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09-03 投稿


corroborate 发音

英:[k??rɑ?b?re?t]  美:[k??r?b?re?t]

英:  美:

corroborate 中文意思翻译



corroborate 短语词组

1、corroborate with ─── 证实

corroborate 词性/词形变化,corroborate变形


corroborate 相似词语短语

1、corroborator ─── n.确证者;确证物

2、corroborable ─── 可证实的

3、corroborants ─── adj.确证的;使强固的;n.强壮剂;确证的资料

4、corroboree ─── n.狂欢会;歌舞会;土人的夜间祭祀

5、corroborated ─── vt.证实;使坚固

6、to corroborate ─── 证实

7、corroborative ─── adj.确证的,确定的

8、corroborant ─── adj.确证的;使强固的;n.强壮剂;确证的资料

9、corroborates ─── vt.证实;使坚固

corroborate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、There's nothing to corroborate your story. ─── 无任何东西可以确证你的话。

2、They recognize that more trials will be necessary to corroborate long-term effects. ─── 他们承认,还需要更多的试验来证实甲状旁腺切除术的长期效应。

3、He looked at me anxiously, as if he hoped I'd corroborate this. ─── 他神色不安地看着我,仿佛他希望我证实地的话。

4、Studies of viruses, conducted by specialized WHO reference laboratories, can corroborate field investigations by spotting genetic and other changes in the virus indicative of an improved ability to infect humans. ─── WHO专门的参考实验室对病毒进行研究,定位病毒遗传或其它方面的突变,确定病毒感染人的能力增强,从而确认现场调查。

5、Corroborate each other ─── 互相印证

6、This helps corroborate GPS satellite status and gives geodetic scientists a new way to gauge tectonic plate movement ─── 这有助于证实全球定位系统的卫星位置,为地学家测量地球大陆板块漂移,提供了一种新手段。

7、Authorities have also recovered a satellite phone that appears to corroborate much of his testimony. ─── 当局还找回了一部看起来能证实其大部分证词的卫星电话。

8、To corroborate the meaning of life being, they straighten their back and screw up their courage to resist the heaviest pressure from the objective world. ─── 为确证生命存在的意义,鼓足勇气挺身反抗来自客观世界的沈重压力。

9、The witness is expected to corroborate the plaintiff's testimony.To substantiate is to establish something by presenting substantial or tangible evidence: ─── 希望证人能够确证原告的口供。至于substantiate是用实质性的可触摸到的事实来确定某事:

10、Objective: To corroborate the risk factors of COPD and to provide constituting hygiene policy of prevention and treatment for COPD. ─── 目的:了解天津农村地区影响COPD发病的危险因素,为防治COPD提供卫生政策依据。

11、confirm; corroborate; verify ─── 印证

12、When the people's court needs to corroborate special problems, it shall refer them to a legal corroboratory department, ─── 人民法院对专门性问题认为需要鉴定的,应当交由法定鉴定部门鉴定,

13、The first Chinese dynasty (traditionally dated c. 2205-1766 b. C. ). No historical documents or archaeological evidence has been found to corroborate the legends about this dynasty. ─── 夏朝:中国第一个王朝(传统上认为存在于公元前2205年-1766年),现今还未发现证明该朝代存在的历史文献及出土文物证据。

14、" If authentic, this container provides the only new Testament-era mention of the central figure of Christianity and is the first-ever archaeological discovery to corroborate biblical references to Jesus. ─── 如果属实,这座藏骨柜将是“新约时代”首度提及这位基督世界的中心人物,也是第一个能证实圣经提及之耶稣事迹的考古发现。

15、But from every time open the mutually communicate of of Wu and corroborate, we completely can know the reliability of Chan Wu. ─── 但从每次开悟者之间的相互沟通与印证中,我们完全可以知道禅悟的真实性。

16、Harris was hoping to locate more fossils of the fauna, antelope and pig and others that would help to corroborate the age of the tools. ─── 哈里斯希望找到更多的动物化石,诸如羚羊、猪和其它动物,以便确证石器年代。

