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09-03 投稿



fieldwork 发音

英:[?fi?ldw??rk]  美:[?fi?ldw??k]

英:  美:

fieldwork 中文意思翻译



fieldwork 词性/词形变化,fieldwork变形

名词: fieldworker |

fieldwork 短语词组

1、fieldwork chicago ─── 芝加哥实地考察

2、fieldwork research ─── 实地调查研究

3、intensive fieldwork ─── 密集的实地调查

4、fieldwork experience ─── 实地工作经验

5、fieldwork brewery ─── 啤酒厂

6、fieldwork nrc ─── 实地调查nrc

7、fieldwork font ─── 实地调查字体

fieldwork 相似词语短语

1、field work ─── 现场工作;田野工作;实地测量

2、field-worker ─── 现场调查员;实地工作者

3、field lark ─── 百灵鸟

4、fieldward ─── adv.向原野地

5、field works ─── 现场工作;田野工作;实地测量

6、fieldworker ─── n.实地考察工作者

7、fieldworkers ─── n.实地考察工作者

8、field corn ─── 非甜质玉米;饲料玉米

9、fieldworks ─── n.野外工作;现场工作;野战工事

fieldwork 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、After enduring the hardship of the arduous fieldwork, the prospecting team discovered many new ores ─── 地质勘探队员餐风饮露,历尽辛苦,找到了不少新的矿藏。

2、You may be paired with a “TESOL fieldwork helper” who will help you with your English. This may only be available for students who start in February. ─── 你也许可以配对与一位“TESOL现场工作助理”来帮助你以及你的英语.这仅仅以二月入学的学生才可.

3、Although it is highly desirable that personas be based upon detailed qualitative data, there are some occasions when there simply is not enough time, resources, or corporate buy-in to perform the necessary fieldwork. ─── 尽管我们应该尽可能在详细且定性的数据中创建出人物角色,但有时我们确实没有足够的时间、资源或者金钱来做足够的实际工作。

4、Where fieldwork is subcontracted the Researcher must ensure in the contract with the interviewers that the latter understand and fully conform to the requirements of Rule 3. ─── 实地研究若外包,研究人员必须与访问员用合同保证访问员理解并且充分遵循规则3的要求。

5、I did the fieldwork in a small village called "the willow village" in Shuangliu (two willows) town, Xinzhou district of Wuhan city. ─── 作者在掌握人类学基本理论方法的基础上,试图在超越本文化的基础上理解本文化,通过调查研究,反思本土文化。

6、fieldwork measurement ─── 外业测量

7、People Studying People: The Human Element in Fieldwork ─── 人的研究:田野工作中的人的因素

8、His introduction to fieldwork was a series of expeditions. ─── 他初次参加的实地考察工作是一系列的探险活动。

9、do fieldwork ─── 在野外工作

10、I got some local ancient contract books when I do fieldwork in Mei county. ─── 作者在梅县获见一批地方古契书。

11、fieldwork quality ─── 实习质量

12、fieldwork base ─── 实习基地

13、are found in Wuzhishan Mts. of Hainan, including one new recorded genera of Hainan, Nervilia, based on our fieldwork and literatures. ─── 在野外调查的基础上,结合文献资料,对海南省五指山的兰科植物进行了调查,共发现30属52种兰科植物,其中芋兰属植物为海南省的新记录.

14、As an integrative course, with case studies and fieldwork, much of the learning is dependent on accessing the combined knowledge and experience of the group. ─── 作为一门综合性的课程,有案例学习和实地考察工,许多学习都要依靠小组的整体知识和经验。

15、Strengthening Fieldwork Teaching to Improve Learners'Comprehensive Application Abilities ─── 加强实践性教学提高学生综合应用能力

16、There is Plenty of Development Space of Fieldwork Special Purpose Vehicle ─── 发展野外作业专用车大有可为

17、It was there that Sudhir Venkatesh found himself in 1989, as a sociology student doing fieldwork for his PhD thesis. ─── 1989年,就在那里,一个研究社会学的博士生---苏蒂尔?万卡特希,找到了自己研究领域的论文主题。

18、Throughout the fieldwork education, students test and verify the theories learned in lectures, improve their clinical skills and combine these two parts together. ─── 实习是学生整合理论与实务之过程,具有验证理论及提升实务治疗技术之功能。

19、Some Attempt to Enhance Teaching Equality of Graduation Fieldwork ─── 在提高毕业实习教学质量方面的一些尝试

20、At least 3 years'channel sales experience, fieldwork in wood, metal, plastic would be an advantage. ─── 三年以上机械类产品渠道销售经验,具备木器,金属,塑料等行业涂装工作经验者优先。

