煎熬,人生自此变得一团糟。

36、Dolohov defeats Moody, whose fallen eye Harry slips on. ─── 多洛霍夫击败穆迪,穆迪的魔眼掉了下来,哈利踩上了。

37、WILLY( Worried and angered) There's such an undercurrent in him. He became a moody man. Did he apologize when I left this morning? ─── 威利(着急又生气)身上现在有股子暗流。他变得那么喜怒无常。我今天早上走了以后他道歉了么?

38、They now give them to you in all their friendly, angry, wimpy, moody fragility. ─── 大量男女的和声和回荡在整张专辑的空心吉他,以及适时出现的温暖吉他小破音,让你应接不暇。

39、He was seated near me, and I could not help noticing his moody silence. ─── 他就坐在我的身旁,我不觉发现了他那不悦的沉默。

40、He was moody when he got back to the box, and could not talk for thinking of his wretched situation. ─── "他回到包厢里情绪很坏,想到自己的不幸处境,连聊天的兴致也没有了。

41、He was moody after getting the letter from his ex-wife. ─── 他接到前妻的信之后感到情绪低落。

42、But as the former Liverpool Alan playing - Hansen said: "I am a big fan of the striker: boredom, he, his moody, but no one can question his ability. ─── 但正如前利物浦名宿阿兰-汉森所言:“我是这个射手的大球迷:他闷闷不乐,他喜怒无常,但没有人能质疑他的能力。”

43、He is so moody that it's difficult to predict his reaction. ─── 他如此喜怒无常,所以很难预知其反应如何.

44、She gazed out at the moody grey sea. ─── 她眺望着灰蒙蒙令人忧郁的大海。

45、Yet he could fool the Goblet of Fire and out-duel Mad-Eye Moody? ─── 他不仅骗过了火焰杯,还打败了身为傲罗的穆迪?

46、Turning,she saw Peter Moody,the restaurant owner,hitting a man on the back. ─── 她转过身去,看见饭店的老板彼得·穆迪在拍打一个人的背。

47、If the girl is inconsistently talking to you for hours on the phone and ignoring you the next day then the case is she is moody. ─── 如果这个女孩反复无常地在电话里和你谈好几个小时但是第二天不顾你,则这种情况是她喜怒无常。

48、On the morning of June 16, Moody jumped an experienced skydiver from more than 9,900 feet, she said. ─── 她说,6月16日早晨,穆迪和一位有经验的跳伞运动员合作,从9,900 多英尺的高空跳下。

49、David's mother was unstable and moody. ─── 戴维的母亲情绪不稳定,喜怒无常。

50、In the first of what is expected to be a wave of downgrades, Moody's has cut the rating of 131 subprime bonds because of higher-than-expected defaults. ─── 在预期一波降级的一开始,穆迪率先因高出预期的违约率而调低了131个次级债券的级别,现在数目扩大到几百支。

51、He says you're under a lot of stress. You have been moody lately. ─── 他说你被一大堆事情压得喘不过气来.你最近变得有点喜怒无常了.

52、On the morning of June 16, Moody jumped in tandem with an experienced skydiver from more than 9,900 feet, she said. ─── 她说,6月16日早晨,穆迪和一位有经验的跳伞运动员合作,从9,900多英尺的高空跳下。

53、Moody people are difficult to deal with. ─── 喜怒无常的人很难相处.

54、Atoms of 114 disintegrate within a few seconds, while 116 disappears in just a fraction of a second, Moody said. ─── 114号元素在几秒钟之内就会消失,而116号元素的寿命甚至不足一秒钟。

55、When you're moody tell me, I can get your trouble off. ─── 你悲伤时,告诉我,我会消除你的烦恼。

56、Sid, a fast-talking and comical sloth, Manfred, a moody wooly mammoth, and Diego, a sinister sabertoothed tiger reluctantly team up to help return a human baby to his father. ─── 尖酸刻薄的长毛象文辉勉强救了力弱又多口的树獭森仔,途中,森仔发现弃婴罗山,遂哄骗文辉一齐放弃南下,先护送他回家。

57、Moody people are very difficult to deal with. ─── 喜怒无常的人很难打交道。

58、He is so moody that hard to predict his responses. ─── 他如此喜怒无常,所以很难预知其反应如何。

59、When he came,he was silent and moody,and after a few sarcastic remarks he went away. ─── 他来时默默无言,郁郁不乐,冷嘲热讽一通之后就走了。

60、No matter how she was hysterical, unreasonable, moody, you must be inclusive, she coaxed her. ─── 不管她怎么歇斯底里、不讲道理、喜怒无常,你都要哄着她包容她。

61、Strings, bassoon, tuba, timpani and gran cassa (bass drum) march along with moody determination. ─── 弦乐、低音管、大号、定音鼓和低音鼓犹豫着前进。

62、He was moody and abstracted. ─── 他心情阴郁,神气痴呆。

63、You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please. ─── 如果冬菇太情绪化,喜怒无常,总是闷闷不乐,那么冬冬宝很可能继续做采冬菇的小男孩。

64、Moody‘s Analytics, a division of Moody‘s Corporation (NYSE: MCO), is the world‘s leading provider of credit analysis and...... ... ─── 公司名称:穆迪软件开发(深圳)有限公司工作地点:其他发布时间:2009-7-23

65、You need confidence that you can achieve your visual look. If your game is all about shadows and moody lighting, you better be sure you can pull it off. ─── 你需要确信你能够得到你的虚拟形象。

66、The great Dwight L. Moody on his deathbed said: "This is my triumph; this is my coronation day! It is glorious! ─── 伟人慕迪临别世界时说:“现在是我光荣凯旋的时刻。现在是我得荣耀冠冕的日子。何等光荣!

