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09-03 投稿


Thursday 发音

英:[?θ??rzde?]  美:[?θ??zde?]

英:  美:

Thursday 中文意思翻译



Thursday 词性/词形变化,Thursday变形


Thursday 短语词组

1、supreme court decision thursday ─── 最高法院周四裁决

2、thursday night football 2020 2020 ─── 年周四晚间足球赛

3、will dance on thursday ─── 将在周四跳舞

4、harvard university revealed thursday ─── 哈佛大学周四公布

5、Maundy Thursday ( ─── 基督教)濯足节;圣星期四

6、monday tuesday thursday ─── 周一 ─── 周二 ─── 周四

7、starting from thursday ─── 从星期四开始

8、I can come any day except Thursday ─── 任何一天我都能来, 只有星期四例外

9、black thursday ─── 黑色星期四

10、thursday plantation ─── 茶树

11、for hours thursday morning ─── 星期四早上几个小时

12、Thursday Island ─── 星期四岛屿(澳大利亚岛屿)

13、on a train last thursday ─── 上周四在火车 ─── 上

14、it was late on a thursday evening ─── 星期四晚上很晚了

15、any given thursday ─── 星期四有空吗

16、its thursday ─── 今天是星期四

17、Holy Thursday ─── 升天节;复活节前3天的星期四

18、dark thursday ─── 黑色星期四

19、maunday thursday maunday ─── 星期四

Thursday 相似词语短语

1、thusly ─── adv.因而(等于thus)

2、Holy Thursday ─── 耶稣升天节(等于AscensionDay)

3、Corday ─── n.(美、英、瑞、法、加、墨)科迪,科黛(人名)

4、short-day ─── 短日照

5、thurify ─── vt.在…前烧香;用香熏

6、Whittuesday ─── n.圣灵降临节后的第一个星期二

7、Tuesday ─── n.星期二

8、Thursdays ─── adv.每星期四,在任一星期四

9、Thursday ─── n.星期四

Thursday 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The meeting is scheduled for Thursday. ─── 会议定于星期四举行。

2、He'll go under the knife next Thursday. ─── 他下周四做手术。

3、The committee sits regularly on Thursday. ─── 委员会每星期四定期开会。

4、He thought it was Thursday,but I soon set him right. ─── 他认为是星期四,我马上给他纠正了过来。

5、I usually go swimming on Thursday afternoons. ─── 周四下午我通常去游泳。

6、The committee will convene at 11.30 next Thursday. ─── 委员会将在下星期四上午 11:30 开会。

7、I'll see you Thursday week. ─── 我们下星期四见。

8、Doctor! You are forgetful again. Today is Thursday. ─── 医生!你又健忘了!今天才周四!

9、"You will feel better by Thursday," said the doctor with his accustomed literalness. ─── 医生以他惯用的正确而不夸张的语气说:"到礼拜四你就会感觉好一些。"

10、I need a P.O. number by Thursday. ─── 在星期四之前,我要一个订购单的号码。

11、Thursday is market day. ─── 星期四是赶集日。

12、They reached London on Thursday. ─── 他们星期四抵达伦敦。

13、We have to hurry up this job if we want to finish by Thursday . ─── 如果我们想在星期四完成这项工作,我们就得快点干。

14、Today is Thursday, November the first. ─── 今天是星期4,十一月一日。

15、She said Tuesday, but she meant Thursday. ─── 她说是礼拜二,但指的是礼拜四。

16、And on Thursday, a man I was interviewing was struck in the head by an assassin's bullet and collapsed at my feet. ─── 而在周四,一位正在接受我采访的男士突然被子弹射中了头部,径直倒毙在我的脚下。

17、The first drink thursday be on the house In the leading saloon . ─── 一些有名气的酒吧,星期四的头一杯酒从前是免费的。

18、Wednesday and Thursday of next week. ─── 下周的星期三和星期四。

19、Thanksgiving is on the last Thursday in November. ─── 十一月最后一个星期四是感恩节。

20、As of Thursday, Feb 22, the M &K Factory is closed. ─── 字面上理解,应该是说M &K的一家工厂在2月22日关闭了。

