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09-03 投稿



gossamer 发音

英:[?ɡɑ?s?m?r]  美:[?ɡ?s?m?(r)]

英:  美:

gossamer 中文意思翻译




gossamer 网络释义

n. 蛛丝;薄纱;小蜘蛛网adj. 轻飘飘的;薄弱的

gossamer 词性/词形变化,gossamer变形

形容词: gossamery |

gossamer 相似词语短语

1、foamer ─── n.发泡剂;泡沫发生器

2、fossae ─── n.窝(fossa的复数)

3、gossamery ─── adj.轻而薄的;轻飘飘的

4、glossator ─── 注解者;注释者

5、fossate ─── 窝

6、gossiper ─── n.爱闲聊的人;搬弄是非者(gossip的名词形式)

7、bossage ─── n.毛面浮雕

8、gossipper ─── 流言蜚语者

9、gossamers ─── n.蛛丝;薄纱;小蜘蛛网;adj.轻飘飘的;薄弱的

gossamer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、On such gossamer strands tiny spiders have traveled into the Arctic and almost to the summits of the Himalayas. ─── 这些小东西就是踏着这摸不到的游丝走向北极,也几乎爬到喜马拉雅山的顶峰。

2、"Let me think and find that thread of gossamer!" cried Mahaduta. "If there is some good I can do, I won't try to keep it to myself." ─── “让我想一想,来设法找到自己的那条蜘蛛丝。”摩诃都塔叫着:“如果还有什么好事我可以做的,我绝不会再留给自己独享。”

3、a gown of gossamer silk ─── 丝绸女裙服

4、As we pass by, observe how each layer is fluffed around your body like so many gossamer bands. ─── 当我们经过时候,观察每一层如何被从身体周围松动就像很多蛛丝。

5、the gossamer threads of a spider and the trail of a horse; spider's web and horse's footprint ─── 蛛丝马迹

6、She is as light as gossamer. ─── 微风都能把她吹走,她就像纱一样轻啊。”

7、The postilions, with a thousand gossamer gnats circling about them in lieu of the Furies, quietly mended the points to the lashes of their whips; ─── 驭手身边并无复仇女神,却有数不清的蚊蚋飞绕。 他只站着修理马鞭的梢头。

8、a gossamer justification ─── 站不住脚的辩解

9、tenuous gossamer ─── 纤细的游丝

10、"do not make so much noise," said his mother, "or you will wake the tiny creature. we may lose her if we are not careful. the slightest breeze would waft her far away. she is as light as gossamer. ─── “别吵”!他妈说,“你会把这小可爱吵醒的!我们不小心点的话会让她跑掉的!微风都能把她吹走,她就像纱一样轻啊。”

11、Those bygone days have been dispersed as smoke by a light wind,or evaporated as mist by the morning sun.What traces have I left behind me?Have left behind any gossamer traces at all? ─── 在八千多日的匆匆里,除徘徊外,又剩些什么呢?过去的日子如轻烟被微风吹散了,如薄雾被初阳蒸融了;

12、5.a hat with a diaphanous veil; filmy wings of a moth; gauzy clouds of dandelion down; gossamer cobwebs; sheer silk stockings; transparent chiffon; vaporous silks. ─── 有透明面纱的帽子;蛾子薄膜的翅膀;蒲公英绒毛上纱似的阴影;薄纱般的蜘蛛网;透明的长丝袜;半透明的薄纱;透明的丝绸。

13、Flying When Gossamer Phantasm becomes the target of a spell or ability, sacrifice it. ─── 当薄纱幻象成为咒语或异能的目标时,将它牺牲。

14、You beautiful gossamer! ─── 你这美丽的轻纱!)

