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09-03 投稿


incendiary 发音

英:[?n'send??r?]  美:[?n's?nd??ri]

英:  美:

incendiary 中文意思翻译



incendiary 短语词组

1、incendiary origin ─── 燃烧的起源

2、incendiary flare ─── 燃烧弹

3、Incendiary Fragmentation Bomb ─── 燃烧碎片炸弹

4、incendiary oil ─── 纵火油料

5、aerial incendiary bomb ─── [机] 空投燃烧弹

6、incendiary bomb n. ─── 燃烧弹

7、Hard Core Incendiary ─── 硬核燃烧

8、incendiary mixture ─── [化] 纵火剂

9、Incendiary Munitions Evaluation ─── 燃烧弹药评估

10、Unexploded Incendiary Bomb ─── 未爆炸燃烧弹

11、incendiary cylinder ─── 燃烧的汽缸

12、incendiary bottle ─── 燃烧瓶

13、Incendiary Bomb with Explosive Nose ─── 燃烧弹与爆炸鼻子

14、aerial incendiary dart ─── [机] 飞机火箭

15、incendiary material ─── 燃烧材料,纵火材料

16、incendiary agent ─── [化] 纵火剂

17、incendiary composition ─── 燃烧成分

18、Incendiary Cluster Bomb ─── 燃烧集束炸弹

19、incendiary device ─── 燃烧装置

incendiary 词性/词形变化,incendiary变形

名词复数: incendiaries |名词: incendiarism |

incendiary 相似词语短语

1、incendiarism ─── n.煽动;放火;纵火狂

2、incensory ─── n.香炉(等于censer)

3、incendiaries ─── adj.纵火的;煽动性的;能引起燃烧的;非常辣的;n.燃烧弹;纵火者;煽动者;易燃物

4、incentively ─── 激励地

5、molendinary ─── 莫伦迪纳里

6、intermediary ─── adj.中间的;媒介的;中途的;n.中间人;仲裁者;调解者;媒介物

7、incendivity ─── n.可燃性;引火性

8、incendiary bomb ─── 燃烧弹

9、inconditely ─── 不确定地

incendiary 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Mischmetal incendiary agents can be devided into two kinds: the composite type and the alloy type. ─── 所对付的目标主要是机动装置的燃油系统,仓库目标,有生力量等。

2、incendiary article ─── 煽动性文章

3、incendiary material ─── 燃烧材料纵火材料

4、A slight man in his fifties, he has the air of a schoolmaster but a shock-jock's sense of mischief and flair for incendiary statements. ─── 王小东五十多岁,略显单薄,混合着一种学者气息、不恭的态度,和很强的鼓动性。

5、incendiary oil ─── 纵火油料

6、aerial incendiary dart ─── [机] 飞机火箭

7、Irresponsible incendiary sex language, add the temptation that your person cannot reject, it is the recipe that this industry gets sudden huge profits. ─── 不负责任的煽动性语言,加上令人无法拒绝的诱惑,是这个行业获取暴利的秘诀。

8、incendiary mixture ─── [化] 纵火剂

9、Incendiary performance ─── 燃烧性能

10、armor-piercing incendiary shell ─── 穿甲纵火弹

11、In an old friend repeatedly incendiary below, his all one's life couldn't help, the elephant did a fault a smoke is taken like the thing, dot get angry, suck contentedly. ─── 在一位老朋友的再三煽动下,他终天忍不住了,象做了错事似的拿起一支烟,点上火,满足地吸起来。

12、A weapon that projects ignited incendiary fuel, such as napalm, in a steady stream. ─── 喷火器一种以固定流状形式喷射燃料(如凝固汽油)的武器

13、incendiary remarks ─── 煽动性言论

14、Provocative, hallucinatory, incendiary, this devastating animated documentary is unlike any film you've ever seen. ─── 由于其具有煸情的,幻觉的,燃烧的特点,这部破坏性的动画记录片绝对的与以往不同。

15、petroleum base metallized incendiary mixture ─── 油基金属燃烧剂

16、Study and Application on Metal Incendiary Agent for Solid Propellant ─── 固体推进剂用金属燃烧剂的研究及应用

17、incendiary shell or cartridges ─── 燃烧炮弹或弹药

18、Post racist, incendiary, or otherwise objectionable content. ─── 张贴种族主义者,纵火者,或不那样讨厌的内容。

19、Will development really save the environment? Tang Hao's regular column continues with an incendiary analysis of China's growth, its political future and the way out... before the collapse. ─── 发展真的可以拯救环境吗?唐昊在他的专栏文章中继续对中国的发展,政治前景和解决环境问题的出路等作了具有争论性的解析。

20、Mass Media's Social Function: "the Incendiary in the Societal Forest" ─── 从"低烈度纵火"理论看新闻媒体的社会功能

