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09-03 投稿


foisted 发音

英:[?f??st?d]  美:[?f??st?d]

英:  美:

foisted 中文意思翻译



foisted 短语词组

1、foisted defined ─── 强加的定义

2、foisted meme ─── 假模因

3、foisted on ─── 把……硬塞给(某人) ─── 把……强加于(某人)

4、foisted upon ─── 把......强加于

5、foisted upon meaning ─── 强加在意义上

6、foisted define ─── 定形

7、foisted means ─── 强制手段

foisted 词性/词形变化,foisted变形

动词过去式: foisted |动词现在分词: foisting |动词过去分词: foisted |动词第三人称单数: foists |

foisted 相似词语短语

1、fisted ─── adj.握成拳头的;v.拳打(fist的过去式)

2、hoisted ─── v.提起(重物);(用起重机等)吊起;升起(旗等)(hoist的过去式和过去分词)

3、boosted ─── v.提高,推进;放大(电信号);(非正式)偷窃(boost的过去式和过去分词)

4、foister ─── 福斯特

5、boasted ─── v.v.有(引以为荣的事物)(boast的过去式和过去分词);扬言

6、joisted ─── v.为……装托梁,用搁栅建造……(joist的过去式和过去分词)

7、agisted ─── vt.代人放牧(牲口);按比例对(牧场、牧场主)征税

8、foisters ─── 培养

9、forested ─── adj.草木丛生的;v.植树于(forest的过去式和过去分词)

foisted 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He tried to foist some inferior goods (off) on me. ─── 他企图把一些劣质货强售给我。

2、2) Its numerical evaluations is determined by a small subsection of that society which has managed to foist itself on the rest of us as an arbiter of such matters. ─── 它的数值是由那个社会中的一小部分人所决定的,这一小部分人作为这类事情的仲裁人已设法把他们的观点强加在我们其余人身上。

3、If it is foisted on them, it never fully becomes theirs, and you can have it back. ─── 如果它被蒙骗在他们,它从未充分地成为他们的,并且您能要回它。

4、The idiots who foisted this system on you should scrap it at once, and instead offer sufficient overtime pay at Christmas to ensure that there are enough recruits. ─── 把这套做法强加给你的那群白痴应该立即将其取消,转而采取在圣诞期间提供足够高的加班费的政策,以保证有足够的人手。

5、6.Its numerical evaluation is determined by a small subsection of that society which has managed to foist itself on the rest of us as an arbiter of such matters. ─── 衡量它的那些数码是由这个社会中的一小部分人来决定的。这些人作为这类事情的仲裁人,已经想方设法把他们自己的意志强加给我们。

6、The author discovered that the translator had foisted several passages into his book. ─── 作者发现译者偷偷在他的原著中插入了几段。

7、We, on this side of life, implore you not to fall for the fear of attack that will be foisted on you. ─── 我们,在生命的这头,恳求你们千万不要落入这强加给你们的恐惧攻击的圈套中。

8、Supporters foisted gifts on him; cakes, flowers and the odd baby. ─── 他的拥护者向他呈现礼物,有蛋糕,鲜花和古灵精怪的孩子。

9、3) Its numerical evaluation is determined by a small subsection of that society which has managed to foist itself on the rest of us as an arbiter of such matters. ─── 它的数值是由那个社会中的一小部分人决定的,他们作为这类事情的仲裁人已设法把他们的意志强加在我们身上。

10、Foist sth. off on sb. ─── 把假货[次货]骗售给某人

11、It may also be partly true that so called cheap Chinese products are being foisted on an unstable market and the local labour force is being exploited in the form of ‘wage slavery’. ─── 而且,非洲市场相当不稳定,中国产品在那里的不正当出售和对当地劳工的剥削也可能确实存在。

12、But this has become increasingly difficult because of the dismantling of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in recent years and the resentment of surviving SOEs at having ex-soldiers foisted on them. ─── 但是这样的状况逐渐变得困难,因为近年来国有企业改制而改制成功的国企对使用退伍军人感到不满意,认为安置退伍军人是对他们的敷衍。

