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09-03 投稿



hank 发音

英:[h??k]  美:[h??k]

英:  美:

hank 中文意思翻译



hank 网络释义

n. 汉克(男子名)

hank 词性/词形变化,hank变形

名词复数形式:hanks 形容词比较级:hanker 过去式:hanked

hank 短语词组

1、in a hank ─── 在困难中

2、Hank Aaron n. ─── 汉克·阿伦

3、hank hu ─── 胡汉克(hank hu)

4、hank panky ─── [网络] 汉克潘基

5、hank form hank ─── 表格

6、hank li ─── 汉克·李

7、hank moody ─── 汉克·穆迪

8、hank and kevin hank ─── 和kevin

9、hank we hank we ─── 公司

10、hank cai hank cai ─── 先生

11、hank for your blessing ─── 感谢你的祝福

12、Hank Williams n. ─── 汉克·威廉姆斯

13、get a hank over v. ─── 控制

14、a hank ─── 手帕

15、hank chenhang hank chenhang ─── 先生

16、hank for hank ─── 平等地

17、hank wang ─── 汉克·王

18、hank liu ─── 刘汉克(hank liu)

19、get a hank over sb ─── 控制某人

hank 相似词语短语

1、hanks ─── n.把数(hank的复数形式);纵帆前缘帆环;n.(Hanks)人名;(英)汉克斯

2、thank ─── vt.感谢;n.感谢;int.谢谢

3、Hank ─── n.汉克(男子名)

4、Rank ─── n.排;等级;军衔;队列;adj.讨厌的;恶臭的;繁茂的;vt.排列;把…分等;vi.列为;列队;n.(Rank)人名;(英、德、芬、捷)兰克

5、Yank ─── n.美国人(等于Yankee)

6、hanky ─── n.手帕

7、bank ─── n.银行;岸;浅滩;储库;vt.将…存入银行;倾斜转弯;vi.堆积;倾斜转弯;n.(Bank)人名;(英、德、俄)班克;(法、匈)邦克

8、chank ─── n.犬齿螺属

9、shank ─── n.柄;小腿;[解剖][脊椎]胫;n.(Shank)人名;(英)尚克

hank 习惯用语

1、in a hank ─── 在困难中, 处于困境

2、get a hank upon sb. ─── 控制某人, 缠住某人; 使某人陷于困境

3、have a hank upon sb. ─── 控制某人, 缠住某人; 使某人陷于困境

4、get a hank on sb. ─── 控制某人, 缠住某人; 使某人陷于困境

5、hank for hank ─── 【航海】两船齐头并进; [喻]平等的; 同速的

6、go hank for hank with sth. ─── 与...并驾齐驱, 与...平等

7、go hank for hank with sb. ─── 与...并驾齐驱, 与...平等

8、have a hank on sb. ─── 控制某人, 缠住某人; 使某人陷于困境

9、have a hank over sb. ─── 控制某人, 缠住某人; 使某人陷于困境

10、get a hank over sb. ─── 控制某人, 缠住某人; 使某人陷于困境

hank 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、For the reservoir area of large-type hydroproject, such as TGP, Danjiangkou hydroproject, reservoir hank reformation is common engineering problem. ─── 摘要在三峡库区、丹江口库区等大中型水利枢纽工程中,库岸再造是常见工程问题。

2、Because he got an A in English, Hank was on cloud nine all day yesterday. ─── 因为Hank的英语得了A,他昨天一整天都高兴得不得了。

3、The US Treasury convened meetings discussing the shape of SMLEC and acted as a neutral “third party”, and Treasury secretary Hank Paulson was strongly in support of the initiative. ─── 另一位知情人士称,预计各投行将提供总计大约750亿美元的信贷安排支持,但参与SMLEC设计的银行家强调,这一额度将按照需要进行调整,可能会需要多大就有多大。

4、Hank Paulson, now America's treasury secretary, is said to have visited China at least 70 times when he was the firm's chief executive. ─── 现在美国的财政部长汉克鲍尔森就在其担任高盛首席执行官时对中国进行了最少70次的访问。

5、Whenever I thanked Hank and Marcella for their help, they responded enthusiastically that it was a pleasure and blessing to have the opportunity to serve Tom. ─── 无论何时,我对汉克和玛塞拉的帮助表示感谢,他们总是热情地回答,很乐意有机会给汤姆做点什么。

