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09-03 投稿


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scourges 中文意思翻译



scourges 短语词组

1、scourges noun ─── 鞭子名词

2、scourges mate ─── 祸害配偶

3、scourges lotro ─── 祸害洛特罗

4、scourges means ─── 祸害意味着

5、scourges define ─── 祸害定义

scourges 词性/词形变化,scourges变形

动词过去式: scourged |动词第三人称单数: scourges |名词: scourger |动词过去分词: scourged |动词现在分词: scourging |

scourges 相似词语短语

1、scourge ─── n.灾祸;鞭子;苦难的根源;v.折磨;鞭打;斥痛

2、scouries ─── 炉渣

3、scourses ─── v.用力揉搓;(古)清除敌人;净化;清除(管道的)污垢;用水流清理;得腹泻病(scour的第三人称单数);n.水流冲刷过的地方;冲刷作用;家畜腹泻病;(由于冲刷而)破坏(scour的复数)

4、scourged ─── n.灾祸;鞭子;苦难的根源;v.折磨;鞭打;斥痛

5、scores ─── n.考试成绩;比分(score的复数);v.得分(score的第三人称单数形式);刻划

6、Bourges ─── n.布尔日(法国城市)

7、scougs ─── 童子军

8、scouged ─── 侦察

9、scourger ─── 鞭子

scourges 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、And I saw there the hosts of the angels of punishment going, and they held scourges and chains of iron and bronze. ─── 1我看到有惩罚的天军行进,他们拿着铁和铜的鞭子和镣铐。

2、War of aggression launched by fascists has brought scourges to mankind but also enlightened people throughout the world. ─── 发动的侵略战争给人类带来了浩劫,也教育了世界人民。

3、Behold the scourges on my shoulders, which carried the weight of your sins. ─── 请看我被鞭打的肩膀,它负荷了你罪恶的重担。

4、8. Similarly, climate disruptions may be giving new life to such ancient scourges as yellow fever,meningitis and cholera,while fostering the spread of emerging diseases like hantavirus. ─── 同样地,不正常的气候变化也可能在助长新兴疾病,如汉他病毒,扩散之际,使那些古老的灾病,如黄热病、脑膜炎及霍乱,再度爆发。

5、But it also means streamlining the clunky, all-pervasive state-owned enterprises, and, more generally, tackling the scourges of corruption and red tape. ─── 同时也意味着要精简陈旧而存在广泛的国有企业,从更广的意义上说,要大范围惩治腐败和精简政府工作流程。

6、At least now understand, that God hath not afflicted me with an equal judgment, and compassed me with his scourges. ─── 你们应当知道:是天主虐待了我,是他用自己的罗网围困了我。

7、Fortunately, those scourges are virtually unknown to modern generations that have had access to vaccines all their lives. ─── 所幸这些疾病如今已能用疫苗来预防,只要接种疫苗,这个世代的人们实际上一生都不会经历这些苦难。

8、One who whips, especially one who scourges oneself for religious discipline or public penance. ─── 鞭笞者,自笞者尤指为宗教规则或公开地自罚而鞭笞自己的人

9、Although partial person indulges,the net swims, but that involves game means issue, swim the net from this regard great scourges, also be a kind of misunderstanding. ─── 虽然有部分人沉迷网游,但那涉及到游戏方式问题,由此就把网游看作洪水猛兽,也是一种误解。

10、A person that does not get online, often inspect a network to be great scourges. ─── 一个从来不上网的人,常常视网络为洪水猛兽。

11、We once inspected network game to be like great scourges, but the network game nowadays remains each large network company advocate make a product, in the ascendant. ─── 我们曾经视网络游戏如洪水猛兽,可如今的网络游戏仍然是各大网络公司的主打产品,方兴未艾。

12、1 It also happened that seven brothers with their mother were arrested and tortured with whips and scourges by the king, to force them to eat pork in violation of God's law. ─── 事后,又有兄弟七人与他们的母亲一同被捕,国王命人用鞭子和牛筋痛打他们,强迫他们吃法律禁止的猪肉。

13、namely, postmodernism is not great scourges because it is both destructive and constructive.Hence, we should have a positive attitude towards its characteristics. ─── 它有破坏,也有建设,我们须以积极的文化态度辩证对待此一特征。

14、And I asked the angel of peace who went with me, saying: 'To whom are these who hold the scourges going?' ─── 我询问与我同行的和平天使:“那些拿着鞭子的到谁那儿去?”

15、No longer is the world cleaved in two, with developing countries roiled by infectious disease and industrial nations largely isolated from its scourges. ─── 这世界不再一分为二,一半是受传染病所苦的开发中国家,另一半是不受其害的富裕国家。

16、by the Body louse, is the most severe. It is one of the great scourges of history, associated with crowded, filthy conditions. ─── 由体虱传播的流行性斑疹伤寒是最严重的一型,为人类史上的一大灾难,与拥挤、肮脏的人们形影相随。

17、Network supervisory both neither is great scourges, but also not be medicine of good people of what aid world. ─── 网络监督既不是洪水猛兽,但也不是什么济世良药。

18、This kind of appeal lives in inspecting it to be the life of great scourges person live hard. ─── 此种情趣生活在视它为洪水猛兽人的生活中是难以生存的。

19、Poverty and joblessness are the twin scourges of any society. ─── 对于任何的一个社会来说,贫穷和失业都是两大社会问题。

20、For the past 40 years the United Nations had symbolized the hope that man could free himself from the scourges of war, hunger and disease. ─── 在过去40年中,联合国象征着希望,象征着人类有能力摆脱战争、饥饿和疾病的痛苦。

