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09-03 投稿



disarray 发音

英:[?d?s??re?]  美:[?d?s??re?]

英:  美:

disarray 中文意思翻译




disarray 词性/词形变化,disarray变形


disarray 反义词


disarray 同义词

dishevel | jumble | disrupt | mix up | disorder | muss | mess up |disturb

disarray 相似词语短语

1、disarranges ─── v.扰乱;弄乱

2、disarrayed ─── n.无秩序;杂乱;衣冠不整;vt.使混乱;弄乱;使脱去衣服

3、disarraying ─── n.无秩序;杂乱;衣冠不整;vt.使混乱;弄乱;使脱去衣服

4、disarrays ─── n.无秩序;杂乱;衣冠不整;vt.使混乱;弄乱;使脱去衣服

5、disarrange ─── v.扰乱;弄乱

6、misarray ─── 误用

7、to disarray ─── 使混乱

8、disarranger ─── 弄乱

9、disarranged ─── 弄乱(disarrange的过去分词);打乱(disarrange的过去分词);无序的;凌乱的

disarray 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Lie in order before you fall asleep, don't lie in disarray. ─── 你们躺好了再睡,别横躺竖卧的。

2、He rescued the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics from disarray. ─── 他的出手解救使得2002年的盐湖城冬季奥运会没有一团糟。

3、In complete disarray,or disorder ─── 东零西乱

4、It all goes well behind the scenes, although outwardly you could be forgiven for thinking that there was total disarray everywhere. ─── 事情在幕后进展良好,尽管在外观上你会认为(可以原谅)到处都是彻底的杂乱无章。

5、He took out a pile of shirts and began throwing them, one by one, before us, shirts of sheer linen and thick silk and fine flannel, which lost their folds as they fell and covered the table in many-colored disarray. ─── 他拿出一堆衬衫,开始一件一件扔在我们面前,薄麻布衬衫、厚绸衬衫、细法兰绒衬衫都抖散了,五颜六色摆满了一桌。

6、2 During the National Civic Virtues Month, all the cities must clean up, and banish disarray and discourtesy. ─── 2在我国文明礼貌月中,所有城市必须搞好卫生,清除混乱和不礼貌现象。

7、By the Indian's side, and evidently sustaining a companionship with him, stood a white man, clad in a strange disarray of civilised and savage costume. ─── 在那个印第安人的身边,站着一个身上混穿着文明与野蛮服装的白种人,无疑是那印第安人的同伴。

8、Painting in shades of grey, sifting through the disarray, can I find enough of me to make you stay? ─── 在灰色的影子下绘画,在混乱中筛选,我可以找到足够的自我让你留下吗?

9、Someone deliberately let the real estate market information in disarray. ─── 于是有人刻意让房地产市场信息处于混乱状态。

10、If such disarray is to be avoided and the diplomacy is to be given its best shot at working whether Mr Kim intends it to or not, the negotiations now getting underway need to meet some stiff credibility tests. ─── 如果这种混乱状态可以避免,并且外交手段真正起到作用而不管金正日是否接受,那么目前进行的谈判应当接受一些严格的可信度考验。

11、Being in loose disarray; unkempt, as hair or clothing. ─── 头发凌乱的;衣冠不整的松散的;凌乱的,如头发或衣着

12、thrown into a state of disarray or confusion. ─── 处于混乱或紊乱的状况中的。

13、The president's pragmatism has thrown Arena, which had united for years around fear of the FMLN, into disarray. ─── 总统的务实态度让民主主义共和联盟,这个由于对民族解放阵线的恐惧团结多年的政党陷入无序状态。

14、With the clans in disarray, and most killed in the disaster, Magtheridon was quick to show his power, and rallied the surviving orcs under his pennant. ─── 在大多数成员在灾难中死去,陷入混乱的氏族面前,玛瑟里顿显示了自己的力量,将幸存的兽人集中在他的旗帜之下。

15、They reacted quickly, bringing their line back to head east (but with a big kink), but my move spread disarray. ─── 德国人迅速作出反应,使他们战列的方向回到东(但有一个大转弯点),而我的移动展开地很混乱。

16、In war, the enemy is always on the lookout for any weaknesses that can be exploited. Thus, if the army is in disarray, it provides the enemy a golden opportunity to exploit the situation. ─── 在战场上,敌人无时无刻不在寻找弱点下手,一支军队如果自己先乱了阵脚,无疑是提供黄金机会,替敌人打开方便之门。