13、Foist inferior merchandise off on a customer ─── 把劣货骗售给顾客

14、They had extra work foisted on them,because they couldn't say no to the boss. ─── 因为他们不能反抗老板,所以被迫做许多额外的工作。

15、He foisted himself on them for the weekend. ─── 他强要和他们去度周末。

16、He foisted his work on me. ─── 他把他的工作塞给了我。

17、Translators should not foist their own opinions into the original book. ─── 译者不应把自己的意见偷偷地入原著中。

18、An unintended consequence: "The girls get foisted into a responsible role more than the boys do. ─── 这产生了一种意想不到的结果:“与男孩子相比,女孩子不得不承担起更多的责任。”

19、6.Can advertising foist an inferior product on the consumer? ─── 广告能将次品强卖给消费者吗?

20、In practical terms, if they choose it, they're less likely to return it. If it is foisted on them, it never fully becomes theirs, and you can have it back. ─── 用实际的话说,如果他们选择它,他们是较不可能退回它。如果它被蒙骗在他们,它从未充分地成为他们的,并且您能要回它。

21、Such prejudice certainly prevailed in India in 1991, when the IMF foisted tariff cuts on the economy as one of the conditions attached to a $2.5 billion bail-out package. ─── 这样的观点在1991年的印度极具说服力,当时IMF在经济上强制削减关税而使印度的进口达到了25亿美元的高峰。

22、He foisted off all this on a too eager customer. ─── 他强迫一位过于热心的顾客买下所有这些。

23、For the rest of his life Krishnamurti insistently rejected the guru status that others tried to foist upon him. ─── 基度克里希那穆提1895年生于印度,十三岁时被通神学社吸纳。

24、And I mean fair.Not these kind of staged elections that the Castro brothers try to foist of as being true democracy," he said. ─── 但是布什总统说,那会是一个错误,因为政治犯会继续把牢底坐穿,而且他说古巴的人权在很多情况下都令人悲哀。

25、The title for her novel was foisted on her by the publishers. ─── 她的小说书名是出版商强加给她的。

26、The dishonest shopkeeper foist inferior goods on his customer. ─── 这不诚实的店主以劣货蒙骗他的主顾。

27、As governments start to foist biometrics on their citizens, they would do well to bear this in mind. ─── 各国政府想要让民众接受此技术在公共领域的应用的话,记住这一点才能成功。

28、Foist oneself on sb. ─── 硬缠着某人(而不肯离开)

29、1. He's religious but he doesn't try to foist his beliefs on everyone. ─── 他是教徒,但他不想把自己的信仰强加于人.

30、At a deeper level, many Americans - especially conservatives - resent having soccer foisted upon them. ─── 在更深的层面上,很多美国人尤其是保守派人士对于足球的渗透非常怨恨。

31、In the referendum voters approved the new constitution the generals want to foist on them. ─── 在公民投票中,选民认可了将军强加于他们的新宪法。

32、They didn't invite him to go out with them, but he foisted himself on them. ─── 他们没有邀请他同往,但他硬要跟他们一起去。

33、impose one's views upon others; foist one's views on others ─── 强加于人

34、Work experience is when someone asks to foist their 16-year-old child on to you for a week or two so that he or she can get an idea of their career options. ─── 工作经验就是有人要把他们16岁的孩子硬塞给你一两周,好让他或她能对自己的职业选择有个概念。

35、There are constant deadlines, apprehension about evaluation comes with the territory, and and projects are constantly being foist upon students that compete for their time. ─── 不断有最后限期,对某领域成绩评估的恐惧伴,方案任务经常的强加在一直与时间竞争的学生身上。

36、Voiers was ticketed for misdemeanor theft by an officer who quickly caught up with her van after she foisted the statue. ─── 瓦尔斯偷走雕像后不久,一名警官迅速追上她的厢型车,而且开给她一张偷窃轻罪的罚单。

37、She resented having the child foisted on her while the parents went travelling abroad. ─── 她对孩子的父母出国旅行卻硬要她来照看孩子这事很反感。

38、They had extra work foisted on them because they couldn't say no to the boss. ─── 因为他们不能反抗老板,所以被迫做许多额外的工作

39、Do not follow the "left brain logic" that was foisted on you to interfere. ─── 千万不要允许【左脑逻辑】进入控制,这曾是强加于你们的干扰!