21、Two years ago Benedict XVI singled out Marxism as one of the great scourges of the modern age. ─── 两年前,本笃十六世挑出马克思主义作为现代社会的苦难之一。

22、The net swims to should be not regarded as great scourges, recreational demand is the person's nature, the net swims is only among them a carrier just, should swim to the net more and good-tempered. ─── 网游不应该被看做是洪水猛兽,娱乐需求是人的天性,网游只是其中一个载体而已,应给网游更多宽容。

23、For whom the Lord loves He disciplines, and He scourges every son whom He receives.'' ─── 6因为主所爱的,祂必管教,又鞭打凡所收纳的儿子。”

24、Textile workers suffer from three scourges -- noise, dust and humidity. ─── 纱厂工人的三大威胁,就是音响、尘埃和湿气。

25、Imagine the possibilities of rigging scourges of these things all over your office with some carefully placed USB hubs! ─── 想像一下用这些精巧摆饰的USB连接埠来惩罚敌人发泄怒气!

26、Others may be used by some traditions but not others: bells, brooms, candles, cauldrons, cords, drums, incense, jewelry, special plates, pentacles, scourges, statues, swords, staves and wands. ─── 一些可以用于某些传统里,而一些就不能用:铃、扫帚、蜡烛、大锅炉、用灯芯绒做的衣物、鼓、熏香、珠宝、特别的盘子、五角星、鞭子、雕像、剑、棍棒。

27、but they shall be snares and traps unto you, and scourges in your sides, and thorns in your eyes, until ye perish from off this good land which the LORD your God hath given you. ─── 他们却要成为你们的网罗,机槛,肋上的鞭,眼中的刺,直到你们在耶和华你们神所赐的这美地上灭亡。

28、Instead, she became one its deadliest scourges. ─── 相反,她变成了一个致命的灾星。

29、New Zealand 's scourges thundered up out of the bowels of the earth rather than descended from the skies. ─── 新西兰的灾难是来自地底下,而不是来自天上。

30、"Epidemic typhus, spread by the Body louse, is the most severe. It is one of the great scourges of history, associated with crowded, filthy conditions." ─── 由体虱传播的流行性斑疹伤寒是最严重的一型,为人类史上的一大灾难,与拥挤、骯脏的人们形影相随。

31、Qiu Baijun: Above all, the net swims to should be not regarded to be great scourges . ─── 求伯君:首先,网游不应该被看作是洪水猛兽。

32、In early days of start business of Guangzhou appropriate home, a lot of furnisher regard appropriate home as great scourges, assimilate to " boreal Europe wolf " come Yang Cheng is grabbed feed. ─── 在广州宜家开业前期,很多家具商都将宜家视为洪水猛兽,比作“北欧狼”来羊城抢食。

33、Ever was regarded as the idea of bourgeois in China and demote repeatedly, regard as " great scourges " . ─── 在中国曾被视为资产阶级的观念而屡遭贬斥,当作“洪水猛兽”。

34、Even though He give punishments and scourges, accept them, because He acts for our welfare in whatever He allows to befall us. ─── 所以凡天主赏的,没有微小事物。虽然天主加给你苦难,仍当忻然承受。因为祂不论赏什麽灾难,全是为救我们。

35、The technical know-how, if not the political ------- appears already at hand to feed the world's exploding population and so to ----- at last the ancient scourges of malnutrition and famine. ─── 我们一家人常常觉得别人可笑,但我很早以前就懂得当着人们的面应客气有礼,仅在后来才嘲笑那些滑稽的事情,讥讽那些在我们看来怪诞不经的事物。

36、Orwell was describing something that has become one of the world's neglected scourges: the bad diet of the poor. ─── Orwell当年描述的情景已经变成当今世界被忽略的苦难之一:穷人劣质的食谱。

37、One of the scourges of modern life may have been profoundly misunderstood. ─── 现代生活中的一大祸害或许被深深地冤枉了。

38、Qiu Baijun: Above all, the net swims to should be not regarded to be great scourges. ─── 求伯君:首先,网游不应该被看作是洪水猛兽。

39、But they rejoiced against me, and came together : scourges were gathered together upon me, and I knew not. ─── 躲避罪恶,努力行善,寻求和平,追随陪伴。

40、the tortoise-shell scourges about the feet of the cliffs, in motion beneath them; ─── 龟甲纹在崖脚处左冲右撞,暗涌于其下;

41、1 Then he cried loud for me to hear: Come, you scourges of the city! ─── 以后我听见他高声喊说:"惩罚此城的,快来!每人手中应拿着毁灭的工具。

42、However, not all the scourges of huge capital maintained due sober. ─── 然而,并非所有人都对巨额游资的祸害保持着应有的清醒。

43、6 for whom the Lord loves, he disciplines; he scourges every son he acknowledges. ─── 因为上主惩戒衪所爱的,鞭打衪所接管的每个儿子。’

44、This kind of appeal lives in inspecting it to be the life of great scourges person live hard. ─── 此种情趣生活在视它为洪水猛兽人的生活中是难以生存的。

45、Zhu Xianqing objects regarding the network as the point of view of great scourges especially, "Internet stands like a start, terminus has countless however. ─── 祝贤青尤其反对将网络视为洪水猛兽的观点,“互联网就像一个起点站,终点却有无数。

46、Believe, if Internet remains great scourges, also won't have present dimensions. ─── 相信,如果互联网仍然是洪水猛兽,也不会有现在的规模。

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