17、Our findings corroborate the view that the lodicules of grasses are homologous to eudicot petals. ─── 本研究还证明了禾本科植物的浆片和双子叶植物中花瓣是同源器官的观点。

18、corroborate sb's version ─── 证实某人的说活

19、I'm a great sloth, a fact that my sis would eagerly corroborate. ─── 我是个大懒虫,这一点我的姐姐立刻就能证明。

20、These results indicate that extending the trading time can increase the liquidity of the order-driven market, and hence we corroborate the viewpoint of stockbrokers on extending the trading time. ─── 模型结果说明,交易时间的延长可以增加委讬单驱动市场的流动性,活络市场,此结果可提供券商争取延长交易时间的理论依据。

21、Upon checking your statement, it has been impossible to corroborate the facts. ─── 经审查,你所申诉的事实不能得到证实。

22、Getting those who lived the experience to talk, coupled with sleuth-like research to corroborate everything, was the only way to make this story really come alive. ─── 要想生动地讲述这个故事,那唯一的办法就是和当年的人交谈,像侦探一样做调查。

23、He says Ivorian officials corroborate d the mission's findings that the cleanup of the sites were not as thorough as they should be to make them fully safe. ─── 他说,象牙海岸官员确认了该任务的调查结果,垃圾倾倒地点的清理工作并不充分,不能保证环境安全。

24、It appeared that what he said went to corroborate my account. ─── 看来他所说的和我叙述的相符。

25、Two persons who saw the road accident corroborate d the driver's statement. ─── 两个事故的目击证人证实了司机的证词。

26、During the data analysis process, triangulation of data was used to verify findings and the results of the analysis were discussed with another researcher to corroborate conclusions. ─── 资料分析过程中,采用三角校正法交互审核前述资料,并与另一位研究者互相讨论研究结果,俾提高本研究的效度。

27、Meanwhile, five former and two current employees corroborate her description of work conditions at Lion. ─── 与此同时,莱恩的5名前雇员和2名现雇员证实了卡罗尔·谢尔顿对莱恩厂工作条件的描述。

28、Sdudying the Constitution of the Party to Corroborate the Belief and Striving for Contributions to the Initiation of the Higher Vocational Demonstration College ─── 学党章坚定信念创示范争做贡献

29、Our results corroborate the findings of earlier studies that P.keeni in southeastern Alaska flourishes in a variety of habitats, especially early seral forests; ─── 我们的结果印证了早期对阿拉斯加东南部肯氏鹿鼠在各种栖息地尤其早期的演替林中兴旺时的研究;

30、The first Chinese dynasty (traditionally dated c. 2205-1766 b.c. ). No historical documents or archaeological evidence has been found to corroborate the legends about this dynasty. ─── 夏朝:中国第一个王朝(传统上认为存在于公元前2205年-1766年),现今还未发现证明该朝代存在的历史文献及出土文物证据

31、But large, long-term studies have mostly failed to corroborate initial signs of the cancer-fighting powers of produce. ─── 然而各种长期的大型研究,大多无法证实蔬果有丝毫的抗癌功效。

32、All this would appear to corroborate what investors have long suspected: that Macquarie is ex-growth. ─── 凡此种种似乎证实了投资者长时间以来的怀疑:麦格理的增长已成为过去时。

33、She has a bias, and the prosecution offered nobody to corroborate her. ─── 她存有偏见,而且没有人能够证明她所说的是事实。

34、Ground instruments can detect Doppler shifting quite well and are needed to corroborate findings from space. ─── 地面仪器侦测都卜勒位移的效果很好,而且也必须用来比对、确认在太空中的发现。

35、These cases, if not precisely on point, come near to the matter in hand, and, in our view, corroborate the general proposition which we have laid down . . . . ─── 这些案例如果没有明确地作适当的分析,便很接近我们手边正在调查中的事件,而且依我们之见,我们所定出的一般命题均有确实的证据....

