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09-03 投稿



dynamically 发音

英:[da??n?m?kli]  美:[da??n?m?kli]

英:  美:

dynamically 中文意思翻译



dynamically 网络释义

adv. 动态地;充满活力地;不断变化地

dynamically 常用词组

dynamically balanced ─── 动平衡的

dynamically 短语词组

1、dynamically balanced ─── 动平衡的

2、dynamically position ─── 动态定位

3、dynamically simulated ─── 动态模拟

4、dynamically programmed ─── 动态编程

5、dynamically user microprogrammable machine ─── [计] 动态用户可编微程序计算机

6、dynamically generate ─── 动态生成

7、dynamically-programmed ─── [计] 动态程序控制的

dynamically 相似词语短语

1、dynastically ─── 王朝的

2、dyadically ─── 二价元素的;二价原子的(dyadical的副词形式);并向量的(dyadical的副词形式);二分体的,二分细胞的(dyadical的副词形式)

3、hemodynamically ─── adv.在血流动力学上

4、Adamically ─── 坚定地

5、agnatically ─── 从语法上说

6、dynamical ─── adj.动力学的(等于dynamic);有生气的;有力的

7、agamically ─── 反对地

8、synaptically ─── 接合地;联合地

9、aerodynamically ─── adv.空气动力学地

dynamically 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、BOOTP does not dynamically allocate IP addresses to a host. ─── BOOTP并没有办法动态的分配IP地址给一台主机电脑。

2、Dynamically disinfects , no secondary pollution , no cautery to equipment. ─── 动态消毒、无二次污染、不腐蚀设备。

3、Static -! Do not set this during bootstrap! Causes binaries to be statically linked instead of dynamically? ─── 在系统引导过程中切勿使用该参数!因为这将导致二进制可执行文件使用静态连接而不是动态连接?

4、Digital SLRs are dynamically challenged.In contrasty light they have a hell of a time with highlight and shadow detail. ─── 在光线反差性上,不论是明亮与暗处的细节,数位单眼一直充满质疑。

5、Real-time recursion training algorithm is used to dynamically adjust the system parameters. ─── 利用实时递归学习算法对系统参数进行动态调节。

6、Dynamically invokes (late-bound) the method represented by the current delegate. ─── 动态调用(后期绑定)由当前委托所表示的方法。

7、Use this event to redirect to another page or to dynamically set the text in the control. ─── 使用该事件来重定向到另一个页或动态设置控件中的文本。

8、Now take all of that and wrap it up into a controlled runtime where plug-ins can come and go dynamically, and you get OSGi (basically). ─── 现在利用所有这些插件并将其包装到受控的运行时,插件可在其中动态进出,并且您可以获得OSGi(基本上来说)。

9、Unlike PVCs,with SVCs,users are able to dynamically allocate the virtual circuit between an arbitrary pair of endpoints on a frame relay network. ─── 利用SVC与利用PVC不一样,用户能在帧中继网中任意一对的端点之间动态分配虚拟电路。

10、NAT translations can be used for a variety of purposes and can be either dynamically or statically assigned. ─── NAT的翻译功能可以用在许多的方式上,可以是动态式的指定,或者是静态式的指定。

11、Methods and properties can be dynamically added to an expando object. ─── 可以将方法和属性动态添加到expando对象。

12、In order to increase the flexibility of this program through the data tables dynamically generated menu. ─── 为了增加灵活性,本程序实现了通过数据表动态生成菜单功能。

13、NET will support rapid development of applications that can be dynamically reconfigured. ─── NET将会推动应用软件实现动态重新组装的高速发展。

14、Use this to dynamically unregister a resource plugin. Pass in the name of the resource. ─── 可用此函式动态反注册资源外挂,参数为资源的名称。

15、In Figure 5, the portlet dynamically retrieves the weather from a weather service for a specified zip code. ─── 在图5中,portlet从天气服务中动态检索指定的邮政编码所代表的地区的天气情况。

16、This paper discusses the decoupling problem of dynamically tuned gyroscopes (DTG) on multivariable frequency domain. ─── 在多变量频域内讨论动力调谐陀螺仪的解耦问题。

17、TTM_ACTIVATE.If you want to disable/enable the tooltip control dynamically, this message is for you. ─── ACTIVATE如果你想动态的停用和启用工具提示控件,这个消息是为你准备的。

18、Second, that information must pass through intermediaries of current business flow is assured through dynamically configuring transmission rout. ─── 其次,通过动态制定传输路径的方式,来保证信息必须经过当次业务流程的中间节点;

19、"Learn about Software" dynamically aggregates content from across the domain into one Software products page. ─── “了解软件”从软件产品页动态的跨域综合内容。

20、As you know, TCP dynamically calculates timeout based on the round-trip time measured by TCP. ─── 正如您所知道的,TCP根据所测量的往返时间,动态地计算超时。

21、You can also add controls dynamically to a form at run time. ─── 也可在运行时动态地将控件添加到窗体中。

22、The page dynamically renders markup to the browser, which the user sees as a Web page similar to any other page. ─── 页面将标记动态呈现到浏览器,用户看到的网页类似于其他任何网页。

23、Sets the path for dynamically loadable modules. ─── 20设置动态加载摸组的路径.

