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09-03 投稿



expressly 发音

英:[?k'spresl?; ek-]  美:[?k'spr?sli]

英:  美:

expressly 中文意思翻译



expressly 网络释义

adv. 清楚地,明显地;特别地,专门地

expressly 词性/词形变化,expressly变形

名词复数: expressivities |

expressly 反义词


expressly 同义词

meaningfully | vividly | emotionally | sensitively | dramatically

expressly 短语词组

1、expressly stated ─── [法]明文规定的

2、expressly provide ─── [法]明文规定

3、expressly yours.com ─── 明确你的网站

4、expressly delegated ─── 明确授权

5、expressly stated definition ─── 明确规定的定义

6、expressly definition ─── 明确定义

7、expressly pronunciation ─── 明确发音

expressly 相似词语短语

1、expresses ─── 表达(express的动词单数第三人称形式);[交]快车;快递(express的名词复数)

2、expressed ─── v.表达(express的过去式和过去分词);(用符号等)表示;榨;(如在说话、写作或绘画中)表达(自己)的意见

3、express ─── vt.表达;快递;adj.明确的;迅速的;专门的;n.快车,快递,专使;捷运公司

4、expressively ─── adv.表现地;意味深长地;表示地

5、expressos ─── n.(蒸汽加压煮出的)浓咖啡(expresso的变形)

6、expresso ─── n.(蒸汽加压煮出的)浓咖啡

7、expressway ─── n.(美)高速公路

8、expressible ─── adj.可表现的;可榨出的

9、expresser ─── n.表示者;表达者

expressly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Soon designers began to invent new idioms expressly for the toolbar. ─── 不久,设计者开始为工具栏发明新的习惯用法。

2、The APA informal rulemaking provisions do not expressly require the agency to expose its factual, legal, and policy support to public criticism. ─── 《行政程序法》的非正式规则制定条款没有明确要求行政机关公开它对公众批评的事实、法律以及政策上的支持。

3、Why was the amendment expressly declaring the right of the people to exclude slavery voted down? ─── 为什麽那条明确表示人民有废除奴隶制的权利的修正案遭到了否决?

4、Another candidate is Chievo winger Franco Semioli, who has been expressly requested by Coach Luciano Spalletti. ─── 另一个考虑的对象是切沃的塞米奥利,他是主教练斯帕莱蒂已经明确提出引进请求的球员。

5、Any contract involving transshipment shall expressly provide the responsibilities of both or all parties and the freight delivery methods. ─── 凡涉及联运的,应明确规定双方或多方的责任和交接办法。

6、Utensils of any kind are also expressly forbidden, even when held by an animated character. ─── 任何类型的厨房用具都明确地被禁止在广告中出现,即使是由一个卡通人物拿着。

7、The author expressly declares herewith that no illegal contents on the linked sites were identifiable at the time of linkage. ─── 作者在此严正声明,在设置网页链接时无法认定外接的网页有任何违法内容。

8、All its salesmen are, and always have been, expressly forbidden to attempt switch selling. ─── 它所有的经销人都被禁止使用以低价产品做广告,实际出售高价产品的做法。

9、The terms of a credit are independent of the underlying transaction even if a credit expressly refers to that transaction. ─── 信用证独立于基础交易,即使信用证对该基础交易作了明确的援引。

10、Implied authority of an agent is that which the principal is deemed to have intended the agent to possess, although not expressly granted. ─── 代理人的默示代理权是指虽非本人明示授予,但本人被认为已经有意让代理人拥有的代理权。

11、Agency may be created expressly by deed, writing or oral appointment. ─── 代理的产生可以是根据契约,书面或口头协定等明示方式。

12、It was too late, for he had already drunk a glass of excellent wine, placed for him expressly by the pope's butler. ─── 但是太晚啦,因为他已经喝下了一杯教皇膳食总管特地捧到他面前的美酒。

13、CSI expressly disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy, contents, availability or omission of information found on sites that link to or from the Web Site. ─── 中信证券国际谨此明确声明,不会就网页连结后,其内容之准确性、有效性或当中的资料遗漏,承担任何责任。

14、They could not posss property in their own name or, as the law expressly stated “make a contract about anything worth more than a bushel of barley”. ─── 她们不能以自己的名义占有财产或像法律明确规定的那样“签订有关任何价值大于一蒲式尔大麦的东西的契约”。

15、Higginbotham explained: “ our company expressly provided nothing from their customers gathered data must be encrypted system for delivery. ─── Higginbotham解释说:“我们公司明确规定:凡是从客户身上采集到的数据都必须经过加密系统进行传送。

