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09-03 投稿



multicellular 发音

英:[?m?lti?selj?l?r]  美:[?m?lti?selj?l?(r)]

英:  美:

multicellular 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 多细胞的


multicellular 常用词组

multicellular organism ─── 多细胞生物

multicellular 短语词组

1、multicellular glands ─── [医] 多细胞腺

2、multicellular gland ─── 多细胞腺

3、multicellular hair ─── [医] 多细胞毛

4、multicellular stage ─── 多细胞期

5、multicellular horn ─── [电] 复室喇叭

6、seaweeds are multicellular ─── 海藻是多细胞的

7、multicellular pump ─── [化] 多室泵

8、multicellular loudspeaker ─── 多格栅扬声器

9、multicellular organism ─── 多细胞机体

10、multicellular collector ─── 多细胞收集器

11、multicellular glass ─── 泡沫玻璃

12、multicellular organisms ─── 多细胞生物

13、unicellular and multicellular ─── 单细胞和多细胞

multicellular 词性/词形变化,multicellular变形

名词: multicellularity |

multicellular 相似词语短语

1、unicellular ─── adj.[细胞]单细胞的

2、multicelled ─── 多电池

3、multiangular ─── 多角的

4、multicell ─── adj.多单元的

5、multilocular ─── adj.[生物]多室的;[生物]多腔的

6、multilobular ─── 多小叶的

7、multimolecular ─── adj.多分子的

8、multicolour ─── adj.五彩缤纷的;n.多色

9、multicultural ─── adj.多种文化的;融合或具有多种文化的

multicellular 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Perennials, 10-15 cm tall, sparsely rusty-red villous with long multicellular hairs. ─── 多年生植物,10-15厘米高,疏生锈色红色的具长柔毛具长多细胞毛。

2、Cell signaling Cells communicate with one another in multicellular organisms using extracellular signaling molecules or hormones . ─── 细胞信号转导在多细胞生物中,细胞用胞外信号分子或激素彼此进行交流。

3、If organisms are to be multicellular, cells must be able to talk to each other. ─── 单细胞生物要进化成多细胞生物,其前提条件是细胞间必须能够互相沟通。

4、All visible animals, as big as elephant, as small as ant , are multicellular organisms. ─── 所有肉眼可见的动物,大至大象,小若蚂蚁,都是多细胞生物。(废话!)

5、-billion-year-old Fossils May Be Earliest Known Multicellular life. ─── 年前的古老化石可能是地球上最早的多细胞生物。

6、It may be unicellular, as in simple algae and fungi, or multicellular, as in plants. ─── 可以是单细胞,如在原始的藻类、真菌中;或者为多细胞,如在植物中。

7、The same principle holds in multicellular organisms. ─── 在多细胞组织也是同样道理。

8、Annuals, 8-13 cm tall, densely with multicellular glandular hairs. ─── 一年生草本,8-13厘米高,多细胞的具腺毛的浓密。

9、The multicellular proembryo and globular embryo possessed uniserial or untidy disposal multi-cellular suspensor. ─── 在多细胞原胚及球形胚期具有单列或不规则排列的多细胞胚柄。

10、A multicellular, often flask - shaped, egg - producing organ occurring in mosses, ferns, and most gymnosperms. ─── 藏卵器在苔藓、蕨类及大多数裸子植物中的多细胞的,常为烧瓶状的产生卵子的器官

11、Sporocarp A hard multicellular sporecontaining structure found in water ferns (e.g. ─── 孢子果:在水蕨中发现的坚硬多细胞结构,内含孢子。

12、All multicellular organisms have eukaryotic cells that take on vastly different roles and form specialized [[tissues]]. ─── 所有的多细胞机体的真核细胞都有许多不同的任务并且构成不同的组织。

13、Many cells in multicellular organisms, including animal muscle and nerve cells, either slow the cycle or break out of it altogether. ─── 多细胞生物中的许多细胞,包括动物肌肉和神经细胞,要么降低循环速度,要么同时分裂。

14、Herbs perennial, with reddish multicellular hairs on petioles and scapes. ─── 多年生草本,有带红色的多细胞毛在叶柄和花葶上。

15、What genetic change allowed multicellular animals to come into existence remains obscure. ─── 什么样的遗传突变产生了多细胞的动物还不清楚。

16、primitive multicellular marine animal whose porous body is supported by a fibrous skeletal framework; usually occurs in sessile colonies. ─── 孔的身体由纤维性骨骼构架支撑;通常以固着的群体形式出现。

17、In unicellular organisms whole individuals may unite but in most multicellular organisms only the gametes combine. ─── 单细胞生物常发生整体的融合,而多细胞中只有配子发生融合。

18、same principle holds in multicellular organisms. ─── 在多细胞组织也是同样道理。

19、Spore A unicellular or multicellular plant reproductive body. ─── 孢子:单细胞或多细胞植物体的繁殖单位。

20、They may be unicellular or multicellular, simple, forked, sellate(starlike), downy, silky, long, or short. ─── 毛可由单细胞或多细胞组成,有结构单一,叉状,具鞍的(星形的),也有柔软的,柔滑的,长形的或短形的。

21、Prokaryotes are unicellular organisms that do not develop or differentiate into multicellular forms. ─── 原核生物是不会发展为或无法与多细胞生物区分的单细胞生物。

22、Stems creeping or ascending, often branched, 5--20 cm, with a line of multicellular villous hairs. ─── 茎匍匐或上升的,通常分枝,5-20厘米,具一排多细胞的具长柔毛。

23、Apoptosis plays an important role in survival of multicellular organism. ─── 摘要细胞凋亡在保证多细胞生物的健康生存过程中扮演著关键的角色。

24、Is a species simply an uberorganism, a collection of multicellular parts to be the-cast as needed? ─── 生物是否仅仅是一种有机物,一种在必要时可以压铸的多细胞的集合体呢?

25、Gametophyte The gamete-producing generation in the life cycle of a plant or multicellular alga. ─── 配子体:是能够形成配子并进行世代繁衍的植物体或多细胞藻类。

26、Any of various freshwater green algae of the genus Volvox that form hollow, spherical multicellular colonies. ─── 团藻一种团藻属淡水绿藻,形成空的、球状的多细胞群落

27、It is very important for the multicellular organism to develop and keep their stability. ─── 它对机体的发育和自身稳定起重要作用。

28、Apoptosis is a genetically controlled multicellular organisms process to maintain homeostasis and remove the potentially dangerous cells. ─── 细胞凋亡是多细胞生物用来维持细胞恒定性和消除对自体有潜在危险性细胞的保护反应。

29、Stems all climbing. Stems and leaves densely hirsute with brown, multicellular hairs. ─── 茎全部攀援。茎和叶密被长硬毛具棕色,多细胞的毛。

30、Prickle A protective multicellular outgrowth from the surface of a plant. ─── 植物体表面具有执行保护机能的多细胞结构。

31、Capsule obcordate-ovoid, slightly compressed, hirsute with multicellular hairs. ─── 蒴果倒心形卵圆形,稍压扁,具粗毛具多细胞毛。

32、Cell death plays an important role in the biological process of development, and homeostasis of multicellular organism. ─── 细胞死亡是生物有机体正常发育和维持稳态过程中的一个基本生命现象。

33、A single - celled or multicellular organism whose cells contain a distinct membrane - bound nucleus. ─── 真核生物一种单细胞或多细胞有机体,细胞内具有一个明显可见的、被膜包围的细胞核

34、Some species gather by the thousands to form multicellular bodies that can crawl. ─── 一些种类的黏菌千上万个个体聚集起来,形成可以爬行的多细胞体。

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