24、The key is deriving the desired endpoint address dynamically. ─── 关键在于要动态地派生所需要的端点地址。

25、The effect of JHR on the survival rate was also dynamically observed. ─── 且动态观察解毒化瘀方对脓毒症大鼠生存率的影响。

26、A building or any other construction also represents a dynamically complex structure. ─── 一座房屋或任何其它建筑物从动力学来说,也表现为一种复杂的结构。

27、Functions in JavaScript are lexically rather than dynamically scoped. ─── 函数是常量作用范围,而不是动态作用范围。

28、This requirement can be circumvented by dynamically linking loadable kernel modules. ─── 只要内核与驱动交互的接口不遍,驱动不就可以为所有版本工作了么?

29、Up to now, there is no report on the dynamically photocrosslinking of PP/EPDM thermoplastic elastomer. ─── PP/EPDM共混型热塑性弹性体的动态光交联至今尚未见国内外有报导。

30、Conclusions Serial digital cineangiogram can dynamically show acute digestive tract hemorrhage within different phase. ─── 17例行永久栓塞,11例行短期栓塞,9例经出血动脉内灌注止血剂。

31、Backward curved impeller manufactured in galvanised steel, dynamically balanced. ─── 后曲叶轮由镀锌钢制成,动态平衡。

32、Conclusion ISEN is good in the treatment of femoral shaft fracture which can fix not only dynamically but statically. ─── 1例因局部骨化性肌炎膝关节功能轻度受限;1例术后3个月切口感染,病灶清除后痊愈;余例下肢功能恢复正常。

33、Use this to dynamically unregister block function plugin. Pass in the block function name. ─── 动态注销一个块函数插件,参数是块函数的名称。

34、A function driver can dynamically link to other kernel-mode DLLs too. ─── 一个函数驱动也可以动态链接到其他内核模式的DLL。

35、Set a master page dynamically. ─── 动态设置主控页。

36、Use this to dynamically unregister modifier plugin. Pass in the template modifier name. ─── 动态注销修饰器插件,参数是模板修饰器的名称。

37、The transport cannot dynamically acquire any more nodes. ─── 传输无法动态取得更多的节点。

38、Use this to dynamically unregister template function plugin. Pass in the template function name. ─── 可用此函式动态反注册样版函式外挂,参数为样版函式的名称。

39、Suppose you want the dog object to howl, growl or whimper?How do you make the changes dynamically? ─── 假如你要让狗对象发出其他各种各样的叫声,你该如何动态的改变这些属性呢?

40、As you'll see in a moment, a bunch of temporary and dynamically created files are managed and monitored by the objects of the HTTP pipeline. ─── 你即将看到,HTTP管道将管理和监视一大批临时动态创建的文件。

41、In a dynamically typed language, it is often necessary to use metaprogramming features to implement advanced designs. ─── 在一种动态类型语言中,使用元编程特性来实现高级设计经常是必要的。

42、Specify the name of a dynamically loadable module to load. ─── 指定要引导的动态可引导模块名。

43、By these new services, client/proxy can dynamically upload service codes needed to establish new services. ─── 在这些服务中,client/proxy可以动态地上传用于构建新服务所需的服务代码。

44、The HotDeals portlet can call either a Web service or database to dynamically display the special offers for the day. ─── HotDeals portlet或者调用Web服务或者调用数据库来动态显示当天的特殊报价。

45、In a previous patch we did an optimization code that dynamically spawns the NPCs based on priority and location. ─── 在前一个补丁里,我们基于优先级别和位置对NPC的动态生成作了优化。

46、Initializes a dynamically allocated variable. ─── 初始化动态变量。

47、Besides,the algorithm can dynamically obtain the proper document summarization length. ─── 同时该方法能动态地确定文档摘要长度。

48、The dynamically balanced rotor assembly,sealed bearings with grease reserviors. ─── 动平衡的转子总成,具有蓄油装置的全密封轴承。

49、Other helper routines are dynamically linked from system dynamic-link libraries (DLLs). ─── 其他的副程序动态链接自系统动态链接库。

50、Like units, dynamically loadable libraries contain sharable code or resources. ─── 和单元一样,动态可加载库含有共享的代码或资源。

51、Tasks in Project are not linked dynamically to the system clock. ─── Project中的任务未动态链接到系统时钟。

52、Decrease maintenance costs while optimizing file size by dynamically loading JPEG and MP3 media files at runtime. ─── 在运行的时候,通过动态的加载JPEG和MP3优化文件的大小,可以减少维护的工作量。

53、RMI object implementation s can be invoked dynamically. ─── Rmi客户端可以被整合到系统中去。

54、Analyze search engines dynamically! ─── 分析搜索引擎动态!