16、Each of the JV Parties acknowledges that it has not been induced to enter into this Agreement by any representation, warranty or undertaking not expressly incorporated into it. ─── 合资方的每方都承认,不是因为其他的请求,担保或者承诺而达成了这一协议。

17、You were expressly told not to touch my papers. ─── 已经明确地告诉过你不要动我的文件。

18、Contracts can be formed expressly or impliedly. ─── 合同可以明示或默示地产生。

19、The power to appoint a trustee may be provided expressly in the instrument that creates the trust (e. g. a will). ─── 创立信托的文件中(如遗嘱)可以直接规定确定受托人的权利。

20、The actions or words which sexually harass or intimidate fellow employees are expressly forbidden and will not be tolerated by the Company. ─── 因此公司立场是明确表示禁止对雇员进行性骚扰和恐吓的动作或言语,绝不容许此类行为在公司内发生。

21、No waiver by a party of any provision of this Agreement shall be binding unless made expressly and in writing. ─── 任何一方对有关本协议的弃权只有以书面形式明确作出方有约束力。

22、Contracts formed expressly are created by express words, either written or spoken. ─── 合同明示产生必须通过言辞,不论是书面的还是口头的。

23、However, such estimates are by their nature inexact and should not be considered to be agreed rages or caps unless expressly agreed by us. ─── 因为在起诉/和解中,时间的耗费取决于其他方的的进度,并且我们也不能完全控制进展的速度。

24、Make Ss to know the meaning of the words expressly and fleetly.Pay attention to the pronunciation of the four new words. ─── 在本课接近尾声的时候,我还预设了下节课的内容,作为拓展.引起学生对下一节课的兴趣.

25、She expressly conditioned for paying no visits to others. ─── 她明确地提出了条件:不得上别的人家作客。

26、Strange that Creation, designed expressly for Monseigneur, should be so soon wrung dry and squeezed out! ─── 奇怪的是,专为爵爷大人们设计的大千世界竟然会那么快就被绞尽了、榨干了!

27、A Credit can be transferred only if it is expressly designated as "transferable" by the Issuing bank. ─── 只有开证行在信用证中明确注明"可转让"时,信用证方可转让。

28、He expressly pointed out the mistake. ─── 他明确地指出了那个错误。

29、Until recently, Florida was one of a handful of states that expressly prohibited adoption by gay couples. ─── 直到最近,佛罗里达州是少数州中的一个,明令禁止同志收养孩子。

30、The Clean Water Act expressly provides that it does not preempt more stringent state law. ─── 《洁净水法案》明确规定,该法并不先占更为严格的州法律。

31、Any terms of the contract which are different from the provisions of Articles 119, 120 and 121 of this Law shall be expressly stated in the air waybill. ─── 任何与本法第一百一十九条、第一百二十条和第一百二十一条规定不同的合同条款,应当在航空货运单上载明。

32、Lawspirit, its affiliates, subsidiaries and the Licensors expressly disclaim all warranties not stated in this EULA. ─── 其联属公司、子公司及许可人明确放弃本EULA中未载明的所有保证。

33、The seller has expressly reserved their right of resale should the buyer default in payment. ─── 卖方明确地保留其在买方不支付价款时转卖的权利。

34、But Shanghai market is not the wood floors were 46%, which expressly species and the actual species is incompatible with the 26%. ─── 但上海市场实木地板竟有46%是不合格的,其中明示树种与实际树种不符合的占26%。

35、"It was a very pleasant sight," continued the young man, unabashed. "But the Morality to-day was composed expressly for Madame the Lady of Flanders. ─── “那真是好看呀! 不过今天是一出寓意剧,特意为弗朗德勒的公主编写的。”

36、Experiments on great apes, such as chimpanzees and gorillas, are expressly forbidden in Britain, although smaller monkeys may be used. ─── 在英国使用大型猿类比如黑猩猩和大猩猩做研究是严格禁止的,但是使用小猴子是允许的。

37、The translation is justifiable in view of the only alternative, namely justification by works, which Paul expressly repudiated. ─── 他因为这个受到很多批评,但是(鹿特当的)伊拉斯谟(天主教神父)替他辩护。

38、Recipient expressly agrees not to transfer the STC Confidential Information in violation of United States export laws and regulations. ─── 受让方明示同意不在违反美国出口法规的情况下转让STC机密信息。

39、Again, for the duration of the labor contract both parties are to have equal rights, in so far as one or the other does not expressly surrender them. ─── 在劳动契约有效期间,只要任何一方没有明白表示抛弃自己的权利,双方仍然被认为是权利平等的。

40、Port scanning or security scanning is expressly prohibited unless prior notification to InfoSec is made. ─── 10、 除非预先向信息安全部门通告,否则端口扫描和安全扫描是明令禁止的。

