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09-03 投稿



terrene 发音

英:[te'ri?n]  美:[t?'rin]

英:  美:

terrene 中文意思翻译



terrene 网络释义

terrene 相似词语短语

1、terrenes ─── adj.土的;尘世的;现世的;发生于(或居住于)陆地的;n.土地;陆地

2、terrine ─── n.陶罐;陶制盖碗食品;沙锅

3、terpene ─── n.萜(烃);萜烯

4、Terrence ─── n.特伦斯(男子名)

5、terrane ─── n.岩层

6、terrenely ─── 恐怖地

7、terebene ─── n.芸香烯,松节油精

8、terranes ─── n.岩层

9、terpenes ─── n.[有化]萜烯;松烯

terrene 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The main architectural characteristic is flat-headed and terrene house that is made of big wood and soil in this area. ─── 高昌地区居室建筑以“架木为屋,土覆其上”这类比较原始的平顶土屋为主要建筑特色。

2、Raohe granites mainly distribute in northeast part of Raohe area with two big outcrops: Hamahe terrene and Taipingcun terrene. ─── 饶河花岗岩主要分布在饶河地区的东北部,出露有蛤蚂河和太平村两个较大的岩体。

3、complicated terrene slope ─── 复杂土质高边坡

4、Combined with mathematics and geological practice, a new expression for calculating true thickness of terrene is deduced. ─── 将数学方法与地质实际相结合,严密推导出一个岩层真厚度计算的新公式。


6、2. Results The main architectural characteristic is flat-headed and terrene house that is made of big wood and soil in this area. ─── 结果高昌地区居室建筑以“架木为屋,土覆其上”这类比较原始的平顶土屋为主要建筑特色。收藏指正

7、planting grass on terrene road ─── 路面种草

8、terrene structural plane origin ─── 岩体结构面成因

9、Wetland is the conjunction of lake and terrene and has important ecology function. ─── 湖滨湿地是陆地和湖泊水体的连接带,具有重要的生态功能。

10、Terrene building in Yongding ─── 永定土楼

11、Application of pushing pipe construction equipment to mixed terrene ─── 顶管施工机具在杂填土质中的应用

12、the flat-headed and terrene house ─── 平顶土屋

13、Short is life.There is only one fruit of this terrene life, a pious disposition and social acts. ─── 生命是短暂的,这一尘世的生命只有一个果实:一个虔诚的精神和友善的行为。

14、Transformation from the Donghai Eclogite to Amphibolite in the Southern Sulu UHPM Terrene ─── 江苏东海榴辉岩向斜长角闪岩转化的研究

15、Research and Application on Digging Technology in Bad Terrene of Large Section Tunnel in Jinchuan Mining Area ─── 金川矿区不良岩体中大断面巷道掘进技术研究及应用

16、reconstruction of shower core is one of the key works of cosmic ray experiment based on terrene. ─── 芯位重建是基于地面的宇宙线观测实验的关键工作之一。

17、terrene road ─── 土质路面

18、soft terrene ─── 软基础

19、Growth characteristics and anti-trample capacity of planting grass on terrene road in loess hilly-gully region ─── 山区农田道路路面种草生长发育与通行能力观测

20、Meanwhile,the works on ranking and selection of influencing factors of terrene surrounding rocks were completed,which can promote the standard of surrounding rock classi fication. ─── 以某轨道交通二期工程中土质围岩岩土为例,利用灰色关联度分析方法,完成对土质围岩稳定性分级影响因素的排序和筛选。

21、Keywords affusion test;gray model;soft terrene;deformation prediction; ─── 上水试验;灰模型;软基础;变形预测;

22、Discussion on Classification of Terrene Landslip in Fujian Province ─── 福建省土质滑坡分类探讨

23、An Experimental Study on Deformation of Saturated Terrene Tunnel ─── 富水土质隧道变形规律的试验研究

24、Discussion of the research on the terrene architecture of the urban landscape based on Wuhan city ─── 以武汉市为例初探城市景观地域体系研究

25、Short is life. There is only one fruit of this terrene life, a pious disposition and social acts. ─── 生命是短暂的,这一尘世的生命只有一个果实:一个虔诚的精神和友善的行为。

