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09-03 投稿


whitened 发音

英:[?wa?tnd]  美:[?wa?tnd]

英:  美:

whitened 中文意思翻译





whitened 同义词

pale | fade |blanch | bleach | whitewash | white | chalk

whitened 短语词组

1、whitened data ─── 白化数据

2、whitened teeth ─── 洁白的牙齿

3、whitened def ─── 白色def

4、whitened up ─── 变白了

5、whitened hair ─── 白发

6、whitened nails ─── 美白指甲

7、whitened sage ─── 白鼠尾草

8、whitened means ─── 变白意味着

whitened 词性/词形变化,whitened变形

动词过去式: whitened |动词第三人称单数: whitens |动词现在分词: whitening |动词过去分词: whitened |名词: whitener |

whitened 反义词


whitened 相似词语短语

1、whiteners ─── n.增白剂;漂白剂;n.(Whitener)人名;(英)怀特纳

2、whiten ─── vt.漂白;刷白;vi.变白;n.(Whiten)人名;(英)怀滕

3、whitens ─── vt.漂白;刷白;vi.变白;n.(Whiten)人名;(英)怀滕

4、whitebeard ─── n.白胡子老人;老翁

5、whitener ─── n.增白剂;漂白剂;n.(Whitener)人名;(英)怀特纳

6、white lead ─── 白铅矿;铅白;铅粉

7、whitehead ─── n.怀特海德(姓氏)

8、whiteness ─── n.白,洁白,苍白;[矿业]白度

9、whited ─── adj.漂白的;弄白的;v.使变白色;涂白(white的过去式和过去分词)

whitened 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Why is my fingernail root ministry whiten ah inside is seeming to return empty? ─── 为什么我的手指甲根部会变白啊里面好象还是空的?

2、Contain rich minerals, vitamin C, fresh fruit extract and natural oceanic salt that can purify and whiten skin, and remove aged horniness. ─── 含有丰富的矿物质、维生素C、鲜果精华及天然海盐,能净白肌肤,去除老化角质。

3、Deep clean skin and remove make up remained dirt. Speed up decompose sediment system, whiten and lubricate skin. ─── 功效:清除皮肤深层污垢及残妆,促进沉积色素的分解,用后皮肤白皙润滑。

4、a male character in French pantomime; usually dressed in white with a whitened face. ─── 法国哑剧中的男性人物;通常穿白衣,画白脸。

5、Snow had whitened the tops of the trees. ─── 大雪把树冠变成了白色。

6、Natural collagen: Deeply and effectively purify skin, penetrate into skin, remove aged cutin, restrain mottle formation, instantly whiten skin, eliminate dim complexion. ─── 天然胶原蛋白:深层高效净白肌肤,迅速渗透肌肤内层,去除老化角质,抑制黑斑生成,瞬间美白肌肤,赶走暗哑肤色。

7、Whiten and activate the skin while it absorbing nutriments, making the skin tender, smooth and white unconsciously. ─── 在肌肤容易吸收营养的时候,净白活化肌肤,使肌肤在不知不觉中嫩滑白皙。

8、His uplifted face, with the awed and wistful look was whitened to a chalky hue in the vast building. ─── 他一张仰起的脸不知不觉地显出一种凛然而深沉的表情;在那座庞大的建筑里,脸色白得就象石灰。

9、Paper and board intended to come into contact with foodstuffs - Determination of the fastness of fluorescent whitened paper and board. ─── 与食品紧密接触的纸张和纸板。测定荧光增白纸和纸板的色牢度。

10、In China women spend a lot of money to whiten their skin. ─── 中国女人花很多钱来美白皮肤。

11、How to make the skin of the body whiten? ─── 怎么使身体的皮肤变白?

