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09-03 投稿



honeyed 发音

英:[?h?nid]  美:[?h?nid]

英:  美:

honeyed 中文意思翻译



honeyed 网络释义

adj. 甜如蜜的;多蜜的;逢迎的;亲昵的

honeyed 短语词组

1、honeyed goggles ─── 蜜糖护目镜

2、honeyed definition ─── 蜜糖定义

3、honeyed words ─── 甜言蜜语;甘言密语;迷魂汤

4、honeyed pears in puff pastry ─── 酥皮蜜梨

5、honeyed synonym ─── 甜言蜜语的同义词

6、honeyed gravel voice ─── 甜 ─── 甜的沙砾声

7、honeyed words may deceive ─── 甜言蜜语可能会骗人

8、honeyed words love ─── 甜言蜜语爱情

honeyed 常用词组

honeyed words ─── 甜言蜜语

honeyed 相似词语短语

1、honeyedly ─── 甜蜜地

2、honeydew ─── n.蜜露;蜜汁;甘汁

3、bogeyed ─── n.妖怪;可怕的人;(高尔夫)比标准杆多一杆;n.(Bogey)(法)博热(人名)

4、monkeyed ─── n.猴子;顽童;vi.胡闹;捣蛋;vt.嘲弄

5、conveyed ─── vt.传达

6、hoseyed ─── 胡思乱想的

7、-neyed ─── 内耶德

8、honeybee ─── n.[蜂]蜜蜂

9、moneyed ─── adj.有钱的;金钱上的

honeyed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Conclusion: In order to improve the quality of honeyed folium eriobotryae, we should establish effective quality-standard and strictly put into practice. ─── 结论:若要较好地规范蜜炙枇杷叶的质量,尚须建立一个能有效控制其质量的标准并加以严格实施。

2、plus tomatoes and courgettes for a spiced and honeyed side dish. ─── 此外还有番茄和小胡瓜,用于制作一道五香的多蜜配菜。

3、speak sweet words and honeyed phrases; oil one's tongue ─── 满口甜言蜜语

4、Honeyed words are transmitted by sound waves, but when the lovers are brought together, the phone servers no purpose that many lovers observe that marriage is the doom of love. ─── 多少甜言蜜语由声波传递,但相爱的人一旦厮守在一起,电话便无用武之地。难怪许多相爱的人说道“婚姻是爱情的坟墓”。

5、Ballantine's 17 Year Old offers the true connoisseur a classic exceptional taste from its medium, cream body that has a complex, vibrant honeyed palate with hints of word smoke. ─── 百龄坛17年温和复杂而劲度十足的酒质,蕴含着橡木的熏香,口感醇厚,为真正的鉴赏家提供了一种经典和卓越的品味。

6、Salt makes a delicious dish sumptuous. Honeyed words cannot make you rich. Practice is required for attainment. Opportunism cannot make you a success. ─── 山珍海味少不了盐,花言巧语当不了钱,功成名就少不了行,投机取巧成不了功。

7、Quite a number of people have been fooled by the honeyed words, failing to see that they hid a dagger behind their smiles. ─── 世界上有多少人被他们的甜言蜜语所蒙蔽,而不知道他们笑里藏刀的厉害。

8、But in the realistic society, some people swindles others' hard-earned money with the honeyed words; ─── 而在现实社会中,有人用花言巧语骗取别人的血汗钱;

9、baby talk; honeyed talk. ─── 婴儿式的谈话;甜言蜜语

10、She was able to cogitate quite clearly while exchanging honeyed impertinences with Mrs. Branderton. ─── 她一边和布兰德顿夫人亲密地闲扯,一面还能十分清楚地深思问题。

11、When people fall in love with each other,the wonderful is the reticent moment in which he seems to stack the love and then make it explore into honeyed fragments. ─── 人在相爱时,最每秒的是缄默的时刻,在这个当口,他好像在把爱情堆积起来,然后爆发成甜蜜的碎片。

12、Keywords honeyed shaddock;fruit grain;suspension beverage; ─── 蜜柚;果粒;悬浮饮料;

13、In his sweet words and honeyed phrases the naive cedar thought that found has been possible to entrust the life the person, in 18th birthday that day, the cedar has given oneself he. ─── 在他的甜言蜜语里天真的杉以为找到了可以托付一生的人,就在18岁生日那天,杉把自己给了他。

