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suet 发音

英:[?su??t]  美:[?su??t; ?sju??t]

英:  美:

suet 中文意思翻译




suet 网络释义

n. 板油;牛脂n. (Suet)人名;(中)雪(广东话·威妥玛)

suet 短语词组

1、prepared suet ─── [医] 精制羊脂

2、suet pudding ─── 羊油(或牛油)布丁

3、suet,prepared ─── [化] 羊脂

4、suet cake ─── 板油蛋糕

5、muttaon suet ─── [医] 羊脂

6、chopping up suet ─── 切碎板油

7、lam suet ─── 蓝山油

8、benzoinated suet ─── [医] 安息香羊脂

9、suet feeders ─── 板油喂料机

10、suet pudding recipe ─── 板油布丁食谱

11、beef-suet ─── [医] 牛脂

12、suet ball cages ─── 板油球笼

suet 词性/词形变化,suet变形

动词过去分词: sued |动词第三人称单数: sues |动词现在分词: suing |动词过去式: sued |名词: suer |

suet 相似词语短语

1、shet ─── abbr.特定消谐式谐波抑制技术(selectiveharmoniceliminationtechnique);n.(Shet)人名;(印)谢特

2、set ─── v.放,置,使处于;使开始;(故事、电影等)以......为背景;树立,创立,确立;设置,安排;摆放餐具;镶嵌;布置,分配,指派;凝固,凝结;使现出坚定的表情;固定发型;把(断骨)复位;排版;为……谱曲;(日、月)落沉;结果;点燃;n.(物品的)一套,一组,一副;一伙(或一帮)人,团伙,阶层;电视机,收音机;布置,场景,舞台;(网球、排球比赛等的)盘,局;(数学中的)集,集合;一组歌曲(乐曲);(能力相当的)一批学生;(尤指坚定的)姿势,神情;做头发;凝固,凝结;兽穴;(供移植的)秧苗,插枝;装置;adj.安排好的,固定的;位于......的;以……为背景的;顽固的,固执的;套(餐);有可能的;做好准备的;呆板的,不自然的;n.(Set)(瑞、以)塞特(人名)

3、suent ─── adj.光滑的

4、sue ─── vt.控告;请求;vi.控告;提出请求;n.(Sue)人名;(日)末(名);(法)休;(英)休(女子教名Susan、Susanna的昵称)

5、stet ─── v.对…加注表示不删,保留;n.保留,不删

6、sued ─── v.要求,请求(sue过去分词形式);n.(Sued)人名;(西)苏埃德

7、sket ─── v.泼水;往(某人身上)泼水;n.荡妇;n.(Sket)(俄)什凯特(人名)

8、duet ─── n.二重奏;二重唱;n.(Duet)人名;(法)迪埃

9、suety ─── adj.板油的;含板油的;牛脂一样的

suet 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Aunt Poon is a housekeeper in a rich family. The daughter of the family, Suet Yee, disappeared one year ago. ─── 潘姨是大宅的老管家,大小姐雪儿于一年前失踪。

2、"Derma:Beef casing stuffed with a seasoned mixture of matzo meal or flour, onion, and suet, prepared by boiling, then roasting." ─── "烤牛肉香肠:用调味后的小牛肉、面粉、洋葱和板油的混合物填满,先煮再烤烹调而成的牛肠."

3、A Scottish dish consisting of a mixture of the minced heart, lungs, and liver of a sheep or calf mixed with suet, onions, oatmeal, and seasonings and boiled in the stomach of the slaughtered animal. ─── 哈吉司羊肉一种苏格兰菜,由绵羊或牛切碎的心,肺,肝与板油,洋葱,燕麦片和调味料混合在被屠宰动物的腹中煮熟而成

4、roasted fowl intestines with a seasoned filling of matzo meal and suet ─── 烘烤的家禽肠,填满加了香料和板油

5、suet oil ─── (猪)板油

6、A fillet of beef cut from the tenderloin, often bound in bacon or suet for cooking. ─── 里脊肉从嫩腰肉上割下的牛里脊肉,通常包在咸肉或板油中加以烹调