26、terrene non-point sources pollution ─── 陆源性非点源污染源

27、On the strengthen of slope in terrene deep foundation pit by brad ─── 土质深基坑边坡土钉加固研究

28、And by reform of at least three stage structural deformation metamorphism, it returned to terrene by shearing at the Late Permian. ─── 作者进一步论述了红石山蛇绿岩的组成及变形变质特征,为研究北山北带提供了最新资料。

29、terrene stress ─── 岩体应力

30、not a fairy palace; yet a mundane wonder of unimagined kind; so terrene a being as himself. ─── 不是仙宫;而是无法想象的尘世奇迹;像自己一样的平凡之人。

31、Raohe granites mainly distribute in northeast part of Raohe area with two big outcrops: Hamahe terrene and Taipingcun terrene. ─── 饶河花岗岩主要分布在饶河地区的东北部,出露有蛤蚂河和太平村两个较大的岩体。

32、Crews spotted the terren tear in the wing is there folded as they unfurled it on Tuesday. ─── 工作人员星期二在太阳能板时发现了的破损。

33、Preliminary Discussion on the Ecological Water Demand of Terrene System ─── 陆地系统生态需水量计算方法初探

34、terrene ism ─── 地域主义

35、The collapse column is production of sink terrene of the abstruse ash dissolve rock inanition, the form of the dissolve rock falling pole first rest with collapse column’ grade of the development. ─── 岩溶陷落柱是奥灰岩溶空洞上覆岩层塌陷的产物,岩溶陷落柱的形成首先取决于岩溶发育程度。

36、The response to terrene ecosystem is the important part of the current research on global change. Moreover, studying the relationship between vegetation cover and environment evolvement is the most complex and vivacious field. ─── 全球变化与陆地生态系统响应(GCTE)是当前全球变化研究的重要内容,而有关地表植被覆盖与环境演变关系的研究是其中最复杂和最具活力的研究方向。

37、In this article,the author discusses how to choose the tentative design on complicated terrene slope,and introduces the characteristic of construction technology. ─── 土质高边坡工程的设计中,土性参数的选取对边坡稳定性计算结果的影响往往要比选用不同计算方法更为显著。

38、Xiaoyingzi terrene ─── 肖营子岩体

39、Keywords terrene stress;support and wall rock;measures and experiences; ─── 岩体应力;支护与围岩;措施及经验;

40、so terrene a being as himself. ─── 像自己一样的平凡之人。

41、The fully mechanized caving coal mining under the railway in mine area will result in difficult maintenance of railway because of great deformation and subsidence speed of terrene and railway. ─── 在矿区铁路下进行放顶煤开采所引起的地表及铁路的变形量大,变形速度快,从而导致矿区铁路维护困难。

42、terrene building is a special kind construction in a special region of Chinese country. ─── 一种独特的地域性建筑,深深扎根于中国的乡村社会。

43、Shanghai Terrene Electronics Trading Co., Ltd. ─── 上海顿格电子贸易有限公司。

44、Keywords sewage treatment;Biolak;Biolak-Friox;terrene pond structure; ─── 关键词污水处理;百乐克;悬浮式曝气器;土池机构;

45、Keywords seashore;terrene non-point sources pollution;microbial sources tracking; ─── 近岸海域;陆源性非点源污染源;微生物源示踪;

46、Application of pushing pipe construction equipment to mixed terrene ─── 顶管施工机具在杂填土质中的应用

47、The reconstruction of shower core is one of the key works of cosmic ray experiment based on terrene. ─── 摘要簇射芯位重建是基于地面的宇宙线观测实验的关键工作之一。

48、Results The main architectural characteristic is flat-headed and terrene house that is made of big wood and soil in this area. ─── 结果高昌地区居室建筑以“架木为屋,土覆其上”这类比较原始的平顶土屋为主要建筑特色。

49、Research and Application on Digging Technology in Bad Terrene of Large Section Tunnel in Jinchuan Mining Area ─── 金川矿区不良岩体中大断面巷道掘进技术研究及应用

50、Growth characteristics and anti-trample capacity of planting grass on terrene road in loess hilly-gully region ─── 山区农田道路路面种草生长发育与通行能力观测

51、terrene architecture ─── 地域体系

52、Keywords bad terrene;large section tunnel advance;injected rock bolting network; ─── 不良岩体;大断面巷道掘进;喷锚网支护;

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