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09-03 投稿


comprehensiveness 发音

英:[?kɑ?mpr??hens?vn?s]  美:[?k?mpr??hens?vn?s]

英:  美:

comprehensiveness 中文意思翻译



comprehensiveness 词性/词形变化,comprehensiveness变形

名词: comprehensiveness |副词: comprehensively |

comprehensiveness 反义词


comprehensiveness 同义词

comprehensiveness 短语词组

1、comprehensiveness antonym ─── 综合反义词

2、comprehensiveness means ─── 全面性意味着

3、comprehensiveness measures ─── 综合性措施

4、comprehensiveness defined ─── 全面性定义

5、comprehensiveness defi ─── 全面性定义

6、comprehensiveness psychology ─── 综合心理学

7、comprehensiveness syn ─── 综合性 ─── 综合征

comprehensiveness 相似词语短语

1、comprehensives ─── adj.综合的;广泛的;有理解力的;n.综合学校;专业综合测验

2、incomprehensiveness ─── 不理解

3、comprehensivises ─── 综合的

4、apprehensiveness ─── n.领悟力;忧虑感

5、comprehensivizes ─── vt.使(学校或教育制度)综合化

6、inapprehensiveness ─── 不当

7、incomprehensibleness ─── 不可理解

8、comprehensibleness ─── 可理解性

9、comprehensions ─── n.理解;包含

comprehensiveness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、quality of the decisions depends on the quality and the comprehensiveness of the underlying information. ─── 决策的质量取决于基础信息的质量和全面性。

2、In particular, Swatch AG will not be liable for the accuracy, completeness, adequacy, timeliness, or comprehensiveness of the information contained on this website. ─── 特别是,Swatch AG不对本网站所含信息的准确性、完整性、充分性、及时性或综合全面性负责。

3、It also can be see that his a really diligent emperor from his comprehensiveness and he is worth our highly respecting. ─── 从对所述事务考虑得如此细致周到来看,他又是一位谨慎勤奋的皇帝。

4、Hunting with bows and arrows was an important kind of military sport in ancient China which was characterized by multi-functions and comprehensiveness. ─── 摘要射猎是中国古代一种重要的军事体育活动,具有多功能、综合性的特点。

5、The "harmonious world" theory is not an idle dream but facing the reality of the present world, considering ideological innovation and cultural comprehensiveness. ─── 概括指出了建设“和谐世界”思想所具有的现实针对性、思想创新性和文化包容性的特点。

6、Our company is one to have independent corporate capacity comprehensiveness , the professionalization thing job cleaning enterprise. Own manage a team and advanced special field cleaning technology and special field equipment. ─── 本公司是一家具有独立法人资格的综合性、专业化的物业保洁企业。拥有专业的管理队伍和先进的保洁技术及专业设备。

7、Microbiology experiment is characterized with strong comprehensiveness and manipulation,which requests the students both aseptic operation and consciousness of bio-safety. ─── 微生物学实验不仅综合性和操作性强,而且要求学生具备较强的无菌操作技能和生物安全意识。

8、Because of its specialty and comprehensiveness, special database is welcome especially to professional researcher. ─── 专题数据库由于其“专”而“全”的特点而备受专业人士的欢迎。

9、In terms of its comprehensiveness, completeness, and unity, Qu Yuan's outlook on personality may be rated as the utmost paragon of the Chinese nation. ─── 从人格观之全面性、完整性、统一性上观察,屈原之人格观当为中华民族之最高标范。

10、As a teacher training mode, action learning has such features as reflectivity, activity, cooperativeness, subjectivity, participation, operatability and comprehensiveness. ─── 作为一种教师培训的模式,行动学习法具有反思性、行动性、合作性、主体性、参与性、操作性、综合性等特征。

11、I would have to say, however, that despite its comprehensiveness, it should not replace consultations with a medical practitioner. ─── 然而我不得不说,尽管它很全面,但它还是不能代替一个职业医生的会诊。