12、The 459 / M of Jilin paper mill ' whitened newspaper of small mensurable offset print is close to international the advanced level of congener product. ─── 吉林纸厂的459/m‘增白低定量胶印新闻纸接近国际同类产品的先进水平。

13、Fresh snow whitened the mountains above the ritzy high-rise condos of North Tehran. ─── 在德黑兰北部的高雅公寓大楼之上,白雪已经覆盖了群山。

14、Pure white and remove yellowness: relieve skin pressure, remove the free radicals of skin, significantly improve the skin dullness to whiten and brighten the skin. ─── 净白去黄:舒缓肌肤压力,清除肌肤中的自由基,显著改善皮肤暗哑现象,使肌肤晶亮透白、充满光彩。

15、He was crouched in a wheelchair, a shriveled, whitened remnant of the father I had known. ─── 他无精打采地萎缩在轮椅里------我所熟识的父亲只剩下一个枯萎而苍白的残躯。

16、The hoar -frost whitened the pavement in front of Mr. Moore's residence, and made silent havoc among the tender plants in his garden. ─── 白霜洒白了穆尔先生的住宅前面的大路,悄悄地摧残园子里嫩弱的草木。

17、Puts on night clothes' man face whiten to walk wooden, how to look that is the tramp not likely, pours somnambulism patient who daydreams a little likely. ─── 一个穿着睡衣的男人脸色苍白的木然走着,怎么看不像是流浪汉,倒有点像白日做梦的梦游症患者。

18、Fully regulate the evenness of complexion, enhance the skin resistance to free radicals, deeply whiten skin, keep skin fair and moist durably. ─── 全面调节肤色均匀度,增强肌肤预防和抵御游离基的侵害,深层润白肌肤,令肌肤长时间保持滋润白皙的光彩。

19、Contain rich pearl active peptide, halobios amino acid and hyaloplasm acid. Help to smoothen, whiten and moisturize the skin. Remove fatigue and dryness. Keep skin soft and white. ─── 产品说明:蕴含丰富的珍珠活肽、海洋生物氨基酸、透明质酸等成分,具有细腻肌肤、美白保湿以及去除面部黄气等作用,改善肌肤暗哑、干燥现象,令肌肤柔软、润白

20、Accelerate the peeling of the keratose on the epidermis, soften, tenderize and whiten the skin, and repair the big and loose pores. ─── 促进老化表皮角质剥离、达到柔化、嫩肤和美白效果,并修复粗大松弛的毛孔。

21、Paper and board intended to come into contact with foodstuffs - Determination of the fastness of fluorescent whitened paper and board . ─── 与食品紧密接触的纸张和纸板。测定荧光增白纸和纸板的色牢度。

22、How can ability make his skin whiten? ─── 怎么才能让自己的皮肤变白?

23、She whitened her shirt. ─── 她把衬衫漂白了。

24、How to make a tooth whiten? ─── 如何让牙齿变白?

25、Function description: Open meridian, eliminate weariness, motivate metabolism, accelerate slough of aging keratinized cell, whiten and soften hand skin. ─── 功能说明:疏通经络,消除疲劳,提高新陈代谢,加速老化角质细胞的脱落,美白柔嫩手部肌肤。

26、Keeping gargling after meals can whiten your teeth. ─── 坚持饭后漱口能使牙齿洁白。

27、It is recorded by Essential Oil Complete Works that Lemon essential oil can refresh oneself and whiten skin. ─── 《精油全书》中记载柠檬精油有提神、醒脑,令人愉悦,使人有活力,对皮肤有美白作用。

28、The excellent moisturizing efficacy helps it to prevent the dryness and the ageing, promote the blood circulation, whiten and smooth the skin. ─── 卓越的保湿功能、防止皮肤干燥老化、促进血液循环、滋润美白、令肌肤平滑动人。

29、Her face whitened with fear. ─── 她的脸色吓白了。

30、To whiten; whitewash. ─── 使变白;刷白

31、Accelerate cells reproduce, soften skin, keep the skin wet and whiten. ─── 促进细胞活跃再生,柔软肌肤表层,补充水分,滋养美白,令肌肤亮泽而富有弹性。

32、Accelerate cells reproduce, soften skin ,keep the skin wet and whiten . ─── 促进细胞活跃再生,柔软肌肤表层,补充水分,滋养美白,令肌肤亮泽而富有弹性。

