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09-03 投稿



exhaustless 发音

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exhaustless 中文意思翻译



exhaustless 词性/词形变化,exhaustless变形

名词: exhaustlessness |副词: exhaustlessly |

exhaustless 相似词语短语

1、exhaustlessness ─── 排气

2、exhaustlessly ─── 筋疲力尽

3、exhausts ─── n.废气;排气通风装置(exhaust的复数);v.耗尽;排出(exhaust的三单形式);彻底探讨

4、inexhaustibleness ─── 取之不尽

5、exhausted ─── adj.筋疲力尽的,疲惫不堪的;耗尽的,枯竭的;v.使……精疲力尽;耗尽,用尽;详尽讨论(exhaust的过去式和过去分词)

6、exhaust fans ─── n.[建]排气扇;[建]抽风机;排风机

7、exhaustiveness ─── n.穷尽性;用尽一切

8、exhauster ─── n.[动力]排气器;抽风机

9、exhaustively ─── adv.耗尽一切地

exhaustless 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The idea of an infinite generosity and exhaustless bounty on the part of our Mother Nature was well worth obtaining through such cares as these. ─── 我常认为:只有在终年如夏的南部海岛上的土人,才能充分认识天地养育之恩:面包果、可可、棕榈、柑橘之属,不劳种植,自然生长,土人的食粮,也永无匾乏之虞。

2、The potential of human is mysterious and unimaginable just like the universe with exhaustless and occult power and extrasensory information. ─── 人体潜力是神秘和不可思议的,就象宇宙蕴藏着无穷尽的神秘力量和特异信息。

3、No other source have we but Thee, Soul-thirst to satisfy. Exhaustless spring! the waters free! All other streams are dry. ─── 祢,没有别的泉源,唯有祢,使我的干渴得到满足;

4、And a lot of things, for instance friend, experience is me all one's life exhaustless also fortune. ─── 而很多东西,比如朋友,经验都是我一辈子也用不完的财富。

5、Well knowing the tried valor of our people and our exhaustless resources, ─── 坚信我们深受考验的英勇人民和我们无尽的资源。

6、Next, the low cost exit that play chess of rich of trends of exhaustless complete information analysed nonexistent dumping just is turned over more easily dumping. ─── 接下来,用不完全信息动态博弈分析了不存在倾销的低成本出口方更容易被反倾销。

7、His exhaustless treasury is thrown open to you, in all the love of His heart; ─── 祂无尽的宝库,已因祂不竭之爱,为你开著了;

8、Here Shu Yong's "bubble" become a special key to a knowledge space having been sealed up by us for long, where we may find exhaustless wealth. ─── 在这里舒勇的“泡泡”神话般地成为一把奇特的钥匙,开启了一个被我们封存已久的知识空间。这个空间有我们用之不尽、取之不竭的财富。

9、Innovations--the exhaustless motive force of ideological and political work of colleges and universities under new situation ─── 创新--新形式下高校思想政治工作的不竭动力

10、If you have wealth your personal generation enjoy exhaustless words, earth people most people still can take a further step, let you wealth to your children continue to enjoy finish. ─── 如果您拥有的财富您个人这一代享用不完的话,地球人类大多数人还可再退一步,让您把财富延续给您的儿女一代来享用完。

11、This dissertation makes probe into public participation in legislation, which is a topic of abundant practice and exhaustless theories. ─── 本论文所探索的是立法过程中公众参与这样一个既有着丰富实践又有着无穷理论的问题。

12、And a lot of things, for instance friend, experience is me all one's life exhaustless also fortune. ─── 而很多东西,比如朋友,经验都是我一辈子也用不完的财富。

13、Emancipating the mind that is exhaustless motive force of the development of the enterprise ─── 解放思想是企业发展的不竭动力

14、The potential of human is mysterious and unimaginable just like the universe with exhaustless and occult power and extrasensory information. ─── 人体潜力是神秘和不可思议的,就象宇宙蕴藏着无穷尽的神秘力量和特异信息。

15、Although our little book hill is tall, it is however won't again heighten, use to be met little, what to have exhaustless!What to have exhaustless!! ─── 我们的小书山虽然高,却是不会再增高了,用一本就会少一本,有什么用不完的呢!”

16、Give me exhaustless, make me a fountain, ─── 给我无穷吧,让黄泉让让,

17、Exhaustless spring! ─── 无穷宝泉!

18、His exhaustless treasury is thrown open to you, in all the love of His heart; ─── 祂无尽的宝库,已因祂不竭之爱,为你开著了;

19、This round cannot spend so much money, have one part reserve, of Internet battle competition is very intense, lay in cash more a little, will look according to the budget, far exhaustless. ─── 这轮花不了那么多钱,有一部分储备,互联网的仗竞争很激烈,稍微多储备现金,按照预算来看,远远用不完。

20、Well knowing the tried valor of our people and our exhaustless resources, ─── 坚信我们深受考验的英勇人民和我们无尽的资源。

21、Give me exhaustless, make me a fountain. ─── 给我无穷吧,让黄泉让让。

22、She works with reference to no measure of time, no limit of space, and with an abundance of material, not expressed by exhaustless. ─── 她作用于不尽的时间,无穷的空间,囊括万物,不可言传。

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