40、On strategy and countermeasures of non-timber foist development in the new-era ─── 新时期我国经济林发展的战略和对策

41、foist off ─── 骗人接受

42、“Do you despise it for too light?”the father picked fire tongs from the coal basin and foisted into his hand, saying, “Use this to eat. It is also metal.” ─── “你是不是嫌轻了点?”父亲从火盆上抄起火钳塞在儿子手中,“给,你用这个吃,也是金属的。”

43、They want to renounce the pacifist constitution foisted on Japan by America. ─── 他们想废弃美国强加给日本的和平宪法。

44、entail [foist] misery on one's innocent wife and children; involve one's wife and children ─── 累及妻孥

45、The salesman foisted the faulty machine on the old man. ─── 这位推销员把那台有毛病的机器骗售给了那位老人。

46、An unintended consequence: "The girls get foisted into a responsible role more than the boys do. " ─── 这产生了一种意想不到的结果:“与男孩子相比,女孩子不得不承担起更多的责任。”

47、They didn't invite him to go out with them, but he foisted himself on them. ─── 他们没有邀请他同往,但他硬要跟他们一起去。

48、She resented having the child foisted on her while the parents went travelling abroad. ─── 她对孩子的父母出国旅行卻硬要她来照看孩子这事很反感。

49、Nevertheless, as the global economy shrinks, the capitalist class in every country is driven to foist the crisis onto its international rivals as well as the working class. ─── 尽管这样,伴随着世界经济的地动山摇,每个国家的资本家阶层和工人阶层都趋向于把危机归罪于给国际竞争。

50、To assign falsely or unjustly; foist. ─── 错误地或不公平地继承;冒称

51、foist one's company on someone ─── 硬缠着某人(而不肯离开)

52、The dumb blonde image had been foisted upon her. ─── 愚蠢的金发美人的形象在强加在她身上的。

53、They are but dressings of a former sight.Our dates are brief, and therefore we admire What thou dost foist upon us that is old; ─── 如其他媒体、网站或个人从本网下载使用,必须保留本网注明的“稿件来源”,并自负版权等法律责任。

54、Five ministries on Tuesday reiterated a pledge to stabilize commodity prices by cracking down on illegal charges foisted on suppliers. ─── 五部委周二重申要稳定商品价格,打击强加给供应商的乱收费现象。

55、The establishment of the Taiwan Museum of Literature was thus a very satisfying event.This is because in the past, was foisted upon us and interpreted by others. ─── 因此,台湾文学馆的成立之所以让我非常感动,是因为在过去,台湾的历史文化、文史哲都是其他人在替我们解释。

56、Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew got it right when he blamed Westerners who "foist their system indiscriminately on societies in which it will not work. ─── 新加坡的李光耀批评西方人时说得没错,“西方人总是不分青红皂白地将它们的体系硬塞给一些没法用好这套体系的社会”。

57、They foisted these Chinese, with eyes still heavy with sleep, into a car and set out for the mountain area. ─── 那些人不由分说,让人找来司机,将这几个睡眼朦胧的人塞进了汽车向山区进发。

58、foist off on ─── vt. 骗售(把强加于)

59、The foist contest is...Hercules and the wild elephants! ─── 第一场比赛是...大力神和野象!

60、The title for her novel was foisted on her by the publishers. ─── 她的小说书名是出版商强加给她的。

61、foist into ─── v. 塞进

62、In earlier times, schools could foist these instructors on students, who’d be stuck for a semester. ─── 现在,这种情况就不大可能了。

63、The author discovered that the translator had foisted several passages into his book ─── 作者发现译者在他的原著里私自加入了几段。

64、You would never guess that by late 2008, some CMOs were worth only a tiny fraction of the original prices at which Wall Street foisted them onto 'sophisticated investors. ─── 你永远不会想到,在2008年年底,有些CMO的价值只相当于华尔街强卖给“有经验投资者”时价格的一个零头儿。

65、1.Its numerical evaluation is determined by a small subsection of that society which has managed to foist itself on the rest of us as an arbiter of such matters. ─── 它数值上的价值就在于社会中的少数人以仲裁者的身份将他们的想法强加给其余的人(你明白什么意思吗?