21、incendiary agent ─── 燃烧剂

22、But many French feel that the pied noir story, told by some of its more right-wing partisans, is incendiary and not one anyone needs to hear now. ─── 但许多法国人认为,黑脚仔的故事由某些偏右翼的党派分子述说时煽动情绪,况且现在并非所有人都需要听。

23、Later Martin announced an immediate interim ban on MPs claiming for furniture and the "flipping" of second homes, two of the most incendiary practices to emerge from the expenses scandal. ─── 之后,马丁宣布一项即时生效的临时性禁令,禁止议员报销家具和因更换第二套住房产生的费用,这两种报销恰恰是“报销门”事件中最受诟病的行径。

24、Ms Chung is one of them, though she knows this could be incendiary. ─── 郑女士就是他们中的一员,尽管她也知道,这样做无异于火上浇油。

25、When enchanted creature is put into a graveyard, Incendiary deals X damage to target creature or player, where X is the number of fuse counters on Incendiary. ─── 当受此结界之生物被置入任何坟墓场时,纵火对目标玩家造成X点伤害, X等同于纵火上面导线指示物的数量。

26、Equally hard fell but far less incendiary concerns flowed freely after that. ─── 同样意味深长但却远没有这样激烈的言辞从这之后便不断涌出。

27、Keywords pyrotechnics;sodium borohydride;incendiary agent;orthogonal design; ─── 烟火技术;硼氢化钠;燃烧剂;正交设计;

28、They had it that the fire was incendiary. ─── 他们认为这是有人纵火。

29、the aluminum soap or salt of a mixture of fatty acids, used to thicken gasoline for use as an incendiary in flamethrowers and firebombs. ─── 一种有机化合物,多种脂肪酸混合物的铝肥皂或铝盐,用来增稠汽油用于喷火器和燃烧弹。

30、incendiary obstacle ─── 燃烧障碍

31、incendiary device ─── 燃烧装置

32、In the office where I worked, it became an evening ritual to check the public areas for discarded cigarette packets which might contain incendiary devices. ─── 在我工作的那个机关里所有公共地点每晚都要对废弃烟盒进行检查,怕其中可能有引燃装置,这已成为一种例行公事。

33、A darker development is the abuse of blogs, social networks, maps and video-sharing sites that make it easy to publish incendiary material and form hate groups. ─── 互联网发展进程中更为阴暗的一面是,博客、社交网站、地图和视频共享站点被滥用来发布煽动性的材料、组织仇恨团体。

34、October 8th, 1111B.C.Two days after Pawero sends his incendiary letter to the Vizier, the high court gathers in the Temple of Karnak for Amenpanufer's trial.All the key players are here. ─── 公元前1111年10月8日,帕维路寄出离间信给维兹尔的两天后,高级法院在卡尔纳克神殿审理阿门帕努弗的案件,所有关键人物都在场。

35、incendiary origin ─── 放火原因

36、Mourinho, with his arrogance and his self-assurance and his incendiary temperament, was very much the new face of English football. He stamped his personality on the club, too. ─── 穆里尼奥,带着他的狂妄,自信和火暴的脾气就这样出现在了英国足球面前。同时也用他鲜明的个性为俱乐部烙上了烙印。

37、incendiary mania ─── 纵火狂

38、incendiary weapon ─── 燃烧武器

39、Now he is partly blamed for her losing with his often-incendiary public comments. ─── 但如今希拉里遭遇失败,部分原因要归咎于克林顿在公共场合某些煽动性言论。

40、Improvement on Determination Experiment of Incendiary Heat ─── 燃烧热测定实验的进一步改进

41、armor-piercing incendiary ─── 穿甲烧弹

42、An incendiary device. ─── 纵火器

43、Given Shepherd's warning on Wednesday to Owen about" loyalty" to the club and the clear tension that exists between Newcastle and Owen's camp, the video clip might have been seen as incendiary. ─── 本周三谢泼德曾就对俱乐部的忠诚问题公开“敲打”欧文,很明显,在为国效力的问题上欧文与俱乐部产生了分歧。

44、Keywords determination;incendiary heat;improvement; ─── 燃烧热测定;改进;

45、Colleague small king has incendiary power very much, everybody offers take care each a program. ─── 同事小王很有煽动力,招呼大家每人献一个节目。

46、Incendiary unit; ─── 火种;

47、Study on the Performance Design of a Composite Incendiary Agent ─── 一种复合燃烧剂的设计研究

48、Protocol on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Incendiary Weapons(Protocol III) ─── 禁止或限制使用燃烧武器议定书(第三议定书)

49、incendiary and suspicious ─── 放火和有放火嫌疑的

50、But his image never entirely lost its incendiary appeal. ─── 但他的音容笑貌留下了不可磨灭的印象。

51、natural fibre incendiary preventer ─── 天然纤维阻燃液

52、A weapon that projects ignited incendiary fuel,such as napalm,in a steady stream. ─── 喷火器一种以固定流状形式喷射燃料(如凝固汽油)的武器。

53、At the beginning of your upkeep, you may put a fuse counter on Incendiary. ─── 在你的维持开始时,你可以在纵火上面放置一个导线指示物。