33、Hydro Gel Mask to replenish water rapidly, activate cells, diminish wrinkles, whiten and tighten the skin, strengthen skin defense, and restore skin's vitality. ─── 为肌肤注入水份,对肌肤最干燥缺水的部位发挥双倍滋润效果,并及时抚平幼纹及干纹,强化改善肤质,净化肤色,令肌肤水润。

34、Thoroughly Whiten: Pure whitening factor can effectively fade tone, restrain the production of melanin, powerfully fade dull tone and make skin white, clear and shining. ─── 彻底美白?纯净美白因子有效淡化肤色,调节导致肌肤变黑的黑色素形成,有助改善晦暗肌肤,使肌肤变得洁白无瑕,焕发净透亮丽的光彩。

35、It contains natural ingredients that whiten and balance the moisture of skins, so as to dispel colors and acne scars. ─── 含天然植物美白保湿成份,帮助肌肤祛黄美白,淡化痘痘痕迹,使皮肤净白亮丽,展现健康的神采。

36、Modify the skin tone durably and effectively, deeply whiten and care skin, leave skin white and healthy. ─── 强效持久地修正肤色,深层美白呵护肌肤,肌肤呈现亮白健康光泽。

37、To whiten(a growing plant or plant part) by covering to cut off direct light. ─── 变白用遮盖物挡住光线直射以使(生长中的植物或植物的一部分)变白

38、Efficiency:Penetrate into corium ,replenish water and nutrition ,repair damaged cells,make skin tissue soft and smooth,moisturize skin ,balance oil secretion and whiten skin . ─── 功效:深入肌肤真皮层,补充肌肤所需水分和氧份,修复受损细胞,令肌肤组织柔软平滑,滋润肌肤,并能平衡油脂分泌,美白肌肤。

39、Mk. 9:3 And His garments be 224098151 me sparkling, e needingly white, such as fgzoa no fuller on earth could whiten them. ─── 可九3衣服放光,白到极点,地上漂布的,没有一个能漂得那样白。

40、He gripped the wheel until his knuckles whitened. ─── 他紧紧握住方向盘,握得指关节都变白了。

41、Her face whitened. ─── 她的脸色白了。

42、Perfectly whiten the blacker and all kind of pigmentation skin. ─── 使较黑肤色和各类色素沉着的皮肤白皙完美,均匀靓丽。

43、Efficacy: whiten skin, control oil, astringe pore, refine skin and remove grease feel. ─── 功效:美白控油,收细毛孔,细腻肌肤,消除油光感。

44、Glister Toothpaste offers multifunction performance to clean safely, remove plaque, fight cavities, whiten teeth and freshen breath all in one go! ─── 一次过达到清洁牙齿、去除牙垢、预防蛀牙、洁白牙齿和保持口气清新等全部功能。


46、Is Heathcliff not here? she demanded, pulling off her gloves, and displaying fingers wonderfully whitened with doing nothing and staying indoors. ─── 她问道,一边脱下手套,露出无比白皙的手指,这都是因为呆屋里什么都不做的结果。

47、But when I wrote about how I got my teeth whitened for TV even though I was unemployed, so many money mavens complained to me that it was irresponsible spending. ─── 但是,当我说我还没有工作的时候,为了上电视而去洗牙,许多投资专家都表示反对,认为这是不负责任的花费。

48、Whiten and moisturize skin with outstanding cleaning effect, recover skin to natural gloss. ─── 可在洁净肌肤的同时,美白滋润肌肤,使肌肤瞬间恢复自然色泽。

49、On returning to Rugby after this event, I had excruciating pain in my temples which made me feel very irritable and ill and my vision was whitened out on either side of my eyes. ─── 在这件事之后,我回到了Rugby。我的太阳穴感到极度疼痛及身体很不适。而我的视力是在我眼睛的2边泛白。

50、In order to preserve the history of the inscription and the fate of Dong Minority the local people whiten the characters with white lime every year to keep it visible. ─── 为了让后人记住“过化”两字的历史与侗家人的命运,当地人每年坚持用石灰浆将岩上的大字填白,使其清晰可辩。