21、Relationships flow smoothly Monday noon to Thursday, but you might meet a bit of deception midday Wednesday. ─── 星期一中午到星期四,人际关系平稳流畅,但在周三正午你们可能会遭遇到一点儿欺骗。

22、I can come any day except Thursday. ─── 任何一天我都能来,只有星期四例外。

23、Russia joined five leading Western powers on Thursday in calling on Yugoslavia to respect democratic norms and warning Belgrade to refrain from political violence in Serbia or against Montenegro. ─── 俄罗斯周四加入五个西方主要国家的行列,同声呼吁南斯拉夫尊重民主规范,并警告贝尔格勒当局不要在塞尔维亚及蒙地内哥罗境内进行政治迫害。

24、They play baseball on Thursday . ─── 他们星期四打棒球。

25、We agreed to meet on Thursday. ─── 我们约定在星期四见面。

26、Goodbye. I'm coming home on Thursday. ─── 再见。我周四就回家。

27、They put off the meeting until Thursday. ─── 他们把这个会推迟到周四。

28、He took ill on Thursday, and by Sunday he was dead. ─── 他星期四突然生病,到星期天就死去了。

29、They're holding an auction of jewelry on Thursday. ─── 他们在星期四将举行一次珠宝拍卖会。

30、B: Today is Thursday, March 18th. ─── 今天是3月18号,星期四。

31、He broadcasts every Thursday evening. ─── 他每周四晚上广播。

32、Mrs Williams: Yes, He was absent on Thursday. ─── 威廉斯夫人:是的,他星期四没上学。

33、They decided that the ceremony should take place on Thursday. ─── 他们决定仪式在星期四举行。

34、What are you doing next Thursday?? ─── 下个星期四你干什么?

35、The inquest on his death will be hold next thursday. ─── 下星期四审讯他命案的死因。

36、He thought it was Thursday,but I put him right. ─── 他认为今天是星期四,我纠正了他。

37、Dell Inc is getting a marketing makeover, trying to shed its image as a cheaper alternative to rivals, Reuters reported Thursday. ─── 据路透社21日报道,全球第二大个人电脑制造商戴尔公司正在进行一场营销策略大调整,试图摆脱其作为竞争对手廉价替代品的形象。

38、Dick and I are to be married at Christ Church at noon on Thursday, the tenth. ─── 和我订于本月10日星期四正午在基督教堂结婚。

39、Mr. Wood is tied up all day on Thursday. ─── 伍德先生星期四整天都很忙。

40、Can you make it Thursday morning? ─── 周四上午行吗?

41、Today is Thursday, September 10th, Teacher rs Day. ─── 今天是九月十号,星期四,教师节。

42、I want to go to the cinema tonight, but I know my father will not hear of it as today is Thursday. ─── 今晚我想去看电影,但我知道我父亲不会答应,因为今天是星期四。

43、We'll do the rest of this chapter on Thursday. ─── 下周四我们继续学完这一章的剩下部分。

44、On the fourth Thursday of November. ─── 十一月的第四个星期四.

45、The shops in central London remain open late on Thursday evenings. ─── 伦敦市中的商店周四晚营业到深夜。

46、The Lakers get the Suns at home Thursday. ─── 周四湖人将在主场对手太阳。

47、A:Can you babysit for me Thursday evening? ─── 周四晚能帮我看看小孩吗?

48、Don't forget about the meeting on Thursday, Brad. ─── 不要忘记礼拜四的会议,布莱德。

49、Thursday night,@ Katherine said, speaking quickly. ─── “星期四晚上,”凯瑟琳很快地说道。

50、An MRI exam on Thursday showed the herniated disc. ─── 在星期四进行mri核磁共振检查出来骨盘间突出。

51、Thursday's edition of the six o'clock news. ─── 周四的六点钟新闻

52、If today is Tuesday,the day after tomorrow will be Thursday. ─── 假如今天是星期二,后天就是星期四。

53、The Bay Harbor Messenger doesn't come out until Thursday. ─── 《港湾先驱报》要到星期四才出。

54、Thursday: Watch Countdown or Brainteaser. ─── 周四:看益智类节目。

55、Can you babysit for me Thursday evening? ─── 周四晚能帮我看看小孩吗?

