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09-03 投稿


bookshelves 发音

英:[?b?k??lvz]  美:[?b?k???lvz]

英:  美:

bookshelves 中文意思翻译



bookshelves 短语词组

1、bookshelves white ─── 白色书架

2、etagere bookshelves Etager ─── 书架

3、bookshelves for sale ─── 出售的书架

4、bookshelves furniture ─── 书架家具

5、audio bookshelves ─── 音频书架

6、bookshelves recipe ─── 书架食谱

7、bookshelves ikea ─── 宜家书架

bookshelves 词性/词形变化,bookshelves变形


bookshelves 相似词语短语

1、book values ─── 账面价值(bookvalue的名词复数)

2、smoke shelves ─── 烟挡

3、bookseller ─── n.书商;售书员

4、bookshops ─── n.书店

5、book tiles ─── 平瓦,脊瓦;书形空心砖

6、book shares ─── 账面份额

7、booksellers ─── n.书商;售书员

8、-shelves ─── n.架子(shelf的复数);v.装架(shelve的第三人称单数形式)

9、bookshelf ─── n.书架

bookshelves 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He drifted along one of the bookshelves, inspecting titles. ─── 他沿着其中的一个书架边走边检查商品。

2、Bookshelves have to be well secured to the walls and heavy and fragile knick-knacks should be placed as high as possible. ─── 书架必须稳固的在墙上,沉重和易碎的小玩具尽可能放在高处的地方。

3、Bookshelves are the only walls at Mosa Loft, allowing booklovers to share the books they like and to find the book they are searching for their hearts. ─── 书柜墙是我们唯一的墙壁,它让很多爱书人分享喜爱的书,也让爱书人寻找属于他内心渴望的一本书。

4、CNN broadcast of the video clips, al-Zawahiri dressed in white robes, was behind the bookshelf. ─── CNN转播的录像片断中,扎瓦希里身着白袍,背后是书架。

5、A book fell off the bookshelf. ─── 一本书从书架上掉了下来。

6、Why did you put the bookshelf in the middle of the room? ─── 你干嘛把书架放在屋子当中呀?

7、She let her eyes drift over the bookshelves that filled the walls, as if she were reading a text. ─── 她的眼睛在占满了墙壁的书架上漂移着,好像她在读课文似的。

8、The fascination with Mr Buffett's rise means that bookshelves are already groaning under the weight of books about his life and his investment approach. ─── 公众对于巴菲特成功的痴迷使得市面上出现众多的关于他生活和投资方法的书籍,已压得书架嘎吱作响。

9、A number of books are written in English on the bookshelf. ─── 书架上有许多书都是用英文写的。

10、To one side of it there was a shallow alcove in which Winston was now sitting, and which, when the flats were built, had probably been intended to hold bookshelves. ─── 在电幕的一边,有一个浅浅的壁龛,温斯顿现在就坐在这里,在修建这所房子的时候,这个壁龛大概是打算放书架的。

11、There are paperback mysteries on the bookshelf. ─── 书架上有平装的神秘小说。

12、Housing located in the back of a row of bookshelves, a desk placed, or a computer, to create a master pursuing scholarship space. ─── 在房中靠墙设一排书架,摆一张书桌,放一台电脑,给主人创造一个做学问的空间。

13、Could you help me to get book from the highest bookshelf? It's out of my reach. ─── 你能帮我取最高一层书架上的书吗?我够不着。

14、The 20th century was perhaps unusual in the ways in which it forced such people to quit their desks and their bookshelves and to enter the agora. ─── 在二十世纪里很多被迫离开了自己的书桌,书架,到市集张罗着柴米油盐,在这个意义上说,这是不正常的。

15、On the bookshelf, the book is clothbound mostly, also letter hand puts the small tea table of the magazine. ─── 在书架上,书籍大都是精装的,也有信手放杂志的小茶几。

16、The book you gave me is now on the bookshelf. ─── 你给我的那本书现在在书架上。

17、But the PS line is not expected to reassemble the company's profitability as quickly as one of its bookshelves. ─── 但是并不指望附加范畴像组装它的书架一样迅速改变公司的利润率。

18、He took a book from the bookshelf. ─── 他从书架上取了一本书。

19、A patch of moonlight came through a window six feet away to shine on bookshelves. ─── 一撮月光透过一窗户投射进来,落在一尺远的书架上。

20、In time, the ubiquitous bookshelves emerge from the night mist that hangs on the walls. ─── 又过了一阵,满屋的书架浮出四壁的夜色。

21、There are 24 volumes of an encyclopedia on a bookshelf. ─── 书架上有一套24册的百科全书。

22、You can choose some books from the bookshelf. ─── 你可以从书架上选几本书。

23、They are, however, all good guides to specific aspects of Perl programming that you will appreciate on your bookshelf. ─── 不过,对Perl编程的具体方面来说,它们都是优秀的指导资料,您将乐于收藏它们。

24、For example, the following graph represents the components of a simple bookshelf. ─── 例如,下图显示了一个简单书架的组件。