66、to foist inferior merchandise on a customer ─── 用欺骗手段把劣质商品出售给顾客

67、SCM through the setup will enable the internal timer T1 pulse input pin T0 control, This can be accurately calculated foisted T0 pin unit time detection of the pulse; ─── 通过单片机的设置可使内部定时器T1对脉冲输入引脚T0进行控制,这样能精确地算出加到T0引脚的单位时间内检测到的脉冲数;

68、He doesn't try to foist his beliefs on everyone. ─── 他不会勉强每个人接受他的信念。

69、"They didn't invite John to go out with them, but he foisted himself on them. ─── " "你想拿这个作担保,要我借给你半个克郎?"舍洛克惊呼道," 可是 这东西一个小钱也不值呀。"

70、Alliance with the dictatorship he brutally established there seemed one of those embarrassing right-wing entanglements the cold war foisted on America. ─── 与蒋氏在台湾野蛮建立的独裁政权结盟似乎是冷战强加于美国的诸多令人尴尬的右翼势力主导的纠葛之一。

71、middle-aged foist ─── 中龄林

72、The left have tried to foist on her the image of a limited suburban reactionary ─── 左派人士曾经试图把一个目光短浅,见识不广的反动分子的形象强加在她身上。

73、to foist another prime minister on the electorate now would probably look both chaotic and undemocratic. ─── 偷偷插入,使混入,硬卖给,私自添加,把...强加(于),把...塞(给

74、"They didn't invite John to go out with them, but he foisted himself on them." ─── "他们并未邀请约翰一同出游,可是他自己硬跟着他们去。"

75、It chose long ago not to foist a common national identity on new citizens but to allow and indeed encourage them to retain the dress and language, faith and customs they came with. ─── 很久之前,政府政策的选择就是不对新的居民强加通常的英国的民族共同特性,而是允许,实际上,是鼓励新的居民保持他们原有的服装,语言,信仰和习惯。

76、Don't foist your standpoint on me. ─── 不要把你的观点强加于我。

77、It is in the final stages of buying out the local Chinese joint-venture partner that was foisted on it by the government. ─── 他想购买合资公司中国当地的合作伙伴的股份,使其退出,该合作伙伴原先是政府强塞给他的,该计划已经进入最后阶段。

78、Despite a dotty electoral system, foisted on the country by Mr Berlusconi himself in 2006, Italy may be in for five years of relatively stable government (see article). ─── 除去满是瑕疵的竞选系统,和2006年贝卢斯科尼狠狠的涮了全意大利一把不说,意大利政府也许将进入一个相对平稳的五年。

79、Many unfit persons have been foisted into this bureau ─── 这个局里塞入了许多不称职的人。

80、Foisted unfair provisions into the contract. ─── 以欺骗方式在合同中加入不公平的条款

81、Those are foisted on an unsuspecting public ─── 那些被骗售给了不明真相的公众。

82、He foisted off a few bottles of inferior whisky on a too eager customer. ─── 他把几瓶劣质威士忌卖给了一位急于买酒的顾客。

83、You can't foist your ideas on me. ─── 你不能把你的观点强加于我。

84、They didn't invite him to go out with them,but he foisted himself on them. ─── 他们并未邀请他一同出游,可是他自己硬跟着他们去。

85、The peddler tried to foist a worthless article on little Tom ─── 小贩企图把一件无价值的东西卖给小汤姆。

86、He's religious but he doesn't try to foist his beliefs on everyone. ─── 他是教徒,但他不想把自己的信仰强加于人。

87、foist (off) on ─── 骗售给…,用(假货、次货)骗某人

88、The shopkeeper foisted a box of broken biscuits on the old lady. ─── 店主把一箱子碎饼干骗售给了那老妇人。

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