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09-03 投稿



finiteness 发音

英:[?fa?na?t?n?s]  美:[?fa?na?t?n?s]

英:  美:

finiteness 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 有限性


finiteness 词性/词形变化,finiteness变形

名词: finiteness |副词: finitely |

finiteness 反义词


finiteness 同义词

boundedness |finitude

finiteness 短语词组

1、finiteness define ─── 有限性定义

2、finiteness meaning ─── 有限意义

3、finiteness adele ─── 有限性阿黛尔

4、finiteness problem ─── [计] 有限问题, 有穷问题

5、finiteness syn ─── 有限性syn

6、finiteness synonym ─── 有限性同义词

7、finiteness mean ─── 有限平均

finiteness 相似词语短语

1、finickiness ─── 挑剔

2、infiniteness ─── n.无限;无限性

3、finableness ─── 结局

4、finicalness ─── 有限性

5、definiteness ─── n.确定性,定指;明确;清晰度;梅性

6、feminineness ─── 女性气质

7、fineness ─── n.美好;纯度;细微;优雅

8、minuteness ─── n.微小,微细;精密

9、definitiveness ─── n.确定性

finiteness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Exceeding the presence means to exceed the identity, the finiteness, the thinking, the language and the utility. ─── 超越在场就是超越同一、超越有限、超越思维、超越语言、超越功利。

2、With the Modular Method to Build the Finit Element Model of Oral Cavity Rehabilitation ─── 运用模块化方法建立口腔修复有限元模型

3、finit state grammar ─── [计] 有限态文法

4、Residual finiteness ─── 剩余有限性

5、Keywords Continuous change of conductivity;Magnetotelluric;Finit element method.; ─── 电导率连续变化;大地电磁;有限单元法;

6、Finit element analysis of box-shaped structure obliquely across railway line in construction of metro tunnel under it through ─── 在斜交箱形梁桥下开挖地铁时梁体有限元分析

7、The lifetimes of conditioned Brownian motions in A_m~d are investigated on topics such as its finiteness and integrability. ─── 研究了无穷区域A_m~d中的条件布朗运动生命时的有限性及可积性。

8、On the Necessity and Finiteness of Government Economical Function Existence ─── 论政府经济职能存在的必要性与有限性

9、Pointwise finiteness of some square functions ─── 一些平方函数的点态有限性

10、Judged by the function of money, contradiction of the quality and quantity of money displays the infinity in the quality and the finiteness in the quantity. ─── 从金钱的功用上看,金钱的质与量的矛盾又表现为质上的无限性和量上的有限性。

11、The rational finiteness and the importance of the experience are the philosophy foundation of the discretional non-prosecution system. ─── 理性的有限性和经验的重要性是酌定不起诉制度的哲学基础。

12、"Death is always on the way, but the fact that you don't know when it will arrive seems to take away from the finiteness of life.It's that terrible precision that we hate so much. ─── 许多人说,为了每天能多出一点时间,甚麽都愿意去做,其实,他们却在虚耗已经拥有的时间,那真的很讽刺。

13、On the Finiteness of National Marriage Law in Supporting the Equality between Men and Women ─── 论我国婚姻法对男女平等权支撑的有限性

14、finiteness principle ─── 有限性原理

15、Finit Impulse Response Filter ─── 有限冲击响应滤波器(FIR)

16、Finiteness of Rings with Maximal Subrings ─── 包含有限极大子环的环的有限性

17、A lot of documentations had compared the value that the method attained with the parse solution and the finit element solution,which had come to the corresponding conclusion or that in trend. ─── 许多文献还将其所测得的值与解析解或有限元解作了比较,得到了一致的或在趋势走向上一致的结论。

18、finiteness correction ─── 有限性校正

19、In the meanwhile, state sovereignty has the features of changeability, difference and finiteness on its basic content and the pattern of performance . ─── 同时国家主权在其基本内容、行使方式等方面又具有可变更性、差异性和有限性等相对性特点。

20、Natural mapping on groups of selfhomotopic equivalence of hyperformal spaces have finiteness ─── 超形式空间自同伦等价群上自然映射的有限性

21、finit state automation ─── [计] 有限态自动机

22、How to learn the finiteness of news factuality? ─── 如何认识新闻真实的有限性?