15、For a brief second, I was distracted by the profusion of white blossoms that hung in garlands from everything in the room that wasn't alive, dripping with long lines of white gossamer ribbons. ─── 屋里一切没有生命的东西上都挂了坠着长长的白薄纱丝带的白色花束让我有片刻的分心。

16、The translucence allows for a finely woven field to emerge that appears much as gossamer wings; ─── 半透明让一个精美织就的场浮现,看上去就像轻薄的羽翼。

17、gossamer superconductor ─── gossamer超导体

18、Faerie dragons are about one foot long and resemble miniature dragons with thin bodies, long, prehensile tails, gossamer butterfly wings, and huge smiles. ─── 精灵龙体长大约为一英尺,身体纤细苗条,很像一只缩微型的龙族,有一条适合抓握的尾巴,蝴蝶般轻薄的翅膀上有着丰富的图案。

19、Out their window, beyond a garden that covers a couple of acres, the mountains well up in gossamer light. ─── 他们的视野,穿过了他们一亩的小小花园,向微光下的山川延展。

20、A lover may bestride the gossamer that idles in the wanton summer air, and yet not fall. ─── 恋爱中人可以踩在夏空中迎风飘荡的蛛丝上,而不致摔落.

21、Behold the gossamer entwine the screens And wandering catkins kiss the stone.Here comes the maiden from out her chamber door Whose secret no one s ... ─── 黛玉葬花词 曹雪芹 林语堂译: Taiyu Predicting Her Own Death Tsao Shuehchin Fly fly ye faded and broken dreams Of fragrance for the spring is gone!

22、When you think about silk, you probably think of gossamer fibers woven into lustrous garments or decadently soft bed sheets. ─── 当你想到丝绸的时候,你可能想到是那些织成华丽服饰的薄纱,或者是那些柔软奢侈的床被。

23、The Gossamer Conder, a human-powered airplane, flew into aviation history on Aug. 23,1977. ─── 1977年8月23日,“飘忽秃鹰”式人力飞机载入了航空史册。

24、Application of various constraints in videogrammetry for the profilement of gossamer inflatable spacecraft antenna ─── 多约束条件在薄膜充气天线面形测量中的应用

25、Gossamer is floating in calm air. ─── 空中飘浮着游丝。

26、A male forest chaser dragonfly displays its gossamer wings in Taiwan. ─── 台湾一只雄性的森林猎者蜻蜓展示它丝网般的翅膀。

27、the gossamer wings of a fly ─── 薄如轻纱的蝇翅.

28、When you think about silk, you probably think of gossamer fibers woven into lustrous garments or decadently soft bedsheets. ─── 当你想到丝绸的时候,你可能想到是那些织成华丽服饰的薄纱,或者是那些柔软奢侈的床被。

29、Moonlight draped the now distant hump-backed bridge like shimmering gossamer, and the electric lights at the bridge's either end could be seen only dimly. ─── 圆拱桥已经留在后面了。 它沐着月光像是披了一条纱,有点模糊,桥畔的几盏电灯在朦胧中发亮。

30、he was merely floating those gossamer threads of thought which , like the spiders , he hoped would lay hold somewhere. ─── 他只是让自己的思绪像游丝般地飘浮着,指望这思绪像蜘蛛丝一样,会挂在什么地方。

31、the gossamer wings of a dragonfly ─── 薄如轻纱的蜻蜓翅膀

32、"The gossamer held fast. He climbed quickly, higher and higher. Suddenly he noticed that the spider's thread was trembling, as if under a new weight. ─── 这条蜘蛛丝很坚固,所以他很快地越爬越高;忽然他发觉蜘蛛丝在抖动,好像是承受了新的重量。

33、gossamer inflatable spacecraft antenna ─── 航天器薄膜充气天线

34、"Having seen that, the Buddha sent a spider to spin a thread of gossamer down to the Unintermittent Hells. ─── 看到这里,佛陀便派一只蜘蛛吐一条长长的丝,垂到无间地狱去。

35、It discovered another, fainter gossamer ring that extended as far as the moon Thebe and no farther. ─── 还有另一个更模糊的薄纱环延伸到木卫十四,但再过去就没有了。

36、Perhaps, never had I seen through the emptiness of the world.At the center stage of night, those affectionateness, of waving sleeves, of valsing gossamer, was beckoning to me far away. ─── 或许,此生我未曾看破红尘,那些深深的依恋,在夜的舞台中央,飞舞水袖,轻舞霓裳,朝我遥遥招手。

37、The delicate warmth of mohair will take the chill off any night - or day. Silky soft and gossamer light, you will enjoy the perfect luxury of our pure mohair pile. ─── 无论是晚上还是白天,有了精致暖和的马海毛,寒意荡然无存。如丝般柔软和轻盈,我们豪华型马海毛毛毯是您最渴求的享受。

