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09-03 投稿



auratus 发音

英:[ ???re?t?s ]  美:[ ???re?t?s ]

英:  美:

auratus 中文意思翻译



auratus 短语词组

1、pagrus auratus ─── 灵长类

2、Mesocricetus auratus ─── [网络] 金黄地鼠;仓鼠;钩虫感染金色地鼠

3、Chrysophrys auratus ─── [网络] 金鲷;鲷鱼;金鲷和银金鲷

4、Mullus auratus ─── [网络] 金羊鱼

5、Colaptes auratus ─── [网络] Col。

6、Carassius auratus ─── 鲫鱼

auratus 相似词语短语

1、aurated ─── 听觉的

2、aurates ─── n.[无化]金酸盐

3、aurate ─── n.[无化]金酸盐

4、aurous ─── adj.含金的;金的;[化学]亚金的

5、jurats ─── n.地方法官;宣誓证明书;市政长官;n.(Jurat)人名;(法)朱拉;(英)朱拉特;(塞)尤拉特

6、auras ─── n.气味;气氛;(神像身后的)灵光(aura的复数)

7、curats ─── 治愈

8、curates ─── n.(某教区的)助理牧师;堂区牧师;v.操持(收藏品或展品的)展出;组织(音乐节的)演出

9、aureus ─── n.奥里斯(古罗马的金质货币);n.金黄色葡萄球菌

auratus 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords Triadimefon;Photolysis;HydroIysis;Duckweed;Carassius auratus variety pengze;Toxicity; ─── 三唑酮;光解;水解;浮萍;彭泽鲫;毒性;

2、Effects of Xylanase on Growth Performance and Small Intestinal Villus of Carassius auratus ─── 木聚糖酶对鲫鱼生长性能和小肠绒毛的影响

3、Keywords Carassius auratus of Pengze;gynogenesis;karyotype;supernumerary chromosomes; ─── 关键词彭泽鲫;雌核发育;染色体组型;超数染色体;

4、Keywords hexachlorobenzene;liver of carassius auratus;mitochondrial protein;difference of expression;SDS-PAGE; ─── 六氯苯;鲫鱼肝脏;线粒体蛋白质;表达差异;SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳;

5、Effects of fermented soybean cakes on nonspecific immunity function of Carassius auratus gibelio ─── 发酵豆粕饲料对异育银鲫非特异性免疫功能的影响

6、The result showed that copper can poison Carassius auratus. ─── 结果显示:铜离子对鲫鱼的毒性是比较大的。

7、Through adding different levels of rare earth-chitosan chelate (RECC) in diet for Carassius auratus L. ─── 试验探讨了在鲫鱼日粮中添加稀土壳聚糖螯合盐对养殖水体水质的影响。

8、Heavy Mental Ion Hg~(2+) Cr~(2+) in Contaminated Water Influence on Flsh (Ctenopharyngodon idellus Cuvier et Valencinnes and Carasscius auratus L.) Immune Function ─── 水体中重金属Hg~(2+)离子和Cr~(2+)离子对鲫鱼和草鱼免疫系统的影响

9、mitochondria metabolism of carassius auratus liver. Biological trace lement research. 2000. vol77. No3.261-271. ─── 丁小雷、邓凤姣马氏珠母贝子一代遗传多样性研究,动物学杂志2003,38(1)1-6.

10、The submicroscopic morphological structure of gill surface of Carassius auratus and Gold cracian carp are observed, studied and compared by SEM in detail. ─── 摘要应用扫描电镜对鲫和金鲫鳃表面亚微结构进行了详细的观察,并对二者鳃表面结构进行了比较。

11、Establishment of clean Mesocricetus auratus group ─── 清洁级地鼠种子群的建立

12、,being a parasite in the connective tissue of the caudal fin of Carassius auratus,was originally reported by Ishii as Filaria carassii in Japan.But as this particular parasite is c... ─── 寄生在淡水鱼类中的线虫,种类很多,有些已是成虫,它们破坏宿主的组织,夺取其营养,使鱼体虚弱消瘦,生长不良和易受其它病害的侵袭,严重时则引起死亡。