51、Based on whitened function of grey classfication,this paper establishes the assessment method of indoor environment based on grey radar chart theory,and provides the grade standard of assessment. ─── 在此基础上,引入灰色聚类白化函数理论,建立了一种新的基于灰色雷达图理论的室内环境综合评价方法,并给出了评价分级标准。

52、Function: form a protective moisturizer layer on the face, nurture face, prevent face from outside stimulant, and whiten face naturally. ─── 作用:在面部形成一层保护性滋润层,营养皮肤,隔离外界刺激,自然增白。

53、In the case of pixels, an overflow of light would whiten the image. ─── 对于象素来说,光线的溢出会使得图像发白。

54、To make pale; whiten. ─── 使变苍白;使变白

55、His black coat bore the weary folds of a garment that has been up all night.The elbows were whitened with the down which the friction of cloth against linen leaves behind it. ─── 他的黑色服装现出穿了过夜的皱纹,手肘处沾着呢子和垫单磨擦后起的白色绒毛。

56、Compacting essence can fine pores, brighten and whiten the skin, and make the skin more elastic. ─── *紧致精华则可细致毛孔,用后令肌肤光亮洁白,富有弹性。

57、Soon a red streak became visible in the horizon , the waves whitened, a light played over them, and gilded their foaming crests with gold. ─── 不久,地平线上现出了一道红色的长带,波浪渐渐变成了白色,一道亮光掠过海上面,把吐着白沫的浪尖染成了金黄色。

58、One of them was created by layering stacks of whitened calcified timber and features a green roof. ─── 其中一个是用经过钙化的白色木材分层叠加而成,其特点是有个绿色的屋顶。

59、How to make smoke dirty tooth whiten? ─── 如何让烟垢牙变白?

60、Eat the sort of fruit to you can make the skin whiten? ─── 吃那种水果可以让皮肤变白?

61、How can you make a tooth whiten? ─── 怎么样可以使牙齿变白?

62、The abundant polyphenols ingredient extracted from French red wine can quickly and effectively whiten skin, improve skin pore roughness. ─── 从优质法国红酒萃取的丰富多酚成份,能迅速有效白皙肌肤,改善毛孔粗大问题;

63、It can anti-aging, whiten and moisten the skin. ─── 具有滋润保湿、美白祛斑、抗衰老、防过敏等直接美容效果。

64、Efficacy: Seawater Pearl Royal Powder obviously whitens skin, and alga moisturizes it; both of them nourish skin. Frequent applying can nourish, whiten skin, and remove wrinkles. ─── 功效:海水御粉增白效果显著,海藻有保湿功效,且二者皆有营养肌肤作用。经常做此面膜,有营养润肤增白除皱的效果。

65、Pure white and brighten skin: improve the skin dullness, whiten the skin, help the skin to resist oxidation and environmental stimulation and prevent earlier skin aging; a [... ─── 净白亮肤:改善暗哑肤色,提升肌肤的嫩白度,帮助肌肤抵御氧化和环境的刺激,防止肌肤老化提早出现,使用数天肌肤即回复均匀细致、白皙柔亮。

66、Function: Deep clean skin and remove make up remained dirt. Speed up decompose sediment system, whiten and lubricate Skin. ─── 功效:清除皮肤深层污垢及残妆,促进沉积色素的分解,用后皮肤白皙润滑。

67、His hair and clothes were whitened with snow, and his sharp cannibal teeth, revealed by cold and wrath, gleamed through the dark. ─── 他的头发和衣服都被雪下白了,他那锋利的蛮族的牙齿,因为寒冷和愤怒而呲露着,在黑暗中闪闪发光。

68、Product feature: Revitalize the stone after cleaning, also used as toner to whiten the stone and lighten color. ─── 产品特性:清洗后可使石材涣然如新,也可作调色剂,使石材增白,颜色变浅。

69、It contains natural negative ion, which can clear, nourish and whiten skin, resist oxygenation, prevent hypersensitiveness, promote elasticity and restoration, and improve blood circulation. ─── 因含有天然负离子,具有净化、滋润、白皙、抗氧化及防止过敏,促进组织弹力及再生,改善血液循环。