6、The two ships were sailing hank for hank. ─── 两船并排航行。

7、In Valentine's Day,he nerved himself and propose marriage to his girlfriend with a hank of roses and a finger ring in both hands, she accepted. ─── 情人节那天,他手捧一个钻戒和一束玫瑰花鼓起勇气向他的女朋友求婚,她接受了。

8、LOCAL POLICE confirmed this morning that local businessman, "Pappy" LeBlanc and prospective son-in-law, Hank Leitch were found dead at an old plantation mansion, last night. ─── 当地警方今早证实,绰号“糊”的当地商人勒布朗和他法律学意义上的女婿。

9、What's clear is that Geithner, unlike his predecessor Hank Paulson, does not face a growing chorus of voices calling for a particular plan. ─── 很清楚的是,盖斯讷(不象前任汉克路泡尔桑)没有面临越来越多的要求一个特别计划的呼声。

10、A hank slip OCR system designed by this method proves the validity. ─── 利用该方法设计的银行票据OCR系统的实际应用说明了该方法的有效性。

11、As long as Hank Paulson, America's treasury secretary,manages to steer the economy away from financial Armageddon, Mr Buffett is sure to add to his reputation and his fortune. ─── 只要美国财政部长汉克.保尔森能带领美国经济成功地避开这场金融浩劫,巴菲特先生无疑将进一步扩大自己的声望和财富。

12、Released in 1952, "I'll Never Get Out Of This World Alive" was the last single Hank Williams released in his lifetime. ─── HankWilliams在1952年发行的“我不会活着离开这个世界”(I’llNeverGetOutOfThisWorldAlive)是他生前的最后一张单曲。

13、As American officials absorbed the news, an exhausted and exasperated Hank Paulson, the then treasury secretary, muttered that the British had “grin-fucked us. ─── 当美国官方对这一事件忍气吞声时,时任美国财政部长的鲍尔森一脸疲惫、满腔愤怒,咕噜道:英国用“用微笑欺骗我们。”

14、Should Hank Greenberg Answer for AIG's Scandal? ─── 公司丑闻,总裁埋单?

15、Her beloved Hank hung lifelessly from the branches of a tall cottonwood tree. ─── 她心爱的汉克悬挂在一棵高高的棉白杨树干上, 生命已经停息。

16、Finally Hank and his friend gave each other their address and promised to get in touch again with each other when they both returned to the States. ─── 最后汉克跟他的朋友互留地址,答应回到美国后再互相联系。

17、With all of their eyes upon him, Harry reached up to the top of his head, grabbed a hank of hair, and pulled. ─── 所有目光都聚焦在他身上,哈利把手举到头顶,抓住一绺头发,用力一拔。

18、In the late 1960's and 1970's, a new generation of musicians who grew up on Hank Williams, Lefty Frizzell and others brought southern rock to country. ─── 六十年代末及七十年代,新一代的音乐家们,如勒夫特.弗里兹尔等在汉克.威廉姆斯的基础上将南部摇滚乐带入了乡村。

19、Hank just passed his driving today. ─── Hank今天刚考过驾照的录考。

20、But Hank Paulson’s Treasury studiously avoided accusing Beijing of “currency manipulation”, a term that carries legal implications. ─── 但是汉克.保尔森的财政部谨慎地避免了指控北京“汇率操控”,一个有法律效力的单词。

21、It hank you from the bottom of my. ─── 我从心底里感谢你。

22、Hank explained our predicament. ─── 汉克说明了我们的困境。

23、Hank Blalock fanned on a slider to finish the first, and Marlon Byrd missed a sinker to end the second. ─── Hank Blalock 则是被一颗滑球三振而结束了第一局。随后,Marlon Byrd 对一颗伸卡球挥空棒而结束了第二局。

24、For example, if 840 yards, or one hank, of cotton weighs 1 pound, the yarn number is 1 s; if it requires 30 hanks to weigh 1 pound, the yarn is 30s. ─── 例如,840码的纱线,或一绞纱线,重量为一磅,纱线的支数为1支;如果30绞重一磅,则纱线的支数为30支