36、65.Please corroborate this record. ─── 请确证这份笔录。

37、corroborate one's authority ─── 巩固某人的权威

38、Finally, according to the teaching practice, the author cites a number of examples to corroborate. ─── 最后,根据笔者的教学实践,列举若干实例加以佐证。

39、" Most of those five hundred people were still alive when Paul wrote this letter, and could corroborate what Paul said (1 Corinthians 15:3-8). ─── ” 而且保罗写此书信之际,其中大部分的人都还存在,可以同作见证(哥林多前书 15:3-8).

40、The author not only approaches TK from all the various aspects, but also makes two tests in order to corroborate the conclusions made in theory research. ─── 不仅从理论上对缄默知识的各方面进行了探讨,作者还做了两个实证研究,以映证理论研究的结论。

41、While information from a single source may be untrustworthy, additional sources can be used to corroborate the data. ─── 单一来源的情报也许是靠不住的,附加的来源可以用来证实数据。

42、Further eidence will be necessary to corroborate and reproduce these effects with diagnostic head-up tilt table testing. ─── 需要进行更多的研究以确证和再现直立倾斜试验的诊断价值。

43、corroborate the ideal and belief ─── 坚定理想信念

44、Generally speaking, the more witnesses that corroborate an eent in its essentials, the more sure the proof is considered to be. ─── 一般来说,越多的证人证明某一事件,证据就越会被考虑成立。

45、The financial crisis tends to corroborate its ability to muddle through a global recession. ─── 金融危机似乎也证明印度有能力熬过全球性的经济衰退。

46、corroborate sb's view ─── 确证某人的意见

47、One could then argue that to the extent that wages rise with educational attainments, our findings corroborate the hypothesis that the payoffs to beauty reflect differences in productivity. ─── 人们可以争辩说,在某种程度上,薪水上升与学历有关,而我们研究的结果,与“美丽的得益水平反映了生产率的差异”这个假设,是相一致的。

48、And the prosecution offered nobody to corroborate her. ─── 然而控方无法提供任何其他人支持她的说法。

49、The onus is on the applicant to corroborate the authenticity of any evidence supplied in support of the application. ─── 申请人有责任保证支持申请的任何证明的可靠性。

50、Recent data from NASA's Mars Exploration Rovers corroborate previous suspicions that water has at least intermittently flowed on the Red Planet in the past. ─── 我们所居住的太阳系,初期可能曾经有过好几个液态水世界,行星学家对此已了然于心。

51、This is to corroborate after 90's our country monetary policy effecting is weaker this fact. ─── 这也是印证了90年代后我国货币政策效力较弱这一事实。

52、Apart from bringing scholars closer to the original language of Buddha, this could corroborate the authenticity of teachings and sermons recounted in later texts. ─── 手稿除了让学者走近佛陀的原始语言之外,还可以确证后期手稿叙述的教导和布道的真实性。

53、Even more interesting is that Sweden's election results corroborate the situation that many democratic nations in the 21st century are facing: very close elections. ─── 更有趣的是,我们也发现从瑞典的选举结果中,证实了二十一世纪以来,很多民主国家所面临的困扰:一场极为接近的选举结果。

54、These findings thus seemed further corroborate Schacter and colleagues’ claim. ─── 1996)的看法。

55、They cooked up phantom trading records, client confirmations and account statements to corroborate the fictitious investment strategy. ─── 他们捏造交易记录、客户证明和账户清单,以此向投资者证实其根本不存在的投资策略。

56、Hamilton presumably then pulled over and slowed, which would seem to corroborate Trulli's explanation that he only passed the Briton because "there was nothing else I could do." ─── 汉密尔顿大概然后靠边停车,并放慢,这将似乎证实特鲁利的解释,他只是通过了英国,因为“有没有别的我能做."