56、Today is Wednesday; tomorrow is Thursday. ─── 今天是星期三,明天是星期四。

57、AAre you coming on Thursday evening? ─── 周四晚上在艺术展览馆有一个晚会。

58、Would it be cheaper if I left on Thursday? ─── 如果我星期四动身,会便宜些吗?

59、You can move in on Thursday. ─── 你可以在周四搬进来。

60、The fourth Thursday in November is called Thanksgiving Day. ─── 11月的第4个星期四是感恩节。

61、She is to take a day off on Thursday. ─── 她准备星期四歇一天工。

62、We have to hurry up this job if we want to finish by Thursday. ─── 如果我们想在星期四完成这项工作,我们就得快点干。

63、One Thursday afternoon he get seriously injure in an accident. ─── 一个星期四下午,他在事故中受了重伤。

64、The final will be played at Caldy on Thursday. ─── 决赛将于星期四在科尔迪岛进行。

65、And that ends our special bulletin for today, Thursday, April lst. ─── 今天--4月1日,星期四--的专题新闻节目到此结束。

66、Today is Thursday. ─── 今天是星期四。

67、Thursday is market-day in Wetherford. ─── 在韦瑟福特星期四是集日。

68、If today is Tuesday, the day after tomorrow will be Thursday. ─── 假如今天是星期二,後天就是星期四。

69、He is now not coming till Thursday. ─── 他要到星期四才来。

70、The meetings is on Tuesday and Thursday in the main hall. ─── 会议在星期二和星期四于大礼堂举行。

71、But Elop said on Thursday that Nokia's final assessment was that "we would not be able to differentiate enough" on Android's platform. ─── 但是,埃洛普周四表示,诺基亚最终得出的结论是,采用Android平台,“将无法有效地保证诺基亚产品的独特性”。

72、Every Thursday they dance with the village girls. ─── 他们每星期四都和村子里的姑娘们跳舞。

73、As of Thursday, Feb 22, the M&K Factory is closed. ─── 字面上理解,应该是说M&K的一家工厂在2月22日关闭了。

74、These sessions are taught on Thursday evenings. ─── 在周四晚上讲授这些课程。

75、Mrs. Williams: Yes, He was absent on Thursday. ─── 威廉斯夫人: 是的, 他星期四没上学。

76、If you can manage, we'd like you to attend our speech contest to Thursday morning. ─── 如果您能安排的话,我们想请您参加星期四上午举行的演讲比赛。

77、The last market was on Thursday. ─── 上一次的市集是在星期四。

78、Sanitation Commissioner John Doherty said he expected to have 'all the streets' in the city plowed by 7 a. m. Thursday. ─── 纽约市卫生局局长约翰-多尔蒂(JohnDoherty)称,他希望全城所有街道的雪能在12月39日清晨7点之前全部清扫完毕。

79、Hello. I'd like to reserve a table for two on Thursday evening. ─── 喂,请在星期四晚上给我留一桌两人座的位子。

80、Is there any non-stop flight to San Francisco next Thursday? ─── 下周四去旧金山的飞机有直达航班吗?

81、A great many pupils will attend a dinner next Thursday. ─── 下星期四,许多学生都将参加宴会。

82、The meeting hold on last thursday. ─── 会议是上星期四举行的。

83、She said that on Thursday afternoon, after the U. S. State Department statement, she received more than 10 requests in two hours. ─── 她说,周四下午,在美国国务院发布声明后,她两个小时即收到10余次请求。

84、He gets his pay each Thursday. ─── 他每星期四领工资。

85、Your appointment will be next Thursday at 10 o'clock. ─── 你约会的时间是在下星期四的十点钟。

86、What lessons do you have on Thursday morning? ─── 你们星期四上午有什么课程?

87、But Thursday night promised better. ─── 到星期四晚上,天气有起色。

88、Last Thursday I had dinner with the Smiths. ─── 上星期四我和史密斯一家人共进晚餐。

89、He said he would play Thursday against San Antonio. ─── 他表示会在周四对马刺的比赛中上场。

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