12、Facility and size are not the standard to assess the comprehensiveness of an art space, desire from our artists will create the art world an individual parallel of the space. ─── 我们不用设施、规模、来订位一个艺术空间的完善,诚意燃起的欲望或许可以提供北京艺术界另一个独立思考实验的空间。

13、Enriched with diverse culture, sport is a grand culture featured with social comprehensiveness. ─── 体育本身蕴含着丰富的文化内涵,是具有极强社会综合性的大文化。

14、The characteristics and the smelting functions of direct reduction iron (DRI) in EAF have been comprehen sively reviewed and discussed in this paper. ─── 对直接还原铁 (DRI)性能及其在电弧炉冶炼的特性作了较全面的论述。

15、Perhaps, at the on the road come, I would become supercilious, but you certainly forgive my with your comprehensiveness selfish, use your great infect me; ─── 也许,在来的路上,我会变得高傲,但你一定会用你的宽广包容我的自私,用你的博大感染着我;

16、All faring engines must wrestle with comprehensiveness, speed, and accuracy. ─── 所有的定价引擎应该满足信息详尽、高速和精确三个标准。

17、Would the scope or comprehensiveness of the evaluation be seriously limited if this question were dropped? ─── 如果舍弃这个问题,评价的范围和综合性是否会受到严重的限制?

18、conciseness and comprehensiveness ─── 文约意广

19、We have seen in the classroom students in a variety of forms to express their ideas, demonstrate the diversity of artistic expression truly reflects the comprehensiveness of education. ─── 在课堂上我们看到了学生们用各种各样的形式去表现他们的想法,展示了艺术表现的多元化,真正体现了教育的全面性。

20、From One-sided Profundity to Compromised Comprehensiveness--On the Cause-finding Method in the Study of Psychological Variation ─── 从片面深刻到折衷综合--谈心理变异的归因方法

21、A Talk on Comprehensiveness of Traditional Chinese Painting's Multidiscipline and Interdiscipline ─── 浅论中国画多学科跨学科的综合性

22、comprehensiveness, the road of bigness! ─── 宽广,巨大道路!

23、Reliability and accuracy.Economic data are subject to revisions after the release date due to the comprehensiveness of data. ─── 可靠性和精确性:由于经济数据的复杂多样性,所以即使数据公布后,仍会不断进行修正。

24、But Nanjing Government's insolvable obstacles in extensiveness,comprehensiveness and intensity,the Central Government's being perfunctory and the exhaustion of local financial resources finally prevented the movement from going deep. ─── 但因南京政府在广延度、综合度和强度方面存在着无法克服的障碍 ,再加上中央心存敷衍及地方财源的枯涩 ,最终制约了废苛减赋运动的深入

25、And it has the attributes of vagueness, comprehensiveness, verity and two-way communication, etc. ─── 人体语言就一般特性而言,它具有模糊性、包容性、真实性、双向性等特征。

26、Human being needs are fundamental dynamics in their value. the needs of comprehensiveness and richness reflect and promote the development of comprehensive. ─── 人创造价值的根本动因是人的需要,而需要的全面性和丰富性,反映并推动着人的全面性发展。

27、Comments on the proposed project (need, benefit, feasibility, innovation, comprehensiveness etc. ─── 對計劃之評價(需要及受益程度,可行性,創新性,完整性)

28、Gerwick The leading authority in the field offers a unique and comprehens. ─── Construction of Marine and Offshore Structures, Second Edition 责任人: Ben C.