38、Gossamer urocteae ─── 壁钱, 壁蚕茧

39、The gossamer strands, slowly overtaking a lakefront peninsula, emit a fetid odor, perhaps from the dead insects entwined in the silk. ─── 日积月累地盘据半岛上湖滨地带的蜘蛛丝散发出恶臭,可能是蜘蛛丝上昆虫遗体腐化所致。

40、DNA carries the coding, for this genetic material and its helixes are made up of light-encoded filaments-tiny gossamer threads that carry information the way fiber optics systems do. ─── DNA携带了编码,因为这个遗传物质和它的螺旋是由光编码细丝-微小的蛛丝丝线组成,它们传送信息的方法与光学纤维系统传送类似。

41、Vision Measurement for the Profile of Gossamer Inflatable Spacecraft Antenna ─── 航天器薄膜充气天线面形的视觉测量方法

42、Softly the gossamer floats over spring pavilions, Gently the willow fluff wafts to the embroidered screen. ─── 闺中女儿惜春暮,愁绪满怀无处诉;手把花锄出绣帘,忍踏落花来复去。

43、They quickly stripped me of my clothes and bound me like a mummy in a gossamer web. ─── 他们飞快地扒了我的衣服,把我绑得像个蜘蛛网里的木乃伊。

44、Those bygone days have been dispersed as smoke by alight wind, or evaporated as mist by the any gossamer traces at all? ─── 过去的日子如轻烟,被微风吹散了,如薄雾,被初阳蒸融了;我留着些什么痕迹呢?

45、Other scenes too cumbersome to merit comparison with the airiness of gossamer: ─── 还有几句更笨重的怎能仿佛那游丝似轻妙的情景:

46、He was merely floating those gossamer threads of thought which, like the spider's, he hoped would lay hold somewhere. ─── 他只是让自己的思绪像游丝般地飘浮着,指望这思绪像蜘蛛丝一样,会挂在什么地方。

47、The prince helped the princess, who was still in her delightful gossamer gown. ─── 王子搀扶着仍穿著那套美丽薄纱晚礼服的公主。

48、Observing the executive safety measure to the letter, it meant deporting vast communities of Quarren, Aqualish, Koorivar, Neimoidian, Gossam and more. ─── 严格遵守这项行政安全措施就意味着要驱逐大量夸润人、阿夸利什人、库里瓦人、内莫迪亚人、戈萨姆人和其他更多异族人的社区。

49、gossamer cobwebs; ─── 纤薄的蜘蛛网;

50、Have I ever left behind any gossamer traces at all? ─── 我何曾留着象游丝样的痕迹呢?

51、gossamer inflatable antenna ─── 薄膜充气天线

52、Family after family was able to report a good harvest of cocoons.People visited one another to view the shining while gossamer ─── 接着是家家都“浪山头”了,各家的至亲好友都来“望山头”。

53、Infinitesimal details become artistic expression, a translucent tip of a fin becomes like fine gossamer of haute couture fabric. ─── 微妙的细节成为艺术的表达,鱼鳍的透明末梢就似奢华的薄纱。

54、What traces have I left behind me? Have I ever left behind any gossamer traces at all? ─── 我留着些什么痕迹呢?我何曾留着象游丝样的痕迹呢?

55、this smallest and most ethereal of birds; gossamer shading through his playing ─── 最小巧、轻盈的鸟儿;他比赛时轻盈的身影

56、"He stopped climbing. 'How can the gossamer carry everyone?' he thought .'This string is mine!' he shouted downwards. 'Let go, all of you! Let go! It's mine!' ─── 于是便对下边大叫着:‘这条蜘蛛丝是我的!你们全都放手!放手!蜘蛛丝是我的!’

57、Those bygone days have been dispersed as smoke by a fight wind, or evaporated as mist by the left behind any gossamer morning sun. ─── 过去的口子如轻烟被微风吹散了,如薄雾,被初阳蒸融了:我留着些什么痕迹呢?