54、Target Incendiary Marker ─── 目标燃烧指示器

55、about twenty scattered days a year of the Santa Ana, which, with its incendiary dryness, invariably means fire. ─── 在出现圣安娜飓风的年份,大约有不连续的二十天由于飓风引起的干燥天气而无法幸免火灾。

56、Cutting to go up slashly afforestation; Should notice to clear the branch advantageous position that after cutting, leaves and leaf, usable machinery turns over agrarian or incendiary burn to burn. ─── 在采伐迹地上造林;要注重清理采伐后留下的枝权和树叶,可用机械翻耕或放火燎烧。

57、Mischmetal incendiary agents are usually used to provide explosive,killing,or armor-piercing munitions with incendiary ability. ─── 对稀土金属燃烧剂的研究国外(主要是美国)已告一段落,在我国还方兴未艾。

58、S., which is incompatible with food hygiene standards covering : Incendiary devices at the same time to meet the requirements of GB; ─── 在日本及欧美国家,这种涂层是不符合食品卫生标准的:燃烧器在满足国标要求的同时;

59、incendiary destructor ─── 燃烧性自毁装置

60、petroleum-base incendiary mixture ─── 油基燃烧剂

61、The Analysis of Alloying Piece for Incendiary in a Fragmentation Explosive Incendiary Shell ─── 杀爆燃弹纵火用合金件的设计

62、Keywords Mischmetal;Rare-earth alloy;Incendiary agent; ─── 混合稀土金属;稀土合金;燃烧剂;

63、incendiary fire ─── 纵火

64、An essay in the current issue of Foreign Affairs makes the incendiary suggestion that the EU has kept the peace for 60 years thanks to nationalism, not despite it. ─── 一篇发表在最新一期的杂志上的文章提出了一个颠覆性的观点:欧洲之所以60年来保持和平的原因不是消灭了民族主义,而是恰恰相反。

65、Such incendiary claims pained Praji, who did not relish the difficult decisions he had to make. ─── 这些煽动性的言论刺痛着普拉吉的心。其实,那些他被迫作出的艰难决定也让他很不好受。

66、Composite incendiary agents ─── 复合燃烧剂

67、incendiary cylinder ─── 燃烧筒

68、Compared with those steady days in therelationship with China, the atmosphere is incendiary now. ─── 与往日的中澳关系相比,现在的气氛是可燃的。

69、Anti-Materiel Incendiary Submunition ─── 物质摧毁燃烧附属弹药

70、incendiary shrapnel ─── 燃烧榴霰弹

71、Its legerdemain has extremely rich incendiary sex and the teaching material that cheat a gender namely. ─── 传销作为一种非法经营活动,有一套完整的骗术。其骗术就是具有极富煽动性和欺骗性的教材。

72、incendiary effect ─── 燃烧作用

73、incendiary flare ─── 燃烧照明弹

74、Another incendiary device, which did not go off, was discovered a little more than a day later in County Armagh. ─── 一天多之后,在阿马郡(CountyArmagh),发现了另一处尚未熄火的引爆装置。

75、Among the general electorate, it was the incendiary issue that failed to incense. ─── 在全部的选区中,这是一个没有被引发的煽动性问题。

76、In office, Mr Correa has combined populist handouts with incendiary talk that has alienated the middle class. ─── 在任内,科雷亚先生的民粹主义传单和煽动性的讲话使中产阶级对他敬而远之。

77、Baby Incendiary Bomb ─── 小型燃烧(炸)弹

78、incendiary leaf ─── 纵火叶烧夷片

79、So staring can be offensive, criminal, incendiary and sexual - not to mention a sign of drug-crazed insanity. ─── 因此,盯着别人看会让你感到不快,会触犯法律,会有煽动性,会是性骚扰---更不用提药物导致的精神错乱了。

80、The soldiers were trained to deal with incendiary attacks. ─── 士兵们受过对付火攻的训练。

81、Five incendiary devices were found in her house. ─── 5个燃烧装置在她家里被发现了。

82、At times, the book is deliberately incendiary. Triana is trying to stimulate debate. ─── 书中有几处是在蓄意地煽风点火,特里亚纳的目就是激发辩论。

83、Protocol on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Incendiary Weapons ─── 禁止或限制使用燃烧武器议定书

84、incendiary equipment ─── 燃烧器材

85、incendiary shell ─── 燃烧炮弹

86、Hundreds of thousands of repossessed homes, many of them from borrowers who are black and poor, would be politically incendiary. ─── 数以十万计的回收房屋里,其中许多贷款买房者都是贫穷的黑人,会具有政治上的煽动作用。

87、an incendiary speech ─── 煽动性演说.

88、The wildfires that swept through southern California this week gripped more than 700 square miles (1,700 square km) in their incendiary embrace. ─── 本周横扫南加州的野火的过火范围超过700平方英里(1,700平方公里)。


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