21、Keywords Mainland China, 20th century, ethnomusicology, fieldwork, Caifeng; ─── 中国大陆;20世纪;民族音乐学;实地考察;采风;

22、After doing fieldwork in Tianshan Mountain and Kunlun Mountain,the author finds that outburst flood disaster was induced by glacier-dammed lake,and gets first-hand data about flood. ─── 作者经过实地考察中天山地区与喀喇昆仑山地区,认为这是由于冰川阻塞湖引起的突发性洪水灾害,并且获得关于洪水的第一手资料。

23、Based on fieldwork, this paper illustrates the tourist development in Laodong Village, a model village set by Hunan province and Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture in the New Rural Construction. ─── 摘要以田野调查为基础,对湘西苗族地区省州级新农村建设示范村-老洞村的旅游开发及新农村建设情况作了初步研究。

24、anthropological fieldwork ─── 人类学田野作业

25、Toughened by a lifetime of fieldwork, the hands of a za provide loving care for her grandson, who wears a traditional hat adorned in silver. ─── 老妇人那双因风雨一生而粗糙的手,为她的孙子提供了无微不至的关爱,小孙子戴着传统的装饰了银饰的帽子。

26、Keywords schistosomiasis;multi-center fieldwork;data management;software; ─── 关键词血吸虫病;多中心现场工作;数据管理;软件;

27、This comparison,of course,must be based on solid fieldwork. ─── 当然,这种比较必须建立在坚实的实地研究的基础上。

28、In a perfectly safe region, Haavisto and his PCAU team would need three months to complete the fieldwork and another two months to analyze the samples. ─── 他和PCAU的组员栖身于一处绝对安全的地点,他们必须花上三个月完成现场调查,再用两个月分析样本。

29、Many anthropologists thought the fieldwork is only characteristic that the anthropology distinguishes other humanities society disciplines. ─── 许多人类学家认为田野工作是人类学区别于其他人文社会学科的唯一特征。

30、Based on fieldwork, the study of the traits and value of Yunnan ethnic-craft culture as a key part of local knowledge as well as its innovation in tourism has great academic value and practical significance. ─── 在田野调查的基础上,对作为本土知识重要内容之一的云南民族工艺文化的特点和价值,及其在旅游业背景下的文化创新进行研究,具有重要的学术价值和现实意义。

31、The Researcher must on request allow the Client to arrange for checks on the quality of fieldwork and data preparation provided that the Client pays any additional costs involved in this. ─── 如果客户要求并支付额外费用,研究人员必须允许客户对实地研究的质量和数据准备进行检查。

32、A mature and advanced quality control system has been established in aspects of designing, techniques, fieldwork manufacturing, and after sale service. ─── 从设计、工艺、现场操作、售后服务等都建立了一套完整的质量保证体系。

33、Based on fieldwork, the type of cavern, chemistry and mineralogy of carbonate rock, joints, faults and bedding planes of carbonate rock and karat deposit were studied in this paper. ─── 在野外工作的基础上,本文对溶洞类型、碳酸盐岩的化学和矿物学特征,碳酸盐岩的节理、断层和层面,以及喀斯特堆积物作了研究。

34、a basic introduction and self-evaluation to the fieldwork. ─── 对田野工作基本介绍以及自我评价。

35、Military Training, Social Practice in Summer, Course Practice, Out-of-class Seminar/Report, Course Thesis, Graduation Fieldwork, Graduation Thesis ─── 包括军事教育训练、暑期社会实践、课程实践、课外讨论/报告、学年论文、毕业实习、毕业论文等。

36、Geology Investigation Institute has done a lot of fieldwork and achieved rich fruits,especially in cultivating person with ability of geology,and brought up many excellent geologists. ─── 地调所进行了大量野外地质调查并取得了丰硕的成果,尤其在地质人才的培养方面,为新中国输送了一批优秀的地质学者。

37、Strengthen management work of fieldwork, see the working schedule, solve problem in time when find problem, report to company when you find problem you cannot solve. ─── 加强现场生产管理工作,了解各班生产进度,发现问题及时想办法解决,解决不了的问题及时向公司反映。

38、In a few years he would be getting too old for the hard fieldwork. ─── 再过几年,他就要老了,不能再做这种艰苦的野外作业了。

39、Enhancing the Construction of the Fieldwork Base and Improving Teaching Quality of the Field Practice Teaching ─── 加强实习基地建设提高野外实践教学质量

40、multi-center fieldwork ─── 多中心现场工作

41、A Review of the Fieldwork on the Tujia People ─── 土家族田野调查回顾

42、Mr. QIAO attaches importance to field investigation, believing that fieldwork is a basic skill and the Initiation Rite of anthropologists. ─── 乔先生十分重视田野调查,认为做田野是人类学工作者的基本功和成年礼。