55、Use this to dynamically unregister an output filter. ─── 动态注销一个输出过滤器。

56、Dynamically create text messages using data from the current record. ─── 使用目前记录中的资料动态建立文件讯息。

57、GBean 2 is a resolvable reference, and Geronimo dynamically generates an invoker proxy. ─── GBean 2是可解析的引用,而Geronimo动态生成了一个调用器代理。

58、You can configure user options dynamically for new logins. ─── 可以为新登录名动态配置user options。

59、Dynamically hit tests a stroke with an eraser path. ─── 使用橡皮擦路径动态地对笔画进行命中测试。

60、It provides a programmable interface to the user where users dynamically inject services into the intermediate nodes. ─── 主动网络为用户提供了可编程的接口,用户可通过网络中的节点动态地注入所需的服务。

61、The Graph has many optional features you can toggle on or off, including zooming, dynamically setting the maxiumum and individual units, and more. ─── 图形有许多选项,你可以缩放、动态设置最大值和单个的单位,等等。

62、Does GOK generate its compose keyboard dynamically based on information from the X Server? ─── 20 GOK是否以X伺服器的资料来动态地产生写作键盘?

63、Team Foundation work item tracking includes some query variables to dynamically add values to your query. ─── Team Foundation工作项跟踪包括一些可用来动态地向查询中添加值的查询变量。

64、I can just whip out a variable, and this time it's gonna be dynamically stored there. ─── 我可以拿出一个变量,并且这次它会被动态地存储在那里。

65、You can technically omit this function but if you want to unload your driver dynamically, then it must be specified. ─── 在技术上你可以忽略这个函数,但是如果你想要动态的卸载你的驱动程序,那么它一定要被列出。

66、It creates and delays tasks dynamically in the course of the system running so that we can converse the EMS memory. ─── 同时采用动态建立和删除任务的方法,从而节约了系统内存资源。

67、Method is called to see if it is allowed to add a new provider dynamically. ─── 方法看看是否允动态添加新的提供程序。

68、Optionally, a dynamically loaded file can contain initialization and finalization functions. ─── '''注意:'''在第一次使用之后,在内存中动态装载了一个目标文件。

69、He's one of the most dynamically imaginative jazz pianists of our time. ─── 他是我们这个时代最具活跃想像力的爵士乐钢琴演奏家之一。

70、Dynamically at the supernet boundary. ─── 到底改选哪个?

71、EHW provides an ideal approach to make hardware "soft" by adapting the structure to a problem dynamically. ─── EHW提供一种理想的方法透过动力使架构适应一个问题使硬体"柔软"。

72、In this chapter we'll show you how to generate images dynamically with PHP, using the GD extension. ─── 在本章中,我们将介绍如何使用GD扩展在PHP中动态创建图像。

73、Higher adaptability of the system was advanced by setting vigilance parameters dynamically. ─── 为了提高系统自适应性能力,将警戒参数设置为动态变化。

74、Enables attributes to be specified dynamically. ─── 允许动态指定属性。

75、WFQ does not, however, let the user specify a way to dynamically allocate unused bandwidth. ─── 但WFQ不能让用户指定一种方法来动态地分配没有使用的带宽。

76、The other reasons include its space efficiency and its capability to add items dynamically, something that radio buttons cannot do. ─── 其他原因包括组合框的空间效率和动态增加项目的能力,以及一些单选按钮不具备的能力。

77、Web services are self-contained, self-described, dynamically discovered applications with Internet-based interfaces. ─── Web服务是具有基于因特网接口的自包含的、自我描述的、动态发现的应用程序。

78、The concept of uniformity of legal culture is both featured dynamically and statically contained. ─── 同构的概念既有动态的特征,又有静态的内蕴;

79、The affinity mask option, which existed in earlier releases of SQL Server, dynamically controls CPU affinity. ─── affinity mask选项存在于SQL Server的早期版本中,用于动态控制CPU关联。

80、The unhampered market is a very dynamically efficient process. ─── 无阻碍的市场是一个动态高效的过程。

81、A tool called PARBIT [16] has been developed to easily transform and restructure bit files to implement dynamically loadable hardware modules. ─── 一个叫PARBIT[16]的工具已经被开发出来,并且容易的转换和重新构造位文件来执行动态加载的硬件模块。

82、XSS is a security breach that takes advantage of dynamically generated Web pages. ─── XSS是一种破坏安全的方法,它利用了动态生成的网页。

83、Creates a div element (and all of its contents) dynamically, and appends it to the body element. ─── 动态的创建一个 div 元素,然后把它放到body元素的最后面。

84、Dynamically Loading Link Libraries Overview. ─── 在程序执行时动态加载库。

85、The results of dynamically productive experiments showed that this technology was of notability and generality. ─── 动态生产实验结果表明,该技术对于提高糖汁品质具有显著性和普遍性;

86、The dynamically balanced rotor assembly, sealed bearings with grease reserviors. ─── 动平衡的转子总成,具有蓄油装置的全密封轴承。

87、Using cursor hinting to dynamically show the meanings of meta-keys is a good idea. ─── 可以采用光标暗示来动态显示元键的用法,这种做法很好。

88、Stores dynamically added server controls on the Web page. ─── 动态存储网页上添加的服务器控件。

89、Dynamically simulates and analyses the impact of man's walking in stagnant air on indoor air distribution. ─── 取背景风速为零的房间,动态模拟分析了人体活动对室内气流分布的影响。

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