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09-03 投稿



ethnologic 发音


英:  美:

ethnologic 中文意思翻译



ethnologic 网络释义

adj. 民族的;人种学的

ethnologic 相似词语短语

1、ethnology ─── n.人种学;人类文化学

2、theologic ─── 神学的

3、demonologic ─── 人口学

4、etiologic ─── adj.病因学的;病原学的

5、alethiologic ─── 痛觉学

6、enterologic ─── 肠胃科

7、ethologic ─── 行为学

8、ethnological ─── adj.人种学的,民族学的

9、ethnologist ─── n.民族学者,人种学者

ethnologic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords trapping patterns;ethnologic costume;spirit display;totem adoration; ─── 服饰纹样;民族服饰;精神显现;图腾崇拜;

2、As globalization is currently progressing worldwide, an ethnologic research of literature is of great significance. ─── 当今“全球化”浪潮正在席卷世界,关于文学的民族性的研究就具有了深刻的意义。

3、ethnologic ideology ─── 民族思想

4、Objective: Investigate the fingerprint features of Mulao nationality in Guangxi to consummate the ethnologic dermatoglyphics database of the the nationality. ─── 目的:研究广西仫佬族指纹特征,补充该民族肤纹学正常值数据库。

5、Dr. Sun Yet-sen's Personal Ethnologic Views On The Chinese Nation ─── 浅议孙中山的中华民族观

6、Contrail of Bushido Transformation and Ethnologic Perspective ─── 探寻武士道嬗变的轨迹及其民族学透视

7、Talking about the Creation of Greek Philosophy from the Ethnologic Character of the Ancient Greek ─── 从古希腊人的民族性格谈希腊哲学的产生

8、SWOT analysis and marketing of Henan ethnologic sports travel ─── 河南民族体育旅游的SWOT分析与营销战略

9、ethnologic costume ─── 民族服饰

10、ethnologic spirit and epochal spirit ─── 民族精神与时代精神

11、Some Problems In Stocking Work Of Ethnologic Colleges And Universities Library ─── 民族高校图书馆采购工作的若干问题

12、Although findings from traditional ethnologic studies have been used to buttress DIT arguments, thus far there have been little ethnographic fieldwork designed to explicitly test these hypotheses. ─── 虽然传统人种学研究发现已用于支持双继承理论观点,迄今只有很少旨在测试这些假设的实地观察研究。

13、Ethnologic region ─── 民族地区

14、This paper expounds the importance and necessary condition of establishing the ethnologic documents? Bibliographic database, and probes into the quality control in establishing the database. ─── 阐述了民族文献书目数据库建立的重要性和必备条件,探讨了建库的质量问题。

15、Joint contract responsibility system and culture-adapting of ethnologic culture ─── 联产承包责任制与民族文化的调适

16、This paper expounds the importance and necessary condition of establishing the ethnologic documents? bibliographic database,and probes into the quality control in establishing the database. ─── 阐述了民族文献书目数据库建立的重要性和必备条件,探讨了建库的质量问题。

17、ethnologic sports travel marketing ─── 民族体育旅游

18、ethnologic documents ─── 民族文献

19、Keywords Chinese landscape design;Theories of to find an excuse for scene;Ethnologic characteristic; ─── 中国风景园林设计;“借景”理法;民族特色;

20、Keywords ethnologic law;theory;construction;execution; ─── 民族法治;理论;建设;运行;

21、Since one of the goals of DIT is to explain the distribution of human cultural traits, ethnographic and ethnologic techniques may also be useful for testing hypothesis stemming from DIT. ─── 由于双继承理论的目标之一是解释人类文化特征的分布,实地观察法和人种学方法在测试源自双继承理论的假说中也可能是有用的。

22、The development of it, while bringing the economic boom and the ethnologic culture protection to those minority tourism receptions, will probably result in negative effect on the society and culture. ─── 少数民族文化旅游的开展在一定程度上促进了少数民族地区的经济发展和民族文化的保护,但同时也可能给少数民族接待地区的社会文化带来负面的影响。

23、Talking about the Creation of Greek Philosophy from the Ethnologic Character of the Ancient Greek ─── 从古希腊人的民族性格谈希腊哲学的产生

24、Ma Guoqing, Time in the Space: The Study of Inter-ethnic Relations and Ethnologic Identity through the Changes of Calendar and Annual Event ─── 麻国庆:空间中的时间:从日历与节日的变化看民族关系与民族认同

25、ethnologic non - material cultural heritage ─── 民族非物质文化遗产

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