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09-03 投稿



cohering 发音

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cohering 中文意思翻译



cohering 常用词组

cohere with ─── 符合

cohering 词性/词形变化,cohering变形

动词第三人称单数: coheres |动词现在分词: cohering |动词过去式: cohered |动词过去分词: cohered |

cohering 短语词组

1、cohering definition ─── 一致性定义

cohering 相似词语短语

1、covering ─── n.遮盖物,覆盖层;v.遮盖,覆盖(cover的现在分词)

2、ciphering ─── n.计算;算出;v.运算;译成密码(cipher的ing形式)

3、coinhering ─── vi.包括在同一事物内

4、coheading ─── 凝聚

5、coshering ─── vt.溺爱;给好吃的东西;vi.过寄生生活;依赖他人生活

6、cowering ─── v.畏缩(cower的ing形式)

7、bothering ─── 烦扰

8、cockering ─── n.可卡犬,西班牙猎犬;斗鸡的人;老兄;v.娇惯,溺爱,放纵;n.(Cocker)(美、爱尔兰、英)科克尔

9、compering ─── n.(电视节目等的)主持人;v.做(演出)主持人;主持(电视、广播等);n.(Compere)(美)康佩尔(人名)

cohering 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Cohering about two thousand gears" extensively abundantly and profoundly social contents, having rich art inspiration, Wang Zhaojun is also an important cultural image in china"s literature history. ─── 王昭君又是中国文学史上一个重要的文学意象,凝聚着中国二千多年来广泛、丰富而又深刻的社会内容,具有丰厚的艺术启示力。

2、Keywords surface cohering technology;?wear;?corrosion;?application; ─── 表面粘涂技术;磨损;腐蚀;应用;

3、Nations with similar forms of government do seem to share cohering values. ─── 有着同样政府组织形式的国家的确似乎有着共同尊奉的价值观念。

4、interest in the Cartesian circle, the reason why it's discussed so much by the scholars is not just anti cohering interest in Descartes arguments it's a much more general point. ─── 笛卡尔循环论证值得关注的地方在于,为什么那么多的学者对其进行讨论,不仅反对笛卡尔论据里的契合点,而更多地是反对普遍观点。

5、The quality or state of cohering, especially a logical, orderly, and aesthetically consistent relationship of parts. ─── 一致性连贯的性质或状态,尤指各部分间逻辑的、有序的、完美的一致关系

6、The fine traditions of CPC have an unreplaceable power in uniting and cohering the mass. ─── 党的优良传统在团结民众、凝聚民众方面具有不可替代的作用。

7、Sticking together; cohering. ─── 粘着的粘贴在一起;粘着的

8、cohering or tending to cohere; well integrated. ─── 粘着的或易于粘着的;粘着紧的。

9、In this paper we put forward a new concept, the degree of cohering of Chinese strings, and it's computation. ─── 摘要本文提出了一种能更准确的反映两个汉字串之间相关程度的新概念-黏结度,并给出了其计算方法。

10、The following day you will feel a deep and cohering sense of embarrassment. ─── 第二天你就会感到一种深沉而凝聚的尴尬。

11、Application of surface cohering technology on renovating die holder of dental plate in As-004 bunching machine made in Japan ─── 运用表面粘涂技术修复日产As-004搓丝机牙板模座

12、Study on solvability of Limnoperna fortunei byssus cohering in raw water pipe ─── 原水管道中淡水壳菜足丝的溶解性能研究

13、deep ploughing coher ─── 深耕犁刀

14、Keywords Cohering technology Concentrating device Application Effect; ─── 粘接技术;选矿设备;应用;效果;

15、A kraft paper tape for adhesion of paper and cohering in manufacturing process of electrical products.It’s high adhesion&cold resistant.Its paper can be separated from PE-coated layer. ─── PE淋膜,具有高粘性、耐寒性,纸与离型层可分离,用于家电产品生产工艺及纸业接合中,属环保产品。

16、longitudinal veins dark green, cohering at apex; ─── 纵向脉深绿色,紧凑的在先端;


18、Petals 5 or 6, white, each embracing 2 stamens, cohering at base, margin with uncinate trichomes. ─── 花瓣5或6,白色,每一个包括2雄蕊,紧凑在基部,边缘具具钩的毛状体。

19、the ore cohering to the tub bottom ─── 矿车结底

20、Application of cohering and brush-plating composite technology ─── 粘涂-电刷镀复合工艺的应用

21、7.It is necessary for cohering public feeling and inspiring fighting will to cultivate and publicize models. ─── 摘要积极培养与宣传典型对凝聚人心、鼓舞斗志、推动工作很有必要。


23、Calyx green, divided to near base, both surfaces nearly glabrous or minutely pilose near apex, lobes triangular, ca. 8 mm, apically cohering with each other.Androgynophore tomentose. ─── 花萼绿色,全裂至近基部,雌雄蕊柄被绒毛。

24、longitudinal veins 10, violet, cohering at apex, densely glandular hairy; ─── 纵向脉10,紫色,紧凑的在先端,浓密腺毛;

25、Surface cohering technology and application ─── 表面粘涂技术及其应用

26、But undeniably, weaknesses exist in this system, for perfection of it needs the department store to amend it constantly cohering with circumstances of reality and practice. ─── 但不可否认的是,该体系还存在着一些不足之处,需要商厦根据实际和实践的情况不断予以完善。

27、Purposes:Used to make level of concrete base for cohering carbon fiber sheets. ─── 用于修补找平粘贴碳纤维片材、芳伦纤维片材及玻纤维片材的混凝土基层。

28、Tai Zhong said: As for Huo Qu Bing's tactics unintentionally cohering with those of Sun Zi and Wu Zi, was it really so? ─── 太宗说:从前霍去病用兵作战,能与孙吴兵法不谋而合,这确有其事吗?