25、Narrator You may think I am small-brained. You may think I am dazed. But all your remarks, please restrain. Hippopotamus Hank loves this little mouse Maze. ─── 你可能会觉得我的脑子有点问题。或者是精神失常。但请你节制一下你的评论。河马。

26、Legislators from both parties wrung concessions from Hank Paulson, the treasury secretary, to provide necessary political cover. ─── 两党的议员迫使国库秘书汉克保尔森让步,使其提供必要的政治掩护。

27、His baby brother Hank Hanson (Ethan Hawke) is a complete loser that owes three months of child support to his daughter. ─── 他的弟弟汉克汉森(伊桑霍克)是一个完整的失败者,也欠了他的女儿3个月的赡养费。

28、Cartier-Bresson, HCB, Hank Carter or just Henri-always sadi with pride and affection- was the master in whose shadow documentary photography will always exist. ─── 卡蒂埃-布列松,HCB,昂克.卡蒂埃,或者只叫他亨利-提起他的名字总令人感到自豪和倾慕-他是名声永存于记时摄影界的一代摄影大师。

29、Hank enjoys sitting around and chewing the fat. ─── 喜欢到处坐着瞎聊天。

30、double stick hank dyeing machine ─── 双棒绞纱染色机

31、It’s useless staring at scoreboard.As nearly all the people had left the stand, Hank resentfully went out of the stadium and got to the car in the parking lot. ─── 可发呆当不了死,看台上人都散得差不多了,汉克也悻悻的走出体育场到停车位取了车,准备开车回家。

32、In 1949, Don Helms signed down on again with Hank Williams, who by then had become both a Grand Ole Opry star and a compose of compulsive songwriter. ─── 1949年,唐.赫尔姆斯再次与汉克.威廉姆斯合作,此时后者已是大奥普里的明星、引人注目的作曲家了。

33、Hank loves physical exercises, for it really charges him up. ─── Hank喜欢身体锻炼,因为它能使它精神百倍。

34、The story was later adapted by Thomas Rickman into a television movie, which aired on 5 December 1999 and starred Hank Azaria as Mitch and Jack Lemmon as Morrie. ─── 故事讲述一个人在职场上打拚,在电视上看到他最敬爱的大学教授患了不治之症,不久于人世,记起了当年的恩典,希望能够在老师有生之年能够好好交谈。

35、As Hank neared the old dog's cage, he laced his fingers through the chain link to steady his gait and the first feeling of comfort he'd remembered in over a year came from a wet nose and lick across his arthritic fingers. ─── 在汉克走近老狗的窝时,他抓住狗屋的钢丝网,停下站稳,随即感受到了一年来的头一次抚慰,一只湿润的鼻子正在蹭他那患有关节炎的手指。

36、JHD Continuity hank yarn drying machine ─── JHD连续式纹纱烘干机

37、And it is Don Helms' signature steel guitar sound you hear on almost every one of Hank Williams' hit songs, establishing Helms as an instrumental force. ─── 但就是那几乎在你所听到的每首汉克威廉姆斯的畅销歌曲中,唐赫尔姆斯的夏威夷吉他声,成就了他一名出色的演奏家。

38、Hank: I was trying to use up my frequent flyer miles, and that's all that was available. ─── 汉克:我试著把我累积的飞行哩程数用完,只能安排这样的班机。

39、He is trying to wind a hank of wool into balls. ─── 他正在努力把一卷毛线缠成线球。

40、"Hank," he said,"this is most impressive." ─── “老亨,”他说,“这真是了不起。”

41、We need a HANK TO CORN / BOBBIN WINDER machine which can produce Jumbo cones (3-... ─── 印度公司求购玉米机器2007-5-8其它国家和地区.印度有效期:30天

42、Hank Steinbrenner, 50, is not as detail-oriented as his father;he is not apt to demand new carpeting in the training room. ─── 小老闆之一的汉克,今年50岁,不像他的父亲什麽都管,他不会倾向决定训练员室的新地毯样式。

43、Hank Grotowski: I wanna take care of you. ─── 我想保护你。

44、Hank is a small-town country boy. ─── 汉克是个淳朴的乡下少年。

45、Therapist: Very good, Hank. Doctor Miller, your turn. Remember, speak to Hank as his mother; forget you're a therapist. ─── 专家:很好汉克。米勒医生该你了,像汉克母亲那样对他说话,忘了你是理疗师。