25、CNY visitings is merely a time for you to go check out other people's bookshelves. ─── 过年的拜年时间对你而言只不过是去看看人家的书橱里有什么新书罢了。

26、The bookshelf is crowded with books on different subjects . ─── 在这辆拥挤的公共汽车上没有你的地方了。

27、In the study " one side wall " , wear mixture organizing into groups with bookshelf and nature science had better. ─── 书房中的“一面墙”,以书架和博物架混合编组为好。

28、Bookshelves groan with titles such as “Corporation Be Good”, “Beyond Good Company” and “The A to Z of Corporate Responsibility”. ─── 书架上摞满了标题如"企业要好","不仅要做一个好公司"和"企业责任大全"的书籍。

29、Though the bookshelf is small, it holds a lot of materials. ─── 别看这个书架很小,但耗材很多。

30、The Neverending bookshelf fails as a bookshelf, but excels as a sculpture. ─── 作为书架,“永不停歇”失败了;作为雕塑,它堪称一绝。

31、Erm, now, er where should we put the bookshelf? ─── 呃,现在,呃,我们把书架放在哪儿?

32、Time, perhaps, for philosophers toput away their copies of Kant and pull a dusty tome of Darwin off the bookshelf. ─── 也许现在正是时候需要哲学家们放好康德的各类学说并从书架上取下满覆尘灰的达尔文大卷册来研习了。

33、There is a bookshelf in the corner of the classroom. ─── 在教室的角落,有一个书架子。

34、He is painting the bookshelf for his daughter. ─── 他正为他的女儿漆书柜。

35、Students will be able to slip several bookshelves' worth of textbooks into a jacket pocket. ─── 学生们更是可以将几个书架的课本装入夹克口袋。

36、There are six bookshelves in the study . ─── 书房中有六个书架。

37、Step mn can easily find the dictionary, because He has carefully arranged all his book on his bookshelf. ─── 史蒂芬很轻易地找到这本字典,因为他把所有的书都仔细地放在书架上。

38、Cook, a renowned American historian, arranges the books on his bookshelves in a unique way. ─── 不论我们要描述的是一个大国家还是一个小房间,我们都要先设计好描述的顺序。

39、Every time I see the book on my bookshelf, I wonder if I should have taken it or not. ─── 又见虚拟语气(作者在火车上捡到一本书,带回了家,现在有点后悔不应该据为己有。

40、The bookshelf is outside of the room, could you bring it in? ─── 书架在房间外面,请你把它搬进来,好吗?

41、A sunbeam rests on the bookshelf. ─── 一道阳光照在书架上。

42、The bookshelves were coated in dust. ; The bookshelves were coated with dust. ─── 书架上积了一层灰尘。

43、He laid the book on the bookshelf a moment ago. ─── 他刚才把这本书放在书架上了。

44、He has so many books, his bookshelves are full. ─── 他有这么多的书,书架都满了。

45、He carefully arranged all his books on the bookshelf. ─── 他仔细地把书摆在书架上。

46、Hermione emerged from between the bookshelves. She looked irritable and at last seemed ready to talk to them. ─── 赫敏从书架间走了出来。她显得非常恼火,但是终于愿意跟他们说话了。

47、XQuery looks like SQL and solves many of the SQL problems that cause me to run back to my bookshelf for answers. ─── XQuery看起来很像SQL,解决了很多我不得不从书架上翻找答案的问题。

48、How many books have you collected in your bookshelf? ─── 在你的书架上你已经收藏了多少本书?

49、CNY visitings is merely a time for you to go check out other people’s bookshelves. ─── 但是人家的店里那么多的书却会超支预算的。

50、Recycle bookshelf is a book recirculation service sponsored by academic library that aims to solve the problem of the used books donated by graduates. ─── "循环书架"是大学图书馆为解决以教材和教学参考书为主的大学毕业生赠书而开辟的一项图书循环使用服务。

51、By the time next year rolls around, even more books will join the Python bookshelf. ─── 在过去的一年中,更多的书籍将加入Python的书架。

52、DVDs not only offered cleaner pictures and better sound than videotape;they also looked smarter on bookshelves. ─── 与录像带相比DVD不仅提供更清晰的图像和更好的音效,放在书架上时它们看起来也更加时髦。

53、In a land where pious words saturate airwaves and canonical texts fill bookshelves, the prominence of relatively secular types like Mr Qimani marks a trend. ─── 在一个虔诚话语泛滥媒体、经典文本盈箱充栋的国度中,如齐马里这样相对世俗派人物的突出表现标示出了一种趋势。

54、The information in the table below represents the edges of the bookshelf graph. ─── 下表中的信息表示书架图形的边。

55、Everything can be taken apart and put back together. However, please keep in mind that the 175 cm bookshelf is still 175 cm long when taken apart! ─── 基本上,所有的东西可以拆,但是请注意:175公分的书架拆了之后长度还是175公分啰!