13、Compensatory growth of gibel carp, Carassius auratus gibelio, following food deprivation under low temperature ─── 异育银鲫经过低温下停食后的补偿生长

14、This study was designed to assess whether cadmium chloride could induce DNA damage in lymphocytes of Carassius auratus using single cell gelelectrophoresis (SCGE) assay. ─── 以鲫鱼作为受试生物,采用单细胞凝胶电泳技术,研究了不同浓度及不同染毒时间氯化镉对鲫鱼淋巴细胞DNA的损伤。

15、Influence of low-level 2,4-DCP on the antioxidant defense system in livers of Carassius auratus. ─── 低浓度2,4-DCP对鲫鱼肝脏抗氧化防御系统的影响

16、Effects of Long-term Exposure of Low-level 2,4-Dichlorophenol on the Antioxidant Defense System in Liver of Carassius auratus ─── 2,4-二氯苯酚低浓度长期暴露对鲫鱼肝脏抗氧化系统的影响

17、This paper studied the oxidative stress of Nitrobenzene(NB) on the liver of Carassius auratus at the molecular level of toxicity. ─── 本文从分子毒理学水平研究了硝基苯对幼龄鲫鱼肝脏的氧化胁迫作用。

18、The acute toxic effects of Fipronil and other insecticides on Carassius auratus(L. )were studied. ─── 本文研究了氟虫腈等杀虫剂对鲫鱼的急性毒性作用。

19、Keywords monocrotophos;Carassius auratus;reproductive toxicity; ─── 久效磷;金鱼;生殖毒性;

20、Keywords ACCUMULATION-MECHANISM, MOLECULAR-TOXICITY METAL-MIXTURE Carassius auratus; ─── 混合重金属;鲫鱼;积累机制;分子毒性;

21、Keywords Triazophos;Carassus auratus liver;Catalase; ─── 三唑磷;鲫鱼肝脏;过氧化氢酶;

22、carassius auratus var ─── 复合污染

23、cassias auratus ─── 凝集素

24、Keywords 4-amonobiphenyl Metabolism Exposure Carassius auratus Metabolites; ─── 氨基联苯;锦鲤鱼;暴露实验;代谢产物;代谢机理;

25、They chose a small member of carp family, Carassius auratus, better known as the goldfish. ─── 从它开始,久而久之,人们获得了种种不同外形和色彩的观赏鱼。

26、The acute toxic effects of Fipronil and other insecticides on Carassius auratus(L.)were studied. ─── 本文研究了氟虫腈等杀虫剂对鲫鱼的急性毒性作用。

27、Rhynchites auratus ─── 樱桃虎象

28、Karyotypes of Cyprinus carpio and Carassius auratus were studied using chromosomes of cultivated lymphocyte cells prepared by air drying technique. ─── 摘要 本文报道鱼类外周血淋巴细胞的培养及其染色体组型分析。

29、The gene cloned from gibel carp is named Carassius auratus gibelio hira (Caghira) and that from coloreded crucian carp is named Carassius auratus hira (Cahira) . ─── 从银鲫中新克隆的基因被命名为Carassius auratus gibelio hira(Caghira),从彩鲫中新克隆的基因被命名为Carassius auratus hira(Cahira)。

30、This experiment has studied the effect of temperatures rising on the activities of AchE inencephalon, GPT, Cat and GOT in serum, liver and pancreas, and kidney in Carasslus auratus. ─── 本实验选取金鲫鱼(Carasslus auratus)为受试生物,分别在不同增温条件下测定其肝脏、肾脏、血清内的谷丙转氨酶(GPT)、谷草转氨酶(GOT)、过氧化氢酶(Cat)和脑胆碱脂酶(AchE)活性。