46、But the tenure of the current Treasury Secretary, Hank Paulson, proves, if nothing else, that having a Wall Streeter in the Treasury is no guarantee of success. ─── 不过现任财政部长汉克.保尔森的任期至少证明了有个华尔街小子在国库里并不是成功的保证。

47、One of the strongest points for Interactive Hank is you have the ability to perform your routine interactively with your audience. ─── 其中一个优点为 交互式汉克 是你有能力交互式地执行你的惯例与你的观众。

48、But Hank Paulson's Treasury studiously avoided accusing Beijing of “currency manipulation”, a term that carries legal implications. ─── 但是保尔森的财政部一直在竭力避免使用有法律涵义的属于“货币操控”来指责中国。

49、Hank Boston (as Chas.King Jr. ─── ) (汉克波士顿( chas 。

50、Five-year-old brother, Hank, and parents work together to the forest, suddenly began to rain, but they only brought a poncho. ─── 五岁的汉克和爸爸妈妈哥哥一起到森林干活,突然间下起雨来,可是他们只带了一块雨披。

51、Burrell,Hank Moonjean,Michael A. ─── 制片:Peter J.

52、A: I bet Hank is missing you right now. ─── 我敢说汉克现在正在想你。

53、I was told that Hank had moved to Oregon. ─── 我听说汉克搬家到俄勒冈去了。

54、For instance, Hank, this year for Christmas, I'm going to tell you in advance that I got you 5 llama butts. ─── 例如,汉克,今年圣诞节,我要提前告诉你,我准备给你5只美洲驼的屁股。

55、JPS SPRAYING Hank yarn dyeing machine ─── JPS型纹纱喷射染色机

56、Bob told Hank Paulson about this fear and he said get on a plane. ─── 鲍勃将自己的担忧告诉了保尔森,保尔森说,坐飞机过来吧。

57、Sure. Stand over there beside Hank. ─── 可以。请站到那边去,站在汉克旁边。

58、What did you get your wife for Valentine's day, Hank? ─── 你给你老婆的情人节礼物是什么?

59、Now at first, you might think that picking a favorite Hank Williams song wouldn't be difficult. ─── 一开始,你或许认为在汉克.威廉姆斯的歌曲中选一首最喜欢的并非难事。

60、The author points out that the different results are caused by the slightly different 100-winding hank number per cocoon. Therefore, propo sals are made for revising the current calculation formula. ─── 文章指出其原因是每粒茧的100回绞数不尽相同所致,从而对现行计算公式提出了修正意见。

61、HANK: Sure. go ahead. ─── 汉克:当然,请便。

62、Hank Steinbrenner announces after the game that free-agent first baseman Mark Teixeira has 48 hours to accept a contract offer. ─── 小老闆在赛后宣布,具自由球员身份的一垒手MarkTeixeira有48小时决定要不要接受合约。

63、The unite is used in dyeing silk, wool, manmade fiber, manmade cotton, acrylic, linen, nylon hank yarns. ─── 供棉、丝、羊毛、人造纤维、人造棉、晴纶、麻、尼龙等绞纱之染色。

64、Many thought Riggs' chief competition would be Hank, the offspring of the last two contest winners. ─── 很多人认为里格斯的主要竞争对手是上两届比赛冠军的后代汉克。

65、Her album includes a cover of Hank Williams's Cold,Cold Heart and a renditionof the Hoagy Carmichael's classic The Nearness of You,and even the album's original songs somehow sound like old standards. ─── 她的专辑有汉克·威廉斯的《冰冷冰冷的心》的转录和对霍吉·卡迈克尔的经典歌曲《你的身旁》的翻唱。

66、But anytime I felt depressed or just plain sick of coffee, I thought of Hank and his kindness. ─── 但是每当我觉得沮丧或者厌倦的时候,我就想到了汉克和他的善意。

67、As "Oom Henk" ("Uncle Hank") he broadcast anti-Nazi speeches to Holland during the Second World War. ─── 二战期间,他以“亨克叔叔”为名向荷兰广播反纳粹言论。

68、Just then a voice of authority sounded, and Hank jumped. ─── 就在这时,一个威严的声音突然响起,把汉克吓了一跳。