29、I admire the comprehensiveness of Singapore's municipal facilities even more. ─── 我更赞赏新加坡市政设施的配套完备。

30、The examples show that this method is easy to operate and considers both representativeness and comprehensiveness . ─── 实例应用表明该方法易于操作,并基本兼顾了所选指标的代表性和全面性。

31、Comprehensiveness is emphasized in the hope of evoking students" interest and perception of related art schools and improving their overall accomplishment through the educational dance activities. ─── 强调“综合性”的目的在于希望通过舞蹈艺术教育活动能够带动学生对其他艺术门类的兴趣与感知力,使学生的综合素质得到全面提高。

32、The Veto Power And Comprehensiveness of Fuzzy Logic ─── 模糊逻辑运算中的若干问题

33、We note that, compared with the previous draft, the content of the paper is somewhat updated.Yet in terms of objectiveness and comprehensiveness, frankly speaking, it remains largely unchanged. ─── 坦率地讲,与前一稿相比,文件的内容有所更新,但总体上,在全面性、客观性等方面没有明显变化。

34、Evaluate the accuracy, relevance, appropriateness, comprehensiveness, and bias of electronic information sources. ─── 3能评估与适当地运用资讯来源解决问题。

35、In line with the analysis and comprehensiveness definitions as well as the mental and age traits of children, "analysis tests and comprehensive tests" built upon graphs have been compiled. ─── 根据有关分析和综合的概念理论以及儿童的心理年龄特点,以图形为材料,编制了“分析测验和综合测验”。

36、A wider gutter would make the dictionary easier to use, but this is a minor irritation which is offset by the clarity and comprehensiveness of its contents. ─── 如果页间的空档再宽绰一些,则会更方便于使用。 当然,这仅是小小的美中不足,且已被其内容之明确和全面所弥补。

37、New Views over"Development of Human Being is the Unification of Comprehensiveness and Freedom" ─── "人的发展是全面与自由的统一"新论

38、Comprehensiveness of Geography and Integrated Research on Regional Development ─── 地理学的综合性与区域发展的集成研究

39、Today some science and engineering universities of China tends to realize their comprehensiveness by developing arts. ─── 通过发展文科实现综合化是当今我国理工科大学的发展趋势。

40、The base of the legal protection of resource security is its relative laws. which mainly have four characters, namely, fundamentality, divergency, comprehensiveness, and sociality. ─── 摘要资源安全法律保障关联法律具有基础性、发散性、综合性、社会性等特征,成为资源安全法律保障体系建立的基础。

41、A Statistical Analysis of Comprehensiveness in Shenzhen University's Disciplines ─── 深圳大学学科综合性发展统计分析

42、In others, the body of texts is selective, though extensive, and the aim may eventually be to achieve some level of comprehensiveness. ─── 在其它方面,原文的主体是有选择性的,虽然广大,并且最终目标可能是达到综合的一些水准。

43、Brief Analysis of the Factors Adversely Affecting english Listening Comprehen sion and Ways and Means to cope with Them ─── 浅析影响英语听力的因素与对策

44、It said the project will 'push the envelope on size, indexing speed, accuracy, comprehensiveness and other dimensions. ─── 谷歌称该项目将“扩大搜索服务的范围,索引速度,准确度,全面性,以及其他指标”。

45、As of comprehensiveness, it is a bit different story. ─── 至于广泛性,则是一个稍有不同的话题了。

46、the great comprehensiveness experiment ─── 大综合性实验

47、The principle of comprehensiveness from the body, mind, group three aspects to improve the overall quality of football players. ─── 全面性原则为从身、心、群三个方面提高足球运动员的综合素质。

48、The Comprehensiveness of the Basic Size of Rolling Cam Mechanism ─── 滚子凸轮机构基本尺寸的综合

49、The water right system doctrine got all rights about water resources together, which stressed on the comprehensiveness of the water right concept. ─── 水权概念的准确确定实际上就是水权权属范围的划定与规范,也就是建立一套完整的水权体系。

50、London Workshop on Environmental Science, Comprehensiveness and Consistency in Global Decisions on Ocean Issues; ─── 全球海洋问题各项决定的环境科学、全面性和一致性伦敦讲习班;

51、Tools are limited in their performance, comprehensiveness, and depth of analysis. ─── 性能有限,理解分析深度有限。