58、A spectacular tightrope walk on a gossamer thread between vast regions of crystalline immobility and chaotic flux. ─── 走索者叹为观止地行走在水晶般透明的固定不动的广阔区域和一片混乱的不稳定状态之间细若游丝的线索上。

59、And wandering threads of gossamer on the summer-house are seen ─── 游丝软系飘春榭

60、gossamer-like traces. ─── 我何曾留着像游丝样的痕迹呢?

61、gossamer mist ─── 薄雾

62、It is an enormous insect, over three meters long, with gossamer wings that strobe an a fantastic rate, creating a buzzing drone as it flits through the skies, trailing behind it a feathery tail. ─── 牠是一种巨大的昆虫,超过三公尺长,薄纱般的翅膀以极惊人的频率闪动著,掠过天空时会发出阵阵的嗡嗡声,后面曳著一条有羽毛的尾巴。

63、gossamer is floating in calm air ─── 空中飘浮着游丝。

64、The faint sound of me, the clouds came , meteors fall in that moment, the voice of also like gossamer why, from my ear gradually disappeared, gone. ─── 我的琴声幽幽,云端里传来的笛音缥缈,若有若无,就在那流星陨落的刹那,马头琴的声音为什么也宛若游丝,从我的耳边渐渐消失,荡然无存。

65、Out came cloth as fine as gossamer that continued to unroll until the throne room was covered with it. ─── “这线怎么没有个头啊!”

66、a hat with a diaphanous veil;filmy wings of a moth;gauzy clouds of dandelion down;gossamer cobwebs;sheer silk stockings;transparent chiffon;vaporous silks. ─── 有透明面纱的帽子;蛾子薄膜的翅膀;蒲公英绒毛上纱似的阴影;薄纱般的蜘蛛网;透明的长丝袜;半透明的薄纱;透明的丝绸。

67、a veil spun of the finest gossamer ─── 精纺的面纱

68、Galileo's imaging system found that the gossamer ring vanished abruptly beyond the orbit of the moon Amalthea. ─── 从伽利略号的影像系统发现,薄纱环在木卫五轨道之外就突然消失了。

69、Sakyamuni softly took the gossamer of this spider and laid it straightly down through the gap between the white lotus with color like jade to the bottom of Hell far away. ─── 蛛踞于美丽的银色的蜘蛛丝上。于是释迦牟尼轻轻地拿起蛛丝,将它从白玉般的莲花的缝隙中,笔直地放下至那遥远的地狱的底端。

70、To add a Middle East crisis to the war in Vietnam might shred the gossamer fabric of East-West relations ─── 越南战争之外再加上一个中东危机或许会毁掉脆弱的东西方关系。

71、the gossamer of youth's dreams ─── 青春的虚幻之梦

72、They quickly stripped me of my clothes and bound me like a mummy in a gossamer web. ─── 他们飞快地扒了我的衣服,把我绑得像个蜘蛛网里的木乃伊。

73、The Gossamer Conder, a human-powered airplane, flew into aviation history on Aug. 23, 1977. ─── 1977年8月23日,“飘忽秃鹰”式人力飞机载入了航空史册。

74、The three subtle smiles, drifting in the air towards each other like gossamer, became interwoven ─── 这同样微妙的神情,好似游丝一般,飘飘漾漾的合了拢来,绾在一起。

75、The slightest breeze would waft her far away.She is as light as gossamer. ─── 当他看见小床里的拇指姑娘时,兴奋的呱呱大叫起来。

76、Also live the life, why do some people in there, life is not as dismal luminescence of the moon, fragile as gossamer in the autumn wind, the depression of the faint sound like a sigh? ─── 同样是鲜活的生命,为什么在某些人那里生命黯淡的就像不发光的月亮,脆弱的有如秋风中的游丝,消沉的就像一声幽微的叹息?

77、But she was so incorporated with my existence, that it was the idlest of all fancies, and would soon rise out of my reach and sight, like gossamer floating in the air. ─── 但她已经如此深入的融合到我的存在中,因此它几乎没有什么机会出现,而且会很快淡出我的视野范围,像飘在空中的薄纱。

78、this smallest and most ethereal of birds; gossamer shading through his playing. ─── 最小巧、轻盈的鸟儿;他比赛时轻盈的身影。

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