31、A small Eurasian rodent of the subfamily Cricetinae, especially Mesocricetus auratus, having large cheek pouches and a short tail and often kept as a pet or used in laboratory research. ─── 仓鼠一种小型的仓鼠科亚科的欧亚啮齿类动物,尤指仓鼠,它有很大的颊囊,一条短尾巴,经常被养作宠物或用于实验研究

32、The oxygen consumption rate and suffocation point of cru carp F1 laver of Carassius auratus hybridized with Cyprinus capio are studied. ─── 对鲫鲤杂交f 1幼鱼的耗氧率、窒息点及其影响因素进行了测定。

33、Effects of immunity-stimulants as feed additives on lysozyme activity and phagocytic activity of the leucocytes of carassius auratus ─── 免疫增强剂对河鲫鱼白细胞吞噬和溶菌酶活性的影响

34、Isoodon auratus ─── n. 金背袋狸

35、Keywords tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA);Carassius auratus;serum;antioxidant system; ─── 四溴双酚A(TBBPA);鲫鱼;血清;抗氧化系统;


37、Any of various large North American woodpeckers of the genus Colaptes, especially C. auratus, the common flicker, having a brown back, spotted breast, and white rump. ─── 扑动鴷北美洲多种大的扑动鴷属啄木鸟中的一种,尤指扑动鴷,通常长着褐色的背部、带斑点的胸部和白色的尾部

38、Studies on Rapid Detection and Immune Effect of Ameromonas Caviae CSS-4-2, the Pathogenic Bacteria of Carasstus Auratus of Penze(?) x Cyprinus Acutidorsalis(?) Bacterial Septicemia ─── 丰产鲫败血症病原菌豚鼠气单胞菌CSS-4-2的快速检测和免疫效果研究

39、Keywords 2;4;6-trichlorophenol;free radical;Carassius auratus;oxidative stress;electron paramagnetic resonance; ─── 三氯苯酚;自由基;鲫鱼;氧化应激;电子顺磁共振;

40、Colaptes auratus ─── n. 扑动(啄木鸟科)

41、They chose a small member of carp family, Carassius auratus, better known as the goldfish. ─── 人们选择了鲤鱼族的一个小成员,

42、Carassius auratus var. pengze ─── 彭泽鲫

43、Difference Expression of the Mitochondrial Protein Isolated from Liver of Carassius auratus Exposed to Hexachlorobenzene ─── 六氯苯作用下鱼肝线粒体蛋白质表达差异研究

44、Free radicals in Carassius auratus liver: Their generation and oxidative stress induced by 2,4,6-trichlorophenol ─── 2,4,6-三氯苯酚诱导鲫鱼肝脏自由基的产生及其氧化应激

45、Li Kang,Zhou Zhongliang,Wang Mingshan,et al.Effect of benzo[a]pyrene on activites of hepatic antiocidant enzyme in Carassius auratus[J].China Jouranl Applied and Environmental Biology,2004,(10):88-91. ─── [8]李康,周忠良,王明山,等.苯并[a]芘对鲫鱼肝脏抗氧化酶的影响[J].应用与环境生物学报,2004,(10):88-91.

46、Carassius auratus gibelio var ─── 淇河鲫

47、Keywords endocrine disrupting chemicals;atrazine;Carassius auratus;sex steroids;TSH;T3; ─── 环境内分泌干扰物;莠去津;鲫鱼;性激素;促甲状腺激素(TSH);三碘甲状腺原氨酸(T_3);

48、The pharmacokinetics of the total effective constituents extraction in Carassius auratus was studied by drug cumulative method. ─── 用药物累积法研究了中药复方总有效成分提取液在鲫鱼体内的药物代谢动力学。

49、Influence of Treated Recombinant Bovine Prion Protein on Brain Prion Protein of Mesocricetus auratus ─── 处理重组牛朊蛋白对接种金黄地鼠脑组织朊蛋白的效应

