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09-03 投稿



Egyptologist 发音

英:[?i?d??p?tɑ?l?d??st]  美:[?i?d??p?t?l?d??st]

英:  美:

Egyptologist 中文意思翻译



Egyptologist 网络释义

n. 埃及古物学者

Egyptologist 词性/词形变化,Egyptologist变形

Egyptologist 相似词语短语

1、hyetologist ─── 水文学家

2、erotologist ─── 性欲学家

3、phytologist ─── n.植物学家(等于botany)(phytology的变形)

4、cytologist ─── n.细胞学者

5、hypnologist ─── n.催眠学家;催眠术者

6、optologist ─── 验光师

7、cryptologist ─── n.密码破译家;密码学家

8、Egyptologist ─── n.埃及古物学者

9、etymologist ─── n.词源(语源)学家

Egyptologist 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Besides being a witch I also want to be an archaeologist, an Egyptologist . ─── 除了梦想成为一名魔法师外,我还想成为一名考古学家,埃及考古学家。

2、Incestuous alliances were common among Egypt's royalty , said renowned Egyptologist Zahi Hawass . ─── 著名埃及古物学者扎西?哈瓦斯称,在埃及王室中,近亲联姻非常普遍。

3、As an Egyptologist, I have been to Egypt many times. ─── 作为一个埃及古物学者,我去过埃及多次。

4、A recent alternative suggestion resulting from interpreting Biblical and Egyptian history (by Egyptologist Ahmed Osman) proposes that Moses and Akhenaten are the same person (Moses and Akhenaten, Dec. 2002). ─── 最近的一种有可选择性的观点是源自对圣经和埃及历史的解释(由埃及古生物学家阿赫麦德·奥斯曼而来),主张摩西和阿肯纳顿是同一个人(摩西与阿肯纳顿,2002年12月)。

5、British physician, physicist and Egyptologist who revived the wave theory of light and postulated the three-color theory of color vision. ─── 在光学中,双缝实验是由英国杨氏在1801年首先提出的,并用光的波动理论作了满意的解释。

6、Besides being a witch I also want to be an archaeologist, an Egyptologist. ─── 除了梦想成为一名魔法师外,我还想成为一名考古学家,埃及考古学家。

7、But amateur Egyptologist Maureen Clemmons has a theory. She thinks that kites may have been used to build the pyramids. ─── 不过作为一名业余埃及学家,毛瑞恩-克莱蒙斯提出了一个新的看法,在她看来,古埃及人借助了风筝的力量造出了金字塔。

8、Or, as stated by Egyptologist Rainer Stadelman, “Tourism is already a catastrophe. ─── 或如埃及古物学者RainerStadelman所说,“旅游已经成为一种灾难。

9、However, apart from Malinowski and Firth, the Egyptologist Gardiner's contribution should also receive due credit. ─── 但是,除了马林诺夫斯基和弗斯,还应该看到语言学家加德纳的贡献。

10、In The True Curse of the Mummy, Egyptologist Dr. ─── 1930年,布蓝姆史托克受到一个真实故事激发而写成小说“七颗星星下的宝石”。

11、"The figure is, in my opinion, a man, " commented University of California, Los Angeles Egyptologist Kathlyn Cooney. ─── “我的观点是,泥板上的雕塑是一名男性。”美国加州大学洛杉矶分校的埃及学研究者凯思林·库尼说。

12、woman's name is Sara Child Stevens, and she is the grandniece of the famous Egyptologist Herbert Winlock. ─── 她叫莎拉-恰尔德-史蒂文斯,是鼎鼎大名的埃及学家赫伯特-温洛克的侄孙女。

13、Egyptologist professor S. Gohary explains the myth of the temple and its patron goddess,Isis. ─── 菲莱岛的宏伟的庙宇四面环水,是在克利奥帕特拉在位时期修建的。

14、But amateur Egyptologist Maureen Clemmons has a theory ─── 不过作为一名业余埃及学家,毛瑞恩-克莱蒙斯提出了一个新的看法。

15、Becoming an Egyptologist is not easy, as with any highly specialised profession. ─── 与其它高度专业的职业一样,要成为一名埃及学家绝非易事。

16、A decade ago it returned a relief with a goddess's head after a visiting Dutch Egyptologist saw it on display. ─── 十年前,当一名访美的荷兰埃及古文物学者在博物馆看到一个女神头像的浮雕后,馆方也将它归还给埃及。

17、Hawass, a famed archaeologist and Egyptologist, said the man 'sname is Imhesy. ─── 瓦斯是著名的考古学家和埃及古物学家,他说这名男子叫伊米艾斯。

18、However, apart from Malinowski and Firth, the Egyptologist Gardiner's contribution should also receive due credit. ─── 但是,除了马林诺夫斯基和弗斯,还应该看到语言学家加德纳的贡献。

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