67、Low key lighting can create a very moody atmosphere and is often used to this effect. ─── 低调的照明可以创建一个非常穆迪的气氛和常用来这种效果。

68、Oh, yes, you are a moody man. ─── 哦,是的,你是一个喜怒无常的人。

69、But type B people are also moody and become bored and annoyed easily. ─── 但是B型的人也很情绪化,很容易觉得无聊、觉得烦。

70、He is moody and unpredictable. ─── 他喜怒无常而又捉摸不定。

71、Harry will learn more about them, and how they died, from Mad-Eye Moody at the prefect party in Grimmauld Place, a little over four years from now. ─── 四年之后,哈利在格里莫广场12号的“级长聚会”上从疯眼汉穆迪那儿了解了更多关于他们的事,以及他们是怎么死的。

72、More moody colors account for about 17 percent of cars. ─── 偏喜怒无常个性的颜色占全部车数的17%。

73、But defaults are about to rise sharply, says Moody's, a rating agency. ─── 但是如果公司破产会迅速增加,评估公司穆迪的人如是说。

74、Girls are unpredicatable, moody and much harder to read. ─── 女孩子很难预测、喜怒无常,比较难了解。

75、Main symptom is thinking content bizarre, understand hard, thinking burst, affection is moody, expressional affectation, do funny face, giggle. ─── 主要症状是思维内容离奇,难以理解,思维破裂,情感喜怒无常,表情做作,弄鬼脸,傻笑。

76、Today, the weather outside is a sunny day and the sun is high-hanging in the sky, but, my heart is moody. ─── 今天,外头的天气是晴朗的。。。太阳公公高高地挂在空中,但是我的心里却是乌云密布的。

77、If he were silent when his father expected some response, still he didn't look moody. ─── 他的父亲期待他答复什么问题而他沉默不语的时候,他看来仍然并不忧郁。

78、I once dated with a lovely girl, kinda moody. ─── 以前我约会过一个女孩,挺可爱的,还有点忧郁的那种类型。

79、Moody's, which last summer had issued a sanguine outlook for Alt-A, recently quadrupled its loss projections on bonds backed by such loans. ─── 去年夏天,穆迪还曾对次优按揭持乐观态度,现在它预计这些按揭所支持的债券将产生四倍于以往的损失。

80、Harry is taken to Moody's office, and is about to be murdered. ─── 哈利被送到穆迪的办公室,即将被杀害。

81、I have been in a moody mode these days... something happened... something that I don't know how to explain..... I really have terrible mood. ─── 其实我也不知道从何时开始我变得那么敏感,那么小气,往往能把一些那么小的事情夸大,让自己伤心。说真的,那又何必呢?我还真蠢啊!!

82、The Wycliffe Historical Geography of Bible Lands, Pfeiffer,C.F.& Vos,H.F., Moody, 1967. ─── 圣经地理-贝理丹尼著,吕荣辉译,文艺,1986

83、Her father is a maths professor and her stepmother is British author Susan Moody. ─── 她的父亲是一名数学教授,继母是英国作家苏珊·穆迪。

84、The Cancer step-parent can be moody, even sulky, but you should resist the temptation to take this personally. ─── 巨蟹座的继父(母)心情不稳定,甚至有时闷闷不乐,但你应该抑制自己的不满去接受这种性格。

85、She treated her moody child with indulgence. ─── 她对她那喜怒无常的孩子百依百顺。

86、Skipping meals can make you hungrier, moody, and unable to focus. ─── 不吃饭同样会让你感觉越来越饿,喜怒无常,无法集中注意力。

87、You know, she is moody sometimes. I wouldn't worry about it. ─── 你知道她有时候喜怒无常,我是不会为此而担心的。

88、If anything they take me a bit too seriously.They think I’m this really serious moody bloke. ─── 如果有人与我太较真的话,那么这些人肯定认为我是个情绪狂躁的家伙。

89、Sometimes he is fun to be with; at other times he can be very moody. ─── 他有时候很风趣,有时候又喜怒无常。


鞭挞金属的话肯定是大名鼎鼎的金属乐队Metallica啊,我比较喜欢的有些文学气息的黑金属就是Cradle of Filth污秽摇篮了,只是不知道这样的文学气息你是不是喜欢而已




3. adept 《sleepless》


4.pink floyd


5.《i just want to be your everything》




7.说到歌词,怎么能少得了 失乐园 paradise lost


7.the moody blues




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