56、All books should be put in good order on the bookshelf. ─── 书架上摆放的各种书籍要整整齐齐。

57、He hefted his right arm and took away a gun from the bookshelf. ─── 他举起右臂,从书架上拿出一支枪。

58、To my satisfaction, the bookshelf just takes the books. ─── 使我满意的是,这书架正好可以装进这些书。

59、My book should be classified, placed on the bookshelves, and in their proper places. After I finish reading a book, I will put it back where it belongs. ─── 书籍归类后,要按次序排放在书架或书橱上,要有它们固定的位置。书读看完毕后,要放还原处。

60、I used to ring them and try to persuade them to let me come and inspect their desks, their family photos and their bookshelves. ─── 我给他们打电话,试着说服他们,允许我去参观其办公桌、家庭照和书架。

61、Will you clear out the bookshelf to make room for the newly-bought books? ─── 你要清理书架为新买来的书腾地方吗?

62、The host was quite annoyed when he found out that his things on the bookshelves had been disturbed. ─── 主人发现他书架上的东西被弄乱了,很是生气。

63、My books63 should be classified, placed on the bookshelves, and in their proper places. After I finish reading a book, I will put it back where it belongs. ─── 书籍归类后,要按次序排放在书厨或书架上,要有它们固定的位置。书读看完毕后,要放还原处。

64、The bookshelves run round the wall. ─── 书架绕墙而立。

65、The furniture with main study is desk, bookshelf, bookcase and seat or sofa. ─── 书房主要的家具是写字台、书架、书柜及座椅或沙发。

66、Carol: Alphabetizing the bookshelf! I'd ask you for help but I'm too busy to train you. ─── 卡罗尔:按字母顺序理书架,我是要你帮忙,可我没功夫教你。

67、Let's sweep up the dust from the bookshelves. ─── 咱们把书架上的灰尘扫掉。

68、He ran to the bookshelf. ─── 他奔向书架。

69、His books were ranked tidily on the bookshelf. ─── 他的书籍整整齐齐地排列在书架上。

70、There are many books on the bookshelf. ─── 书架上有很多书。

71、The bookshelf is made up of three shelves, a back, and four feet that are held on by four screws. ─── 书架由三层架板、一块背板和四条腿组成,四条腿用四个螺钉固定。

72、Can you make room on that bookshelf for some more books? ─── 你能在那个书架上腾出地方再放一些书吗?

73、His work left to the north gate area, a bookshelves, a computer cabinets, a buy. ─── 北面门的左边为书房工作区,有一个书架、一个电脑柜、一个低柜。

74、On the right of the secretaire is a bookshelf. ─── 上面有一个小白兔闹钟。

75、What Tolstoy saw among military historians, Phil Rosenzweig in The Halo Effect sees on the business bookshelves. ─── 倒霉的大型金融机构首席执行官和全球金融领袖们最近聚集在北京,分享这位法国皇帝的经历。

76、We have waste basket, flower basket, pet basket, storage basket, bookshelf, corner cupboard, writing table, jewellery box, gift box available for sale. ─── 主要产品有:酒瓶盒,首饰盒,木橱,书架,纸篓,花篮,洗衣篓,木草柳组合柜等系列产品。

77、There are some books on the bookshelf. ─── 书架上放着书。

78、Now, though, instead of unconsciously wandering over to my kidlit bookshelves in times of stress, I reach for these books, knowing that they'll make me feel better. ─── 不顾现在,我不会当有压力的时候,无意识地去儿童文学书架,而是主动拿起这些书,知道它们能让我感觉更好。

79、It ‘s the good displays for bed, TV bench, computer, bookshelf, backrest of car, etc. ─── 可作摆设(床头、电视柜旁、电脑旁、书架、汽车靠背、汽车摆设等等)。

80、Adjustable type clapboard is the bookshelf that can be you freedom choosing matchs. ─── 可调式隔板是可以为你的书架自由选配的。

81、What will I find today in a corner or in the back of some bookshelf? ─── 今天我会在某一个角落的某一个书架上找到什么呢?

82、In fact, if all the bookshelves in the library were laid end to end, they would stretch over 500 miles! ─── 事实上,如果将所有的书架一座接一座的排列,他们将绵延超过五百英哩!

83、He could hear two men walking around the Upper Library, dusting the bookshelves with fly-whisks. ─── 只听得两个人走进书房,挥拂尘四下里拂拭。

84、T45II equips all kinds of interchangeable components, including hanging bookshelf, hanging cabinet and panel leg. ─── T45II配备各种可转换的配件,包括悬挂式书架,悬挂式书柜和桌脚。

85、He put the books all together on the bookshelf. ─── 他把每本书都放在书架上。

86、Can you stand the bookshelf up? ─── 你能把这个书架竖立起来吗?


bookshelf的复数是bookshelves因为shelf在复数时需要加一个“es”的后缀,而且有些名词是以“f”结尾的,需要把“f”变成“ves”,所以bookshelf的复数是bookshelves除了bookshelf,其他的以shelf结尾的名词,都需要在末尾加上“es”的后缀,例如:bookshelves, fileshelves, garlicshelves, etc.



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