17、I see a lot of psychic disarray. ─── 我看到许多的精神混乱。

18、The little front window was strewn with a disarray of old-fashioned things: bracelets and lockets worn in days before the Civil War, gold rings and silver boxes, images of jade and ivory, porcelain figurines. ─── 店子的小橱窗里杂乱无章地摆满了各种古玩:内战前人们戴的手镯、挂在项链上的小盒、金戒指、银盒子、玉石和象牙制品、小瓷像等。

19、In the later Spring and autumn Period (770-476 B.C.) and the Warring States Period (475-221B.C.), when kingdoms were tearing China apart, the art of calligraphy was also in disarray. ─── 加之春秋战国时期的分裂状况,所以,字体庞杂无序。

20、The Guardians had fallen into disarray and the minister had promised to disband them. ─── Lorian被捕后,卫队陷入一片混乱,总统已经许诺解散卫队。

21、They held a dinner party, but it resulted in disarray. ─── 他们举行宴会,但结果却造成混乱。

22、Indian politics should allow greater negotiating flexibility, if talks restart, thanks to a stronger government and an opposition in disarray. ─── 印度的政治应该让谈判更加灵活,如果会议再次开始,也会由于强大的政府和反对者的混乱(而一无所获)。

23、Lydia would have gone to his room and found the place in disarray . ─── 季利娅会到他的房间去,发现那里乱七八糟。

24、A rapid influx of voters has thrown Loudoun county's politics into disarray. ─── 加速的选民涌入罗顿郡,已经使该郡政治混乱。

25、"Addressing a second fear that wider use of the 1962 missal "would lead to disarray or even divisions within parish communities," the Pope says that "this fear also strikes me as quite unfounded. ─── 如果缺乏这样的敬重,则不但个人,就连整个教会都要受苦,因为妄用礼仪总是导致教会分裂的因素”。

26、You left my life in disarray ─── 我的生活乱了套

27、But a long-simmering trademark spat over who has the right to use the letters 'CFA' in India has thrown this year's process into disarray. ─── 但在印度,有关“CFA”简写使用权的一场长期争吵使得今年该国的CFA考试组织工作陷入了一片混乱。

28、But if the central leadership had been in disarray, it would have been hard to say what would have happened. ─── 但是如果中央自己乱了阵脚,那就难说了。

29、With the TTP in squabbling disarray, it can expect to cajole disgruntled Taliban contenders to switch sides. ─── TTP正陷与争斗与混乱之中,现在很有希望游说不满的塔利班竞争者转变立场。

30、Her finances were in disarray. ─── 她的财务状况一团糟。

31、The other big mainstream party, led by her rival Nawaz Sharif, another two-time prime minister, is also in disarray. ─── 另一个主要的政党也是一片混乱,由她的对手谢里夫的领导,他也是一位连任两届的总理。

32、How can I ever forget us grooving to the Pulp Fiction soundtrack, cigarettes lit, books spread about in complete disarray, completely exhausted after a series of most complex mathematical problems... ─── 怎么我能曾经忘记我们投出到肉小说声道,香烟点亮了,书大约传播在完全混乱,完全精疲力尽在一系列最复杂的数学的问题以后...

33、Through the disarray can I find enough of me to make you stay? ─── 在混乱中我能否足够认识我自己使你留下?

34、The opposition's disarray should discourage it from handing Labor the trigger to call fresh elections. ─── 反对党内部的混乱应该会让它不愿意交给工党召起新轮选举的理由。

35、To throw into confusion or disarray. ─── 使凌乱,扰乱陷入混乱或紊乱

36、The peace talks broke up in disarray. ─── 和谈在混乱中破裂了。

37、For Fannie and Freddie, policy makers now must find a way to move the firms out of government conservatorship, a politically tricky task complicated by the housing market's disarray. ─── 对房利美和房地美而言,决策者现在必须找到一个让它们脱离政府庇护的办法,这是一项在政治上非常棘手的任务,住房市场的混乱更增加了其复杂性。

38、We're the leaders of disarray ─── 我们是下层社会的领袖

39、Berkshire is always a buyer of both businesses and securities, and the disarray in markets gave us a tailwind in our purchases. ─── 伯克希尔一直在对企业和证券展开收购,而市场的混乱为我们的收购交易提供了助力。

40、As the Tao extended in and began to gather back many false gods feeding off earth and their associated planes, he was amazed at the disarray of such nonphysical dreams. ─── 当道延展进来并开始收集走许多以地球为食的虚假神及其相关层面时,他对这些虚假神梦想的混乱不堪感到惊奇。

