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09-03 投稿



frap 发音

英:[fr?p]  美:[fr?p]

英:  美:

frap 中文意思翻译



frap 短语词组

1、frap tools frap ─── 工具

2、frap attack frap ─── 攻击

3、frap friday %l: %M% ─── 页

4、frap 29 ─── 弗拉普29

5、frap friday rap frap ─── 星期五说唱

6、frap 32 ─── 弗拉普32

7、frap 30 frap 30

frap 词性/词形变化,frap变形


frap 相似词语短语

1、brap ─── 吹牛

2、frab ─── 框架

3、crap ─── n.废话;废物;屎;拉屎;vi.掷骰子;拉屎;n.(Crap)人名;(英)克拉普

4、fap ─── abbr.固定动作模式(fixedactionpattern);浮点运算程式组件(floatingarithmeticpackage);财政分析程式(financialanalysisprogram);故障分析程序(FailureAnalysisProgram)

5、drap ─── n.发现拖;呢绒,织物;vt.使滴下(等于drop);vi.滴下(等于drop);n.(Drap)人名;(法)德拉

6、fcap ─── abbr.圆锥帽(foolscap)

7、frape ─── adj.绑紧的

8、fraps ─── n.游戏录象软件

9、flap ─── n.拍打,拍打声;神经紧张;(飞机的)襟翼;风门,挡板;[医]皮瓣;vi.拍动;神经紧张;鼓翼而飞;(帽边等)垂下;vt.拍打;扔;拉下帽边;飘动

frap 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、FRAP beam ─── FRAP

2、FRAP method ─── FRAP

3、FRAP and FLIP are two techniques that are usually applied to study the dynamics of protein in living cells. ─── 摘要漂白后荧光恢复和漂白荧光丢失技术是蛋白质动态变化研究中常用的两项技术。

4、Objective Explore the function of mental intervention in the treatment of children s functional recurrent abdominal pain(FRAP). ─── 探讨心理干预在儿童功能性再发性腹痛治疗中的作用。

5、Antioxidant capacity of different parts of fruits determined by FRAP assay ─── FRAP法测定水果不同部分抗氧化活性

6、This set of actions but meanwhile frap legs, hips, stomach and shoulder, make whole body slimmer. ─── 这组动作可同时收紧双腿、臀部、腹部及肩膊,令整个身段更苗条。

7、Method 38 cases of FRAP children were treated with mental intervention and Chinese drugs, which was compared and analysed with 30 cases of pure Chinese drugs. ─── 应用心理干预结合中药治疗儿童功能性再发性腹痛38例,并与单纯中药治疗30例进行对照分析。

8、Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching FRAP ─── 光脱色荧光恢复技术

9、After isolation and purification by HPLC from NBM, one compound appear at 21.32 min, possessed the highest DPPH and FRAP, about 28.13% of total DPPH and 56.43% of total FRAP. ─── 进一步以HPLC分离纯化紫色狼尾草甲醇萃取液,发现抗氧化活性最高的成分约在21.32分钟出现,佔总抗氧活性28.13%(DPPH)及56.43%(FRAP)。

10、Keywords Morphine;Sciatic nerve;Fluoride-resistant acid phosphatase(FRAP); ─── 吗啡;坐骨神经;抗氟化物酸性磷酸酶;

11、Sense: being absorbed as soon as being spreaded, it can frap the skin to be elasticity and smooth as silk. ─── 使用感觉:一抹就吸收,肌肤马上紧致而富有弹性,如绢丝般的触感。

12、4.Multi-nutrition essence can effectively heighten the cell vitality, meanwhile frap flab,improve skin and muscle ageing, decrease the furrow to come into being. ─── 多重营养精华能有效增强细胞活力,同时收紧松弛,改善肌肤老化,减少皱纹产生。

13、Sense: frap the skin at once, and the wrinkles, that records for the age, are removed instantly. ─── 使用感觉:马上收紧肌肤,记录时间的痕迹瞬间被擦除。

14、Keywords Cocoon shell;Enzymatic hydrolysis;Antioxidant peptide;FRAP assay; ─── 蚕茧层;酶解;抗氧化肽;铁离子还原/抗氧化力分析法;

15、When Zylka and his colleagues studied tissues from these mutant mice, they were happy to see that FRAP activity was missing. ─── 当Zylka和他的同事们研究了从这些组织突变小鼠,他们高兴地看到FRAP的活动消失。

16、Sense: frap the skin at once, and the wrinkles, that records for the age, are removed instantly. ─── 使用感觉:马上收紧肌肤,记录时间的痕迹瞬间被擦除。

17、state of GJIC was observed by Fluorescene recovery after photobleaching (FRAP). ─── 恢复技术(FRAP)观察gjic的状态。

18、4. Multi-nutrition essence can effectively heighten the cell vitality, meanwhile frap flab,improve skin and muscle ageing, decrease the furrow to come into being. ─── 多重营养精华能有效增强细胞活力,同时收紧松弛,改善肌肤老化,减少皱纹产生。收藏指正

19、Usage suggestion: Fruit-honey Shaping Wrinkle-cure Massage Milk, Instant fixup renovate eye essence, Shaping frap renovate eye cream (nourish type), Shaping frap renovate eye milk (cleanlily type) ─── 建议搭配:果蜜塑形紧致按摩乳、瞬间定时更活眼精华、紧致塑形更活眼唇霜(滋养型)、紧致塑形更活渗透乳(清爽型)