52、The differences and mistakes existed in the addresses cataloguing of SCI are easy to be missed and misused,which affect the outcome of the thesis retrieval accuracy and comprehensiveness. ─── 摘要SCI地址信息著录存在的差异与错误易产生论文被漏检和误检,影响着本单位SCI论文检索结果的准确性和全面性。

53、Through reanalyzing the education model of Bauhaus, its comprehensiveness as well as direct experience on crafts shed lights on the tendency of development of current architectural education in China. ─── 包豪斯的包容性和对于工艺的直接体验,对于我们现在建筑专业教育发展有着极其重要的借鉴意义。

54、comprehensiveness of environmental management ─── 环境管理综合性

55、The examples show that this method is easy to operate and considers both representativeness and comprehensiveness. ─── 实例应用表明该方法易于操作,并基本兼顾了 所选指标的代表性和全面性。

56、Keywords comprehensiveness of environmental management;environmental performance;POSSION model;OP model; ─── 环境管理综合性;环境绩效;泊松模型;有序概率模型;

57、The result clearly shows the fairness and justice of such an operation pattern.In order to show its comprehensiveness, this printmaking biennial has no fixed academic theme. ─── 为了凸现包容性,本次版画双年展不确定单一的学术主题,以鼓励各国版画家自由创造,尽情发挥,大胆探索。

58、Because of its speed, comprehensiveness and superior results, Google has become the network said in a search on a verb. ─── 由于其速度、全面性和优越的结果,谷歌已经成为表示在网络上进行搜索的一个动词。

59、The new framework embraces the feature of systematization, comprehensiveness and expansibility, which could provide foundation for policy making and standards establishing. ─── 新的体系框架具有系统性、全面性和可扩展性的优点,可为今后的政策制定和标准编制提供依据。

60、From financial, customers, internal business process, learning and growth, BSC evaluates the performance of the organization, emphasizes its strategic, comprehensiveness and growth. ─── 平衡记分卡从财务、客户、内部流程、学习与成长四个角度对组织的绩效进行考核,强调了绩效考核的战略性、全面性、平衡性和发展性。

61、(4) possess high level of learning comprehensiveness and abilities for critical thought; ─── (4)具高度学习理解力、批判性思维能力;

62、In developing procedure, we pursure the comprehensiveness and commomality of the system, so that it can not only be applied in one educational institution. ─── 学生管理等等。

63、And many architects and engineers praise the comprehensiveness of the label. ─── 很多建筑师和工程师称赞该认证的广泛性。

64、Comprehensiveness: The CMM does not address all the important factors that impact success. Excluded topics include capable people, systems engineering, and powerful tools. ─── 包容性:CMM没有包括影响项目成功的所有重要因素,排除在外的主题有:人员素质,系统工程,强大的工具。

65、Individual focus include autonomy, independence, uniqueness, comprehensiveness, and other attributes. ─── 个体维度包含自主性、独立性、独特性、全面性等属性。

66、KEYWORD: Chinese characteristic; human factor; human feelings; multiplicity; comprehensiveness; strategy ─── 关键词:中国特色;人文因素;人情和人情味;多元化;综合性;战略性

67、Method of CPD is applied to comprehen sively evaluate primary energy in th is paper,the evaluation result without any subjectivity is s atisfying and can be referred. ─── 本文将CPD法应用于一次能源的综合评价,以排除人为的主观任意性,可取得满意的结果,该评价结果可提供有关参考。

68、The sustainable development theory has several basic characteristics such as comprehensiveness, social historicity and practicality. ─── 可持续发展理论具有综合性、社会历史性和实践性的基本特征。

69、Obviously, multi-dimension, comprehensiveness and uncertainty should become the new quality of art syllabus contents. ─── 多元性、综合性和不确定性应成为美术课程内容的新品质。

70、The old-age right has several characteristics, such as its universality, qualification, foundation, sociality and comprehensiveness. ─── 养老权具有普遍性、资格性、基础性、社会性、综合性的特点。

