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09-03 投稿



dunnage 发音

英:[['d?n?d?]]  美:[['d?n?d?]]

英:  美:

dunnage 中文意思翻译



dunnage 短语词组

1、dunnage defined ─── 衬垫定义

2、dunnage wood ─── 垫木

3、dunnage report ─── 吨位报告

4、dunnage weight ─── 防止所装货物摇动的衬板重量

5、dunnage rack ─── 垫料架

6、dunnage define ─── 衬垫定义

7、dunnage bar ─── 垫木条

8、dunnage definition ─── 衬垫定义

9、air dunnage bag ─── [法] 空气囊

10、flat dunnage ─── 扁平衬垫

dunnage 相似词语短语

1、gunnage ─── n.火炮量

2、tunnage ─── n.吨数;总吨数(等于tonnage)

3、dunnart ─── n.狭足袋伶鼬属

4、dunnite ─── n.苦味酸铵炸药;D型炸药

5、ennage ─── 白雪公主

6、pannage ─── n.林地放养猪;付给林主的放猪费;猪饲料

7、tunnages ─── n.吨数;总吨数(等于tonnage)

8、innage ─── n.(货柜交货后留下的)剩余货物;(飞行结束后的)剩余油料

9、aulnage ─── 奥纳奇,

dunnage 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Yes, sufficient dunnage and MATS available. ─── 是的,准备了足够垫舱料和铺垫草席。

2、Dunnage bagds can be quickly inflated;Save time, reducecosts effectively. ─── 它是国际上越来越普遍采用的集装箱充填方工。

3、Yes, sufficient dunnage and mats available. ─── 是的,准备了足够垫舱料和铺垫草席。

4、All wooden dunnage or packing material must be bark free. ─── 所有木衬板或填充料必须任意是吠声。

5、You'd better use square wood to dunnage the machinery cases. ─── 你们最好用方木垫机器箱。

6、air dunnage bag ─── 空气囊

7、wooden dunnage ─── 木衬垫

8、break-bulk: cargo that's not in containers and needed appropriate dunnage (protective material placed around the goods for protection against damage during transit). ─── 普通货运包装:不在集装箱中运输的货物,需要另外的垫料来保护货物在运输过程中的损坏。

9、The outer piy of Dunnage Bag is made of high intension kraft paper,PP woven and PE membrane,which is tough and strong.It's inner bag is made of five layers coextrusion PE film. ─── 充气袋的外袋是用PP及PE覆膜的牛皮纸制成,坚韧而牢靠,内袋是以PE为主的5层拱挤膜制成。

10、Chief Officer: Do not throw used dunnage and packing over-side or dump them on the quay. ─── 大副:不要把不要的垫舱物和包装扔到舷外或倾倒到码头上。

11、1.All timber packing, pallets and dunnage must be free of bark. ─── 1.所有木材包装材料,木质托盘及栈板须去除树皮。

12、inflatable dunnage ─── 气胀式衬垫

13、After the plane halt safely,please unfasten the seat belt,pack up your dunnage and prepare to get down .Please take care when take your luggage from the pack . ─── 等飞机完全停稳后,请你再解开安全带,整理好手提物品准备下飞机。从行李架里取物品时,请注意安全。

14、dunnage report ─── 垫舱物料报单

15、Flooring,railroad coaches,package,dunnage,pallets,construction ase,panels and plywood. ─── 货柜地板、枕木、农舍建材、箱板料、垫材、造船料。

16、floor dunnage ─── 篦炉条

17、Merchant is responsible for collecting/discharge of dunnage at Port of discharge as loaded on Board. ─── 贸易商负责在卸货港收集和卸下所有装上船的垫板。

18、All the personal computer and electronic machines should be power off and please make sure that your dunnage is in proper place. ─── 4.所有个人电脑及电子设备必须处于关闭状态。请确认您的手提物品是否已妥善安放。

19、dunnage charges ─── 垫舱费

20、According to the terms of the Charter-party, hongzu he China National Chartering Corporation is responsible for the cost of the dunnage. ─── 根据租船条款,中租对衬垫费负责。