41、being in loose disarray; unkempt,as hair or clothing ─── 头发凌乱的;衣冠不整的,如头发或衣着

42、Our plans were thrown into disarray by her arrival. ─── 我们的计划因她的到来而陷入一片混乱。

43、Because the domestic scene is in disarray,the government appears unable to make any meaningful foreign policy decisions. ─── 因为国内情况未上轨道,政府似无法在外交方面做出任何有意义的决定。

44、“The GSM project was in disarray,” Ollila recalled in 2001. ─── “当时GSM项目还毫无秩序”, 奥利拉2001年回忆道。

45、The troops were in disarray ─── 军队混乱。

46、The nation is in disarray following rioting led by the military. ─── 该国发生由军队发动的暴乱后,陷入一片混乱。

47、There is lobular disarray with focal hepatocyte necrosis, giant cell transformation, lymphocytic infiltration, Kupffer cell hyperplasia, and cholestasis (not seen here). ─── 图中可见具有病灶肝细胞坏死、巨细胞转化、淋巴细胞浸润、枯否细胞增生和胆汁淤积(此图未显示)的肝小叶紊乱。

48、NATO Secretary-General George Robertson said the dispute over whether to give Turkey equipment to defend itself against Iraq showed alliance disarray but was not a mortal blow. ─── 北约秘书长乔治·罗伯逊说,有关是否为土耳其提供防御伊拉克打击的武器装备的争论显示了盟国内部的混乱,但并不构成致命的打击。

49、Global growth has slumped and its financing is in disarray. ─── 全球增长速度骤降,其融资陷入混乱。

50、The peace talks broke up in disarray. ─── 和谈在混乱中破裂了。

51、Familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (FHC) is an autosomal dominant disease characterized by left ventricular hypertrophy, myofibrillar disarray, and sudden cardiac death. ─── a心肌肥大症(FHC)是一种体染色体显性遗传的疾病,主要症状为左心室肥大、心肌排列不整,甚至导致猝死。

52、The boulder fell from the sky during a siege, crushing a Demon general and his bodyguard and sending the invaders back in disarray. ─── 在一次攻城中,这块巨石从天而降,砸死一名恶魔将领和他的卫士,令侵略军在混乱中退却了。

53、Being in loose disarray;unkempt,as hair or clothing. ─── 主人们不在的时候,草地变得凌乱不堪。

54、Because eclipses, two weeks ago, on the 7th and this Wednesday both shake things up and begin a new cycle, you've undoubtedly been struggling with the resulting disarray, if not a serious shortfall. ─── 因为本月7日和本周三的两次日食都会将事情打乱重新组合,并开始一个新的周期,毫无疑问你已经在为随之而来的(资源的)混乱纠结了,如果资源不是严重短缺的话。

55、Police found her bedroom in disarray with bleach on the floor and her two-year-old son home alone. ─── 戴维斯现在有九个月的身孕,大约一周前在克利夫兰销声匿迹(失踪)警方发现她的卧室一片混乱,地上遍地漂白剂,2岁的孩子独自被独自留在家中。

56、Economic disarray and political deadlock are growing worse in China. ─── 中国的经济混乱和政治僵局正越变越糟糕。

57、During the National Civil Virtues Month, all the cities must clean up, and banish disarray and discourtesy. ─── 全国文明礼貌月中,所有城市必须搞好卫生,清除混乱和不礼貌现象.

58、But shamefully, the problem also reflects disarray among donors and squabbles among pundits. ─── 不过令人惭愧的是,这一问题也反映出捐助者之间的不协调与权威专家内部的争议。

59、To the left and right of him objects immediately fall into disarray. ─── 从他的左边到右边,物体无秩序地摆置。

60、The Rotary Foundation creates confidence where there is disarray, understanding where there is suspicion, fellowship where there is loneliness, and health where there is sickness and despair. ─── 扶轮基金会在混乱中创造信心、忌中取得了解、独中结合夥伴、及病痛和无助中带来健康。

61、Thus, if the army is in disarray, it provides the enemy a golden opportunity to exploit the situation. ─── 一支军队如果自己先乱了阵脚,无疑是提供黄金机会,替敌人打开方便之门。

62、Mrs. Adams was a short stout woman always neatly dressed, hair always set. Kay had never seen her in disarray. ─── 亚当姆斯夫人是个矮矮的、长得很结实的妇女,身上总是穿得很整齐、头发总是烫成波浪式。