41、Should the Buyer wish to have the protection of greater cover, he would either need to agree as such expressly with the seller or to make his own extra insurance arrangements. ─── 如买方需要更高的保险险别,则需要与卖方明确地达成协议,或者自行作出额外的保险安排。

42、No corporate body, no individual may exercise any authority that does not expressly emanate from it. ─── 任何团体、任何个人都不得行使主权所未明白授予的权力。

43、To her father himself, he wrote in the same strain; but, he told her father that he expressly confided his wife and child to his care. ─── 他以同样的口气给她的父亲写了一封信,向他重托了妻子和孩子。

44、A better idea would be for Congress to expressly prohibit states from doing that. ─── 如果国会够明智的话,就应该果断地阻止这种情况的发生。

45、Even though I did not escape Kaechon expressly to inform the world about such conditions, I feel that I cannot keep silent. ─── 尽管我从那逃出来并不就是为了向全世界公开价川营里的情形,但是我觉得我不能保持沉默。

46、She had given it expressly on one side. ─── 但是她在旁边却看得清清楚楚。

47、The Code may be amended either by the procedure set out in Article XIV or, unless expressly provided otherwise, in accordance with the procedure set out in the present Article. ─── 守则既可以按第十四条规定的程序修订,或者,除非另有明文规定,也可以根据本条规定的程序修订。

48、Such of the Divine laws as are unrevealed are laws set by God to his human creatures, but not through the medium of human language, or not expressly. ─── 刘:对于我们来说,上帝对人类设定的某些法,是朦胧不见的,这些法,自然不是通过人类语言媒介来传达的。我们也可以这样认为,它们根本就没有清楚地表达出来。

49、The application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods 1980 to this contract is hereby expressly excluded. ─── 1980年联合国关于国际货物销售合约的协议对此网上商场购物合约的作用在此明确被排除。

50、Instead of seeking to control inflation indirectly, central banks aim expressly at price stability. ─── 不同于以往间接对通货膨胀进行控制,现在中央银行把目标直接对准了物价稳定。

51、Furthermore, the Outsourcing contract expressly forbids the disclosure of any details regarding a visa application to third parties. ─── 另外,外包服务的合同中严格禁止向第三方泄露任何有关签证申请的相关信息。

52、The 1987 Amendments added a new subsection, 301(n), expressly sanctioning FDF variances for BAT and BCT. ─── 1987年修正案增加了一个新的细目,第301条(n),专门认可了“最佳现有技术”和“最佳控制技术”的“根本不同”差异。

53、This work, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. ─── 会请老东家的同事帮忙把我留在那边、自费购买的纸材寄给我后,拜讬有喷墨印表机的朋友帮我印制几份来贴。

54、By the offeror to verbal or written expressly knower of the offeror does not accept the offer. ─── 受要约人以口头或书面的方式明确能知要约人不接受该要约。

55、You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Document except as expressly provided under this License. ─── 你不可以复制、修改、在本授权下再设定额外条件的次授权或发布文件,除非明白地表示是在本授权所规范的条件下进行。

56、For instance, we have no idea of the age of Karkaroff, or Lockhart, or Narcissa Malfoy (although canon does give us clues for what is not expressly spelled out). ─── 例如,我们不知道卡卡洛夫,或是洛哈特,或是纳西莎.马尔福(虽然书中的确给了我们一些并不明确的线索)。

57、Blachevelle seemed to have been created expressly to carry Favourite's single-bordered, imitation India shawl of Ternaux's manufacture, on his arm on Sundays. ─── 勃拉什维尔仿佛生来是专门替宠儿在星期日挽她那件德尔诺式的绒线披肩的。

58、Second, such protests may be made “expressly or impliedly. ─── 其次,抗议可以“明白”或“隐含”地提出来。

59、She was expressly forbidden to touch my papers. ─── 已经明确禁止她动我的文件。

60、The deed expressly reserves the right to remove all of the coal udner the land, and puts the risk of loss of the surface property on the grantee. ─── 契约明确保留了开采所有土地底下煤矿的权利,并把土地表面财产受损风险分给受让人。

61、Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home. That's why we as a society expressly forbid single parents to raise children. ─── 小孩如果没有生活在一男一女组成的家庭里,便无法成功。因此我们的社会禁止单亲家长养小孩。

62、And mentioned expressly " buy price " : Basic value = of curricular quality money award your redound. ─── 并且写明了“收购价 ”:基本价格 课程质量奖金=你的回报。

63、"It was a very pleasant sight," continued the young man,unabashed. "But the Morality to-day was composed expressly for Madame the Lady of Flanders. ─── “那真是好看呀!不过今天是一出寓意剧,特意为弗朗德勒的公主编写的。”