20、TAC was measured with the ferric reducingantioxidant power assay (FRAP) in all organ homogenatesand with the total radical-trapping antioxidantparameter assay (TRAP) in selected organ homogenates. ─── TAC测量了与铁减少抗氧化力量分析用试样(拉紧)在所有器官均匀混合物并且与总根本诱捕抗氧剂参量分析用试样(陷井)在选择的器官均匀混合物。

21、PCC6803 to develop FRAP andFRET techniques in living cyanobacteria cells, which can be used to study thedynamics of photosynthetic membrane proteins. ─── PCC6803建立了在蓝藻活细胞内进行FRAP和FRET实验的技术平台,用以研究活细胞生理状态下蓝藻光合膜蛋白的动态变化。

22、Also the program will need to have the ability to record and store FRAP like footage. ─── 该计划还需要有能力像镜头记录和储存FRAP还原力。

23、Previous research hinted that FRAP and PAP may have a shared identity. ─── 以前的研究暗示,FRAP和PAP可有相同结构。

24、We propose that this FRAP method can be widely applied to study di- or oligomerization of cell-surface proteins. ─── 我们建议,这个酶的方法可广泛应用于研究涤或齐聚细胞表面的蛋白质。

25、Keywords Silicon dioxide;Gap junctions;Pulmonary fibrosis;Fluorescence redistribution after photobleaching(FRAP); ─── 二氧化硅;间隙连接;肺纤维化;FRAP技术;

26、When Zylka and his colleagues studied tissues from these mutant mice, they were happy to see that FRAP activity was missing. ─── 当Zylka和他的同事们研究了从这些组织突变小鼠,他们高兴地看到FRAP的活动消失。

27、3. Sense: being absorbed as soon as being spreaded, it can frap the skin to be elasticity and smooth as silk. ─── 使用感觉:一抹就吸收,肌肤马上紧致而富有弹性,如绢丝般的触感。收藏指正

28、fluorescence redistribution after photobleaching (FRAP) ─── 光漂白恢复技术

29、frap a sail. ─── 用绳缚住船

30、This review explains the potential and the problems, and gives a brief guide to performing FRAP measurements and analysing the data. ─── 这次审查的潜力和解释的问题,并给出了一个简短的指南,表演酶的测量和分析数据。

31、3.Sense: being absorbed as soon as being spreaded, it can frap the skin to be elasticity and smooth as silk. ─── 使用感觉:一抹就吸收,肌肤马上紧致而富有弹性,如绢丝般的触感。

32、We applied real-time image and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) to examine the nuclear pore permeability of 27 kDa EGFP in human lung cancer cells (ASTC-a-1) transfected with plasmid vector (pEGFP-C1). ─── 本实验利用荧光漂白后恢复(FRAP,fluorescencerecoveryafterphotobleaching)法观测人肺腺癌肿瘤细胞(ASTC-a-1)中表达的27kDaEGFP在核质间的被动扩散,并以激光共焦显微镜进行实时成像。

33、Methods The functions of GJIC in bladder smooth muscle were detected by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching(FRAP). ─── 方法利用荧光光漂白恢复(FRAP)技术检测膀胱平滑肌细胞GJIC功能。

34、One week later, the distraction osteogensis started and lasted for three weeks and the frap apperance was superused periodicaly. ─── 术后延迟1周行骨牵引,共牵引3周,在此过程中观察颊脂垫瓣状况。

35、By using living cell imaging, time-lapse monitoring and FRAP technique, the intracellular behavior of poliovirus plus-strand RNA was studied in living host cells. ─── 运用长时间活细胞荧光影像捕获和荧光漂白恢复等技术手段,研究了脊髓灰质炎病毒正链rna在活细胞内的行为特征。

36、Multi-nutrition essence can effectively heighten the cell vitality, meanwhile frap flab, improve skin and muscle ageing, decrease the furrow to come into being. ─── 多重营养精华能有效增强细胞活力,同时收紧松弛,改善肌肤老化,减少皱纹产生。

37、Sense: frap the eye bag tightly ─── 使用感觉:收紧的感觉象是对眼肚穿了紧身衣

38、Sense: frap the eye skin as shaping film. ─── 使用感觉:眼周皮肤就象穿了塑形内衣。

39、One such marker, FRAP (fluoride-resistant acid phosphatase), has been employed for this purpose for nearly 50 years, but the gene that codes for its production was never identified. ─── 一个这样的标记FRAP(耐氟酸性磷酸酶),已用来近50年来,但是该基因编码的产物却还没有确定。

40、Efficacy: Can adjust oil produce,frap pore,inhibit the breeding of bacteria,supply skin moist and nutrition, eliminate sense of tension,feels very cool. ─── 功效:绿茶精华和矿物质科学融合,平衡油脂分泌,收细粗大毛孔,抑制细菌滋生,补给肌肤营养和水分,消除肌肤紧绷感,令肌肤清爽无比。

41、FRAP Frame Relay Access Probe ─── 帧中继接入探测器

42、Keywords Endometriosis(EMs);Cell culture;Stromal cell;Connexin43(Cx43);Gap junctional intercellular communication(GJIC);Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching(FRAP); ─── 子宫内膜异位症;细胞培养;间质细胞;连接蛋白43;间隙连接细胞间通讯;荧光漂白后恢复技术;

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