63、"I have to say it's a place in disarray, " said a 35-year-old gay man who used to be a frequent visitor. ─── “我不得不说这是一个混乱的地方”,一位曾经常来此处的三十五岁男同性恋者说道。

64、She rushed out of the burning house with her clothes in disarray. ─── 她衣衫不整地从着火的房子里奔了出来。

65、Because intelligence information provided is not real, DU Gang escape disarray. ─── 因为线报提供的情况不实,杜刚趁乱逃脱。

66、with the world in such a state of disarray, fashion needs to inspire the mind and elevate the mood; ─── 与世界在这样一个混乱的状态下,时尚需求赋予新的灵感和激发高昂的情绪;

67、The child had disarray ed the books ─── 孩子把书弄乱了。

68、His personal life fell into disarray when his wife left him. ─── 妻子离去后,他的个人生活一片混乱。

69、A lockdown of the campus may have not been the best solution, but I'm sure the faculty was in disarray because they had a double murder on campus. ─── 封闭校园并不是最佳的方法,但是,我认为这种措施只能对校园安全造成更坏的后果,因为封闭校园可能制造更多的校园惨案的凶手。

70、By the time I left for college, my family was in profound disarray. ─── 在我离开家上大学时,家里正处于一片混乱当中。

71、It was touching to see such a crowd prostrate in disarray on the ground and the High Priest in great anguish. ─── 看见群众一起伏地哀求,与大司祭的焦心不安,委实令人可怜。

72、Now whether this was actually the case or not was not effectively tried because the industry was in such disarray for much of the twentieth century before the nineteen seventies. ─── 因为美国的娱乐产业是一个庞大的经济巨头,而且目前具有举世无双的战略实力。所以和美国打交道可不是一件轻松的事。

73、In January 1943, Soviet armies had been running rampant in the Ukraine, with the Wehrmacht falling back in disarray after the massive defeat suffered by the German Army at Stalingrad. ─── 1943年1月,苏军在乌克兰发动了猛烈的攻势,在斯大林格勒失败后,德国国防军开始全线溃退。

74、Changing offices has left my papers in complete lor=# cc0066>disarray. ─── 办公室搬迁,使我的文件全部乱了套了.

75、But the whole system is in disarray, and 70% off isn't the sole solution. ─── 但是整个经济系统一片混乱,关闭70 %的商店不是唯一的解决办法。

76、Moreover, at a time when co-operation among the authorities is essential, the appearance of disarray is itself damaging to confidence. ─── 此外,在权力机构的彼此合作至关重要之际,混乱迹象本身就会损及信心。

77、In total disorder, disarray or pandemonium ─── 乌七八糟

78、Libya's rebel movement, meanwhile, appeared to be in disarray after the mysterious death of their chief military commander. ─── 与此同时,利比亚的反叛运动出现在混乱的神秘死亡后,其首席军事指挥官。

79、Painting in shades of grey sifting through the disarray can i find enough of me to make you stay? ─── 在灰色的影子里涂色从混乱的思绪中寻找我能否找到足够的自我让你留下?

80、The books of all universities were in disarray, and he wouldn't necessarily be able to find the particular issues.But there did not seem to be any doubt that they did contain Han Hseh-y's articles ─── 各大学的书籍七零八落,未必找得着那期杂志,不过里面有韩学愈的文章看来是无可疑问的。

81、PLAYER), your empire remains in disarray, but I can change that. Obey me, and I will reward you. ─── 你的王国陷于混乱之中,但我能改变这一现状,服从我吧,我就将回报你的顺从。

82、Changing offices has left my papers in complete disarray. ─── 办公室搬迁,使我的文件全部乱了套了。

83、During the National Civic Virtues Month, all the cities must clean up, and banish disarray and discourtesy. ─── 在全国文明礼貌月中,所有城市必须搞好卫生,清除混乱和不礼貌现象。

84、They hold a dinner party, but it result in disarray. ─── 他们举行宴会时造成混乱。

85、Because the domestic scene is in disarray, the Government appears unable to make any meaningful foreign policy decisions. ─── 因为国内情况未上轨道,政府似无法在外交方面做成任何有意义的决定。

86、But the Chinalco gambit threw BHP's plans into disarray. ─── 但是,中国铝业的策略打乱了必和必拓的计划。

87、a period of disarray within the National Party ─── 国家党內部的一段混乱时期

88、To loosen and let fall(hair or clothing) in disarray. ─── 弄乱(头发,衣服等)弄松并让(头发或衣服)杂乱地落下来

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