23、The finiteness of the financial resources provokes the intense competition between each financial center. ─── 金融资源的有限性,使得各个金融中心之间的竞争十分激烈。

24、Calculation of Unsteady Temperature Field and Temperture Stress Around Conduit in Concrete Dam by Finit Element Method ─── 用有限元法计算大坝底孔的非稳定温度场和温度应力

25、This human finiteness should cause us to see how weak and feeble we are. ─── 我们的局限使我们只能看到自身的软弱和无助。

26、The unity of finiteness of hunam rationality and the complexity of the objective necessity is the cognitive basis. ─── 人的理性的有限性和客观必然性的复杂性的对立统一,是合作-竞争的认识论基础。

27、The tectonic stress field in Chengdao area of Yanshan and Himalaya periods is simulated with finit element method. ─── 用有限元法模拟了埕岛地区中、古生界燕山、喜山两期构造应力场。

28、finit element method ─── [计] 有限元法

29、The adjective "emergent" is an attribute to the term "finiteness" rather than that " emergent finiteness" is a term. ─── 它是动词的一种形式,它在的时间上受到时态的限制,同时在许多语言中表现人称和数上的一致关系。

30、Because of the incompatibility amongthe values and the finiteness of the human reason, the legislators can but make "comparative good" laws while the godfathers make the best ones. ─── 然而由于各种价值并不完全兼容,加上人类理性的局限,这就注定了立法者只能制定出“相对好”的法律,“至善境域”只存在于宗教当中。

31、finiteness of the tool of Time-based Competition. ─── 时间竞争工具的有限性。

32、In some finiteness conditions, we prove that there exists a natural Abelian group homomorphism from the Grothendieck group of R to the Grothendieck group of A. ─── 在适当的有限性条件下,我们证明了一个从R的Grothendieck群到A的Orothendieck群的自然的阿贝尔群同态。

33、“This is the fourth external teaching, which postulates finiteness. ─── 是则名为第四外道,立有边论。

34、Creep Secondary Internal Force for Continuous Beam Bridges Analyzed by Method of Two Conversion Coefficients and Finit Element Computer Program ─── 应用双换算法和有限元计算程序分析连续梁桥的徐变次内力

35、finit automation ─── [计] 有限自动机

36、Another simple synthetic proof of finiteness of areas of asymptotic triangles in non-Euclidean geometry is given. ─── 摘要给出双曲非欧几何中极限三角形面积有限性的另外一种简单证明。

37、finit impulse response ─── 有限冲击响应

38、On the Distinction between Finiteness and Non-finiteness in Chinese ─── 汉语的限定与非限定研究

39、Finit state machine (FSM) ─── 有限状态机

40、finit e element modeling ─── 有限元建模

41、We've also proposed a new discrete symplectic algorithm inspired by the finit element method. ─── 反之,利用有限元离散相空间,得到一类新的算法,称为有限元-辛算法。

42、Pondering upon the finiteness of the main cognition,the otherness and the relativity of the cognitive value-standard,Zhuang Zi indicated the suspicion of cognitive activities. ─── 庄子通过对主体认识的有限性、差异性以及认识的价值标准的相对性的深刻运思,表现出对认识活动的存疑。

43、Finit Element Analysis on Bending Stress of Pin Gear Fit Pin Tooth and Wheel Tooth ─── 销齿副销齿和轮齿弯曲应力有限元分析

44、finiteness problem ─── 有限问题有限性问题

45、finit element calculate ─── 有限元计算

46、The finiteness of life and the only one time of power make the requirement of changing particularly exigent. ─── 生命的有限性,权力的一次性,使这样的求变述求尤显迫切。

47、Kuratowski finiteness would fail for the same set of socks. ─── 同套的袜子,库拉托夫斯基的有限性也会不适用。

48、What finiteness is at stake? The one which defines in the subject the fact of depending on the effects of the signifier. ─── 怎样的有限性岌岌可危?那就是在主体身上,定义意符的效用,仅具有限的期限。

49、And it has characters as finiteness and staggeringness. ─── 动态平衡态势的调控具有有限性和阶段性的特点。

50、finiteness condition ─── 有限 性条件

51、The finiteness of the financial resources provokes the intense competition between each financial center. ─── 金融资源的有限性,使得各个金融中心之间的竞争十分激烈。

52、Finiteness of the plate thickness causes a variety of failure mechanisms to occur, and qualitative features of the associated stress and strain fields may be deduced. ─── 我们藉由研究分析此地震带的地震活动性与震源机制和应力场变化,以求瞭解此区域的地震活动与地体构造的关系。

53、The new question for discussion about social development is put forward by the finiteness of resource. ─── 自然资源的有限性给人类社会发展提出了新的课题。

54、We must accept disappointment because of its finiteness,but we cannot lose hope since it is infinite. ─── 1我们必须接受失望,因为它是有限的,但千万不可失去希望,因为它是无穷的。

55、finiteness theorems ─── 有限性定理

56、12. The finiteness of natural resources determines its scarcity. ─── 自然资源的有限性决定了资源的稀缺性。

57、finiteness factor ─── 有限性因子

58、finit element analysis(FEA) ─── 有限元

59、Is life actually short, or are we really complaining about its finiteness? ─── 是生命真的很短,还是我们只是抱怨它是有限的?