50、Detection of DNA Damage in Carassius Auratus Lymphocytes Induced by Cadmium with Single Cell Gelelectrophoresis Assay ─── 利用单细胞凝胶电泳技术研究镉对鲫鱼淋巴细胞DNA的损伤

51、Keywords Carassius auratus roe;lipids;phospholipids;extraction;comparison; ─── 关键词鲫鱼卵;脂质;磷脂;提取;比较;

52、Purlfication and Biochemical Characteristics of Two Gonadal Proteins from Carassius auratus Cuvier ─── 大阪鲫两种卵巢蛋白的纯化及其生化特性

53、They chose a small member of carp family,Carassius auratus,better known as the goldfish. ─── 人们选择了鲤鱼族的一个小成员,CARASSIUS AURATUS,如同金鱼一样很早就被人所熟识了。

54、crucian carp( Carassius auratus gibelio) ─── 彩鲫

55、Study on Metabolism of 4-aminobiphenyl in Goldfish Carassius auratus ─── 4-氨基联苯在锦鲤鱼体内的代谢机理研究

56、Chuzhou Crucian carp(Carassius auratus) ─── 滁州鲫

57、Ornamental aquarium and pond fish (Carassius auratus) of the carp family, native to East Asia but introduced into many other areas. ─── 盆养及池养的观赏鲤科鱼类(参阅carp),学名为Carassiusauratus。原产于东亚,但已引入许多其它地区。

58、palatal organ A structure on the roof or palate of the mouth used to taste and touch food items in Carassius auratus. ─── 上腭(颚)器官存在于鲫鱼,被使用于品尝和接触食物组成的一种在嘴巴的顶部或上腭上的结构。

59、An experiment on the acute toxicity of chlorine dioxide preparation on Carassius auratus Xiangyun var. ─── 二氧化氯制剂对湘云鲫的急性毒性试验。

60、Difference Expression of the Mitochondrial Protein Isolated from Liver of Carassius auratus Exposed to Hexachlorobenzene ─── 六氯苯作用下鱼肝线粒体蛋白质表达差异研究

61、Superficial Analysis on the Contributing Factor ofDegeneration of Genetic Characterization ofCyprinus carpio Linnaeus and Carassius auratus(Linnaeus) in Taihu Lake and Its Countermeasure ─── 浅析太湖鲤鲫Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus & Carassius auratus(Linnaeus)鱼类种质(Genetical characterization)退化的成因及对策

62、Residue elimination of oxytetracycline in Carassius auratus after intramuscular injection and oral administration ─── 两种给药途径土霉素残留在鲫鱼体内的消除规律

63、However,the reactivations by TMB4 and L?H6 were significantly higher than that by 2-PAM-Cl in a fish(Carassius auratus). ─── 但是对被抑制的鲫鱼的AChE来说,TMB4和L H6的重活化能力明显比2-PAM-Cl强。


65、Effects of Long-Term Exposure of Low Level Zinc and Zn-EDTA Complex on Zinc Accumulation and Antioxidant Defense System in Liver of Carassius auratus ─── 低浓度锌及其EDTA配合物长期暴露对鲫鱼肝脏锌富集及抗氧化系统的影响

66、thermal shock ; Carasslus auratus ; GPT ; GOT ; Catalase(Cat) ;Acetylcholinesterase(AchE ─── 01热冲击;金鲫鱼;谷丙转氨酶;谷草转氨酶;过氧化氢酶;胆碱脂酶

67、Research on the Combinative Effect of Lemon - acid and Probiotic on Growth Proporty of Carassius Auratus. ─── 与相似的文献。

68、Keywords waste battery lixivium;Carassius auratus;single cell gel-electrophoresis;DNA damage; ─── 废电池浸出液;鲫鱼;单细胞凝胶电泳;DNA损伤;

69、Determination of nonylphenol ethoxylate and nonylphenol in wild Carassius auratus from Tianjin ─── 天津野生鲫鱼体内壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚和壬基酚监测