29、the quality or state of cohering,especially a logical,orderly,and aesthetically consistent relationship of parts ─── 一致性,连贯的性质或状态,尤指各部分间逻辑的、有序的、完美的一致关系

30、Its whole surface consisted of drops, closely cohering together. ─── 圆球表面是密密麻麻、彼此紧挨着的点点。

31、One possibility is that physical interactions of cohering cells are important for this phenomenon. ─── 微环境中心肌细胞与干细胞接触及细胞间的粘连牵拉可能对这一现象有意义。

32、Cohering plus A-type holder and nylon nail ─── 尼龙锚钉

33、In the historical development of Mulao people, "Dong" had the function of offering sacrifices to ancestors, cohering clansman, assimilating different races, administrating the society, etc. ─── 在仫佬人漫长的历史进程中,"冬"具有祭祀祖先、凝聚族人、容纳异族、管理社会等功能。

34、Improved manner for mending the perforation of nasal by shifting the valve cohering the nasal bone through the way of moving down the nasal endoscope ─── 鼻内窥镜下行改良式鼻中隔黏骨膜瓣移位修补术治疗鼻中隔穿孔

35、The product F26 fat coal, also named as “industrial monosodium glutamate”, is of high heat productivity and strong cohering, and it is a god-given coal for metallurgy. ─── 所产煤种为F26肥煤,俗称“工业味精”,发热量高,粘结性强,是难得的冶金焦配煤。

36、longitudinal veins violet, inconspicuous, cohering at apex; ─── 纵向脉紫色,不明显,紧凑的在先端;

37、Petals 7-12, valvate, often cohering and calyptrate, falling as a single unit or abscising separately. ─── 花瓣7-12,镊合状,通常紧凑和具帽状体,作为一个整体落下或分别分离。

38、Petals oblong, ca. 4 mm, margins fringed with trichomes and slightly cohering, apex with 3 club-shape terminal appendages. ─── 花瓣长圆形,长约4毫米,边缘具流苏具和稍粘着的,先端具3棍状顶生附属物。

39、Keywords surface cohering technology;?property;?characteristic;?application; ─── 表面粘涂技术;性能;特点;应用;

40、capable of holding together or cohering; as particles in a mass ─── 能够结合在一起或者粘着;作为整体中的部分

41、Application of surface cohering technology in the mine apparatus ─── 表面粘涂技术在煤矿设备上的应用

42、Nations with similar forms of government do seem to share cohering values. ─── 有着同样政府组织形式的国家的确似乎有着共同尊奉的价值观念。

43、Keywords big;spimdle part;cohering repair;technology; ─── 大型;轴类零件;粘涂修复;工艺;

44、Sepals 10-20 mm, incurved and cohering with each other at apex. ─── 萼片10-20毫米,弯曲和彼此紧凑的在先端。

45、Petals oblong, ca. 4 mm, margins fringed with trichomes and slightly cohering, apex with 3 club-shape terminal appendages. ─── 花瓣长圆形,长约4毫米,边缘具流苏具和稍粘着的,先端具3棍状顶生附属物。

46、cohering or tending to cohere; ─── 粘着的或易于粘着的;

47、It's the necessary part of the security work because of its leading function, encouraging function and cohering function. ─── 警察文化的导向功能、激励功能和凝聚功能决定了它是公安工作不可缺少的组成部分。

48、The design of vibration type arranging nails automatically and cohering production line ─── 振动式自动排钉粘接生产线设计

49、During the procedure, the DXF-file was used as a swap file to form a coher ent flow frow the original drawing to the 3-D movie which was used in the multimedia training system and courseware. ─── 在实现过程中,利用DXF文件作为转换文件,使得从根据图纸绘制的原图到三维动画形成了一个连贯的流程。

50、veins dark violet glandular hairy, cohering at calyx teeth; ─── 脉深色的紫色的腺毛,在萼齿紧凑;

51、The piston type pump is used to solve the cohering problem of bitumen particles,and bitumen particles have been continuously injected in well La8-P2555. ─── 通过采用活塞式沥青泵,较好地解决了沥青颗粒的黏结现象,在喇8-P2555井实现了连续注入。

52、Petals 7-12, valvate, often cohering and calyptrate, falling as a single unit or abscissing separately. ─── 花瓣7-12,镊合状,通常紧凑和具帽状体,作为一个整体落下或分别分离。

53、longitudinal veins dark violet or deep greenish brown, not raised, usually cohering at calyx teeth. ─── 纵向脉深色的紫色的或深的褐绿色,不提高,通常在萼齿紧凑。

54、The Construction Method of Cohering Split Brick and its Measures to Control Quality ─── 劈离砖粘贴施工方法及质量控制措施

55、The repaining technology of cohering wear-surface on big spindle ─── 大型轴类零件磨损面的粘涂修复工艺

56、capable of holding together or cohering; as particles in a mass. ─── 能够结合在一起或者粘着;作为整体中的部分。

57、It has the function of directing,sustaining,cohering and promoting the development of the human society. ─── 文化资源对人类社会的发展起着方向性、支撑力、凝聚力、推动力的作用。

58、The piston type pump is used to solve the cohering problem of bitumen particles, and bitumen particles have been continuously injected in well La8-P2555. ─── 通过采用活塞式沥青泵,较好地解决了沥青颗粒的黏结现象,在喇8P2555井实现了连续注入。

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