14、Ballantine's17 Year Old offers the true connoisseur a classic exceptional taste from its medium, cream body that has a complex, vibrant honeyed palate with hints of word smoke. ─── 百龄坛17年温和复杂而劲度十足的酒质,蕴含着橡木的熏香,口感醇厚,为真正的鉴赏家提供了一种经典和卓越的品味。

15、“porridge, turushka, honeyed ginger, clarified butter, and filtered honey. ─── 乳糜、苏合、蜜姜、纯酥、纯蜜。

16、honeyed bolus ─── 蜜丸

17、But later I knew he had taken advantage of my innocence, hypnotized me with his honeyed words. ─── 过后一想,他是利用我的无知,畅快他自己。

18、Cheers and laughter(honeyed words( brave talks( balderdash(silence (the 5 steps of geting drunk) (Though the glass is shallow, it can drown a man. ─── 欢声笑语(甜言蜜语(豪言壮语(胡言乱语(不言不语(醉酒五步曲)(酒杯虽浅,却能把人淹死。)

19、baby talk;honeyed talk. ─── 婴儿式的谈话;甜言蜜语

20、Salt makes a delicious dish sumptuous. Honeyed words cannot make you rich. Practice is rquired for attainment. Opportunism cannot make you a success. ─── 山珍海味少不了盐花语巧语当不了钱功成名就少不了行投机取巧少了不功。

21、He consoled her with honeyed words. ─── 他用甜言蜜语安慰她。

22、that honeyed charm that he used so effectively to lull his victims(bS.J.Perelman) ─── 他使用的甜言蜜语有效地骗取了他的受害者的信任(bS.J.佩雷尔曼)

23、Smooth, good acid and sweetness, well balanced between freshness and body with a dominating honeyed finish. ─── 平滑,酸度和甜度适中,酒体与新鲜的口感之间平衡良好,回味甜如蜜。

24、Nervy, with an austere, honeyed character", was how one winemaker described the bubbly on offer on a wet afternoon at Denbies. ─── 在一个潮湿的下午,萨里郡的丹比斯,一位酿酒师这样描述这款起泡酒:“紧张、带着一种朴素、甜美的特质”。

25、Don't let yourself be fooled by honeyed words. ─── 不要被花言巧语所蒙蔽。

26、Subject_Topical_Eng: Haining Jiheng Health Foods Co.,Ltd.;Instant Chrysanthemum;Instant Honeyed Ginger;Honey Chrysanthemum ─── 海宁纪亨保健食品有限公司;蜂蜜菊花晶;蜂蜜姜晶;红枣茶;酸梅晶

27、His gentle manner and honeyed tones reassured Andrew. ─── 他温和的态度和甜蜜的语调消除了安德鲁的疑虑。

28、HPLC Determination of Paeonol in lixin honeyed pill ─── HPLC法测定利心丸中丹皮酚的含量

29、Honeyed words are transmitted by sound waves, but when the lovers are brought together, the phone serves no purpose. ─── 多少甜言蜜语由声波传递,但相爱的人一旦厮守在一起,电话便无用武之地。

30、Far less flavorful than today, wines during the Renaissance were often drunk "mulled" or "honeyed". Nostradamus used them in his medicinal potions. ─── 葡萄酒在文艺复兴时期经常加热或加蜂蜜饮用,口味远不及今天可口。占卜者在制作药剂时使用它。

31、Bouquet: Restrained melon fruit and tight lime intermingles with the rich aromas of cashews, honeyed almonds, nutmeg and cinnamon from the French oak. ─── 气味:典雅时尚的雪当利,带有丰富的腰果、甜杏仁、核仁和法国橡木带出的肉桂的香味。

32、An intense,weighty,moderately sweet feel in the mouth,with oopious quantities of buttery,honeyed fruit and a corpulent style. ─── 产品说明浓郁而醇厚,适度的香甜口味,蕴含丰富的黄油、蜜饯芬芳,是一款风格醇郁的美酒。

33、that honeyed charm that he used so effectively to lull his victims(S.J. Perelman) ─── 他使用的甜言蜜语有效地骗取了他的受害者的信任(S.J.佩雷尔曼)

34、Honeyed Peanuts ─── 琥珀花生

35、Study on the suspension beverage of honeyed shaddock grain ─── 蜜柚果粒悬浮饮料的研究

36、that honeyed charm that he used so effectively to lull his victims ─── 他使用的甜言蜜语有效地骗取了他的受害者的信任