57、When the people's court needs to corroborate special problems, it shall refer them to a legal corroboratory department ─── 人民法院对专门性问题认为需要鉴定的,应当交由法定鉴定部门鉴定

58、The figures - compiled from a weekly clinic Ms Schofield runs for sex workers - corroborate what police and the Prostitutes Collective have told the Prostitution Law Review Committee. ─── 但是这些娼妓是非法的,移民法和妓女法禁止国际学生和旅游者做娼妓。

59、Magistrate Bina Chainrai said there was no witness to corroborate the evidence of the two pupils, especially since the alleged incidents had taken place nearly three years ago。 ─── 。法院审案时,很多时有其他证人证实有关指控。例如在一宗非礼案,裁判官说没有证人证实那两名小学生的证据,尤其是由于涉嫌事件差不多在三年前发生。

60、Your friend will corroborate this - ask them. ─── 问问你的朋友,他会向你证实这一点的。

61、If you're going to be my witness, your story must corroborate my story. ─── 如果你充当我的人证,你的陈述一定要证实我说的话。

62、Comparison of the two algorithms through the simulation results are also made to corroborate the theoretical application. ─── 在仿真结果中作了上述两个算法的比较来验证理论的应用。

63、Mr Frankel said he would be looking for a break in payrolls data to corroborate the notion that the economy was bottoming. ─── 杰弗里-弗兰克尔(JeffreyFrankel)表示,他将等待就业数据出现突破性的改善,以印证经济正在触底的观点。

64、to verify; to confirm; to prove; to testify; to corroborate; to establish; to validate; to bear out ─── 证实

65、Additional assessments in higher order species must be accomplished to corroborate efficacy. ─── 在更高的目种的附加的评价必须被完成赞助效验。

66、Three species corroborate previous finding, while the other two are described as new species. ─── (3)估计阿里山山椒鱼于阿里山地区的族群量,并估算其存活率,并以模型预测其族群变动;

67、Have you got anything to corroborate your video between the coach and the kid? ─── 找到加强录像说服力的证据了吗?

68、Shanghai property market, a number of recent events corroborate the above analysis. ─── 上海楼市最近发生的一些事佐证了上述分析。

69、The moment pragmatism asks this question, it sees the answer: True ideas are those that we can assimilate, validate, corroborate and verify. ─── 实用主义在提出这个问题时就已经看到了答案:真实的观念是那些我们能够吸收、使之生效、进行确定和证实的东西。

70、To corroborate the legend with the messenger, a comparison of different historical, take the same care differences, Quweicunzhen, and strive to account authenticity. ─── 把传说与信史相印证,把不同史料作比较,取同舍异,去伪存真,力求记述的真实性。

71、He looked at me anxiously, as if he hoped I'd corroborate this. ─── 他神色不安地看着我,仿佛他希望我证实地的话。

72、there was the evidence of the senses, and ten thousand persons who came to corroborate the testimony. ─── 眼前亲眼所见,亲耳所闻的事是真实的。而且一万余人都在场当见证人。

73、evidence to corroborate his testimony ─── 确证他证言的证据

74、Symantec's latest State of Spam report (PDF) released today seems to corroborate the trend. ─── 今日公布的赛门铁克公司(Symantec)有关垃圾邮件(PDF格式)最新情况的报告,似乎证实了这一趋势。

75、polls corroborate the baleful economic portents. ─── 民意调查加重了这种经济的不祥之兆。

76、Reports suggest the Spaniards have already had contact with the Buenos Aires giants, but Atletico have so far refused to corroborate the claims. ─── 有消息说西班牙人已经开始接触布伊诺斯埃丽斯的豪门,但是马竞对此于否认。

77、Our mechanism can not only corroborate the identity of a private key owner, but enhance the confidentiality of private key storage as well. ─── 该方案从对私钥拥有者的强身份认证和保护私钥存储机密性这两个角度出发,在确保端实体私钥存储保密性和安全性的同时,最大限度地节约了端实体身份认证过程所需的网络带宽。

78、Some observations do seem to corroborate the idea. ─── 而某些观察所得似乎也佐证了这种想法。

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