43、Fieldwork progress and workload will be monitored at the backend control centre in a digital map display using geographic information system technologies. ─── 后端控制中心可透过使用地理信息系统技术的数码地图,监察工作量和执行进度。

44、The heat-preservation main-wall moulding and pouring in the fieldwork ─── 保温砌模现浇承重墙

45、It provides conservation services based on global policy, fieldwork, and scientific information. ─── 它以全球政策、实地调查和科学信息为基础向外界提供保护措施。

46、the ecologists had finished their fieldwork, they made a startling discovery. ─── 完成野外研究之后,这些生态学家们有了一个惊人发现。

47、Drawing the conclusions below: using this method we can design kinds of human-computer interaction interfaces program, and the program is easy, extensible, friendly man-machine interface, accords with the demand of fieldwork. ─── 实践证明,运用此方法能快速、有效地设计出各类人机交互接口,并且编程简单、可扩展性强、人机界面友好,符合现场使用的要求。

48、chemical engineering fieldwork cognition ─── 化工认识实习

49、In the process of geology teaching, fieldwork is a very important part.It can not be replaced by others,because it has a very important role for students to consolidate and understand their major. ─── 在地质教学过程中,野外地质实习是一个十分重要的环节,对学生专业知识的巩固与理解及各种能力的培养有着不可替代的作用。

50、The author makes an amendment of the name of Reeds Fungi on the basis of the archaian document as well as of the Modern Mycology knowledge and fieldwork. ─── 作者在整理古代文献的基础上,结合现代菌物学知识和野外考察,对雚菌的现代菌物名称进行了考订;

51、Ongoing fieldwork promises to fill some of the gaps in our knowledge. ─── 我们可以拼凑出我们与非洲猿的族谱,追溯各自的演化史。

52、opportunity of fieldwork ─── 实习机会

53、This assistance allows us to do our fieldwork on foot in the midst of the best area for the African wild ass. ─── 他们的协助让我们能在最好的地点,直接观察非洲野驴。

54、Hsu T. Y. and Chen, C. M. A Mobile Learning Module for High School Fieldwork, Journal of Geography (accepted, in press) (Social Science Citation Index ─── 周士尧、陈哲铭(2008)。高中地理科全球教育的实践:两岸学生网路合作学习的教学设计案例。地理研究,48,63-84。

55、How to understand the behavior and concept of insider, it is an important point in fieldwork of Ethnomusicology . ─── 如何理解局内人相关音乐的行为和概念-这是民族音乐学者在实地考察中的主要关注点。

56、the fieldwork consisted of making tape recordings. ─── 现场工作多半为进行磁带录音。

57、With the development of modern high technology, valid material guarantees can be provided to reverse the unequal emic/etic relationship in oral history's fieldwork. ─── 口述材料在被整理改编为印刷文本时,被访人难免陷进尴尬的“他者”境地;

58、In a few years he would be getting too old for the hard fieldwork. ─── 再过几年,他就要老了,不能再做这种艰苦的野外作业了。

59、Regional Geological Mapping Fieldwork ─── 区域地质填图实习

60、The construction scheme of open caisson of a large wastewater pump room in Jiangsu was introduced from aspects of design keys, construction status and fieldwork modification. ─── 从设计要点、施工情况及现场变更等方面介绍了江苏某大型污水泵房的沉井施工技术。

61、The 1960s witnessed the interpretive anthropology represented by Clifford Geertz, which was to reflect on ethnographic fieldwork and writing. ─── 20世纪60年代,产生了以格尔兹为代表的“解释人类学”,旨在反思民族志的田野工作和文化撰写。

62、It was there that Sudhir Venkatesh found himself in 1989, as a sociology student doing fieldwork for his PhD thesis. ─── 1989年,就在那里,一个研究社会学的博士生---苏蒂尔?万卡特希,找到了自己研究领域的论文主题。

63、Traditional Chinese Music Studying and Fieldwork in the Musicology Department, Central Conservatory of Music ─── 中央音乐学院音乐学系中国传统音乐教学与实践

64、Fieldwork of health education in medical universities and colleges of the armed forces: practice and exploration ─── 军队医学院校健康教育实习课实践与探讨

65、The base of this fieldwork locates in the city of Irkutsk, which is the biggest political economic and cultural center of Siberia.It was called “the Bright Pearl of Siberia”. ─── 实习基地位于东西伯利亚最大的政治、经济、文化中心伊尔库茨克市,被称为“西伯利亚的明珠”。

