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09-03 投稿



indwelt 发音


英:  美:

indwelt 中文意思翻译



indwelt 词性/词形变化,indwelt变形

动词过去式: indwelt |名词: indweller |动词过去分词: indwelt |动词第三人称单数: indwells |动词现在分词: indwelling |

indwelt 相似词语短语

1、bindweed ─── n.旋花类的植物

2、Lindwall ─── n.(Lindwall)人名;(英)林德沃尔;(瑞典)林德瓦尔

3、indent ─── v.缩排;印凹痕;切割成锯齿状;定货,申请;将(一式两份的文件)以锯齿线裁成两份(以便验证真伪);n.征用令;缩进;订货单;凹痕;契约

4、indwells ─── v.永存于;精神上拥有;(导管、针)体内置留的;(精神、理论等)滋生

5、indwell ─── v.永存于;精神上拥有;(导管、针)体内置留的;(精神、理论等)滋生

6、Sandwell ─── 桑德威尔。

7、dwelt ─── v.居住;老是想着;详述;(注意力)停留在(dwell的过去式和过去分词)

8、indweller ─── 内在的精神

9、indult ─── n.特别许可;特典

indwelt 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It's the way things are in our genuine nature-- in our innermost person, indwelt by the Holy Spirit, with Christ as our life. ─── 在我们真实的本性,亦即我们内在最深处的新人,居住着圣灵,且有基督成为我们的生命。

2、made possible as we belong to one body, having been saved by the same Lord and indwelt by the same Spirit. ─── 当我们同属一个身体,被同一位主拯救,有同一个灵内住的时候,才有可能实现。

3、He has forgiven us and has indwelt us with His Holy Spirit as a guarantee of our heavenly inheritance (v. 14). ─── 基督已为我们流出宝血,做为赎价;

4、The confusion of styles has indwelt in research of history of Chinese novels for years. ─── 对中国古代小说史的研究历来存在着文体混杂的问题。

5、Each person body is created by God and for His glory, and Christian realize that their bodies are temples indwelt by the Holy Spirit. ─── 每一个人都是为神的荣耀而被造,基督徒知道他们的身体就是圣灵的殿。

6、Those of you here that are Father indwelt are likely fused with it already, probably LONG AGO in fact. ─── 你们之内存在着宇宙之父的人,很可能已经与thoughtadjuster融合了,事实上大概在很久以前。

7、Abstract: The confusion of styles has indwelt in research of history of Chinese novels for years. ─── 摘要: 对中国古代小说史的研究历来存在着文体混杂的问题。

8、you here that are Father indwelt are likely fused with it already, probably LONG AGO in fact. ─── 你们之内存在着宇宙之父的人,很可能已经与thought adjuster融合了,事实上大概在很久以前。

9、It is possible today to be a Christian and to be indwelt by the Spirit of God and yet to be controlled by the flesh and its appetites. ─── 换言之,我们今天成了基督徒和获得圣灵内住之后,仍可能受肉体的欲望所操控。

10、The thought adjuster is part of your higher self IF you are Father indwelt. ─── thoughtadjuster是你高我的一部分,假如宇宙之父存在于你的内在。

11、WE BELIEVE that the Church, consisting of all true believers, being Christ's own and indwelt by the Holy Spirit, is the Body of Christ, the Invisible Church; ─── 所有真信徒是属于基督,是圣灵的居所,是基督的身体,亦是无形的教会;教会在基督里是圣洁、普世性与合一的。

12、We believe that the church, consisting of all true believers, being Christ's own, and indwelt by the Holy Spirit, is the Body of Christ, the invisible church; ─── 所有真信徒属于基督,是圣灵的居所,是基督的身体,亦是无形的教会;

13、Advances in the studies of nursing care for patients with indwelt urinary catheters ─── 留置尿管的护理研究进展

14、arrival of an Adjuster constitutes identity in the eyes of the universe, and all indwelt beings are on the roll calls of justice. ─── 在宇宙之眼里一个调停者构成身份的到来,而且所有存在的生命是处于滚动调用中。

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