7、12 When the offerer has cut it up into pieces, the priest shall lay these, together with the head and suet, on top of the wood and the fire on the altar. ─── 然后奉献者应将祭牲切成块,司祭将成块的肉、头和脂肪,摆在祭坛火上的木柴上。

8、"Suet ball" is her debut is also known for his role in her novels create a lot of flesh and blood, distinct personality of characters. ─── 《羊脂球》是她的处女作也是他的成名作,她在小说中塑造了许多有血有肉的,个性鲜明的人物形象。

9、(Scotland) made of sheep's or calf's viscera minced with oatmeal and suet and onions and boiled in the animal's stomach. ─── (苏格兰)将羊或小牛的内脏和燕麦、板油、洋葱一起切碎,放在动物胃里煮。

10、obtained from suet and used in making soap, candles and lubricants. ─── 从板油中获取,用于制肥皂、蜡烛及润滑剂。

11、prepared suet ─── 精制羊油

12、Lennart points out, what what say is natural but second birth raw material basically includes oil of seed of pickled Chinese cabbage of suet, coconut oil, palm oil and tall mustard. ─── 伦纳德指出,所说的天然可再生原料主要包括牛脂、椰子油、棕榈油及高芥酸菜籽油。

13、LAU Suet Yin, Angela joined Cheng, Wong &Partners as a partner as from 16 April 2003. ─── 刘雪贤小姐自2003年4月16日加入郑黄律师行为合夥人。

14、beef suet ─── 牛油牛脂

15、Black jade is a precious and scarce natural resources, just as precious white jade with suet. ─── 墨玉是一种珍贵而稀有的自然资源,同羊脂白玉一样珍贵。

16、Suet Usually made from animal fat, vegetable versions are available. ─── 女士 通常从动物脂肪,植物油版本可用。

17、Suet Usually made from animal fat, vegetable versions are available. ─── 女士通常从动物脂肪,植物油版本可用。

18、ovine suet ─── 羊脂

19、A gentleman without living is like pudding without suet . ─── 绅士一贫如洗,犹如布丁缺乏油水。

20、The Bedfordshire Clanger is (or was) a variation on the same idea using a suet crust. ─── 过失的贝德福德郡是(或)的变体同样的想法用羊脂地壳。

21、Soak suet choi to remove the salty taste. Squeeze out excess water, then shred the leaves finely. ─── 雪菜洗浸去咸味,榨乾水份,把雪菜叶切成幼丝。

22、We minimize the use of saturated fats found in foods such as butter, ghee, suet, lard, coconut oil and dairy products. ─── 比如黄油,奶油,牛羊脂,猪脂,椰子油,乳制品等含有饱和脂肪的食物应尽可能减少使用量。

23、Aunt Poon is a housekeeper in a rich family. The daughter of the family, Suet Yee, disappeared one year ago. ─── 潘姨是大宅的老管家,大小姐雪儿于一年前失踪。

24、Suet returns to earth, knowing that she will die again and have to leave Kit in three days. ─── 天使米高偷偷帮助她重回人间,直至完成婚礼为止!

25、A food made chiefly from beef, dried fruit, and suet, used as emergency rations ─── 牛肉糜压缩饼一种主要由牛肉、水果干和硬脂肪压制成的干肉饼,用作食物紧缺时的定量配给口粮

26、of suet was not so bad as masters went. ─── 大王不像一般主人那么糟。

27、(Scotland) made of sheep's or calf's viscera minced with oatmeal and suet and onions and boiled in the animal's stomach ─── (苏格兰)将羊或小牛的内脏和燕麦、板油、洋葱一起切碎,放在动物胃里煮

28、beancurd and chop suet soup ─── 八珍豆腐羹

29、Biu che ji che san chuen suet ─── 飙车之车神传说

30、Their advertisement is a way success, and Suet finally falls for Sammy's talent and starts dating him.Heartbroken, Strong decides to quit the job.Sammy finally realizes Strong is the one he loves. ─── 二人设计的广告深受欢迎,白雪雪终被二娣之才华打动而开始交往,自强伤心欲绝决定辞职,此时二娣发现自己已爱上自强。