69、Size of the coiler trumpet not adjusted to the hank. ─── 圈条器喇叭口的尺寸与梳棉条的支数不合适。

70、So the central hank should estimate and release the index of Chinese currency position as an indicator for macro-control in order to minimize errors in formulating monetary policy. ─── 中央银行有必要估算并公布中国货币状况指数,以作为政府适时有效地实施宏观调控的一个参考指标,减少货币政策决策的失误。

71、At the same time, the employment of the mass flow principle ensures greatly improved hank spreading, which prevents creasing. ─── 同,设计以质量流动原理为本,可以改善纹纱的输送,避免皱褶。

72、Hank's wife had only been gone a year but the pain was as fresh as if time had stood still. ─── 汉克的妻子离去已有一年,但留给汉克的痛苦却一如昔日,好像时间凝固了一般。

73、You touched my hank I could much the sky ─── 你使我双手摸到天空

74、With all of their eyes upon him, Harry reached up to the top of his head, grabbed a hank of hair, and pulled. ─── 所有目光都聚焦在他身上,哈利把手举到头顶,抓住一绺头发,用力一拔。

75、Gross wasn't above talking smack: He provocatively ended his last investor letter with the taunt, 'Booyah Hank? ─── 在上一封致投资者信的结尾处,格罗斯用嘲弄的口吻写道“好哇,汉克(鲍尔森)?”

76、But the big draw was Hank Aaron, the baseball star who had broken Babe Ruth's home-run record in 1974. ─── 但是最受瞩目的人是汉克.阿隆,在1974年打破了贝比.鲁斯创造的本垒打记录的一位棒球明星。

77、"That was Hank's favored vol favorite of all the songs everthat he wrote, and it's also my favor favorite. ─── “这是汉克在创作的所有歌曲中最喜欢的一首,它也是我最喜欢的歌曲。”

78、In Cincinnati, Hank Aaron of the Atlanta Braves hits his 714th career home run tying baseball great Babe Ruth's record. Aaron breaks that record days later. ─── 在辛辛那提,亚特兰大勇士队的汉克.艾伦打出了职业生涯中的第714个全垒打,追平了棒球巨星贝比.鲁斯的纪录。艾伦几天后又将该纪录刷新。

79、To my mind, Tom Hank's Forrest Gump is a Walter Mitty, for he sometimes was a Vietnamese War hero and later a table tennis diplomat between America and China. ─── 我认为汤姆汉克斯扮演的冈普是有幻想症的人,他一会儿是越战英雄,一会儿充当美中乒乓外交的使者。

80、a skein of (yarn, thread, etc.); a hank of ─── 一绞

81、Hank's cupboards were close to bare now and, although he didn't want to go out, he knew he should at least pick up the basics... ─── 他现在是个老人了,孤单一人,渴望得到慰藉,而他清楚这慰藉是没有别的什么人能够再给予他的。

82、Hank and I will be flying there tonight. ─── 今晚汉克和我要飞过去那里。

83、circulating type hank dyeing machine ─── 循环式绞纱染色机

84、JSI Box type hank wave dyeing machine ─── JSI箱式纹纱染色机

85、Unknown: Hank Williams III by P.F.F. on Damn Right, Rebel Proud (0:00). ─── 天蒙蒙亮,有轻轻的鸟鸣,案前坐了一宿...一个人的时间,总是过得很快.

86、For some reason I didn't get into country and western until I was in my twenties, when Hank Williams and Patsy Cline reached down to me from heaven. ─── 不知为什么,我直到20多岁时才开始喜欢乡村音乐和西部音乐,汉克.威廉姆斯和帕茨.克莱思的音乐像从天而降般,立即使我迷上了。

87、As Hank walked out, he was overwhelmed by yaps, barks and insane jumping from dogs all sizes and shapes. He then realized he had unintentionally gone to the dog shelter. ─── 他走进一个办公区域,按铃求助服务,但是没有人露面。他朝外走时发现另一扇门,但没有注意到门上挂着“员工专用”的牌子。

88、Meanwhile, Hank Paulson, the treasury secretary, was due to outline new regulations for the mortgage industry to alleviate some of the problems that led to the credit crisis. ─── 同时,美国财长汉克.保尔森拟针对抵押贷款行业制订新规,以缓解导致信贷危机的一些问题。

89、A hank of cotton yarn measures 840 yards. ─── 一汉克的棉纱长达840码。








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