70、The influence of thermal pollution on the activities of four kinds of enzyme in organization of Carasslus auratus ─── 热污染对金鲫鱼组织内四种酶活性的影响

71、Iarva of Carassius auratus in Qihe River ─── 淇河鲫仔鱼

72、Effect of Different Exposure Time of Cadmium on the Physiological and Biochemical Factor in the Liver of Carassius Auratus ─── 不同镉暴露时间对鲫鱼幼体肝脏生理生化指标的影响

73、Effects of Waste Battery Lixivium on DNA Damage of Carassius auratus Erythrocyte ─── 废电池浸出液对鲫鱼红细胞DNA损伤的研究

74、Keywords sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate(SDBS);lead;Carassius auratus;accumulation;distribution;elimination; ─── 十二烷基苯磺酸钠;铅;鲫鱼;蓄积;分布;清除;

75、To assess the safety of several plant-derived substances for fish, the toxicity of them to Carassius auratus was investigated using standardized laboratory procedures. ─── 为全面评价几种植物源提制品的安全性,采用半静态法测定了其对红鲫鱼的急性毒性。

76、rhagia with artificially induced interferon from crucian carp(Carassius auratus). ─── 效果亦见明显。

77、Melanochromis auratus ─── n. 非洲凤凰(丽鱼科)

78、Effects of No. 20 Diesel on Antioxidant Defenses in Liver of Carassius auratus Under a Long-Term Exposure and Low-Concentration ─── 20号柴油低浓度长期暴露对鲫鱼肝脏抗氧化防御系统的影响

79、The effect of Rhodopseudomonas palustris-loaded montmorillonite on water quality and growth performances was studied in cultured allogynogenetic crucian carp (Carassius auratus). ─── 摘要以附载益生菌-沼泽红假单胞菌的蒙托石为研究对象,通过对鲫养殖水质指标和生长性能的测定,研究了其作用效果。

80、allogynogenetic silver crucian carp ( Carassius auratus gibelio ) ─── 异育银鲫

81、A small Eurasian rodent of the subfamily Cricetinae,especially Mesocricetus auratus,having large cheek pouches and a short tail and often kept as a pet or used in laboratory research. ─── 仓鼠,一种小型的仓鼠科亚科的欧亚啮齿类动物,尤指仓鼠,它有很大的颊囊,一条短尾巴,经常被养作宠物或用于实验研究。

82、Any of various large North American woodpeckers of the genus Colaptes,especially C. auratus,the common flicker,having a brown back,spotted breast,and white rump. ─── 扑动鴷,北美洲多种大的扑动鴷属啄木鸟中的一种,尤指扑动鴷,通常长着褐色的背部、带斑点的胸部和白色的尾部。

83、Free Radical Generation and Lipid Peroxidation Induced by 2,4-Dichlorophenol in Liver of Carassius auratus ─── 2,4-二氯苯酚诱导鲫鱼肝脏自由基的产生和脂质过氧化

84、Carassius auratus Tungting ─── 洞庭青鲫

85、Cadmium chloride could induce DNA damage in lymphocytes of Carassius auratus which might be a better gene toxicant index in water. ─── 镉可引起鲫鱼淋巴细胞DNA损伤,鲫鱼淋巴细胞DNA损伤可望成为一个较好的水环境基因毒剂指标。

86、Title: Study on Toxicity and Safety of 7 Insecticides such as Fipronil on Carassius auratus (L. ─── 关键词:急性毒性;氟虫腈;阿维菌素;鲫鱼;安全性

87、The present paper deals with the preliminary studies on feeding habits and the relationship between the age and the speed of growth of Caracssius auratus gibelio Block from Ertish River. ─── 对额河银鲫的食性和年龄与生长关系进行了调查研究。

88、Carassius auratus of pengze ─── DNA含量

89、Keywords heavy metal ions;carassius auratus;DNA;methylation; ─── 关键词重金属离子;鲫鱼;DNA;甲基化;

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