31、Other examples are: the fat of meats, bone-marrow, suet (the best found around the loin and kidneys of the beef creature), cocoanut butter, butterine, and oleomargarine. ─── 其它例子:肉类脂肪、骨髓、板油(牛腰板处最好的脂),可可豆、黄油、人造奶油、人造黄油。

32、It a, use a fatty mutton cook oil, fry the oil of cook a knife bean, this call"Yang2 Zhi4(suet) sell knife". ─── 其一,用肥羊肉熬油,将熬出的油炒刀豆,这叫“杨志(羊脂)卖刀”。

33、suet pudding(= one made using suet) ─── 脂油布丁

34、benzoinated suet ─── [医] 安息香羊脂

35、Dark-eyed juncos feasting at the suet cake. ─── 几只黑眼睛的灯芯草雀正在享用一块板油蛋糕;

36、3. A gentleman without an estate is like a pudding without suet. ─── 绅士没有产业犹如布丁缺少了板油。

37、beef casing stuffed with a seasoned mixture of matzo meal or flour,onion,and suet,prepared by boiling,then roasting ─── 用调味后的小牛肉、面粉、洋葱和板油的混合物填满,先煮再烤烹调而成的牛肠

38、(Jewish) roasted fowl intestines with a seasoned filling of matzo meal and suet. ─── (犹太)烘烤的家禽肠,填满加了香料和板油。

39、Cast of To regulars, including Yam, Koo, Lin and (in a burbling cameo) Lam Suet seems at home, even when the holes in the plotting aren't fully covered up by smart editing and technique. ─── 尽管影片策划中的一些漏洞并不能完全被娴熟的剪辑技巧所掩盖,但杜琪峰的惯用演员,包括任达华,古天乐,林家栋以及在影片里只露了几面的林雪都有出色发挥。

40、SuetSuet came from Penny Bay, a place with lots of trees but no traces of human footstep. ─── 来自竹篙湾的雪雪,从来多见树木少见人,令她对人类有一定的戒心。

41、White jade: The white jade is like suet because of the color, so gain this name. ─── 羊脂玉:羊脂玉因色似羊脂,故名。

42、The sweet course is Christmas pudding, a mixture of flour, sugar, eggs, dried fruit, suet, and brandy mixed together and steamed for many hours. ─── 甜菜是圣诞布丁,用面粉、白糖、鸡蛋、干果、板油、夹心糖果等蒸制几小时而成。

43、One day, Sammy goes back to his office and to his surprise, Suet is there as a newcomer of their company together with Strong.Strong and Sammy are childhood rivals. ─── 一天白雪雪突然在其公司出现,二娣惊喜万分,但同时二娣从小到大的仇人陈自强(邓丽欣饰)也加盟其公司。

44、Keywords ovine suet;soap;saponification; ─── 羊脂;肥皂;皂化;

45、Beef casing stuffed with a seasoned mixture of matzo meal or flour, onion, and suet, prepared by boiling, then roasting. ─── 烤牛肉香肠用调味后的小牛肉、面粉、洋葱和板油的混合物填满,先煮再烤烹调而成的牛肠

46、LAU Suet Yin, Angela became a partner of Lee Chan Cheng as from 18 April 2002. ─── 刘雪贤小姐自2002年4月18日担任李陈郑律师行合夥人。

47、The same is true for mince pies, small pastry cases filled with a mixture of apples, raisins and suet. ─── 百果馅饼也如此,里面装满了苹果、葡萄干和板油的混合物。

48、kidney suet ─── 肾区板油

49、LAU Suet Yin, Angela ceased to be a partner of Lee Chan Cheng as from 9 April 2003. ─── 刘雪贤小姐自2003年4月9日辞去李陈郑律师行合夥人一职。

50、a Scottish dish consisting of a mixture of the minced heart,lungs,and liver of a sheep or calf mixed with suet,onions,oatmeal,and seasonings and boiled in the stomach of the slaughtered animal ─── 哈吉司羊肉,一种苏格兰菜,由绵羊或牛切碎的心,肺,肝与板油,洋葱,燕麦片和调味料混合在被屠宰动物的腹中煮熟而成