71、The main feature is the independence and research of learning, opening, cooperation and reflection of learning process, the practice and comprehensiveness of learning content etc. ─── 其主要特点是学习方式的自主性和探究性,学习过程的开放性和合作性,学习内容的实践性和综合性,学习评价的过程性,学习目标的生成性等。

72、I was impressed with the abilities of their students, the professionalism of their staff and the comprehensiveness of their educational environment. ─── 华顿孩子的外语能力、教职员的专业、以及健全的环境都让我印象深刻。

73、Interpreting the Idea of Comprehensiveness, Coordination, and sustained Development ─── 全面、协调、可持续发展观解读

74、China opposes the arms race, and maintains that effective arms control and disarmament should be carried out in accordance with the principles of fairness, rationality, comprehensiveness and balance. ─── 中国反对军备竞赛,主张根据公正、合理、全面、均衡的原则,实行有效的军备控制和裁军。

75、Substantial evidence and the understanding of history,comprehensiveness and objectivity are the principles for the writing of academic history. ─── 实证与史识、全面与客观,是学术史书写的基本原则。

76、A Concise Account of the Comprehensiveness of Emergency Response and Rescue ─── 浅析紧急救援的综合性

77、The small paid editorial staffs at commercial directory sites can’t keep up with submissions, and the quality and comprehensiveness of their directories has suffered. ─── 商业目录中较少的编辑网站的职员已经无法满足大量的网站提交的请求,这样使得他们目录的质量与数量受到了影响。

78、The traditional Chinese culture has had a great impact on the economic construct, on and enterprise development with its comprehensiveness, profoundness and long history. ─── 摘要中国传统文化博大精深、源远流长,深刻影响着经济建设和企业发展。

79、A Study on Comprehensiveness of the Scientific Subjects Setting-up in Training School for Future Primary School Teachers ─── 小教专科理科课程综合化设置探微

80、The new framework embraces Ihe feolure of systematization, comprehensiveness and expansibility, which could provide foundafion for policy making and standards establishing. ─── 新的体系框架具有系统性、全面性和可扩展性的优点,可为今后的政策制定和标准编制提供依据。

81、In CLC indexing the following principles should be observed: the principles of accuracy and comprehensiveness, the principle of paying particular attention and the principle of classification. ─── 提出中图分类号标引时应遵循的原则:准确性原则、全面性原则、侧重性原则和归类性原则。

82、A comprehens've report of agronomic management practices for control yield loss of continueus and alternate-year soybean cropping ─── 控制重迎茬大豆减产农艺措施的研究

83、Since there lies the difference between a composition and a speech.The first emphasize on its comprehensiveness while the last depends on the influence on people. ─── 作文和演讲稿是有一定区别的,前者强调可读性,后者则强调对听众的影响力。

84、Analyse the principle of performance of evaluation : Comprehensiveness and rationality,oneness and materiality, practicablity and operation, system and criterion. ─── 分析了绩效考核的原则:全面性与合理性,统一性与具体性,实用性与操作性,系统性与规范性。

85、ICD 10 is characterized by its newness, comprehensiveness and meticulousness. ─── ICD?10 的主要特点是新、全、细。

86、Building a new socialism countryside proposed in the new period has new characteristics of urgency and feasibility,comprehensiveness and protractedness,scientific and revolutionary. ─── 新时期所提出的“建设社会主义新农村”有着传统政策的继承性,但也有着其现实的新特点,即紧迫性与可行性、综合性与长期性、科学性与革命性。

87、It describes the content of each system and gives an overview of sampling methodology, providing an evaluation of comprehensiveness rather than of quality of tools and methods. ─── 它介绍每个系统的内容并提出抽样调查方法的概观,而且提供多样化的评估,其品质超越其他的工具和方法。

88、The Group for the Comprehens; ve DeveloPment of Havana ─── 哈瓦那综合开发集团

89、2, the student uses various different way to show the achievement that self comprehensiveness studies. ─── 2、学生用各种不同方式表现自己综合性学习的成果。














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