66、The present project has collected and edited extant historical literature, undertaken fieldwork to obtain first-hand material through xeroxing, taping and videotaping. ─── 蒐集资料的范围包括上述仍有目连戏演出的地区,并做持续的调查。

67、CCE Combined Depressant in the Fieldwork of Flotation Separation of Cu-Zn ─── CCE组合抑制剂用于铜锌分离浮选生产实践

68、He knew it bored me to death to sit in the office with the boring part of my work, and that I would rather bolt out of the office at every opportunity to do fieldwork, thus avoiding this bore . ─── 他知道坐在办公室里干着乏味的事会使我厌烦至极,知道我宁愿抓住每一个机会冲出办公室去做现场调查以躲避令人讨厌的事。

69、fieldwork teaching ─── 实践教学

70、GSM data transmission technology and its application in fieldwork data collection system ─── GSM数据传输技术及其在野外实时数据采集系统中的应用

71、Year in year out he has been doing fieldwork in the Northwest. ─── 他长年累月在大西北从事野外工作。

72、cooperative fieldwork ─── 合作性田野调查

73、Key words: rudiments of geology; teaching reform; fieldwork base; Anhui; Chaohu; normal universities and teacher's colleges ─── 作者简介:王心源(1964-),男,教授,主要从事教学管理,地质学、遥感考古的教学和研究工作。

74、Abstract: Based on fieldwork on 12 Wu dialects, this paper shows two major typological features of Wu dialects. ─── 提要:本文根据12个吴方言点的调查材料,揭示吴语的两大句法类型特点。

75、The Old Fieldwork Pattern of February River Historical Novel ─── 二月河历史小说的田野作业

76、A bryological exploration was conducted in this copper mine in July 2004.29 moss taxa in 7 families and 20 genera were founded from fieldwork. ─── 2004年7月,在该区进行藓类植物标本的野外采集,经初步鉴定,铜山口铜矿区藓类植物有7科20属29种。

77、The controversies over the anthropological village studies urge anthropologists to continuously reflect on the theories and methods of anthropological fieldwork. ─── 摘要人类学视野下的村落研究所引起的争议,促使人类学者不断地反省和思考人类学田野研究的理论和方法。

78、The audit fieldwork management and control is a crucial subsystem of the entire audit quality control system. ─── 审计现场管理与控制是审计质量控制体系中一个非常重要的子系统。

79、Making the law a cultural phenomenon is the basic view of legal anthropology as well as the case-method, Fieldwork and cross-cultural comparison is the basic method and means. ─── 把法律视为文化现象是法人类学的基本出发点,案例方法、田野工作和跨文化比较则是法人类学研究的基本方法和手段。

80、audit fieldwork ─── 审计现场

81、While photography per se is only a peripheral part of this work, the principles and ideas discussed by Coles apply as much to documentary photography as they do to any other type of documentary fieldwork. ─── 尽管摄影只是该作品的次要部分,但寇尔兹所讨论的原理与想法,对于纪实摄影以及其他类型纪实性领域来说一样适用。

82、Setting Up Fieldwork Management System with Workshop Director as Its Focus Core ─── 以车间主任为中心的现场管理体制与方法

83、David C.Blackburn, a biologist at Harvard University, came across the frogs while conducting fieldwork in Cameroon. ─── 戴维C布莱克本,一位来自哈佛大学的生物学家,在喀麦隆指挥野外工作时偶然遇见了这些青蛙。

84、The design and implement of a power supply with the features of multi-purpose, suitable for fieldwork and low consumption ─── 一种多用途、低功耗野外适用性电源的设计与实现

85、Assists the project team in the managerial and technical training of project participants at all levels and management of the fieldwork. ─── 协助项目团队的管理和技术培训,项目参与者在各级和管理的实地考察。

86、Did fieldwork as secretary in SINOCHEM QINGDAO INC. during the December of 2004. ─── 2004年,在中化青岛实业有限公司实习一个月,总经理秘书。

87、At the basis of her fieldwork, the author narrates the causes and conditions in which they become moni, their practice and life, as well as their position in the Yi community. ─── 作者在长期田野调查的基础上,描述了凉山彝族嫫尼成巫的原因和条件,她们从事的法事活动,她们的生存现状,以及嫫尼在彝族社会中的地位。

88、Digging locale's environment is execrable,so it is unsuitable for operator's fieldwork. ─── 挖掘现场环境恶劣,操作人员不宜在现场工作。

89、By using methods of fieldwork and test-woods research, on the loess plateau, this paper studied the occurrence regulation of zokor in secondary forests and improved secondary forests. ─── 摘要利用现地调查和试验林跟踪调查的方法,研究了黄土高原次生林和次生林改造后林地鼢鼠的发生规律。

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