37、honey-lipped;honeyed words ─── 甜言蜜语

38、Honeyed or deceiving words ─── 花言巧语

39、The Synthetic Technology for Protecting and Enhancing the Stream Honeyed Shaddock ─── 琯溪蜜柚综合保果壮果技术

40、Sweet words and honeyed phrases. ─── 甜言密语。

41、Every farmer welcomes this honeyed shower, as the weather has been long dry. ─── 好久一直没有下雨了,农民们对这场及时雨拍手称快。

42、Keywords Nisin;Chrysanthemum Honeyed Drink;hot-filling;corruption rate; ─── 菊花蜜饮料;热灌装;腐败率;

43、Love with just like the sometimes on reading it bad, ever of pledge of eternal love, honeyed words, awkward and shy and pure possibility just like of outcome. ─── 爱与喜欢有时候只是一念之差,曾经的山盟海誓、甜言蜜语、羞涩清纯可能只是喜欢的产物。

44、Honeyed words may deceive people of some time,but they cannot stand the test of time and practice. ─── 花言巧语蒙骗人于一时,但是却经不起时间和实践的检验。

45、Confucius said, "A man who speaks with honeyed words and pretends to be kind cannot be benevolent. ─── 孔子说:“一贯花言巧语,伪装和善的人,不会有什么仁德。”

46、Chrysanthemum Honeyed Drink ─── 菊花蜜饮料

47、Keywords honeyed folium eriobotryae;quality-standard; ─── 蜜炙枇杷叶;质量标准;

48、Determination of the Content of Honeyed Selenium of Goods of Different Samples ─── 不同样本商品蜂蜜中硒含量的测定

49、He has a honeyed mouth, and good at amusing people so he is very popular with old people. ─── 他总是给同事穿小鞋,所以在公司很不受欢迎。

50、He did not bumble for the honeyed words of the landlord. ─── 他没有被这个地主的甜言蜜语所欺骗。

51、1. A flattering speech is honeyed poison. ─── 奉承的话是甜蜜的毒药。

52、Preliminary Research of Fermented Craft of Honeyed Milk Liquor ─── 蜜奶酒发酵工艺初探

53、I could smell the honeyed ripeness of melons and peaches. ─── 我能闻到瓜桃熟透了的香甜味道。

54、Smooth, good acid and sweetness, well balanced between freshness and body with a dominating honeyed finish. ─── 口感:平滑,酸度和甜度适中,酒体与新鲜的口感之间平衡良好,回味甜如蜜。

55、The Fist Report of the Observation of the Characteristics and Habits of the Young Tree of the Honeyed Celestial Fruits Growing and Yielding Positive Results ─── 仙蜜果幼树生长与开花结果习性观察初报

56、Men like speaking honeyed words, ─── 男人的话儿都象蜜一样

57、“I only want to give you a chance to say honeyed words to me” she says with pouting smile on her mouth. ─── 带着娇嗔的轻笑,她说:“我只是想给你一个说甜言蜜语的机会。”

58、She spoke in honeyed tones. ─── 她的话像抹了蜜似的。

59、Her words were honeyed. ─── 她话说得很甜。

60、Her face is beautiful; her manner is charming; her mouth is full of honeyed words. ─── 她容颜姣好,风姿绰约,满口甜言蜜语。

61、Results: The honeyed folium eriobotryae from market were not uniform and general very low in quality. ─── 结果:从市场上所购蜜炙枇杷叶质量参差不齐,普遍欠佳。

62、Recommending to You a Cluster of a New Star Variety of Honeyed Sugarcane from the North ─── 推荐一簇北方蜜蔗新秀

63、for you happiness is not you, but you hear honeyed words has a pair of handle gently pat you sad the shoulder to say: no problem, i? ─── 幸福不是你听多少甜言蜜语,而是你伤心时有一双手轻拍你的肩说:没事,有我呢。

64、Objective : To compare the honeyed folium eriobotryae from market with the honeyed folium eriobotryae by ourselves in quality. ─── 目的:对市场上及笔者自制的蜜炙枇杷叶进行质量比较分析。

65、So, I should say Your Highness must have been much more fooled by honeyed words than I. ─── 燕、赵、韩、魏闻之,皆朝于齐。此所谓战胜于朝廷。