64、The rule was introduced expressly for this purpose. ─── 这项规则是为此特意推行的。

65、Use for any other purpose is expressly prohibited by law, and may result in severe civil and criminal penalties. ─── 其它任何目的之使用,均明确属于法律禁止范围,并可导致严厉的民事和刑事处罚。

66、The web site expressly permits free use of this particular photo with the following credit "Photo: UN/DPI". ─── 将此图像重新发布、制作此图像的衍生作品、商业用途及所有其他的用途是允许的。

67、In principle, every tribe was considered to be in a state of war with every other tribe with which it had not expressly concluded a treaty of peace. ─── 在原则上,每一个部落只要没有同其它部落订立明确的和平条约,它同这些部落便都算是处在战争状态。

68、All rights in the Content not expressly granted herein are reserved. ─── 即使没有在此明确说明,内容中的所有权利也归其所有。

69、The rules of the single currency expressly forbid any bail-out of one country by the centre or by other countries. ─── 单一货币的规则明确禁止任何由欧洲央行或其它国家为某个国家注资的行为。

70、Despite the use of the word "temporary", a temporary withdrawal remained in effect until expressly revoked. ─── 尽管使用了“暂时”一词,但是这种暂时的命令在明确地撤销之前一直有效。

71、ISBP 13"Drafts, transport documents and insurance documents must be dated even if a credit does not expressly so require. ─── 个人认为不是不符点。其格式没有要求签发日,那就可以把装运日看成是签发日。不知这样理解行不行?

72、Any terms of the contract which are different from the provisions of Articles119,120 and121 of this Law shall be expressly stated in the air waybill. ─── 任何与本法第一百一十九条、一百二十条和第一百二十一条规定不同的合同条款,应当在航空货运单上载明。

73、Informing or any other action to the detriment of a fellow prisoner is despicable and is expressly forbidden. ─── 通风报信及其他损害同伴的行为是可耻的,也是禁止的。

74、He has expressly forbidden her to go out on her own. ─── 他已明确禁止她独自外出。

75、If a credit requires expressly a master air waybill, why a house air waybill is unacceptable, although ICC Document 470/TA.621 says it is acceptable? ─── 如信用状明示要求母空运单,为何不能接受子空运单,尽管国际商会银委会第470/TA.621号文件认为此亦可以接受?

76、She was expressly forbidden to touch my papers. ─── 已经明确禁止她动我的文件。

77、PLoS expressly disclaims any and all warranties and liability in connection with the information found in the release and article and your use of such information. ─── 公共科学图书馆明确地拒绝与该新闻稿、论文以及您对这类信息的使用有关的任何担保和责任。

78、These declarations are to be notified to the depositary and are to state expressly the territorial units to which the Convention extends. ─── 此种声明应通知保管人,并且明确地说明适用本公约的领土单位。

79、The authorities related to quality management shall be expressly stated. ─── 对于从事与质量有关工作所必需的特权,均加以规定。

80、I told you expressly to lock the door, but you didn't follow me. ─── "我明白地对你说过要锁上门,但你没有听我的话。"

81、Buying mention expressly on the contract make sure E1 class plank and formaldehyde release a quantity to reach E1 level. ─── 在购买合同上写明保证E1级板材及甲醛释放量达到E1标准。

82、Is it not quite natural that I should desire to see my daughter, who has been brought to me expressly from Montfermeil? ─── 人家特地到孟费郿去把我的孩子领来,我要看看她,这不是很自然的吗?

83、The deposit agreement expressly limits the obligations and liabilities of the depositary, ourselves and our respective agents. ─── 存托协议清楚地限定了受托人、股份有限公司方本身以及股份有限公司方代理人的责任。

84、This work, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Taiwan License. ─── 从头到尾都是圣杯,真得是很特别的感觉。另外的感觉就是,虽然不景气,但是只要争气一定还是会有成果的。

85、Written approal must be obtained in adance from the AAAS for any uses not expressly permitted aboe. ─── 如果不是用于上面许可的用途,必须首先得到AAAS的写作许可。

86、She partakes of dishes which I make expressly for her. ─── 她享受着我专门为她制作的菜肴。

87、Auditors, on the other hand, are expressly subject to investigation under the SFO. ─── 另一方面,新条例则明确规定核数师会成为被调查的对象。

88、Thus, the law expressly provides that the construction contract leapfrog contract is null and void. ─── 因此,法律明令规定,凡越级承包的建筑工程合同均属无效。

89、Were these poems the only expressly Satanist writings of Karl Marx? ─── 只有这些诗表现了马克思的撒殚教思想吗?

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