70、Bonding some suitable groups on pyrazoline can make the compound to possess good fluorescence and can be used to whiten wool and acrylic fibres. ─── 在吡唑啉基的适当位置引入某些基因,可使其化合物具有较强的荧光性,能用于羊毛、绵纶、腈纶等纤维的增白。

71、Repair and whiten skin, contain whitening particles and jojoba oil, prevent darkened complexion and speckle, perfectly conceal flaws, brighten skin, create natural. ─── 修护、美白蕴含美白微粒和霍霍芭油,防止肌肤变黑及色斑的出现,完美遮盖瑕疵,亮白肌肤,缔造自然无瑕的白皙,透明肤色。

72、Main ingredients:essential and pure mineral,whiten concealer cell,pearl powder,arbutin and mulberry leaves. ─── 主要成份:精纯矿物、美白遮瑕因子、珍珠粉、熊果苷、桑叶。

73、Inshore and farther out the mirror of water whitened , spurned by lightshod hurrying feet. ─── 岸边和海面上,明镜般的海水正泛起一片白色,好像是被登着轻盈的鞋疾跑着的脚踹起来的一般。

74、What food can make the person's skin whiten? ─── 什么食物能够使人的皮肤变白?

75、Effect:Getrid of the repair after shining to the ultraviolet ray,supplement the skin moisture content,resolve the melanin effecti very,protect and whiten the skin wetly. ─── 功效:修复紫外线照射后的肌肤,补充皮肤水份,有效分解黑色素,抑制酪胺酸酶的形成,保湿美白肌肤。

76、A lot of people may not know that regularly eating wolfberry is good for skin. Wolfberry can help the skin imbibe nourishment and whiten the skin. ─── 常吃枸杞可以美容,这点很多人都不知道。这是因为,枸杞可以提高皮肤吸收氧分的能力,另外,还能起到美白作用。

77、Gradually the cool dim gray of the morning whitened, and as gradually sounds multiplied and life manifested itself. ─── 渐渐地,灰冷的晨光逐渐变白,声音越来越多,万物生机勃勃。

78、This area of firm, whitened gyri that are broader than surrounding normal gyri is typical for tuberous sclerosis. ─── 结节性硬化症,变硬变白的脑回比周围正常的脑回宽是其典型表现。

79、How to make the skin whiten? ─── 怎么样使皮肤变白?

80、How does ability make the skin whiten? ─── 怎么样才能使皮肤变白啊?

81、Strengthens skin firmness and elasticity, helps to weaken and reduce wrinkle, leaving skin whitened and smooth. ─── 增强肌肤紧实度和弹性,有助于淡化并减少皱纹,令肌肤皙白幼滑。

82、How ability is OK very effective whiten, do not hurt the skin however? ─── 怎么才可以很有效的变白,却不伤皮肤呢?

83、Underneath there was an old boat-cloak, whitened with sea-salt on many a harbour-bar. ─── 再下面有件旧水手斗篷,已经被海盐染成了白色。

84、Efficacy: Whiten and moisturize skin to provide more nutrients and fragrance for skin, absorb merrily and lively at once and take on crystal and clear skin color. ─── 功效:帮助肌肤焕发美白光彩,深入肌肤发挥保湿功效,让肌肤滋养润泽给予肌肤更多营养芬芳;即刻,肌肤酣畅吸入水份,充盈润泽,晶亮匀澈的肤色,转瞬呈现。

85、He gripped the wheel until his knuckles whitened. ─── 他紧紧握住方向盘,握得指关节都变白了。

86、The little field had been manured with seaweed some weeks before, and the weeds had rotted and whitened on the grass. ─── 几个礼拜前,他们给地施过海藻肥,海藻盖在草上面,如今已腐烂、泛白。

87、Naturally whiten skin, soften skin tissue and replenish water loss. Continue using this product help promote skin elasticity and suppleness. ─── 具有自然的美白效果,柔软表皮,补充水份,持续使用,令肌肤白皙柔细富有弹性。

88、And His garments became sparkling, exceedingly white, such as no fuller on earth could whiten them. ─── 3衣服放光,白到极点,地上漂布的,没有一个能漂得那样白。

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