21、Cargo debris or dunnage accumulation inside the container. ─── 堆积在集装箱内的货物残留物或垫舱物料;

22、1.Have prohibited packaging materials or bamboo products been used as packaging or dunnage in the consignment covered by this document? ─── 这个文件里面是否有明确列出违禁包装材料或是托运货物的竹制产品作为包装或日常用品。

23、dunnage mat ─── 垫舱物料

24、P.S.Please note that you havnt returned the dunnage USD 10,000 to us until now. ─── 附:请注意,你们直到现在还没有归还我们那1万美金的垫木费用。

25、sufficient dunnage and MATS available? ─── 了足够垫舱料和铺垫草席吗?

26、Dunnage bagsmake it suitabddle for application in all modes of transportation for shipment by road, rail and sea. ─── 充气袋可以有效防止在卡车,集装箱或铁路运输中货物的移动。


28、No shoring of the cargo with suitable dunnage had been carried out to prevent any movement in a seaway. ─── 没有采用适当的衬垫来支撑货物以防止它在运输途中的位移。

29、A net or proper dunnage has been placed at the comtainer door to prevent cartons from falling . 10 silica gel bags have been placed throughout the container. ─── 一张网已经被设置在集装箱门以防集装箱掉落。10个硅胶袋已被放置在容器中。

30、x * Returnable Ford dunnage is appropriately maintained and cleaned, if supplier responsible. Measures are taken to repair or replace worn or broken dunnage. ─── 可回收再用的福特料架要得到适当的维护和清洁。若为供应厂需要负责的,衡量要采取措施修理或替换已磨损或断裂的料架。

31、Supplier must send prototype of racks and tote dunnage to JBGM for a formal buy-off review. ─── 供应商将料架和周转箱隔衬样品发送到金杯通用进行正式的验收认证。

32、No dunnage is needed for pig iron.But it should be covered with mats and planks on top after it is loaded.I wantintend to stow some broad bean, lima bean and pea on top. ─── 生铁块不必衬垫,但装完后需在上面盖上席子和木板,我想在上面堆一些蚕豆、利马豆和豌豆。

33、B. All cargo were stacked inside warehouse without covering and partly dunnage with double straw squares prior loading. ─── 所有货物仓库堆存,无覆盖。装货前部分用双层草耙隔垫。

34、r, y, or g in cell above * Supplier dunnage is Ford approved and documented. ─── 供应商的料架有经过福特批准并有记录。

35、dunnage tarpaulin ─── 垫舱油布

36、Please get the dunnage materials prepared, otherwise we can't work tonight. ─── 请把垫舱物料准备好,否则今晚我们不能开工。

37、Please put double dunnage in the lower holds and single in the tween deck and lay mats where necessary. ─── 请在底舱铺双层衬垫在二层舱铺单层,并在必要处铺上席子。

38、Have prohibited packaging materials or bamboo products been used as packaging or dunnage in the consignment covered by this document? ─── 已禁止包装材料或竹木制品被用于包装,在本文件所涵盖的货物垫料?

39、pontoon dunnage ─── 隔货板

40、How to properly use the marine dunnage of cargo ─── 如何正确使用船运货物衬垫

41、Please put double dunnage in the lower holds and single in the tweendeck and lay mats where necessary. ─── 请在底舱铺双层衬垫在二层舱铺单层,并在必要处铺上席子。

42、a layer to dunnage planks on each tier drums. ─── 每一层桶上铺一层木板。

43、No shoring of the cargo with suitable dunnage had been carried out to prevent any movement in a seaway. ─── 没有采用适当的衬垫来支撑货物以防止它在运输途中的位移。

44、Dunnage Air Bags are used to restrain movement of cargo loads in Trucks, Overseas Containers... ─── 发布者:叶顺生所在地:福建厦门市行业:包装职位:经理工作年限:五年以上

45、Your dockers towed the slings roughly. In consequenceUpon this the dunnage was removed from the steel plates. That's why some plates are stained by the soda from torn bags. ─── 你们的工人粗率地拽吊索,结果铁板上的衬垫被移开了。这就是铁板被从破袋出来的纯碱污染的原因。

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