66、Their honeyed words can no longer impose upon the African poeple. ─── 他们的甜言蜜语再也不能欺骗非洲人民了。

67、Stewed pork shank with walnut and honeyed dates ─── 核桃蜜枣煲猪展

68、Honeyed words are transmitted by sound waves, nut when the lovers are brought together, the phone serves no purpose. ─── 不是你的线路串到别人的线路上,就是别人的线路串到你的线路上。

69、Don't be taken in by honeyed words. ─── 不要为甜言蜜语所迷惑。

70、Don't fall for his honeyed words. ─── 别听信他的甜言蜜语。

71、We drank some fine red (Shiraz) and a honeyed desert wine to dress the deserts, but it was the food that really shone through for its flavour presentation and texture. ─── 我们喝了一些红酒(雪拉兹),把加蜜甜酒浇在甜品上,美食色香味型俱佳,熠熠生辉,是真正的享受。

72、She was able to cogitate quite clearly while exchanging honeyed impertinences with Mrs. Branderton ─── 她一边和布兰德顿夫人亲密地闲扯,一面还能十分清楚地深思问题。

73、The product is the honeyed pill with brown to black brown and tiny odor, bitter in taste. ─── 本品为棕褐色至黑褐色的水蜜丸;气微,味苦。

74、Honeyed Walnuts ─── 琥珀核桃

75、Honeyed words tickle the ears. ─── 甘言悦耳

76、The taste is richly textured and honeyed with notes of orange zest and toasted coconut, with a long dry and spicy finish. ─── 艾柏迪的口感丰富并带着橙皮的清香以及烘烤可可豆的甜味,而具有持久的甘甜及辛香余味。

77、Their honeyed words are nothing but bait to hook the fish. ─── 他们的甜言蜜语不过是引鱼上钩的诱饵罢了。

78、a honeyed voice. ─── 优美动听的嗓音

79、is not willing to acknowledge that you also spoke the sweet words and honeyed phrases to others. ─── 不愿意承认你也对别人说甜言蜜语。

80、Spring's honeyed cud of youthful thought he loves, ─── 将春天里所衷爱的稚嫩思想的甜美花蜜

81、“Natural” and “effortless” were the words most often applied to that smooth, honeyed, gorgeous voice, which made skin break out in goose-bumps and raised thehairs on the back of the neck. ─── “自然而然”和“毫不费力”是用在他那些圆润甜美、富丽堂皇的嗓音上最经常的词语,而那些音调既能使人浑身起鸡皮疙瘩又让人寒毛直竖。

82、You already very much fell in love, do not have to think the elderlymarried couples, have not wanted the sweet words and honeyed phrasesand are romantic. ─── 带一位容貌平凡的女友上街,则在头俩个半小时内必撞见至少一个以上的熟人。10:你喜欢的女(男)孩,别人也一定喜欢;别人不喜欢的女(男)孩,则他们会怂恿你去喜欢。

83、Marked notes of quince jam and creamy honeyed flavours are enlivened by a good level of acidity. ─── 良好的酸度使酒呈现很好的奶油蜂蜜的香气。

84、Do not always speak honeyed words. ─── 别总是甜言蜜语的。

85、"that honeyed charm that he used so effectively to lull his victims" (S.J. Perelman) ─── “他使用的甜言蜜语有效地骗取了他的受害者的信任”(S.J.佩雷尔曼)

86、This dish is rich and delicious, it makes you feel happy &blessed after you tasted the honeyed ham wrapped with a piece of bun ! ─── 这菜丰厚甜美,一片片的荷叶卷包著蜜汁火腿,吃后顿时有幸福满足的感觉。

87、Quite a number of people have been fooled by the honeyed words , failing to see that they hid a dagger behind their smiles . ─── 世界上有多少人被他们的甜言蜜语所蒙蔽,而不知道他们笑里藏刀的厉害。

88、The romantic love all is the fool game, the sweet words and honeyed phrases is the fatal toxicant ─── 浪漫的爱情都是傻子们的游戏,甜言蜜语是致命的毒药

89、Quite a number of people have been fooled by their honeyed words, failing to see the murderous intent behind their smiles. ─── 世界上多少人被他们的甜言蜜语所蒙蔽, 而不知道他们笑里藏刀的可怕。

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