60、Finiteness and process are the characteristics of the legislation of morals. ─── 因此道德法律化具有有限性、过程性等基本特性。

61、Only with this method,it is significant to under stand and master the finiteness and infiniteness,contingency and inevitableness of art to create an creative multiform phase of art. ─── 只有“以形写神”,深刻了解和掌握艺术中有限与无限、偶然与必然,对今天创造一个万紫千红、百花齐放、富有多样性独创性的艺术形象的苑地,有重要的意



64、Despite our finiteness, our lives rest in the hands of the One who knows all the what, whys, and when s we'll ever face. ─── 尽管我们有限,我们的生命却掌握在那位无所不知的上帝手中,他知道我们一切遭遇的来龙去脉。

65、The unity of the infiniteness of human needs and the finiteness of natural resources constitutes the physical basis while the unity of human social nature and individuality forms the social basis. ─── 而人的需要的无限性与资源的有限性的对立统一,是合作-竞争的物质性基础;人的社会性与个性的对立统一,是合作-竞争的社会性基础;

66、The finit element method is used to analyse the influence of reinforcement to displacement field of soft subgrade by way of comparing reinforced embankment with unreinforced embankment. ─── 摘要采用非线性有限元方法,通过比较土工格栅加筋路堤和未加筋路堤来分析加筋对软基位移场的影响。

67、But on the other hand, also makes more and more people to realize the natural resource supplies and environmental capacity finiteness sincerely. ─── 但另一方面,也令越来越多的人深切地体会到自然资源供给和环境容量的有限性。

68、This paper states the analysis results frorm analyzing the structure. mechanical model, finit element analyrsis and optimization design method of the reclaimer's scraper. ─── 叙述了大型滚筒式混匀取料机料耗的结构、力学模型及有限元分析、优化设计方法、优化结果的分析及结论。

69、We analyzed and explored the security problems from the mutable attribute range, including its finiteness, detectability and change granularity. ─── 基于此,从可变属性的值域方面分析探讨其安全问题,包括它的有限性、可被检测性及其变化粒度;

70、This powerful algebraic structure with its finiteness makes itself a concise and beautiful subject of study in the mathematical world. ─── 这种强有力的代数结构再加上有限性这一条件使它成为数学领域中一种简洁、美妙的研究对象。

71、Keywords inflection;interlanguage grammar;impairment;functional category;finiteness; ─── 屈折词缀;中介语语法;损伤;功能语类;定式;

72、finit precision number ─── [计] 有限精度数

73、Indeed,the general restriction of finiteness is not sufficient in practice,as the number of steps needed to solve a specific problem,although finit,may be too large for practicable computation. ─── 事实上,一般的有限性限制在实际中是不够的,因为尽管解决某个特定问题的执行步骤是有限的,但可能对实际计算来说仍太大。

74、finit element method numerical simulation ─── 有限元数值模拟

75、On the Finiteness of Right in the Principle of Market Contract ─── 市场契约原则下权利的有限性

76、Keywords overdenture;post-core;denture base;3-D finit e element;stress analysis; ─── 覆盖义齿;桩核;基托;三维有限元;应力分析;

77、A gold mining enterprise which processes ore resources must have a lifecycle consistent with organism in his specific are because of the finiteness of ore resources without regeneration. ─── 资源有限性及不可再生性特点决定黄金矿山企业发展过程更具有与生物体一致的生命周期。

78、A 1-dimension magnetotelluric (MT) simulating of finit element method (FEM) is used to show how the computer precision and grid length affect the MT simulating of FEM. ─── 摘要以一维大地电磁有限单元模拟为例分析了计算机精度、网格剖分大小对高、低频计算结果的影响。

79、It's unnecessary to "endure" solitude if we are aware of the finiteness of time as well as the reality of our aim, the correctness of our action, and the feasibility of our plan. ─── 知道自己的时间有限的同时,坚信自己的目标是现实的,确认自己的行动是正确的,清楚自己的计划是可行的,那么,大多数情况下根本就没必要“忍受孤独”。

80、Related Entropy and Its Finiteness Condition ─── 相关熵及其有限性的条件

81、By the example, it was proved that diffusion of error from single point subdomain integration is more slow than central finit difference. ─── 算例也表明了单点子域积分法具有比中心差分法误差扩散慢的特点。

82、This powerful algebraic structure with its finiteness makes itself a concise and beautiful subject of study in the mathematical world. ─── 这种强有力的代数结构再加上有限性这一条件使它成为数学领域中一种简洁、美妙的研究对象。

83、Finit element analysis ─── 有限元分析

84、finit transducer ─── [计] 有限翻译机

85、The manifestation of grammatical relationship through the addition of inflectional affixes, such as number, person, finiteness, aspect and case, which do not change the grammatical class of the stems to which they are attached. ─── 屈折变化是通过附加屈折词缀的语法关系的表现,如数,人称,有定性,体和格,屈折词缀不会改变所附加词语的语法类。

86、Son nom commence par D-A et finit par A-L, je crois. ─── 他的姓氏是D-A起头的, 结尾是A-L.

87、FEM (finit element method) ─── 有限元法

88、It gives you a sense of the finiteness of your life, the preciousness of your life. ─── 它可以使你认识到生命的有限,和生命的珍贵。

89、finiteness transform ─── 有限性变换

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