51、like or full of suet. ─── 像板油或者满是板油。

52、Suet is fat found around the kidneys of cattle, used to make a kind of soft pastry filled with steak and kidney or as a dessert with something sweet like golden syrup. ─── 女士发现脂肪是肾脏周围的牛,用来制造一种软糕点充满了牛排和肾脏或作为甜点的甜黄金糖浆一样。

53、muttaon suet ─── [医] 羊脂

54、(British) pudding made of suet pastry spread with jam or fruit and rolled up and baked or steamed. ─── (英国)板油面团上涂满果酱或水果,然后卷起来,烘焙或蒸制而成的布丁。

55、Deep-fry conpoy, suet choi and walnuts separately until golden and crispy. ─── 将瑶柱、雪菜及核桃肉分别炸至金黄香脆。

56、braised duck with chop suet ─── 八珍扒鸭

57、this from a man who, quite recently, could not trap a bag of suet. ─── 源于这个刚刚丢弃了板油包袱的男人。

58、A food made chiefly from beef,dried fruit,and suet,used as emergency rations. ─── 牛肉糜压缩饼一种主要由牛肉、水果干和硬脂肪压制成的干肉饼,用作食物紧缺时的定量配给口粮。

59、With proper training, we are confident that SuetSuet can turn into a good companion. ─── 她所欠缺的只是一位极具爱心和耐性的主人,让她能重建对人类的信心。

60、When he had cut the ram into its pieces, Moses offered up the head and the pieces and the suet in smoke. ─── 利8:21用水洗了脏腑、和腿、就把全羊烧在坛上、为馨香的燔祭、是献给耶和华的火祭.都是照耶和华所吩咐摩西的。

61、Sammy, growing with women all his life, meets Suet in the MTR and falls for her at the first sight. ─── 自小在女人堆中长大的罗娣(森美饰)一天跟白雪雪(乐基儿饰)在地铁偶遇,自此一见钟情。

62、Suet, flour, sugar, raisins, nuts, and spices are tied loosely in cloth and boiled until the ingredients are plum," meaning they have enlarged enough to fill the cloth. ─── 将动物油脂、面粉、糖、葡萄干、坚果和香料松松地系在布包里放在水里煮开直到布包里的配料膨胀,即等到布包里面的配料膨胀到能够将布包充满。

63、The same is true for mince pies, small pastry cases filled with a mixture of apples, raisins and suet. ─── 百果馅饼也如此,里面装满了苹果、葡萄干和板油的混合物。

64、After the training, Suet-yee is transformed into a sex goddess. Now Lok-shui has some feelings for her. ─── 经过训练后,雪儿由一平实女人变成性感女神,乐水亦因此对雪儿产生爱意。

65、(British) pudding made of suet pastry spread with jam or fruit and rolled up and baked or steamed. ─── (英国)板油面团上涂满果酱或水果,然后卷起来,烘焙或蒸制而成的布

66、suet pudding ─── 牛油布丁羊油布丁

67、suet substitute ─── 板油代用品

68、suet, prepared ─── [化] 羊脂

69、The Bedfordshire Clanger is (or was) a variation on the same idea using a suet crust. ─── 过失的贝德福德郡是(或)的变体同样的想法用羊脂地壳。

70、The suet puddings and the red pillar-boxes have entered into your soul. ─── 板油布丁和红色邮筒已经深入你的灵魂。

71、This may explain why she is so under-socialized.While other dogs will jump up and down wagging their tails to greet the visitors, SuetSuet always sit aside quietly. ─── 每当有访客来临,别的狗儿总会不断叫吠以及蹦蹦跳来吸引注意,但雪雪只会静静的坐在一旁,冷眼旁观。

72、2. (British) pudding made of suet pastry spread with jam or fruit and rolled up and baked or steamed. ─── (英国)板油面团上涂满果酱或水果,然后卷起来,烘焙或蒸制而成的布丁。收藏指正

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